HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes-Advocate, 1983-10-12, Page 18A farm roll call Dashwood WI visits CCAT Sy MLN. IRVIN RADER Dashwood Women's In- stitute held the October meeting at Centralia College of Agricultural Technology. President, Mrs. Gordon Bender presided for the business. Roll call, "Were you born on a farm and where?" was answered by 14 members and 13 guests. The .notto, "We reap what we sow in the garden of life," was given by Mrs. Margaret Carroll. Mrs. Emil Becker and Mrs. Eben Weigand will attend the rug braiding course. The Lon- don Area convention will be held in St. Marys. A donation was given to the South Huron tag day canvass. An invita- tion was received from Elim- ville W.I. The Huron County Historical meeting will be held in Hensall United Church October 21. Agriculture and Canadian Industries conveners, Mrs. Ralph Weber and Mrs. Mildred Kellerman took charge of the program. The guest speaker, Dr. V. Currie was introduced. She is a teacher at the college. Dr. Currie is from West Indies. She lectures on food business management and physiology. She showed slides of the col- lege founded in 1967 on the old air base. Dr. Currie con- ducted a tour of several classrooms. A delicious lunch followed Enjoy Trip - Ten seniors from Dashwood and others from Grand Bend and Exeter were on a bus tour with All Star Tours of Cam- bridge. They went to Ottawa where they toured the city, visited the Mint and Notre Dame Cathedral. Then it was on to Montebelle, Quebec where they visited the Royal Mounted Police stables and saw the training process. They went up into the Gatineau Hills where the beauty was beyond description. At Lanark they visited the shop where the famous Kitten sweaters are made. Some did shopping. Following dinner at Peterborough, they returned home. It was a wonderful trip. Mr. and Mrs. Ken McCrae celebrated their 40th wedding anniversary Sunday. Paul and Joanne Maguire have returned home following a whirlwind tour of Scan- dinavia, Germany and Holland. Many enjoyable moments were spent with Jan and Brad Oke who joined them from Saudi Arabia. Although many tourist attrac- tions were visited, the scenery was the most im presive - especially cruising up the Fjords and driving on a gravel road by a snow cap- ped mountain in Norway. Dashwood and Area Business Association have elected a committee compris- ed of Glen Webb, Ken Rader, Jack Ford, Lorne Becker, Kathy Hayter and Jean Weigand to work on geared to income seniors housing study. The Business group will be selling tickets on a cassette player to give the committee operating money. The draw will be at the Santa Claus day. The group is also looking into music for the town and Christmas decorations. Mr. and Mrs. Don Gaiser spent the weekend in the north at New Liskeard with Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Johnston and other . relatives. The scenery was beautiful Thanksgiving visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Ross Love were the Sarnia Loves, the Grand Bend Datars and the Clinton and Brucefield Lobbs. To Dashwood and Area customers and friends for making my first year in business a success Marion Johnson The Floristry Shoppe • Dashwood 237-3212 THE CASE FOR GOOD BUSINESS SENSE Visit us in Exeter, Ontario EVERY WEDNESDAY REPRESENTATIVE: Bruce Gagnier it simply makes good sense to meet with the representative of the Federal Busir'ess Development Bank who will soon he in your area. There is no obligation and no cost to you. And there is so much you could gain for your business. Come talk with us if you could use financial aid, in the form of loans, loan guarantees or even selling an equity position in your husiness. We have experienced counsellors who can help you plot a course of growth and success for your husiness. And we can provide you with direction to government assistance, both federal and provincial, as well as other vital information. For an advance appointment call: 271 -5650 (collect) or write: 1036 Ontario Street Stratford, Ontario Federal Business Banque federale Development Bank de developpement Your future is our guarantee. Canada Thanksgiving visitors with Mrs. Aldeen Wolfe were Mr. and Mrs Tom Wolfe and family, Dorchester, Mr. and Mrs. Eric Wolfe and family and Mr. and Mrs John Parker and family. London. Personals A number from Dashwood attended the Hampton -Love wedding at Zurich Saturday. Thanksgiving visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Bob Hayter and David were Jeff Hayter, Toronto. and Mrs. Anne Nagle, Susan and Chris Baynham, Oshawa. Dashwood seniors will meet Monday. October 17. Pastor and Mrs. M. Mellecke and Mrs. Florence Marlene attended a L. W.M.I. workshop at Seebach Hill Monday, October 3 for plann- ing the 1984 Lutheran Women Missionary convention to be held at Victoria Inn, Stratford. Mrs. Bob Hayter flew to