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« ues-Havocate, Septernuer LO. 1 Ytl.f
More than 1,900 area students participat, in scimol fair competition
............ .
With a total of 1,904 entries
participation was excellent
iuthe school division of the
Exeter Fall Fair.
Despite a few less entries in
flowers and vegetables due
probably tp the unusual sum-
mer weather, school fair
president Mary Dougall said
she was very pleased with the
quality of exhibits and the
number of participants.
In individual competitions,
a rivalry started a year ago
continued. Denise Kints of
Precious Blood gained the
most points for girls with
Christine Parsons of Usborne
Central second. A year ago,
the two girls were tied for
first place.
In the boys section Darren
Kints successfully defended
his championship of a year
ago. His brother Dale was
The many winners are
listed here with the followu g
legend used ; a designate the
school affiliation. E -Exeter
PS; PB - Exeter Precious
Blood; SC - Stephen Central
U - Osborne Central; H - Hen-
sall PS; JAD - JAD McCurdy;
MC - Mount Carmel; SH -
South Huron; C - Colbourne;
UT - Upper Thames; Z -
Zurich PS.
Pony under 14 hands,
showmanship, Scott Merner,
SB, Lindy Dillon, SH, Andrew
Geiger, HC, Anitt Rzan, MG,
Steven Geiger, HC, foal any
type under 12 months old, no
entries; horse over 14 hands
on halter, showmanship, Cam
Darling, SC, Lisa Van Den-
broeck, CC, Marie DeBruyn,
MC, Scott Merner, SB, Scott
Bishop, E, David Eagleson,
MG, Steven Lightfoot, SC;
Equitation, saddle pony, Scott
Merner, SB, Andrew Geiger,
HC, Lindy Dillon, SH, Anitt
Rzan, MG, Steven Geiger,
HC; Equitation, saddle horse,
Lisa Van Broeck, CC, Cam
Darling, SH, Marie DeBruyn,
MC, Scott Merner, SB.
Best bacon hog over 175
lbs., Bradley Hern, U, Lisa
Hern, U; no entries in Class C
(2), D (1&2).
Cattle •
Beef calf born before
January 1, 1983, Rob Hoff-
man, SC, Glen itayter, SC, Jo
Gower, U, Michael Hern, U,
Robbie Hern, U. Mark
Coward, U; dairy calf born
before January 1, 1983,
Michael Jeffery, U; dairy calf
born after January, 1, 1983,
Lynn Hern, U; halter -broken
beef calf, Rob Hoffman, SC.
Glen Hayter, SC, Michael,
Hern, U, Joe Gower, 13, Rob-
bie Hern, U, Mark Coward,
U: halter broken, Lynn Hern,
LI. Michael Jeffery, U.
Poultry and Rabbits
Parti-coloured Standard,
Tara Pepper, H; duck, Tara
Pepper, H, Shane Pepper, H;
solid colour bantam, Tara
Pepper, H, Shane Pepper, H;
parti-eoloured bantam, Tara
Pepper, H; Shane Pepper, H;
parti-coloured standard,
Shane Pepper, H; drake,
Shane Pepper, H, Tara Pep-
per, H; guinea fowl, Tara
Pepper, H, Shane Pepper, H;
solid colour bantam, Shane
Pepper, H; parti-coloured
bantam, Tara Pepper, H,
Shane Pepper, 11; any other
single fowl, Tara Pepper, H;
female light rabbit, Darren
Mason, SC, Greg Dalrymple,
H, Jeremy Mason, SC,
Charlene Browning, SC;
male, heavy rabbit, Charlene
Browning, SC; wale, light
rabbit, Bill Mason, SC, Jen-
nifer Dalrymple, UT; special,
best bantam, Tara Pepper,
H; special, best standard,
Tara Pepper, N.
