HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes-Advocate, 1983-09-28, Page 12Page 12 Times -Advocate, September 28, 1983
Seven accidents
in OPP district
This week, members of
Lucan OPP Detachment in-
vestigated seven motor vehi-
cle collisions which included
two personal injury accidents
with three persons injured,
two property damage ac-
cidents and three non -
reportable accidents.
Sunday at 2:10 a.m. a vehi-
cle driven by Berend Heyda
of London was southbound on
Highway 4 near the Roman
Line when the vehicle left the
roadway and struck the dit-
chbank. Constable Stables set
damages at $700.
At 4 p.m., Monday on con-
cession 2, Biddulph township
at the Moorseville sideroad, a
vehicle driven by Kevin Kes-
tle of RR 2 Lucan collided
with a vehicle operated by
Wallace Knee, RR 3 Lucan.
Both drivers sustained minor
injuries. Cpl. Munro listed
damages at $1,900.
A vehicle driven by James
Purvis of Ailsa Craig was nor-
thbound on concession 4 in
McGillivray township at 9:45
p.m. Friday when it left the
roadway during a heavy
downpour. Purvis sustained
minor injuries when the vehi-
cle rolled over. Constable
Hassall set damage at $1,200.
Friday, at 11:55 p.m.
vehicle operated by Timothy
O'Neil, RR 4 Denfield, and
Mark Vanderploeg, RR 4
Denfield collided. The colli-
sion occurred on conc. 13 Lon-
don twp. East of the Denfield
Road. Constable Vance set
damages at $1500.00.
There were 44 general oc-
currences which included four
break, enter and theft, three
attempt break and enter, one
common assault, one assault
bodily harm, and one sexual
assault with a weapon, three
theft, and one other Criminal
Criminal charges preferred
were one male person charg-
ed with sexual assault with a
weapon, one male person
charged with assault causing
WI visits
Several members of the
Lucan WI and friends, attend-
ed the Clandeboye Branch
Tweedsmuir History meeting
chaired by the Curator, Jean
Hodgins. The film on Mid-
dlesex County was much en-
joyed as were the comments
made by Mrs. Hodgins in con-
nection with her Clandeboye
Rocker, on display, and a bit
of history on the maker Fran-
cis Jones, with several
humourous family
bodily harm, one male person
charged with possession of
stolen property, and one male
person charged with fraud in-
' volving a NSF cheque, three
persons were charged with
violation of the Liquor
Licence Act.
The sexual assault occur-
red Thursday at approx-
imately 2:25 p.m. A
35 -year-old woman was jogg-
ing east on concession 6 of
London township, east of
Adelaide when she was at-
tacked by a male jogger
wielding a knife. The woman
was dragged into the field
where she struggled with her
The attacker eventually
fled on foot and the victim
went to a nearby house where
she asked that police be call-
ed. September 24, an
18 -year-old high school stu-
dent from London was ar-
rested and charged with sex-
ual assault with a weapon.
Beavers form
four lodges
The first Lucan Beaver Col-
ony "8" had its first fall
meeting on Tuesday
September 20 at Lucan Public
School. Twenty eager
members formed four lodges
which were the Bluejays,
Owls, Eagles and Crows.
Due to the large number of
boys who are anxious to join
the organization there will be
another colony beginning on
Fridays. Any parents with
boys aged 5-7 who wish to
become Beavers should con-
tact Linda Froats at 227-4706.
Hands theme
for UCW
The Friendship unit of
Lucan United Church Women
met Wednesday evening for,
the first meeting of the fall
season, with Unit leader Don-
na Vanarenthals in the chair.
Ruth Butler, assisted by
Anne Holden, Pam
Strobridge, and Barb Gibson
led in a meaningful worship
service on the theme
"Hands" which included
readings, dialogue, Scripture,
prayers and hymns.
Donna commented on her
recent experience as a jury
member, and led a group in a
short game before proceeding
to the business portion of the
meeting. Honor Stanley then
led the girls in the creation of
attractive rose lapel pins us-
ing a dough made from bread
and glue. The evening closed
with a social time and
refreshments provided by
Dorothy Lankin and Jean
WHO BATS FIRST? — When the Lucon-Biddulph firemen took on Lucan Legion Branch
540 in an exhibition ball game Thursday night during Legion Week, Gard Clubb and
Keith Dickson of the Legion flip the bat with firemen Bev Hirtzel and Wes Hickson.
and district news
Eula» Cook
Seniors enjoy trip
to see Geritol Follies
President Ed Dowdall
welcomed ,members of the
Sunshine and Busy Buddies
groups to their meeting
Thursday afternoon in the
Club Rooms, and in par-
ticular Mrs. Victoria Scott,
from Ilderton.