Toledo, Ohio, where she spent a week with friends. Many at wedding Ry MRS. HEBER DAVIS Sointsbury Many relatives and friends from this area, Lucan and Grand Bend attended the Barker -Richardson wedding at Holy Trinity Church Lucan, October 1 and the reception and dance which followed at the Lucan Com- munity arena. . The young couple spent their honeymoon in Quebec, returned home October 7 and were guests at the England wedding Saturday and a fami- ,, gathering Thanksgiving dinner at the home of her parents. .Mr. and Mrs. Jim Barker, Mrs. Charlotte Barker and Mrs. Mary Davis also attend- ed the dinner. Sunday. Rev. Peter Derrick was in charge of evening prayer at St. Patrick's Church. Mrs. Marg Carrell and. Mrs. Marguerite Greenlee were readers. Rev. Derrick spoke to the children on the 10 lepers and stressed the fact that on- ly one returned to thank the Lord. Do we always remember to be thankful and took his text from the first chapter of Ruth. Mr. and Mrs. R( n Cunn- ingham and April, spent last weekend with Mrs ('unn ingham's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Bob Tindall, Marylou and Robert and attended the Barker -Richardson wedding. Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Car- roll spent the weekend in Chatham. Mr. and Mrs Arthur McLean, Lucan and Mrs Marguerite Greenlee were Friday dinner guests with Mrs H.F. Davis Crediton Cosmic Cuties meet It}' ('arol� n Pritchard The third meeting of the Crediton Cosmetic Cuties started with the 4-11 pledge. and their secretary was ab- sent so the minutes. were not read. Sherry Flicks from Concept Two in Exeter was the speaker. She read over the . manuals. and hair facts She talked about hair types. P11 balanc',' and different shampoos and brushes Sherry chose two people who she would demonstrate rop- ing. french braiding, inverted french. She also brought along with her a microscope that enlarges a piece of your hair and you can sec if it is healthy or not. •-,?' est .. d3k' •'y (iv/e ,r s: r ` r • F se titer • BUSY AT QUILTING GUILD -- The first session of the Huron -Perth Quilting Guild at Kirkton Tuesday morning attracted more than 40 ladies. Shown in quilting action are Marilyn Stephens, Florence Heard, Grace Drum- mond, Joan Robinson and Grace Ross. If anyone else is interested the Guild meets the second Tuesday morning of each month at the Kirkton-Woodham Community Centre. T -A photo Many holiday. visitors Centralia UCW marks Thanksgiving Ry MRS, TOM ROOM Centralia The Centralia U.C.W. held their meeting Thursday even- ing at the church. Iva Blair took charge of the business. She opened the meeting by welcoming everyone and read a Thanksgiving poem. Mildred Greb and Aldeen Skinner were.the leaders for the program, amid beautiful fall decorations of flowers, fruit and leaves. Mrs. Skinner opened with a Thanksgiving poem and welcome. A hymn was sung with Lois Wilson at the piano. presented with a gift of The Scripture was given by monev. Aldeen Skinner. Personals Mildred Greb presented the In town visitors during the Study "In Search of a Thanksgiving holidays were: Thankful Heart" followed by With Mr: and Mrs. Harry prayer. A lovely solo was Wilson, Miss Nancy Turner, sung by Marion Deline with London and Mrs. Flora Edith Gill at the piano.' Wilson, Clinton. Mrs. Greb introduced the With Mr. and Mrs. Doug guest speaker Mrs. Honour McLellan were their parents, Stanley. She shared with us • Mr. and Mrs. Don McKillop. her many interests in crafts, Eagle and Mrs. McLellan, showing how to make flowers Sarnia. out of bread dough. Everyone With Mr. and Mrs. Doug made a lovely red rose. Mrs. Riley and family, Miss Wen- Stanlev was thanked and di Horton and Scott Tomkin- son, Peterborough. With Mr and Mrs. Elmer birthday Brandon, Heather, and Powe' Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Catherine, Uxbridge, for the weekend and Mrs. Ron Brit - tan and Jeremy, Richmond Hill for the past week. Mrs. Alice Koehler enter- tained her family at Thanksgiving. With Tom and Mary Kooy Monday were Mr. and Mrs. Doug Riley, Deb and Ben and Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Kooy, Bonnie and Clyde, Huron Park. Miss Ada Mitchell.' Mont- pelier, Ohio spent several days with Mr. and Mrs. Ken Hodgins. Miss Penny Smith, London visited Thanksgiving weekend with her parents Mr. and Mrs. llarvev Smith and a Celebrate By MRS. HUGH MORENZ Shipka Those from this area who attended the 75th birthday party for Le:; Adams of Ex- eter '1 uesday night were Oscar and Laura Miller, Ed Turnbull, Hedy and Ervin Devine and Hugh and Annie Morenz. 'In the social time guests played card games and euchre and solo, followed by lunch refreshments and cake and ice cream. Personals Mrs. Doris Sweitzer and Mrs. Marilyn Pickering, recently visited in Welland with their mother, Mrs. Elsie Comfort. their brother and - sister-in-law. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Comfort and their aunt, Mrs. Sylvia Holloway. Visiting Tuesday with Harold and Lucille Vincent and family were her aunts and an uncle. Mr. and Mrs. Pete Smith. of Rodney. Michigan and Mrs. Madeline Bacon. of Saginaw. Area folks who attended the wedding and reception at Dashwood Community Centre Saturday night for Brock Adams, son of Mr. and Mrs. Don Adams and Dianne Roi, daughter of Mr and,Mr•s. An dy Roi. Tilbury, were Mrs. Thelma Beierling. Harvey and Gloria Beier -ling, Walter and Josie ('creek, Sid and Eleanor Durie, thigh and An- nie Morenz. Pat and Jake Schroeder. and Sue Anne Schroeder who was home trom Ottawa for the Thanksgiving weekend. Spending the weekend with Don and Sharon and Jamie Baker were their nephews and niece. David. Jeremy. Shawn: Jason and Christen Durand. Their parents, Mr. and Mrs Have Durand spent the weekend in Detroit. Ken and Carol. Baker. Tracey and Sheltie of Strat- ford, spent the weekend with his parents. Ken and Ortha (taker. .fenny Russell, ('ottarn, visited on the weekend at her aunt and uncle and cousins, Doug and Ann Russell. Con- nie. Alex. Elizabeth and Jill. Thanksgiving supper guests with Hugh and Annie Morenz were our son Bill. London Life Representatives for Exeter and Area LARRY JOHNS 235-1209 NORM TAIT 235-0850 or call 1-271-1920 London Life When`' every life is sorfiett'nn ) 5jWCkil. Ask Us: • How much in 4uronce do 1 need? • When should (,buy? • Whot type should 1 buy2 • New Non -Smokers Fconolifil • RRSP s • Group & Pension London, also Ross and Isobel McDonald, Nanoose Bay, Vancouver Island, B.C. We first met Mrs. McDonald in June 1981 on a visit to B.C. when she invited us to visit. granddaughter Persephone's kindergarten class that she was teaching at that time in Coquitlam. Now, she and her husband Ross, also a teacher, have retired to Vancouver Island. Mrs. McDonald, being a musically talented lady, per- suaded Hugh to play his mouth organ and bones. which they both found in- teresting. We had a lovely visit. recent visitor with the Smiths was their aunt Mrs., Flora Bayley, British Columbia. Out of town visitors were: Mr. and Mrs. Brent Caslick with their parents Mr. and Mrs. George Beckberger, Cargill and Mr. and Mrs. Bert Caslick, Walkerton. Mr. and Mrs. Terry Morgan and family with Mr. and Mrs. Doug Fenton, Woodstock on the weekend and with Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Thbmpson and family of McGillivray, Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Doug Riley and family and Mr Scott Tomkinson with Mr. and Mrs. Bob Saundercock of Clinton, Sunday. Mrs. Elsie Smyth with Mr. and Mrs. Joe Eagleson of London, Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Hirtzel at their trailer at Fisherman's Cove for the weekend. Mrs. Clara Cunnington with her son Mr. and Mrs. Howard Cunnington and family at Thames Road. Mrs. Von- Overholt spent Thanksgiving with Mr. and Mrs. Tom ilayter, Dashwood. Mr. and Mrs. Ken Hodgins and Miss Ada Mitchell visited with Mr. and Mrs. Keith Hodgins, Jamie and Chris of Georgetown. Maureen and girl friend were also home for Thanksgiving. QUILTING LESSONS — Gayle Jongkind gives some help to Ethel Copeland and Gayle Hern at Tuesday's opening session of the new Huron -Perth Quilting Guild. More than 40 ladies attended. Sessions continue on the second Turtsdr•y morning of each month and more participants ore welcome. T -A photo Thank You The Board of Directors of the Exeter Agricultural Society ex- tends a sincere thank you to the many volunteers, organiza- tions and merchants for their dedicated time and contributions to the 1983 Exeter Fall Fair. Special thanks to all who participated in our FOCUS ON WHEAT features: Wheat Flailing Competition, wheat grinding and bread making demonstrations, Sheaf of Wheat Competition and Auction Sole. We also give a hearty vote of thanks to the Boy Scouts for park ing cars, Katimavick for their help in many ways, SHDHS Stu- dent Council for their puppet show entertainment and for the many hours spent in the ticket booths on the midway, Exeter IOOF Lodge for their hours of .help at the admission gates, those who participated in the fashion show and craft demonstrations Sat. afternoon, South Huron Junior Farmers who were helping everywhere, the Times -Advocate staff and the staff of the South Huron Rec. Centre. We contribute the success of the Exeter Fall Fair to the many behind the scenes workers and the loyal community and sur- rounding district for their generous support. THANKS. Guaranteed Best Prices At Whitings • IR;, r.r • a-� Before you buy furnit'ire, appliances or carpeting elsewhere, we urge you to com- pare our prices. After all, why should you pay more? OPEN THURS. FRI. TO 9 p.m. ••••••7111. Tow 1.4,606.tel I•.,,. ...-. opolioto Times -Advocate, October 12, 1983 Po,yf' 17 WHITING'S MAIN St Exeter 235-1964