Kittens, pair, any breed,
Wendy Ballantyne, U, Darren
Kints, PB, Susan Grubbe, U,
Mary Lynn Oke, U; cat with
longest whiskers, Donise
Dundas, SC, Cheryl Hockey,
E, Jenny Graham, E, Kim
Murray, E; cat with most
stripes in tail, Darren Kints,
PB, Kim Murray, E, Wendy
Ballantyne, U; any small pet
in a cage, Greg Dalrymple,
UT, John Windsor, E, Leanne
Dundas, SC, Jennifer
Dalrymple, UT; pet rabbit,
Kim Wulterkens, MC, Greg
Dalrymple, UT, Jennifer
Dalrymple, UT; dog perfor-
ing the best trick, John Wind-
sor, E, Tara and Shane Pep-
per, H; longest ears, Shane
and Tara Pepper, H, John
Windsor, E; section 8, John
Windsor, E, Shane and Tara
Pepper, H; best dressed pet,
Sharon DeBruyn, MC, Shane
and Tara Pepper, H, Marty
DeBruyn, MC; story on pet,
Jenny Graham, E, 'Greg
Dalrymple, UT, Jennifer
Dalrymple, UT.
Roots and Vegetables
One table turnip, Erin
O'Rourke, S, Mark Vanbru-
waene, PB, Darren Kints,
PB, Denise Kinks, PB; table
beets, Karen Miller, U, Peggy
Brownlee, SC, Dianne
Hamilton, H, Gail Brownlee,
SC; pickling beets, Peggy
Brownlee, SC, Denise Kints,
,PB, Gail Brownlee, SC, Karen
Miller, U; red cabbage,
Lynne Hern, U, Denise Kints,
PB; late cabbage, Molly
McClure, SC, Jamie McBride,
U. Jason McBride, 13, Peggy
Brownlee, SC; short carrots,
Karen Miller, U, Greg
Dalrymple, In; cucumbers,
Darryl Hern, U, Peggy
Brownlee, SC, Karen Miller,
U, Darren Kinks, PB; pickling
cucumbers, Karen Miller, U,
Denise Kints, PB, Gail
Brownlee, SC, Rob Hern, U;
Spanish onions, Peggy
Brownlee, SC, Gail Brownlee,
SC, Shelley Miller, Z, Karen
Miller, U; cooking onions,
Gail Brownlee, SC, Laurie
Coolman, E, Peggy
Brownlee, SC, Mark Lynn, U;
squash, Lynne Hern, U, Jen-
nifer Strang, U, Gail
Brownlee, SC, Karen Miller,
U; pepper squash, Peggy
Brownlee, SC, Fred Godbolt,
E, Gail Brownlee, SC, Laurie
Coalman, E; pie pumpkin,
Wendy Ballantyne, U, Shan-
non McBride, E, Peggy
Brownlee, SC, Tiffany Tryon,
U; table corn, Sheryl Oke, 13,
Shelley Miller, Z, Donise Dun-
das, SC, Dianne Hamilton, U;
potatoes, Karen Miller, U,
Bradley Hern, U, Shelley
Miller, Z, Michael Hern, U;
sweet peppers, Gail
Brownlee, SC; muskmelon,
Steven Oke, U, Mary -Lynn
Oke, U, Kathryn Hern, 13,
Carrie Oke, U; watermelon,
Traci Tryon; i1, Darryl Hern,
U, Kelly Talbot, E, Shannon
McBride, E; five tomatoes,
Steven Oke, U, Shelley Miller,
Z, Mary -Lynn Oke, U, Lisa
Hern, U; six gourds, Sarah
Kerslake, U; largest potato,
Shelley Miller, Z, Darren
Kints, PB, Karen Miller, U,
Dianne Hamilton, U; largest
squash, Lisa Kernick, U,
Greg Dalrymple, UT, Mark
Lynn, U, Lisa Triebner, E;
largest sunflower head,
Karen Miller, U, Darryl
Hern, U, Dale Kints, P13;
largest cob of corn, Bradley
Hern, U, Michael Hern, U,
Kathryn Hern, U, Darryl
Hern, U; special, display of
vegetables, Dale Kints, PB,
Dianne Hamilton, U.