Congratulations were ex-
tended to Margaret and Joe
Carter on their 45th wedding
anniversary and friends and
relatives were invited to their
aniversary service at West
McGillivray Hall.
Best wishes for a happy bir-
thday went to Charlotte
Barker, Marjorie Steeper and
Ed Dowdall.
Several members from the
Lucan club attended the
Geritol Follies in Hamilton
last week with a group from
Exeter and reported that it
was a super show. The Lucan
members are slated for this
trip next spring.
A reading was enjoyed by
Iva Hodgins and also a
singsong led by Betty
Sutherland with Mary Kooy
at the piano.
The Busy Buddies con-
tinued their acrylic painting
with Tami Laye and the
members of the SS group
SQUIRT SOCCER CHAMPS — Lucan II won the squirt championship of the Lucan
and district Soccer Association, recently. From the left with coach Paul O'Reilly are
Tracey Mitchell, Sean O'Reilly, Brian Heckman, Tim O'Reilly, Jomie Lightfoot, Paul
O'Shea, RobbieWr.ters,Bill Vickery, Nathan Brown, John Hodgins, Jesse Waters,
Chris Haskett and Ben Harlton. Missing were Jomie Fronts and Matthew Dickey.
WI to buy book for church
Iva Hodgins was appointed
secretary in the absence of
Mabel Froats. It was decided
to buy an adult reference
book for the United Church
library in memory of llannah
McGuffin and Leda Rev-
ington, with the Church
librarians to make the choice.
President, Bernice
Lockyer, reported on the
County Rally held during the
summer months and an-
nounced the next 4-11 club
"Heritage Cooking", which
will be starting in each of the
six clubs shortly.
Members agreed to hold
Hockey registration took
place September 10 and 17 at
the Lucan Community Cen-
tre. There was also an equip-
ment exchange at that time.
The second Lucan Brownie
Pack held their registration
on September 26 in the Lucan
Revival Centre. Guides had
their registration September
22, 7:00 p.m. at Holy Trinity
Anglican Church.
their afternoon meetings on
Tuesdays, when the building
is heated, in order to conserve
energy. This means that
December, January,
February and March
meetings will be held on Tues-
day afternoons, rather than
Wednesday, as listed on the
programs. Friends in the
community who have pro-
grams are asked to change
this item on the first page.
Margery Crozier and
Marion Smith were on duty in
the Middlesex W.I. public
relations booth for one session
and enjoyed it very much.
A local leaders' short
course in rug braiding will be
held later this fall. Leaders
will be Flora Robertson and
Ruthann Curtis. Please phone
227-4538 or 227-4076 if you are
interested in signing up. On-
ly a limited number may be
The convener for the
meeting on October 19 at 7:30,
Isobel Baskett, has been ask-'
ed to incorporate something
in connection with "World
Food Day", October 16th, in-
to her program. Mrs. Charles
Gowan, the District President
will be a guest.
inquiries will be made
regarding including the In-
stitute Crest on the Service
Club Signboards at each end
of the village. The local Blood
Donor Clinic will be held on
Tuesday April 24, 1984. Keep
this date free and donate at
your local clinic.
A vote of thanks was given
to Mrs. Crozier for arranging
such an interesting meeting.
Special guests were Jane
Crozier and Margaret
t.ibrary Workshop
Flora Robertson and Iva
Hodgins, the Lucan Church
librarians attended an in-
terdenominational workshop
for church librarians at the
Rexdale Alliance Church,
Mississauga on Saturday. It
was a most worthwhile occa-
sion and itis hoped that some
of the new ideas may be incor-
porated into the local United
Church library.
played euchre with the prizes
going as follows: lady's high,
Marie Turner, lone hands,
Mary Scott, low score, Betty
Sutherland, man's high,
Rheola Hotson, playing a
man's card, lone hands,
Harry Noels and low score,
Lawrence Hirtzel. Craft
prizes was won by. Rose
Lunch was served by Liz
Conlin, Ethel Crouch, Gayle
Cronyn and Murray Carter.
Mrs. Crouch uses
flannelgraph sermon
Mrs. Emma Crouch of
Ailsa Craig was guest
speaker Sunday morning at
Lucan United Church Sunday
School's annual Rally Day
Church service. Using a flan-
nelgraph, she told the
children and adults present
the story of King David's
elder son Adonijah's unsuc-
cessful atempt to seize the
throne from his dying father,
and of Solomon, the rightful
heir who did lawfully succeed
his father.
She reminded the children
that today there are two kings
who would like to take over
the throne in each one of our
hearts. One of these is Satan
who promises fame, pleasure,
wealth and freedom, although
sorrow, death and hell are ac-
tually the wages of those who
allow him to deceive him.
