HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes-Advocate, 1983-09-28, Page 18Page 18 Times -Advocate, September 28, 1983 .16 lot Sole A.P. 200 ELECTROLUX vacuum cleaner in excellent con- dition with a1) attachments. Phone 228-6531. 39:40c BABY FURNITURE - Good con- dition. Items: baby crib (maple) plus bumper pads and mattress, pram, like new; stroller; high chair; travel bed. Can be bought separately. Call 238-2471.39:40c OLD PIANO in good condition. Asking $300.00. Phone 237-3558. 39c 17 Wanted To Buy ROTOTILLER. Phone 236-4608 after five. 38,39c ANTIQUE OR MODERN din- ing, bedroom or living room fur- niture, glassware, china, clocks, crocks, appliances, rifles, any type of clean furniture. Call collect 451-0998. 38-41 c WANTED Gentle Pony. 237-3327. Phone 39c Canada 1+ Canadian R.6o4eMri.wn and Telecommunications Commission Cones ds 1a rediodll5uton el des litecommunicauons canadie nes The CRTC has received the following applications Ex -Can Cablevision Ltd; Ex- eter, Ontario; Application (822865200) by EX -CEN CABLEVISION LTD. to change the authorized distribution and to amend the licence for the brood - casting receiving undertak- ing serving Exeter, as follows: by adding the car- riage of CHCH-TV Hamilton, Ontario froth the CANCOM network, via satellite; by deleting the carriage of CBET Windsor, Ont.; and by increasing the maximum monthly fee from $8.48 to $9.98 effective on the date of the decision. The applica- tion may be examined at: Town Clerk's Office, 406 Main St. Exeter. Examination of Application and Documents during nor- mal office hours at local ad- dress given in this notice, at the Commission, Central Building, Les Terrasses de la Choudiere, 1 Promenade du Portage, Room 561, Hull, Que., K1A ON2. Intervention: Any person wishing to intervene must submit a written interven- tion to the Secretory General of the Commission C.R.T.C., Ottawa, Ont., K1A ON2). A true copy of the in- tervention must also be served upon the applicant, on or before the deadline date indicated below and a proof of such service must be included with the original document oddressed to the Secretory General. An in- tervention shall contain a clear and concise statement of the relevant facts and the grounds upon which the in- tervener's support for, op- position to or proposed modificotion of an applica- tion is based. Interventions must be actually received on the date specified hereunder, not merely posted on this dote. Deodline for intervention: 4 October 1983. (PN -210) 18 Wanted DON'T BB SHORT OF CASH FLOW!!! McStephen Auto Wreckers wants your cat or truck for scrap or wrecidng only. Phone 228-6214. 39.49• "HOLD 1T" Don't throw old pens and pencils away. Throw them my way. Harvey Hillman. 235-1167. 39-42c 19 Property For Sale DASHWOOD, corner lot, 4 -bedroom brick house completely renovated, 11/2 baths, double garage, large cedar deck. For viewing call 237-3516. 3l tfnc ZONED GENERAL RETAIL Commercial Lot. 382 William St. Exeter with older brick home. New gas furnace. S39,0^0. Phone 235-2257. 38-42• TWO LICENSED dining lounges: two Laundromats: Variety and gift shop: Service station: cottage business with home: Downtown commercial building: Hobby farm 37 acres, 2 barns '/ mile track: Pizza parlour: Self serve gas bar and variety store. Contact Car- dinal Real Estate and Insurance Broker Limited (519) 832-2510, (519) 797-2554. 39x HENSALL - Handyman's special, 97 King St., corner lot, 66'x132'. 21/2 storey older brick home, well treed, close to all services. Asking 529,900. Try your offer. Phone 519-294-6336. 39c HOUSE - country, quiet 2 storey home, located '/ mile east of Parkhill. 3 bedrooms, newly renovated kitchen and bathroom, with 11/2 acre lot. 294-6921. 39c 20 Property For Rent FIVE BEDROOM FARM HOUSE, Zurich area. Available September 1st. 236-4137. 31t fnc AVAILABLE OCTOBER Ist, large 2 bedroom, redecorated apartment. Appliances and heat included. Middlesex Rd. 24, Brinsley. 293-3038. 