SCHOOL FAIR WINNERS - Exeter School Fair president Mary Dougoll presents
awards to the top student exhibitors at the 1983 fair. From the left are Denise Kints,
Christine Parsons and Dairen Kints. Missing was Dale Kints. T -A photo
Exeter Public School in fair parade
Osborne School parades
Plums, Shelley Miller, Z
pears, Gail Brownlee, SC
Darren Kints, PB, Shery
Oke, U, Mark Weigand, E
grapes, Shelley Miller, Z
Peggy Brownlee, SC, Ga
Brownlee, SC, Denise Kints
Mixed grain, Dale Kints,
PB, Kathryn Hern, U, Darryl
Hern, U, Mark Lynn, U; oats,
Dale Kints, PB, Christine
Parsons, U; barley, Dale
Kints, PB, Kathryn Hern, U,
Mark VanBruwaene, PB,
Christine Parsons, U; wheat,
Dale Kints, PB, Christine
Parsons, U, Traci Tryon, U,
Tiffany Tryon, U; grain corn,
, mounted, Brenda Hern, U,
Michael Hern, U, Darryl
!fern, U, Kathryn Hern, U;
sheaf corn, 6 stalks, Bradley
Hern, U, Lynne Hern, U,
Michael Hern, U; white
beans, Mark Vanbruaene,
PB, Bradley Hern, U, Bruce
Dundas, SC, Michael Hern,
U; soyabeans, 1 pt., Dianne
Hamilton, U.
Asters, 5 blooms, Denis
Kints, PB, Gail Brownlee, SC,
Darren Kints, PB, Peggy
Brownlee, SC; Bachelor But
tons or Cornflowers, Karen
Miller, U, Peggy Brownlee,
SC, Gail Brownlee, SC, David
Andrews, MC; cosmos, 5
blooms, Gail Brownlee, SC
. David Andrews, MC, Peggy
Brownlee, SC, Darren Kints
PB; Celosia, 3 blooms, Dar
ren Kints, PB; dahlia med
10-15 cm, 1 bloom, Glen
Quinn, E; dahlia under 10 cm
1 bloom, Charlene Browning,
SC, Jennifer Beecroft, E, Mol-
ly McClure, SC; gladiolus, 1
spike any colour, Gail
Brownlee, SC, Chris Morgan,
E, Peggy Brownlee, SC, Kel-
ly Talbot, E; marigolds over
6 cm, 3 blooms, Darren Kints,
PB, Molly McClure, SC,
Denise Kints, PB; marigolds,
5 cm, 3 blooms, Charlene
Browning, SC, Michael Hein,
U, Kim Murray, E, Steven
Oke, U; petunia, 3 single
blooms, Donise Dundas, SC,
Glen Quinn, E, Gail
Brownlee, SC, Peggy
Brownlee, SC; petunia, any
colour, 3 double blooms, Dar-
ren Kints, PB, Denise Kints,
PB; roses, 3 blooms, Gail
Brownlee, SC, Denise Kints,
PB, Mark Lvnn, U, Molly
McChize, SC; rose, 1 boom,
floated, Karen Miller, U,
Mark Lynn, U, Peggy
Brownlee, SC, Charlene
Browning, SC; snapdragons.
5 spikes, Denise Kints, PB,
Sheila Oke, U, Molly
McClure, SC, Darren Kints,
PB; zinnia, 6 cm or under, 5
blooms, Elizabeth Mol, E,
Gail Brownlee, SC, Karen
Miller, U, Denise Kints, PB;
zinnias, over 6 cm, 5 blooms,
Mary -Lynn Oke, U; a potted
plant, Chris Parsons, U, Gail
Brownlee. SC. Kelly Talbot,
E, Denise Kints, PB; a potted
foliag plant, Peggy
Brownlee, SC, Kelly Talbot
E, Chris Parsons, U; a dish
garden, Denise Kints PB,
Molly McClure, SC; arrange-
ment in a coffee mug, Lori
Miller, U, Bradley Bern, U, -
Sarah Kerslake, U, Carrie
Oke, U; a dinner table ar-
rangement, Lisa Hern, U,
Bradley Hern, U, Brenda
Hern, U, Christine McDonald,
E; corsage, Traci Tryon, U,
Chris Parsons, U, Sheila
Dougall, H; one -colour ar-
rangement, Chris Parsons,
U; Crediton Women's In-
stitute Special, a shut-in box,
Erin Kraftcheck, PB, Denise
Kints, PB, Glenn Quinn, E.
Wendy Ballantyne, U.