King Jesus offers faith,
forgiveness, guidance and a
cross. Those who allow Him
to be King find victory,. joy,
peace and eternal life. Mrs.
Crouch challenged those pre-
sent to consider seriously
which of these kings they will
follow and obey.
Sherry Lane, Sunday
School secretary -treasurer,
assisted by Mr. Brown,
distributed awards to the
many children who earned
them by excellent attendance
during the past year. Tim
Bates and Jamie Froats earn-
ed special awards for perfect
Rev. Brown led in a short
Members and friends of Ho-
ly Trinity Anglican Church
were greeted by Brian and
Janet Ankers as they
gathered for Morning Prayer
service. Assisting with the
service were Norah Elson and
Bryan Smith, readers of the
lessons appointed for the
seventeenth Sunday after
Ministering in music was a
talented young boy, Micah
Hodkinson, a former member
of the choir at St. Paul's
Cathedral, and currently with
the John Wood Choristers. He
sang two selections "God is
Myshepherd' And "Come Un-
to Him."
Rev. Pocock 's sermon
was based on the Gospel -
Luke 16:19-31, the parable of
Lazarus and the Rich Man.
The picture of Lazarus
depicts a favourite theme of
the Kingdom. In the least
place, the least person, is
precisely where God has hid-
den His presence. Here is one
of the few places where Jesus
speaks of the after -life.
His images are chosen to
express what is, inexpressible
in language.
Heaven and hell are
spiritual settings for the
living -out of consequences
arising from this life. This
gulf exists because it existed
service of commission for
Sunday School teachers and
officers. The teachers promis-
ed to fulfill faithfully their
task of teaching the Word of
God, and the congregation
promised to support them.
Jim Robertson, Sunday
School superintendent, ex-
pressed appreciation for the
boys and girls, for their
parents who encouraged
them to attend regularly and
for the dedication and leader-
ship of the teachers.
Bill and Judy Darling, with
Holly, Kevin and Kyle were at
the door to welcome friends,
and later were in charge of
receiving the offering.
Flowers in the sanctuary
were from the funeral of the
late Mr. Melvin C. Trevithick.
Children, ages eight and
over are invited to participate
in a special Junior Choir pro-
ject this Fall - preparation for
a Christmas Musicale to be
presented at the Christmas
Family Sunday service,
December i8. Helen Stanley
will be giving leadership, and
practices will be held each
Tuesday at 6:45 p.m. at the
Church, beginning September
27. Senior Choir meets
Wednesday at 7:30 p.m.
Subscriptions for the 1984
Scripture Union notes are
now due. Contact Jean Brown
(227-1143) for information
regarding this excellent
series of daily Bible reading
notes for adults, young peo-
ple, children and
in their earthly relationship.
The warning is that the here
and now — where patterns of
attitude, behaviour, and
thought are formed — will
have to be dealt with in some
mysterious way in another
mode of being. Perhaps this is
the reason why Jesus em-
phasized so often that His
spirituality, His Kingdom, His
way, is for our now earthly
Flowers on the altar were
giventothe Glory of God and
in loving memory of Farin
Sovereign, placed there by his
Notices: A special meeting
of the Great Chapter of Med-
way Deanery will be held at
St. Anne's, Byron, Octoberl7,
at 7 p.m. Purpose is to discuss
the National and Diocesan
Budget for 1984.
Anyone wishing to purchase
a hymn book for the Junior
Choir please contact Bill
Harvest Thanksgiving will
be held October 9th.
A bale is being prepared to
send to our prayer partner in
the North. For information
concerning suitable articles
contact Marion Hodgins.
The Afternoon group of
Anglican Church Women will
meet at the home of Marion
Hodgins, October 5, at 2 p.m.
At Lucan building
Small students to Iiave hearingcheck
September 6 this year,
Biddulph-Lucan Central
School welcomed 443
students. At present, the
kindergarten enrolment is 52
Mrs. Bansley who teaches
grade eight has returned
from maternity leave and
Mrs. Hopper who teaches
grade eight and history on a
rotation basis has now joined
the staff from North Mid-
dlesex District High School.
The new speech and language
Couples club
Couples Club held their first
meeting of the fall season in
the C.E. wing at Lucan United
Church Thursday evening,
with president Dennis Dedels
in the chair. Couples in
charge were Tom and Marion
Barr, Jim and Bernice
Lockyer, and Don and Anna
Thanksgiving was the wor-
ship theme. Jim, Marion and
Anna read appropriate Scrip-
ture passages and readings,
while Bernice gave a short
meditation on the text "Give
thanks always for all things."