34t f nc 1• Canadian RedloWlsllon and Telecommunications Commission Conseil de la radiodllMnlon el des Wicanmu icaaons canadlen,es notice : decision Decision CRTC S3-703; Ex.Cen Cablevision Ltd; Ex- eter, Centralia and Huron Park, Ont; Pursuant to Public Notice CRTC 1983-128 dated 15 June 1983, the CRTC an- nounces that it approves the opplicotion to amend the licence for the broodcosting receiving undertaking serving the communities noted above by increasing the maximum monthly subscriber fee from $8 to $8.48 effective im- mediately with a further in- crease to $8.90, effective 12 months from the dote of this decision. In oddition, the Commission approves an im- mediate increase in the max- imum installotionfee from $25 to $26.50, and o further in- crease in this fee to 827.80, effective 12 months from the date of this decision. The Commission considers that these fee increases are justified on economic grounds. Canada Tenders for Farming Enterprise Sealed tenders will be received by the under- signed, Solicitors for the Owners, until four o'clock p.m. local time, Friday the 14th day of October, 1983 for the purchase of an outstanding farm enterprise, particulars of which are as follows: Location: Six miles east of Hensall, Ontario LAND: Parcel A: Lot 22 and Port 1.01 21, Concession 13, Township of Hibbert, County of Perth, composed of approximately 150 acres of which 110 acres are workable. Parcel B: Part Lot 23, Concession 12, Township of Hibbert, County of Perth, com- posed of approximately 50 acres of which 47 are workable. Buildings: Parcel A includes a modernized two storey brick home with attached garage, steel -clad shed, 12' x 45' silo and 42' x 60' hog finishing barn with liquid manure -covered tank system. Tenders may be submitted for individual parcels or en bloc, but en bloc tenders must specify a price for each parcel. Tenders sub- mitted for more than one parcel shall be con- sidered to be separate tenders for each parcel unless the tenderor specifically states that the acceptance of one parcel is conditional upon the acceptance of the other parcel. Tenders must be accompanied by a certified cheque payable to the undersigned in trust for 5% (five percent) of the amount of the tender price as a deposit which will be returned if the tender is declined and forfeited as liquidoted damages if the tender is accepted and the pur- chase is not completed by the tenderor. Pur- chase to be completed on or before November 1st, 1983 and the balance of the tender price will be payable by certified cheque on closing. A large 10% Farm Credit Corporation mor- tgage may be assumed by qualifying purchasers. Tenders will be received 'in sealed envelopes clearly marked " DO NOT OPEN - TENDER FOR FARMING ENTERPRISE". The highest or any tender will not necessarily be accepted. All tenders will be subject to the Conditions of Sale which will form a part thereof and which may be obtained from the undersigned. Tender forms, a more detailed description of the farming enterprise, appointments for view- ing and further information may be obtained by contacting the undersigned. DATED at Seaforth, Ontario this 26th day of September, 1983. McCONNELL, STEWART, DEVEREAUX & SMITH Barristers and Solicitors P.O. Box 220, SEAFORTH, Ontario. NOK IWO ti 70 Property For Rent POUR BEDROOM farm house in Zurich area, well insulated, new carpet throughout. Available im- mediately, references required. 234-6783. 38tfnc SUBLET - Spacious 2 bedroom apt. in Hensall. Carpeted. Laun- dry facilities. Available im- mediately. Phone 262-3506 after 5:00. 38-40' LARGE 4 BEDROOM farm house, 2 miles south of Zurich. Available Oct. Ist. Please phone as of Sun. 236-4468. 38:39c LOOSE HOUSING BARN for cattle 45'x80', cement yard and bunker 35'x80'. Phone 234-6398. 38:39c EXETER - Apartment, electric heat, available Nov. 1st. Phone 235-1303. 39tfn PERSON WANTED to sublet apt. Phone Kim 235-0334 or 235-1088. 39c GRAND BEND - 3 bedroom house and 2 bedroom apartment. References required. P. Warner. 