My pet, Lori Miller, U, Cin-
dy Beaver, E, Jeanette
Alblas, U; holiday snaps,
Richard Philips, E, Fred
Steciuk, E, Erin Kraftcheck,
Airplane or glider, Richard
Phillips, E; boat or motorcy-
cle, Jeff Kerslake, 13; car;
Jeff Balsden, E, Andy Grubb,
U, Bruce Dundas, SC,
Michael Hera, 13; truck, Brad
Thompson, E, Michael
Strang, U, Fred Steciuk, E,
Bruce Andrews, MC;
airplane from popsicle sticks,
glue, buttons, , and
pipecleaners, Bruce An-
drews. MC; an original Lego
vehicle, Mark McDonald, E,
Daniel Zawalsky, E, Andrew
Snellden, E, Fred Godbolt, E,
Denpis Wilkinson, U; any ar-
ticld not previously listed,
Michael Strang, U, Donise
Dundas, SC; airplane, boat or
motorcycle from a kit,
Russell Grundy. E, David
Josephson, E, Peter
Labreche, MC; car or truck
from kit; Dale Kints, PB;
original Lego creation,
Nathan Webb, U; any article
not previously mentioned.
Rob Russell, E, Jeoff Strang,
II, Chris Chapman, E.
tlnbaked cereal squares,
Michelle McDonald, E.
Elizabeth Coates, E. Linda
Snell, 8, Tiffany Tryon, U;
peanut butter cookies,
Suzanne Steciuk, 14, Michelle
McDonald, E, Diann
; Hamilton, lit, Tara Pepper
H; cupcakes decorated for
1 Hallowe'en, Erin Kraftcheck
PB, Jennifer Dalyrmple, UT
, Cheryl McCarter, E; drop
it cookies, Denise Kints, PB
, Jennifer Dalrymple, UT
Julia Wilkinson, U, Tracy
Tryon, U; bran muffins with
raisins, Ann Delbridge, U
Denise Kints, PB, Julia
Wilkinson, U, Karen Miller,
U; nutritious school lunch in
a lunch box, Wendi Sims, E,
Karen Miller, U, Sheila Oke,
U, Lori Miller, U; chocolate
layer cake iced, Chris Par-
sons, U, Denise Kints, PB;
applesauce cake, not iced,
Denise Kints, PB, Elizabeth
Mol, E, Chris Parsons, U;
cupcakes decorated for a bir-
thday party, Erin Kraftcheck,
PB, Jennifer Dalrymple, UT,
Greg Dalrymple, UT; butter
tarts, plain, Kim Murray, E,
Chris Parsons, U; tea
biscuits, plain, Dianne
Hamilton, H, Teresa
McCarter, E, Denise Kints,
PB, Kim Murray, E; pum-
pkin loaf, Denise Kints, PB,
Chris Parsons, U; oatmeal
e cookies, baked, Denise Kints,
PB, Fred Godbolt, E, Chris
Parsons, U, Sheila Oke, U;
fresh fruit arrangement,
Denise Kints, PB, Chris Par-
sons, U; Dolores Shapton
Special, Ontario apple pie
with woven lattice top, Chris
Parsons, U, Denise Kints,
PB; Elimville Women's In-
stitute Special, loaf of bread
with whole wheat flour, Erin
• Kraftcheck, E, Denise Kints,
PB, Peter McDonnell, PB.
Sewing card, Darren Kints,
PB, Lynne Hern, U, Kathryn
Hern; U, Erin Kraftcheck,
PB;. wooden spoon doll,
Lynne Hern, U, Katie Arm=
strong, E, Rachelle Geoffrey,
E, Connie Heywood, E;
macaroni picture, Erin Kraft -
check PB, Juanita Chappel,
E, Matthew Sims, E, Darryl
Chappel, E; cardboard roll
toy, Chad Hutchison, E; seed
picture, Dennis Wilkinson, U,
Andrew Hern, E, Erin
O'Rourke SC; empty thread
spool article, Darren . Kints,
PB, Darryl Chappel, E;
home-made coin bank, Erin
O'Rourke, SC, Lynn Hern, U,
Dennis Wilkinson, U, Darren
Kints, PB; decorated birth-
day hat, Lynn Hern, U, Dar-
ren Kints, PB, Dennis Wilkin-
, U; marshmallow animal,
Kathryn ITetn; , 13,' Dennis"
Wilkfnsan, U, Geoffrey Hahn,
E; coat hanger mobile, Jodi
Desjardine, SC, Tara Pepper,
H, Lisa Bean, E, Lynne Hern,
U; article of discarded
material, Lynne Hern, U,
Erin Kraftcheck, PB, Erin
O'Rourke SC, Darren Kints,
PB; sock hand puppet, Den-
nis Wilkinson, U; cardboard
book mark, Lynne Hern, U,
Sara Mason, E, Darren Kints,
PB, Melanie Philips, E;
largest and best maple leaf,
Joseph Maskell, Jason
Maskell, Darren Kints, PB,
Laurie Coolman, E; any other
craft item, Kenn Hines, E,
Erin.Kraftcheck, PB, Lynne
Hern, U, Dennis Wilkinson, U,
Gavin Snell.
