HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes-Advocate, 1983-09-28, Page 11Redicks at Thatcher dinner
CWL reports profits
Last Tuesday, Sept. 20, was
the first fall meeting of St.
Boniface C.W.L. with 35
members present. Guest Ann
McBride showed an t in-
teresting film on the Family
Crisis Centre, that is open
: near Bayfield for battered
wives, and run voluntary by
three area Mennonite chur-
ches. The group donated $100
to the centre.
Chris Bruxer collected the
money from Creative Circle
kits from the last meeting,
and said the league made a
profit of $38.00. A report of the
Bean Festival was given by
Cecilia Farwell. Profit for the
day with the quilt and pie
booth came to $817.86. Pres.
Cecilia Smith thanked
everyone for their help.
We were urged to go to a
"Pro -Life Rally" at Queen's
Park in Toronto this Sat. Oct.
1 by bus. Phon3 Mary Regier
at 236-4035 if you can go. A
Deanery meeting will be held
in Hesson, Ont. on Wed. Sept.
28 leaving the church at 8:00
Received from the New to
You Store, $170. The parish
bingo for Bro. Bob Mittleholtz
is set for Oct. 29. Pearl Miller
is looking into getting a bus to
go to Midland next year when
the Pope comes. Door prize
was won by Mrs. Josie
Margaret Mousseau visited
her twin brother Wilfred in
Exeter Hospital last Wednes-
day as the two celebrated
their birthdays.
Sunday was the first of six
religion classes for youth of
high •school age and up to
learn more about their faith
at St. Boniface School with
approx. 50 teenagers in atten-
dance (some from St. Peter's
parish also). The classes are
being given by Fr. Mooney
and some parents.
Quimby and Paul Hess
from Toronto spent the
weekend with their mother
Mrs. Marie Hess and helped
with her sale at the arena on
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Otten
and Mark of Lucknow visited
on Saturday and Sunday with
her sister, Helen Overholt and
mother, Mrs. Leila Becker,
who was also a grandmother
lately with a little girl born to
Janet and Bruce Rock of
Monkton. -
Mr. and Mrs. Louis
Denomme visited Mrs. Verna
McKeeman in Paisley for a
EADERS — More than 50 children participated in the summer reading program
the Zurich library. Shown are (left) Annette Regier, Debbie Regier, Shown LaPorte,
ayne Souplat and librarian Beatrice Rader. Annette, Debbie; Cynthia Stark and
ris Meatheral won books in the Magical Mystery Tour draw at the end of the
Mrs. Carmel Swney
Phan,: 2364702
arna girls in accident
By Mary C'hessell
Attendance was down con-
derably at the Varna
C.W.'s ham and turkey
orgasbord held last
ednesday. As usual there
s a delicious and varied ar-
s of food.
o bridal showers are be-
held in the Varna hall, one
Elizabeth (McNutt
Auslan this Thursday.
. 29 at 8:00 p.m., and one
Anne Marie Heard on
ursday, Oct. 13, also at 8.
oshen U.C.W. is hosting
U.C.W. Regional Rally
t Monday, Oct. 3, beginn-
ing at 6:30 with dessert and a
book display. Joyce Dowson
is the Regional president, and
Varna will lead in worship.
Angela Armitt of London is
the excellent guest speaker.
The October meeting of Var-
na U.C.W. is on Thursday,
Oct. 6.
Great concern was felt by
the community for the girls
involved in the car accident
north of Clinton on Friday
night and their families. Lori -
Consitt had extensive surgery
on her leg on Saturday. Jay
Brandon also received exten-
sive injuries, and Peggy Van
Wonderen, who was less
severely injured, was being
kept under observation in
Bill and Mary Chessell
were guests of Cliff and
Marilyn Kreuter of Rostock
on Sunday, and attended an
evening concert celebratirg
their church anniversary. The
German Teutonia Club Choir
of Stratford, which has sung
all over Ontario and as far
away as Montreal, was the
main feature on the program.
We were very impressed with
Rostock's own Group of Ten,
who also sang several
numbers. Rostock is a very
musical community, and
even their congregational
singing is especially
Elva Webster is a patient in
Clinton Hospital. We hope she
will soon be feeling better,
and able to return home.
few days and enjoyed going to
the Paisley fall fair last
weekend, which they found
very impressive.
The Buckettes ball team
and fellow competing teams
had an end -of -season dinner
and dance on Saturday even-
ing in Crediton.
Winners of the September
draw for the Knights of Col-
umbus were, Chris Hoffman
of Seaforth who won $130. and
$25 each went to Therese
Stark and Albert Hoffman,
both of Zurich.