238-2391. 39:40c 1 BEDROOM APARTMENT in Hensall 5265. per month. 262-3408. 39c 3 BEDROOM HOUSE furnished. 3 miles south of Grand Bend on Hwy. 21, available now until May 1, 1984. 5250. monthly, for infor- mation call 238-2501. 39c 1 BEDROOM furnished apart- ment. Available Nov. 1st. 238-2763: 39c ONE BEDROOM garden apart- ment, available immediately. Parking, laundry, heat, ap- pliances, Apt. 12, 304 Andrew. Mr. Cartier 237-3667, evenings Mr. Harp 412-0986. 39tfn NEAR ZURICH. 3 bedroom farm house recently redecorated. available Oct. 1. References re- quired. Call 234-6744. 39c ONE BEDROOM partially fur- nished, parking and laundry. 235-1497. 39tfn 21 For Rent PLYWOOD - FORMS, wedges, portable cement mixer, Power Trowels, wheelbarrows, etc. Form ties stocked. Call N.J. Corriveau, Zurich. Telephone 236-4954. 15t CEMENT FORMS, cement saws, plate tamper, darbie, power trowel, hammer drills, water pumps, generators, construction heaters, etc. G.M. Rentals, RR 2 Hensall, Ontario. 236-4819,16tfnc THE "OLD TOWN HALL" auditorium for rentals including weddings, meetings, banquet room, lectures, exhibitions, films, etc. Kitchen facilities available. Contact Ellison Travel, 235-2000. 29tfnc ROBERTS wood splitters, 3 point hitch model 515 per day. Gas model 530.00 per day. 262-5263 or 262-2224. 37tfn ROOM AND BOARD or rooms, in Centralia. Phone 228-6867 anytime. 39• 2� For Sale oriRent TRUCK CAMPER, 2 -way fridge, gas stove, 2 -way water, gas fur- nace, 110 and 112 volt, sleeps 4. 5995.00 or 550.00 per week rent. 228-6328. 28tfnc 23 Wanted To Rent WOULD LIKE TO RENT 2 bedroom house in Exeter core arca. Phone 235-1248 after 5 p.m. 39:40c 23 Wanted To Rent THREE BEDROOM FARM HOUSE, barn and five to 10 fenc- ed acres in Exeter area. Must have ample water for small livestock operation. Two-year lease or longer preferred. Apply stating location, rental and length of term available to Box BAX, The Exeter Times -Advocate. Exeter. 45tfx 26 Legal Notices NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the Estate of Dennis Richard Passmore Late of the Town of Exeter, in the County of Huron, who died on or about the 12th day of June, 1983. Creditors and others have claims against the above estate are re- quired to Ole full particulars of such claims with the undersigned on or before October 7th, 1983, after which date the assets of the estate will be distributed having regard only to the claims then filed. Little & Evans Exeter, Ontario Solicitors for the Executors 38-40c NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the Estate of Irene Carolina Harburn, late of the Township of Hibbert, in the County of Perth, who died on or about the 20th day of February, 1983. Creditors and others having claims against the above Estate are required to send full particulars of such claims to the undersigned on or before the 26th day of October, 1983 after which date the Estate assets will be distributed having regard only to claims that have then been received. Raymond & McLean Barristers and Solicitors 387 Main Street Exeter, Ontario Solicitors for the Executor 39c NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the Estate of Harold Breckenridge Langley Late of Lavonia, Michigan, U.S.A. Creditors and others hav- ing claims against the above estate are required to send full par- ticulars of such claims to the undersigned on or before the 14th day of October, 1983, after which date the Estate's assets will be distributed having regard only to the claims that have then been received. Little & Evans Exeter, Ontario Solicitors for the Executrix 39-4Ic 27 Tenders Wanted TENDERS WILL be accepted for the supply of furnace oil for Zion United Church in Crediton and the manse, approximately 16,000 litres. Replies are to be made by October 15 to Alfred Smith, Box 13, Crediton, Ont. NOM 1M0.39c /r BUYS WHEAT — Glenn Miller purchased the champion sheaf of wheat at the Exeter Fair, Saturday. The buyer is shown with Queen Alice Dietrich. T -A photo. Eunnnunnnnnnnnunnuuniniummnnnnmunnnnnmmntunnnnlm intli mmilB Audio") Salle e Tractor, farm Machinery etc. For A.E. Friesen, lot 19, west Mitchell E LE road, 8 miles south of Mitchell on Perth County Rd. 18, or 8 mile north of Rannoch. e Friday, October 7, 1 p.m. 1= Ford 5000 deisel tractor and 727 Ford loader; E € 5 furrow Int. 710 automatic reset plow; 16'- = Vibra shank cultivator; 7 shank soil saver; 4 - a 10 ton wagons with 250 bus. gravity bins. 350 E • bus. Kilbros gravity bin and Martin wagon; 400 i Int. 4 row corn planter; 6 row 3 pt. hitch row crop cultivator; 9 shank deep tiller; 4 row roll- E • ing cultivator; 13' Allis Chalmers wheel disc; § Mauer 4 row bean puller; Innes 570 bean win- i= drower; Larson 4 ton fertilizer spreader; 1500 jE gal. water talik; 6" 31' grain auger and 3 hp • el. motor; 7" 31' grain auger and 3 hp motor; g Gehl forage blower; V snow blower; Int. 24 run • 6" space grain drill; 13' Allied cultivator with I • double rolling harrows; 256 New Holland rake; 1 13' land packer; 4' packer; Category 2 and 3 V quick hitch; John Deere 3 section rotary hoe; E fertilizer tank for pick up; 6' 3 pt. hitch blade; I = Clod buster for plow; C.M.C. 36" bed metal I lathe; 6 sec. diamond harrows; 100 gal. fuel = ▪ tank w/el. pump; manure loader blade; 1966 E Dodge 500 truck with hoist and rack; (not run- E ning) 3 pt. hitch wood splitter; Homelite chain i B sow; B10 A.C. garden tractor (for parts,) and rotary mower; hog scale; bicycle; bedroom Isuite; chest of drawers; dresser, couch; hum- €idifierand other items. Lunch booth and bake = sale. Terms: cosh day of sale. Proprietor - A.E. Friesen • 229-6593 Les end John Shedtelton - Austlonws Atone 773-5141 nuulttiR11MIMI NN M11NNIM81MRIg1R111MMINImmm11IRllmulllnnlmnmllHn . BEST DOE — Buckeye, named best doe at the fair, carefully examines the trophy awarded by Jerry MacLean while owner Jan Hayward, RR 1 Grand Bend and presenter Gary MacLean watch with amusement. Honey talk at Crediton WI and Mrs. Carmen Schlenker. Lorne Finkbeiner has been transferred to South Huron Hospital from St. Joseph's Hospital, London. By MRS. PETER MARTIN Crediton The Crediton Women's In- stitute met at the town hall for their September meeting. Vice president Joan Hodgins welcomed all and conducted the business. Eleanor Roezler was in charge of the program. The motto, "A great deal of talent is lost in the world for lack of a little courage," was read by Isabelle King. Jean Neil gave poem "Teach him gently if you can." Guest speaker was Rosemary Ferguson who showed slides on the honey bee and production of honey and spoke a little on chocolate minting.She treatedeveryone to a tasty chocolate bee. Lunch was served by Louise Wein and Anne Cottel. Ruth Eveland is a patient in University Hospital. The Women's Institute received second prize for their exhibit on Focus on Wheat. The United Church Women received first prize for their exhibit "30 years of caring." This all took place at the Exeter Fall Fair. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Fanner, Sodbury visited with Mrs. Armin Schlenker. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Whit- taker and Mrs. Armin Schlenker spent the past weekend in Kitchener. While there Mary Ellen was feted with a personal shower at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Car- man Schlenker. The shower was given by her sister, Mrs. Ken Didman, Mrs. Howard ..