String art. Donise Dundas,
SC; picture design using
paper macaroni and straw,
Deanne Ballantyne, U.; a
labelled collection of eight
weeds or wildflowers, Jim
Ahrens, 8, Brenda Wilkinson,
U: a placemat, placecard and
favour for birthday, Denise
Kints, 1'13, Brenda Wilkinson,
furnished miniature room,
Sarah Kerslake, U. Denise
Kints, P13. article made from pine
cones. Denise Kints, PB, Tara
Pepper. 11. Cheryl Ballan-
tyne, U. Shane Pepper, 11; a
mobile, not using a coat
hanger, Denise Kints, PB,
Michelle McDonald E, Sarah
Kerslake, U; a useful article
from discarded material,
Bruce Andrews, MC, Brenda
Wilkinson, (1; article made
from popsicle sticks or
clothespins, David Andrews,
MC, Shonyn Baynham, E.
Michelle Ross, E, Darryl
e Hern, U; finger puppet, Glenn
, Quinn, E, Brenda Wilkinson,
U; mounted hobby collec-
, tions, Tiffany Tryon, U,
Denise Kints, P13, Michelle
McDonald, E, Sheila Dougall,
, H; article made from sea
, shells, Tara Pepper, H. Shane
Pepper, H; decorated door
stop, Brenda Wilkinson, U;
, rock creation, Glenn Quinn,
E, Brenda Wilkinson, U,
David Andrews, MC, Brian
Quinn, E; a bookmark, any
material other than card-
board, Tiffany Tryon, U, Lori
Miller, U, Sarah Kerslake, U,
David Andrews, MC; any
craft item, Shonyn Baynham,
E, Michelle McDonald, E,
Lori Miller, U; homemade
fridge ornament, Sue Anne
Soldan, E, Wendy Ballantyne,
U, Dianne Hamilton, H,
Christine Parsons, U;
Necklace from seeds or nuts,
Dale Kints, PB, Chris Par-
sons, U, Holly Beuerman, E;
homemade wooden toy, Dale
Kints, PB, Sheila Oke, .U;
wrapped child's birthday gift,
Julia Wilkinson, U, Holly
Beuerman, E, Sue Anne
Soldan, E; leaves mounted
and named, Julia Wilkinson, '
U, Terra Ahrens, E;
decorated candle, Tony An-
drews, MC, Wendy Ballan-
tyne, U; article discarded
material, Chris Parsons, U,
Diane McCarter, E, Wendy
Ballantyne, U, Julia Wilkin-
son, U, Dale Kints, PB; door
decoration, Chris Parsons, U,
Holly Beuerman, E;
homemade game, Holly
Beuerman, E, Wendy Ballan-
tyne, U, Chris Parsons, U;
mod podge article, Dale
Kints, PB; decorated bottle,
Tony Andrews. MC:
decorated clay pot, Chris Par-
sons, U, Julia Wilkinson, U;
bird feeder, Sherry Kerslake.
U, Michael Hern, U; any
other craft item, Chris Par-
sons, U, Karol Dauber, E,
Traci Tryon, U, Sherry
Kerslake, U, Lisa Hodgins, E.
Hand knit article, Denise
Kints, PB; hand embroidery,
Brenda •Bern, U. Denise
Kints, PB, Lori Miller, U,
Traci Tryon, U; liquid em-
broidery, Denise Kints, PB,
Diane McCarter, E;
macrame flower pot hanger,
Tara Pepper. H, Arlene Cot -
tel, SC, Shane Pepper, H, Gia
King, SC; macrame wall
hanging, Michelle McDonald,
E; hand crocheted, Angela
BFecroft, E, Shannon
Westlake, E, Mae Ling
Chong, E; pin cushion, Erin
Kraftcheck, PB, Melanie
Philips, E, Denise Kints, PB,
Lynne Hern, U; placemat,
Denise Kints, PB: stuffed toy.