Marion led in an enjoyable
hymn sing, following which
the group demonstrated their
Bible knowledge as they par-
ticipated in a Scripture quiz.
The group voted to help
finance the Sunday School
and Church skating party at
the arena this month. It was
agreed to cancel the propos-
ed Talent Night for the pre-
sent. A report was given on
the successful garage and
bake sale of September 17,
and the tentative date of
December 9 was set for the
Couples' Club annual
Christmas party.
The evening closed with an
opportunity to visit around
the tables as the couples in
charge served a delicious
therapist is Mrs. Nancy
An open house was held
September 15. Parents had
the opportunity to be in-
troduced to their child's
teachers and to see through
the school.
There will be three ses-
sions, September 22, 29 and
October I at the Lucan School
at 8:00 p.m. to discuss "Talk-
ing To Your Children About
Sexuality and Growing Up."
It will be put on by the
Home and School committee
and the cost is one dollar per
couple per night for non-
members and free for those
who purchase a Home and
School membership.
Students in kindergarten,
grades one and three at the
Lucan Building will have
their hearing checked
September 28 and 29. Grade
three students at the Biddulph
Building will have their hear-
ing checked later on this year.
Health nurse, Mrs. Sharon
Abel, will be at the Biddulph
Building on Monday morn-
ings and at the Lucan
Building on Monday after-
noons. If you wish informa-
tion at other times she can be
reached through the Health
Unit at 673-0110.
Each year many articles
are added into our "lost and
found" at both buildings.
Please have your child check
at the school for lost articles
and parents are encouraged
to check the items when they
are visiting.
Last year Mr. Duddy in-
troduced a very successful
program where teachers
identified a student who had
demonstrated good citizen-
ship during the week. Pic-
tures of these students were
placed on the hall bulletin
boards for the following week
and their names were shown
in this paper and were also
mentioned in our newsletter
to parents. We hope to
AMIGHTY SWING— Keith Dickson takes a mighty
swing at the ball during a Lucan Legion -Luton Biddulph
firemen ball game Thursday night as part of Legion
week. T -A photo
continue identifying "Citizen the year goes to the student
of the Week" and congratula- council to be spent in the in -
tions are extended to all those terests of students (sports
who receive this honour. equipment, school uniforms,
Each calendar .year the etc.)
Board of Education directs So far, this year, because
the amount of $1.50 per stu- our school has had less t
dent towards a Strive Account damage than in the past we
for each school. have money left in this ac -
Any damage to the school count. We hope to be able to
through vandalism is paid for give the student council an
from this account and amount of money if the recent
whatever is left at the end of trend continues.
Revival Centre
Sunday morning Wendy
Robertson accompanied
herself on the piano, while
Nello Romagnoli played his
violin, as she sang More of
Rev. C. J. Williams, from
Ephesians 4:1-4 stressed that
we have one body, with all
members being a part of that
one body. All those worship-
ping in different places are
part of that one body, of Jesus
Christ. To perfect that body,
God gave ministries in the
church as in Ephesians
4:11-12. God today is sweeping
away the excesses we have so
that members of His body can
resemble Him.
Sunday evening was Chris-
tianview Bible College night,
as the students took charge pf
the service. Before the ser-
vice opened Wendy Robertson
played the piano, singing
choruses, . while Nello -
Romagnoli played his violin.
Miss Twila Duthie read
Psalm 100 before leading
choruses. The College
Ensemble, with David Kelly
leading singing, sang
beautifully, The King is Com-
ing. Nello. Romagnoli played
his violin accompanied by
Wendy Robertson on piano,
singing, The Way That He
Ken Ellingwood testified he
was lost living in sin when
Jesus saved him. The College
Girls Quartet sang Born
Again. Patty Harris, accom-
panied.by Wendy Robertson
playing piano, sang I Love My
Jesus. Twila Duthie taught a
new chorus, Take Off Your
Shoes, You're Now on Holy
Miss Duthie introduced the
guest speaker, college student
and registrar, Nick Murray.
He stressed there is a stan-
dard in the Bible that is much
needed, a standard of
holiness, meaning to be
cleansed from sin, fit to be set
apart for God's services.
WI meets
The first meeting of the Fall
seasbn of the Lucan Branch
Women's Institute was held
on Wednesday afternoon,
commencing with lunch at the
Steak and Burger Restaurant
in London.
The guest speaker, Mr.
Ross Douglas, manager of the
Bank of Montreal, Dundas
and Adelaide Street Branch,
was introduced by the con-
vener, Margery Crozier. The
members found his talk most
interesting as he told of the
changes being incorporated
into the particular banking
business and made many
amusing comments. A ques-
tion and answer period
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