= 1.111 OTI 0 N At Pinery Auction barn On Hwy. 21.4 miles S. Grand Send Sun. Oct. 2, 1983 at 1 p.m. We will be selling without reserve a large selection of modern and antique fur- nishings. Good clean consignments accepted. Auctioneer Pot Lyon NAA 243-2713 ✓ erilae# VerZsoriales--11 AUCTION \� CALENDAR SEPT. 28, 10:30 a.m. 50 acres and full line of tillage and harvesting equipment for Jack and Janet McCoubrey, west of Glenco. OCT. 4, 10t30 a.m. Prestige farm equipment auction for Peter and Joan Oud, Kipper). Consisting of J.D. combine, J.D. tractor, trucks, plus a full line of equipment. OCT. 5, 6:30 p.m. Furniture, auction for Albert Horner of Seaforth at the Rathwell Building. Oct. 12, 10:30 a.m. Consignment sale of farm equipment at the Rathwell Auction Complex. MalhaeliV ✓ioCGS/e.1 AUCTIONEERS, LIQUIDATORS. APPRAISERS 77 MAIN ST. SEAFORTH, ONTARIO NOK IWO (5 t9 ) 527-t458 Ontario Government Tender Water Distribution System Upgrading Contractors are invited to submit quotations for the supply and installation of approximately 800 metres of 3 inch R.V.C. water line and associated water distribution lines, connections, and valve installations. The installation will be in Ipperwash Provincial Park, R.R. 2, Forest, Ontario. A bid bond of 10% of the tendered price is re- quired with all bids. The successful tenderer must supply a Performance Bond of 100% the tendered price before the tender is awarded. The site inspection and pretendering meeting will be held at Ipperwash Provincial Park at 1:00 EDT Tuesday October 4, 1983. Tender forms may be obtained at PINERY PROVIN- CIAL PARK (519) 243-2220 between 9:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m. Monday to Friday. Tender quotations clearly marked os to contents, will be received at Chatham District Office, Ministry of Natural Resources, 435 Grand Ave. Chatham, Ontario, N7M 518 until 1:00 p.m. EDT Friday October 21, 1983. Tenders will be publicly opened at 1:30 EDT Fri- day October 21, 1983. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources you want it... you ve got it... 11E oABSNB] Aluction Sale Appliance, furniture and some an- tiques etc. to be held at Richard Lobb's Barn Clinton Ontario, for Mrs. Ida Snyder , Mrs. Stella Crawford and Mrs. Glenda Knap from Goderich Ontario. Saturday, Oct. 1 at 10 a.m. Leonard 30" electric stove like new, Admiral clothes dryer, G.E. clothes washer both modern, wringer washer, portable B&W TV, Roxton solid maple six piece dining suite like new, dining table, four chairs and buffet, modern chesterfield and chair, team of horses pulling handmade sleigh made by Mr. Zur- brigg, modern bed and dresser, chests of drawers, wicker fern stand, large fancy anti- que oak hall seat with oval mirror (real nice). Two antique dressers with mirrors, antique drop front combination desk and chest of drawers, pressback rocking chair, small round parlour table, record rack, modern bookcase wall unit, Aladdin lamp, double pedestal cof- fee table, end table, brass jardiniere, wooden bed, modern china cabinet, chrome table and six chairs, violin bow and case, gunstock chair, chicken coop chair, old school desk, sewing machine and stand, pressback arm chair, cop- per boiler, small tables, mantle clock, sewing case, Hoover vacuum cleaner, electric broom, humidifier, upholstered chairs, four matching wooden chairs, lawn chairs, needlepoint pic- ture plus others, baby stroller, walker, small appliances, large offering of dishes glassware, misc., etc., step ladder, wheel barrow, garden tools '/." drill, bedding linens, etc. PLAN TO ATTEND. Terms Cash RICHARD LOBB AUCTIONEER Clinton, Ontario 482-7898 AzdAee// / ,S1Loor,a/e3.."*N CLEARING FARM EQUIPMENT AUCTION We are pleased to offer for sale by public auction an excellent line of farm equipment for Peter and Joan Oud, 11/2 miles west of Hensall and '/, mile north on: Tuesday, October 4th, at 10:30 a,m. COMBINE: John Deere 7720 hydrostatic self propelled c/w cab, air. stereo. 190 Bu bin plus extensions, 6 row 643 narrow corn head, 16 ft. grain flex head with hydraulic lif; and reel drive. 