HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes-Advocate, 1983-10-12, Page 11NEW -EXECUTIVE — The 1983-84 officers of Hensall Amber Rebekahs were instglled
lost week, with a group from Seaforth in attendance. Shown from left are Vice
Grand Eunice Aikenhead, Noble Grand Marg Upshall, Junior Post Noble Grand
Marg Consitt and District Deputy President Marian Rose from Seaforth.
Special Lodge
Mrs. Margaret Consitt, No-
ble Grand of Amber Rebekah
Lodge, presided for the in-
stallation of the officers on
Wednesday evening assisted
by Vice Grand Mrs. Margaret
Upshall. Mrs. Marion Rose
and her installing staff from
Edelweiss Lodge, Seaforth
District No. 23 of Huron in-
stalled the incoming officers.
Mrs. Rose, D.D.P. was in-
troduced by P.G. Bertha
MacGregor and received by
Noble Grand Mrs. Consitt and
presented with a corsage.
Mrs. Olive Varley read the
Mrs. Dorothy Corbett gave
the financial statement, Mrs.
Ruby Bell reported for the
finances and Mrs. Margaret
Upshall reported for the
visiting committee. Mrs.
Rose D.D.P. gave an oustan-
ding address on Promoting
Happiness. Mrs. Maggie
Campbell expressed courtesy
A social hour followed and
a delicious lunch served. All
members are invited to a ban-
quet at Goderich on
November 1 when the presi-
dent of the Rebekah
Assembly will make her of-
and district news
Mrs. Bertha MacGregot,
Phone 262-2025
ficial visit.
District Deputy Dinner
Past District Deputies of
Huron District No. 8 met in
the I.O.O.F. Lodge, Hensall
on Friday evening for the
general meeting, under the
direction of President Alex
McBeath. Past D.D.P.'s from
.Monkton and Listowel were
also present; 20 members at-
tended. A bountiful banquet
was served by four
The spring meeting will be
held in Monkton on April 6,
1984 with Mr. John Moffatt,
chairman and Mr. Bill
Taylor, secretary.
ODDFELLOWS — Members of the Past District Deputies Association of Huron
District met for a special dinner and evening at the Hensall Hall. Shown (back left)
are Harry Gerrie, Ross Scott, Bailie Parrott, Garnet Hicks, Cliff Bray; John Moffat
and (front) John Broadfoot• Bob Harrison. Gordon Hanson, and Perce Campbell.
and below (back left) are Charlie Hay, Ray Crawford, Bill Taylor, Bill Caldwell, Er-
nie Chipchase, Gerald McFalls and (front) Gordon Papple, Alex McBeath, Percy Noels
Vnd Alex Meikle.
PROM • TI • N --- A ter serving as manager of the Hen-
sall branch of the Bank of Montreal for 16'years , Eric
Luther has been promoted to a senior position in the
commercial banking unit, working out of the Exeter
branch. He was presented with an engraved clock at
a farewell dinner.
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VARNA, ONT. 482-7103
Want Ambassador nominations
The regular monthly
meeting of the Hensal
Centennial Committee wa
held on September 27 at the
United Church. Attendance
was good with several new
volunteers turning out.
Nomination forms to fill the
position of Ambassadors have
been mailed to everyone in
the area. Be sure to get your
nominations in to the Com
mittee as soon as possible
The winner will be announc
Church on Sunday. His ser -
1 mon was on The Spirit of
s Thankfulness. Mrs. Dorothy
Taylor presided at the organ
for the service Of song. The
sanctuary was most
beautifully decorated for the
,service of Thanksgiving. The
Huron Presbyterial of the
W.M.S. will hold its Fall Ral-
ly in Knox Church, Belgrave
on Wednesday October 12
. beginning at 1:30 p m. All
- ladies are invited.
ed at the dance to be held at
the arena on November 26.
Donna St. John reported ac-
tivities being planned at the
Hensall Public School for the
Centennial year including a
school concert in the Centen-
nial theme planned for April,
an old fashioned picnic in
June and Open House June 30,
If anyone has old school pic-
tures, record books, etc.
which, could be displayed it
would be appreciated.
Anyone interested in having
a booth at the Arts and Crafts
Show on Saturday June 30
should contact Mrs. Jack
Keep in mind the parade on
July 2, 1984. It is not too soon
to be thinking about your
The two'local churches will
be taking an active part in the
celebrations and Rev. Bob
Passmore, a native son, will
be taking part in the church
These are just a few of the
many interesting activities
scheduled for 1984. Be sure to
attend the next meeting on
Tuesday October 25 at 7:30
p.m. in the United Church.
Hensall United church
Hensall United Church con-
gregation were reminded on
Sunday morning of the
thankfulness for harvest
through the decorations of the
Sanctuary. Unit One of the
United Church Women were
in charge of preparing the
Sanctuary for thanksgiving
through displays of
vegetables and fruit on the
windows and front of the
church. The flowers on the
Memorial Stand were placed
in loving memory of Mr.