Lynne Hern, U, Denise Kints,
P13, Elizabeth Mol, E, Shan
non Westlake, E ; Barbie doll
outfit, Kristy Ahrens, ‘E,
Denise Kints, PB, Lisa
Hodgins, E; woodworking,
Bruce Andrews, MC; latched
hook, Sue Anne Soldan, E,
Anne Delbridge, U, Brenda
Hern, U, Sherry Kerslake, U;
any other item, Karol
Dauber, E, Traci Tryon, U,
Kelly Talbot, E, Sue Anne
Soldan, E; bread dough art.
Erin Kraftcheck, PB; hand
embroidered article, Sandra
Kechnie, U; hand crocheted
article, Karen Miller, U:
cushion, Karol Dauber, E;
home made purse, Terra
Ahrens, E; woodworking ar-
ticle, Brenda Bern, U; fabric
wall hanging, Tracey Oke, U;
article decorated in a flower
theme, Chris Parsons, U; half
apron, Brenda Bern, U, Chris
Parsons, U; any other han-
dicraft, Tracey Oke. U, Wen-
dy Ballantyne, 13, Terra
Ahrens, E, Steve Anderson,
E; Village Ceramics Special,
Karen Miller, U, Julia Wilkin-
son, 13, Bruce Andrews, MC,
Denise Kints, PB.
Open Class
Animal made of burrs, Rob
Glavin, MC, Fred Steciuk E,
Brenda Wilkinson U, Dennis
Wilkinson. U; decorated
Soap, Terra Ahrens, E, Jean-
nette Alblas, U, Jim Ahrens,
E, Julia Merner, E;
vegetable animal under 15
cm, Mark Weigand, 8;
vegetable animal over 15 cm,
Andrea Weigand, E, Laurie
Coolman, 8, Mark Weigand,
E, Jeff Balsdon, E; vegetable
vehicle, grades 5-8, Greg
Dalrymple, UT, Sheila
Dougall, H. Jeremy Brock, E,
Tony Andrews, MC;
vegetable clown, grades 5-8,
Elizabeth Mol, E, Julia
Merner, E; cartoon character
named, Chris Parsons, U;
pumpkin jack -o -lantern, Greg
Dalrymple, UT, Wendy
Ballantyne, U; peculiar
shapes: vegetable (named).
Lynne Hern, U, Michael
Strang, U, Carrie Oke, U, Lori
Miller, U; scarecrow, any
material, Lynne Hern, U,
Lisa Hern, U. Michael Bern,
U, Julia Wilkinson, U; soap
sculpture, Dianne Hamilton,
H, Wendy Ballantyne, U,
Tammy Richards, U.
Paper bag puppet, Steven
Hern, RR1 Woodham,
Michael McConnell, Exeter,
Carolyn Quinn, Exeter,
Preslee Maver, Exeter; egg
carton caterpillar, Greg Geof-
frey, Exeter, Brendan Kraft -
check, Exeter, Paul Andrews,
Centralia, Carolyn Quinn, Ex-
eter; playdough model, David
Marshall, Exeter, Shelley
'Miller, Zurich, Brendan
Kraftcheck, Exeter, Derek
Etherington, Exeter; hobby
collection, Paul Andrews.
Centralia, Carolyn Quinn, Ex-
eter, Brendan Kraftcheck,
Exeter, Robbie Lynn,
Poetry and Specials
Original poem and illustra-
tion, grades 1-4, April Lewis,
E, Carrie Stuart, E, Shawn
McFalls, E; grades 5-8. San-
dra Pratt, E, Cheri Wedlake.