10 TRACTORS: John Deere 8640 articulatirg tractor c/w cab, air, stereo, power shift, PTO, quick hitch, low hours, 20.8-38 axle duals, 131/2 ft. hyd. dozer blade, 2-107 gallon fuel tanks and remotes; John Deere 4630 c/w 20.8-38 axle duals, cab, air, stereo, 8 speed syncro range trans., 3 pth remotes, pto; J.D. 4020 c/w 3 pth remotes, PTO and hyd. loader; J.D. 3010 c/w 13.6-38 adj. rear tires, 3 pth, PTO, remotes, diesel; M.F. 184-4 4 wd c/w porta cab, and heat houser, 3 pth, PTO, remotes; M.F. 255 c/w P3 pth, PTO, remotes, power steering, adj. front end; M.F. 165 diesel, 3 pth, Fro, 12 speed multi power, adj. rear tires; M.F. 135 c/.w cab, 3 pth, PTO and hyd. front mount 6 ft. blade; Ford 800 gas, 3 pth, PTO; Case 1830 uni loader, completely hydraulic. TRUCKS AND TRAILERS: 1979 IHC Transtar ii cab over truck tractor c/w 15 speed trans, air ride suspension. wet line. air cond., tandem axle; 1974 Ford tandem diesel feed truck c/w blower system; Army 6 cyl. auto 6 x 6 c/w tandem duals, 12 ft. steel deck with 4 ft. racks and hoist; Army 6 cyl. auto 6x6 c/w tandem duals,1500 gallon water tank and 21/2 in gas driven water pump; 1976 Chev 90 tandem axle 16 yd. dump truck with 13 speed trans; four 46 ft. Fruehauf tandem axle stake trailers c/w 41/2 ft. racks; 30 ft. 9 ton tag a long tri -axle trailer; custom built 15 ton 18 ft. Beaver tail float and ramps; 21 ft. twin axle float frame; 1500 gallon water wagon on truck axle. TURNIP TRUCKS: 1974 Chev C65 tandem axle; 1972 iHC 2010 tandem axle; 1968 iHC 1800 tandem axle; 1967 GMC 960 single axle; 1966 iHC 1700 single axle; all with conveyed bott,m V bins; 14 ft. V bin with conveyed bottom on 4 ton running gear. VEHICLES: 1979 GMC Seirre Grand 15 i/ ton 4x4 pick up; 1977 Chev 10 'h ton pick up, V8, auto; Dodge 100 4x4 c/w service utility box and 318 motor; 1974 Pontiac Safari Station Wagon c/w 350 cu. in motor, loaded; 1975 Chev Malibu. 6 cyl. 4 door; 500 Honda motorcycle with 'erring. EQUIPMENT: Wilrich 52 ft. double folding cultivator c/w drag bar harrows; Allis Chalmers 1350 32 ft. folding cultivator c/w drag bar harrows; R and R fabricating 32 ft. 3 drum folding packer; Kent 32 ft. trail cultivator; White model 253 251/2 ft. disc; two 191/2 ft. Kongskilde 3 pth, hyd. folding cultivator c/w levelling bar and rolling harrows; Int. 18'/i ft. cultivator with fold out wings; J.D. 16' ft. cultivator with fold out wings; J.D. 2800 6 furrow spring reset plow with adj. 16 in - 24 in bottoms; J.D. 1600 18 ft. chisel plow; long 20 ft. folding hyd. disc c/w spray attach; Farmhand 5 section 20.20 ft. harrows and road transport; Midwest 21 '/2 ft. hitchiker harrows; Kongskilde 8 row 3 pth. cultivator; Kongskilde 12 ft. cultivator; two Belton 200 gallon fibreglass saddle tanks c/w mounting brackets and 20 ft. spray bar and PTO pump: Turnco Calsa 475 gallon single axle sprayer c/w 42 ft. boom; Turnco Calsa 500 gallon twin awe sprayer c/w 30 ft. booms and PTO pump; J.D. 7000 8 row corn planter completely monitored with fertilizer auger and insecticide boxes; int. 510 21 run seed drill with grass seeder; Anderson PTO driven rock picker; 400 bu. Wetmore grain buggy with 12 in unloading auger; three Innes windrowers, 2 with cross conveyors; four 250 bu. gravity boxes on 4 - and 6 ton running gear; 15 ft. x 5 in. fertilizer auger; Kongskilde 15 ft. land leveller; 12 ft. cultipacker; 60 ft. x 6 in grain auger on transport wheels, PTO driven; 30 ft. x 6 in Allied grain auger on transport carriage, PTO driven; 30 ft. bale elevator on transport carriage; McKee snowlandcr twin auger 8 ft. model 1101 snow blower: two 6 ft. single auger snow blowers; 7 ft. single auger snow blower; J.D. 3 section rotary hoe; Pord 917 7 ft. rotary mower; J.D. 5 ft. flail mower; New idea 207 manure spreader; Case 3 furrow 3 pth cleaner model 100; Gehl hammer mill; 13.6-38 duals; Sullivan electric 15 hp air leaner model 100; Gehl hammer mill; 13.6-38 duals; Sullivan electric 15 hp air compressor; Air-o-matic compressor; portable gas driven compressor. AUCTIONEERS NOTE: Plan to attend for this is a large outstanding Linc of well maintained farm equipment. Come early for there are no small items. LAND RENTED NO RESERVE For further information, contact DiCK ROBINSON — SALES MANAGER RATHWELL & ASSOCIATES INC. Seaforth,,Ontarlo Phone 527-1458 or 527-1336 Telex 06955223 t7l% e//am . i Al s AUCTIONEERS, LIQUIDATORS. APPRAISERS 77 MAIN ST. SEAFORTH, ONTARIO NOK IWO (519) 827_1456 ►4