Wilfred Mack by his wife and
family, Mr. and Mrs. John
McAllister and family of Hen-
sall. Other flowers were plac-
ed in honour of the marriage
of Ruth Shepherd to Stewart
Wise in the church on Satur-
day. Mr. McDonaldspoke on
the subject of Man's Thanks
and God's Grace.
The Junior choir added
much to the the Thanksgiving
Service through their an-
thems and songs. The Introit
was This Is The Day with the
anthem Thank You, Jesus by
John Hallett. A trio of Mindy
and Angela Bell and Robert
Gackstetter sang the very
beautiful children's
Thanksgiving hymn ('an A
Little Child Like Me. Joyce
Pepper was the pianist for the
choir and Mr. McDonald
directed them.
Douglas Klopp was the
organist for the service and
John Rowcliffe greeted the
congregation. Tim Mann,
Ray Jacobe, Steve Corbett
and Ron Riley were the
ushers. The children's story
was The Key for the !lig Door
was Thanks.
(amel Presbyterian
Revr. Kenneth Knight con-
ductedThanksgiving services
in Carmel Presbyterian
The Ontario
Heritage Act
R. S. O. 1980, c. 337
TAKE NOTICE that the Council of the Corpora-
tion of the Village of Hensoll intends to
designate as a place of architectural and
historical value or interest, the following pro-
perty for the following reasons:
The Hensall Town Hall on King Street, built in
1914, is recommended for designation for ar-
chitectural reasons, as it is an early example
of rural public design; skillfully using local
materials and croftmonship. Historically the
building hos served as a focal point for ac-
tivities, and as a civicsymbol for three quarters
of a century. This proposed designation is in
accordance to several major policy statements
contained in the Village Secondary Plan.
DATED at Hensall this 5th day of October, 1983
E.A. (Betty)Oke
Clerk -Treasurer
A person who objects to this proposed designa-
tion shall within thiry days after the date of the
first publication of this notice, serve on the
Clerk -Treasurer, a notice of objection in writing
setting out the objection and all relevant facts.
Town Hall
108 King Street
Hensall, Ontario
The fall session of Bible
Study began on Tuesday mor-
ning at the United Church
with an excellent attendance.
The subject covered for this
unit is The Beatitudes. The
group meets every Tuesday
morning at ten o'clock. I
Mr. McDonald assisted by
Elders Dorothy Parker and
Dorothy Brintnell, held a
communion service at the
Blue Water Rest home on
Thursday morning. There are
quite a number from the
United Church residents of
the home and regular coni-
munion services have been
planned for them along with
their friends.
Thanksgiving meeting
Stewardship was the topic
for the Thanksgiving meeting
of Hensall United Church
Women in the Fellowship lIall
on Monday October 3. Presi-
dent Mrs. Joyce Pepper con-
ducted the meeting and Mts.
Jean Wareing acted as
Mrs. Pepper opened the
meeting with a poem, We
Thank Thee Lord, and a
Thanksgiving'devotional was
led by Mrs. Audrey Christie
with Mrs. Belva Fuss at the
The study led by Rev.
Stanley McDonald and cen-
tred around a film "Part-
ners" which led all to realiz-
ing how embracing steward-
ship is. Miss Mary Goodwin
had organized the study.
Correspondence was
received from the Blue Water
Rest Home for a birthday par-
ty in November, a letter from
Jo and Keith Jamieson who
are missionaries in India, re-
questing for donations for
Alcohol and Drug Concerns
and Leprosy Mission and let-
ters of thanks from Mission
Services and Family and
Children's services.
The Finance Committee
has two recommendations.
First, that consideration" be
given to carpeting the gallery
of the church after consulta-
tion with the church property
committee and secondly that
any surplus balance at the
end of November be given to
the Over and Above Fund. A
request was received for
financial help for the Sunday
School supplies and a motion
carried. The Fall bale will be
packed November 1.
Mrs. Pepper read a • , m
Our Stewardship and stated
that the new 4-H club had
started. It was decided to pur-
chase 100 calendars if
available, to sell among the
Unit 3 meeting
Mrs. Dorothy Brintnell
presided for the meeting of
Unit Three of Hensall UCW on
Tuesday and opened the
meeting with the Theme song
and prayer. The worship
dealt with Thankfulness. Mrs.
Dorothy Brintnell gave a
poem Thankful Heart. Fifteen
members answered the roll
call by Something To Be
Thankful For. Miss Mary
Kinsman read a poem Thank
You God. Mrs. Dorothy
Parker read from the man-
date on our missionary from
Mrs. Pearl Taylor assisted
Mrs. Dorothy Brintnell on the
study -Jesus the Life of the
World. The meeting closed
with prayer. Hostesses were
Mrs. Beatrice Munn and Vera
Thank -Offering meeting
The W.M.S. of Carmel
Presbyterian Church met on
Monday evening for the
Thank -Offering meeting.
Mrs. Gloria Mousseau had the
worship on Giving Thanks.
Mrs. Jean Snell read the
Scripture 1 Peter 2:1-9. Mrs.