E, Cheryl Hockey, E; musical
instrument special, grades K,
1-4, Erin Kraftcheck, PB,
Derek Kenney, JAD, Jeff
Westacott, JAD; Calligraphy
Special, grades 5-8, Terri
Maurer, SC, Kim Murray, E,
Holly Beuerman, E; Jerry
MacLean Special, Grades K -
3, Jeff McCann, MC, Deanna
Ford, E, Tanya Regier, PB;
Jerry MacLean Special,
Grades 4 6, Michelle Hirtzel,
E, Kelly Talbot, David
Schwindt and David Negrijn,
E; Jerry MacLean Special,
Grades 7-8, Todd Fahner and
Gerry Beaver, SC, Christie
Eveland . and Stephanie
Woods, SC, Annette Wood,
- --
Educational Feature - A
Mural. (A story of a loaf of
bread, grade 6), Usborne Cen-
tral; Kinette Club poster con-
test, Grades K - 4, David
Negrijn, E, Jenny Wareham,
E, Melissa Blue, E; grades
5-8, Chris Haugh, E, Jodi
Green, JAD, Eric Coolman,
E; South Huron Hospital
Poster Special, Grades K-3,
Jodi Inson, PB, Erin Kraft -
check, PB, Casey Lessard,
MC; grade 4-6, Jodi Green.
JAD, Teresa Whiting, E, Mar-
cie Ellison, E; grades 7-8,
Anita Finkbeiner, SC, Rebec-
ca Vandeworp, SC: Huron
County Historical Society,
Pioneers at Work or Play,
Grades 1-5, Erin Kraftcheck,
PB. John Gallen, SC, Richard
Desjardine, SC, John Paul
Maurer, SC, Darlene
O'Rourke, MC. Jodi Sararas,
H, Roberta Mommersteeg,
MC, Dawn Madson,• SC.
Angela Zielman, SC, Denise
Hendrick, SC. Gia King. SC;
grades 6-8. Wendy Ballan-
tyne, U, Lori Hutchinson. SC,
Kim Hoffman, SC, Tricia Ar-
mandy, SC, Sandra Kichnie,
U, Brenda Bern, U, Karen
Miller, U.
Poetry, Rhyme, grade 1,
Darren Kints, PB, Erin Kraft -
check, PB, Rosemary Glavin,
MC; grade 2, Jason McBride,
U, Scott Finlayson, U. Lisa
Kernick, U; grade 3.
Stephanie Argent. MC; grade
4 (Haiku), Chrystal Jones, 11.
Darrell Johnston, JAD,
Karen Foster, U. Jeff
Sweitzer, SC; grade 5
rhyme) Leigh Rose. 11
HAMILTON WINNERS - This entry came all the way
from Hamilton to take the prize in the mini -family sec-
tion of the children's fair parade. Michael Fenner wos
the work -horse for Wesley Fenner and Tony Brintnell
who were in town visiting Jack and Marie Brintnell.
MARCH WITH PETS - Stephanie Cook and Rita Bilcke
and their favourite pets were part of Saturday's Exeter
Fair parade. T -A photo
Laurie Glavin. MC. Darryl
' Lawrence, H, Tracey Camp-
bell, H; grade 5 (Haiku), Dar-
ryl Lawrence, • 11, Tracy
Campbell, H, Vatsona Van-
navong, PB, Leigh Rose, H;
grade 6, (Limerick), Jodi
Green, JAD, Cindy Beaver.
E, Marcie Ellison, E, Pam
• Gackstetter. 11: grade 6
(Word Cinquain), Kim Mur-
ray. E, Terra Ahrens. E, Don
Penninga, E, Cheryl Hockey.
E; grade 7 ( Limerick ),
Denise Lang, U, Michael Jef-
fery, U, Christine Parsons, U.
Jain'ie"Paii-k&: "U; -gratle 7
(diamond), Denise Lang, U.
Karen Miller, U, Christine
Parsons, U; grade 8 ( rhyme),
Kathy Hodgins, E, Katherine
Davison, E, Scott Heywood,
E, Sheri Varley, E; grade 8.
(Cinquain), Theresa Van
Wieren, U. Dennis Crawford.
E, Barry Cunn;ngton, U: Tim
Campbell, E; grade 8 (Dia-
mond). Lisa Ford, U. Kathy
Hodgins, E. Leigh Soldan, E,'
Ronalynn Bell. E.
Self portrait. kindergarten.
Jeff Dix, PB, Tim Parker, U.
Brian McAllister, U. Chris
Jongkind, U; My friend and f•
grade 1. Joanne Kerslake. U.
Amy Webb, U, Carrie Simp-
son, t1, Sara Bradford, U: My
pct and 1, grade 2, Jenny
Glavin, MC. Shane Pepper,11,
Thomas Scotchmer. 11, Vic-
toria Bisback, 11; What I'd he.
grade 3, Shaven DeBruyn,
MC, Sisavay Senghounmany,
MC. Lesley Adams. PB,
Leanne Rimmer, MC:
Geometric design• grade 4,
Chrystal Jones, H. Jenny
Wareham, 8, Karen McDon-
nel, E, Shannon McBride, E.