Eric Luther was the guest
speaker. Taking her text from
Deuteronomy she spoke on
Praise and Thanksgiving
stating Christianity is Jesus in
Action in Our Lives. Several
invitations were received and
President Mrs. Dorothy
Taylor presided for the ladies'
meeting which followed and
opened the meeting with a
poem Give Thanks and
prayer. Correspondence and
business followed. Mrs.
Florence Hyde gave the
financial report. Plans were
discussed for the bazaar to be
held November 5 at 2 p.m.
Note the change of time. Mrs.
Taylor closed the meeting
with prayer.
U('W Unit 4
The Thanksgiving meeting
of Unit 4 of the UCW was held
in the Fellowship Hall on
Thursday. Mrs. Nan Britton
opened the meeting with a
poem for harvest time entitl-
ed God's Bounty followed by
a hymn. The devotional was
given by Mrs. Vera Lemmon
Her topic was on Forgiveness
and she closed with prayer.
Roll call was taken with 17
members present. Mrs.
Leona Parke received the of-
fering and dedicated it. She
was also hostess
The Fall bale will be pack-
ed November 1.
For the study Mrs. Britton
chose three articles from the
Mandate magazine and one
from the Church Observer.
The first entitled Whither
Mission Education, was writ-
ten by R.C. Plant, his last ar-
ticle as he is retiring after 14
yearsservice.Tbe second was
Jesus Christ the Life of the
World by Nancy E. Harding.
This will also be her last arti-
cle as she had the Study Cor-
ner, but now will be doing
freelancing. The third was
Adventure in Missions by
Jack Towers. The fourth
Renewal in a Swell of
Women's Voices was taken
from the Church Observer.
More women are taking pro-
minent parts in the church
Mrs. Britton read a poem A
Thankful Heart by Helen
Steiner Rice. The meeting
concluded with a hymn and
prayer. A delicious lunch was
served by the committee Mrs.
Sadie Hoy, Mrs. Shirley
Luther and Mrs. Elva
A week full of activities at
Queensway Nursing Home
was started off on Monday
when several ladies from
Hensall United Church joined
residents for bingo. The
church service was led by
Rev. James Sutton, Exeter
with several ladies assisting
him. Father Mooney visited
several of the residents.
Thursday morning was
baking day when several of
the ladies assembled and
made some squares.
The residents then shared
their home made goodies with
others for coffee.
Movies again were enjoyed
by all. Neil Regan was high
On Friday evening the
ladies from Zurich Mennonite
joined us for the making of
several craft items and they
also shared in a sing -a -long
Times -Advocate October 12, 1983
Page 11
for Centennial
and tea time with residents
Birthday greetings to
Muriel Triebner and Edna
Mrs. Elizabeth Alexander,
Exeter has taken up
residence in the Northcrest
Seniors Apartments.
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Cornett
attended the wedding of the
latter's nephew, Mr. Brock
Adams to Miss Dianne Reo of
London on Saturday at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Don
Adams, Dashwood followed
by dinner and a reception al
the Dashwood Community
Mrs. A. W. Shirray has
taken up residence in the Nor-
thcrest Senior Apartments.
• Hensall.
Mr. and Mrs. Ernie Chip -
chase, London have taken up
residence in the Northcrest
Seniors Apartments on Queen
Street. We welcome them to
our village.
Mrs. Grace Farmer, Mrs.
Lulu Love and Mrs. Cyr! Cor-
nish of Kincardine visited
with friends here last week.
Mrs. Blanche Chapman.
London was a Thanksgiving
visitor with her sister and
brother-in-law, Mr. and Mrs.
Jack Corbett.
Mr. and Mrs. Ron Mock
have retur Lied home after a
pleasant holiday to the British
isles and other places of
Several of the senior
citizens of the Three Links.
Hensall attended the Fall Ral-
ly held at Seaforth on
Mrs. Alice Ferg visited
over the holiday with her
sister and brother-in-law
and Mrs. George Coulter in
Mr. ' Charles Mickle,
Hamilton spent the holiday
weekend visiting with his
mother Mrs. Laird Mickle.
When you're young,
you adjust your hair to
\the existing style;
when you're older, you
adjust your+style to the
existing hair.
Conscience is that little
voice that warns us
somebody may be
Four-year-old, looking
at baby: '1 don't think
you used enough of
that baby oil, Mom.
He's still pretty
squeaky. -
Genius. a fellow who
always happens to be
ahead of his time, but
behind on his rent.
The person who has
everything going for
him must have a heck
of an electric bill.
Small Engine
Repair Service
107 Queen St.
Hensall 262-2103
Canada Savings Bond
Available Beginning October 24
Don't miss out on this years issue.
Sub -agent will come direct to your
For more information call
Rob Pryde 262-2681 (Hensall)
or 472-1843 (London)
Exercise Class
'15.00 - 8 weeks
October 18, 1983
7:30 p.m.
Hensall Arena Dance Hall
Registration call Linda Ferguson
Ron's Health Centre