April Lewis. E. Becci Far-
quhar, E. Shawn Heywood,
E: Repeal design. grade 5.
Debra Pfaff. U. Paula Boz-
zato, H, Tracey Shute,1', Jeff
McCurdy, 0:
Positive/negative design,
grade 6, Angela Iansbergen,
SC, Christine Chalmers. SC,
Duane Costain. JAD. Spring
Cushman, E:; Abstract
design;/ grade 7, Kim
Crawford, E, Mark Mothers.
8, Shelly Black, E, Chris
Chapman, 6; multi -media
collage, grade 8, Sandy Pratt,
E, Daryl McCann, PB, Tam-
my Siemash, II, Jeanette Van
Esbroeck, PB.
Social Sciences
Kindergarten, Kathryn
Herm U. Tim Parker, U,
Tanya Regier, PB. Geoffrey
Hahn. E; grade 1, Shawn
Jacob, PB. Sean McCann,
PB, Denise Holiday. PB, Erin
Kraftcheck, PB:. grade 3,
Sarah Kerslake. U, Jenny
Gardiner, U, Kerry Manders.
U. Tiffany Tryon, U: grade 4,
Becci Farquhar,' E. Macling
Chong. E, Rob Drouillard, E,
April Lewis. E, Ian McLean,
E, Brett Hideout, E; grade 6,
Kelly Talbot. E; grade 8,
Sheri Varley, E. Stephen
McIntyre, JAD, Carol Willis,
L3, Kim Lowe. JAD, 'beb
Price. JAD.
Grade 1, Tina Glavin, PB.
Erin Kraftcheck, PB. Shawn
Jacob, PB, Darren Kints, PB;
grade 2. Jamie Dougall, U,
Teresa Haugh, H. Scott
Finlayson. U, Victoria
Bishack. 1.1; grade 3, Karen
McKay. S. Tonya Riehl, U,
Lorena Fink, 11, Leah Hart-
man. MC; grade 4, Darlene
O'Rourke. MC, Anna Szaba,
U. Robbie Passmore. U, Juli
Uniac, MC: grade 5. Shanno
llrudka. E. Marnie Walker,
Denise Kints. PB, Cli
McCann, MC; Grade 6, Br
McDonald. E, Lean
Dietrich, MC, Sheila Oke. U,
Pam Gaeksletter,11; grade?,
Larry Miller, U. Robbie Hern,
U, Michael Jeffery, U. Julia
Tieman and Becky Seldon, U;
grade 8, Kathy Hodgins, E,
Maryann Dekoker, E. Dale
Kinks, 1313, Pain Johns, E.
Grade 1. Joanne Kerslake,
U. 'Tina Glavin. PB. Melanie .
Phillips. 6', Erin Kraftcheck,
PB; grade 2, Jason McBride,
U, Lisa Kernick, U, Victoria
Bishack, IL Mark Lynn. U;
grade :3, Sisavay
Senghounmany, MC, Robert
England, JAD, Dung Nguyen,
JAD, Brad Thompson. E;
grade 4, John Goner). SC,
Leona Glavin, MC, Brenda
Neeb, 11, Karen Foster, U;
grade 5, Scott Russell, JAD,
Kathy Gage, JAD, Sisavay
Senghounmany. MC, Julie
Schade, SC; grade 6, Kelly
Talbot. E. Cindy Beaver, E,
Roseanne Dietrich, MC,
Spring Cushman. 6; grade 7,
Christine Parsons, U, Shar-
maine Prevette, SC, Brian
Moir, H. Susan Flynn, 11;
grade 8. Scott Heywood. E.
Karen Wells, E. Theresa Van
Weiren, U. Sheri Varley, E:
LOOKING OVER PUMPKINS - - David Josephson, Jamie Oke and Rob Russell en
joyed looking over the large pumpkins at the Exeter Fair, Friday afternoon.
RIDE IN PARADE -- Linda Eisenschink and Cindy Moore
rode on the Ausable River Nomads floot in Saturday's
Exeter Fair parade. T -A photo.