Those attending high school
in Exeter for the first time
(grade 9 students) from town
are really finding all the ac-
tivities exciting such as the
rotating classes, lunch in the
cafeteria, sports and Thurs-
day was invitation dress -up
day in an outfit portraying
their future career. Friday
they were served supper by
senior students, followed by a
Jeanne Groot is now atten-
ding Lambton College major-
ing in Arts and Science. She in
the daughter of John and
Bridget Groot.
Several ladies from the
area are enjoying swimming
and exercise lessons in the
VanRaay pool with instructor
Kathy Gielen on Monday
There is a fitness and nutri-
tion class being held at the
Zurich Public School beginn-
ing Tues. Oct. 4 at 7:30 p.m.
under the direction of Phillis
Ramer. Phone 236-4869.
Congratulations to Diana
Verlinde and Wisnu Baskoro
who were married on Satur-
day at St. Boniface Church
with Fr. Mooney officiating.
The couple will live near
Lucan. She is the daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. Marcel
Verlinde, RR 2 Hensel'.
Best wishes to bride and
groom Charmaine Staples
and Larry Keller who were
married at St. James Church
in Seaforth on Saturday with
dinner and reception in
A nice bridal shower was
hold for Eunice Gascho last
Friday evening in the
fellowship hall at the Zurich
Mennonite Church for several
friends and relatives. She is
the daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
Clarence Gascho.
Mr. and Mrs. Don
Beauchamp and three
children spent from Thurs.
night to SundayinPembroke,
visiting with his parents, Mr.
and Mrs. Lionel Beauchamp.
Our prayers and best
wishes are extended to
Rachelle Laporte who return-
ed home from the hospital
last week.
Mrs. Emma Schilbe attend-
ed the wedding of her grand-
son Paul Schilbe to Marie
Griffith on Sept. 24 at Berve
United Church, along with
other family members who
went to the reception in Kin-
cardine, including Lou and
Delores from town.
George Mathonia spent a
week visiting his mother and
relatives in Germany.
Robert and Heather Redick
were among the several peo-
ple who attended a special
dinner on Monday evening in
Toronto as guest of Prime
Minister Pierre Trudeau
which was held for British
Prime Minister Margaret
Thatcher who is on a four-day
visit in Canada.
On Sunday, Sept. 18, Avila
and Blanche Ducharme
entertained family, relatives
and friends to a delicious din-
ner at Oakwood Inn, Grand
Bend on the occasion of their
fortieth wedding anniversary.
On Tuesday, Sept. 27 the cou-
ple left for Saskatchewan to
visit Blanche's mother and
members of her family, ac-
companied by her sister Lou
Aldous from Mt. Clemens,
The \'nice of Leo
The Lions Club held their
first meeting for the fall on
Monday, Sept. 19 at the Domi-
nion Tavern. The members
were thanked for their help
(and that of their wives) at
the various successful events
throughout the summer, such
'as ball tournaments, the fair
and Bean Festival.
The club donated the wheel
chair that was given to the
late Jamie Meidinger to the
home in Exeter where he was
cared for. Eight Lions•attend-
ed the directors meeting at
the home of president Doug
A few dates were brought
up, the annual Lions stag will
be held on Friday, Nov. 18 at
the Zurich arena and new pro-
ject is a Monte Carlo Nite on
February 24, 1984:
Times -Advocate, Se • tember 28, 1983
A LITTER OF KITTENS — Veterinarian Dr. Mark Raithby inoculates the cats brought
in to the Zurich rabies clinic by Andrea, Lisa and father Don Rader.
o ide n
The weather is still beautiul
for residents to enjoy the out-
doors. Although the trees in
the surrounding bushes are
still green, residents here will
probably be the first to notice
the autumn hues.
Mr. Cliff Alexander of the
apartments showed video
tapes in the lobby on Monday
Mr. Charles Fowler of the
Home and Mrs. Fowler,
presently a patient in South
Huron Hospital, celebrated
their 47th wedding anniver-
sary on Monday. Mrs. Fowler
was able to leave the hospital
for a few hours and join her
husband here. Residents pro-
vided a short program to help
them reminisce and shared
their anniversary cake during
On Thursday evening, Mr.
Paul Turnbull, son of Mr. and
Mrs. Fergus Turnbull of the
apartments, showed the
taped program of his parents'
60th wedding anniversary.
Residents out visiting dur-
ing the week were Mr. Jake
Deichert, Mrs. Margaret
Pfaff, Mrs. Verna Truemner,
Mr. Aaron Gingerich, Mrs.
Pearl Love, Mrs. Florence
Gould and Mrs. Ruby
We regret that Mrs. Agnes
Sillery is still a patient in St..
Joseph's Hospital, London.
Bingo was played on Friday
evening followed by
The Sunday evening chapel
service was conducted by
Rev. Brian Elder of Crediton
United Chui ch.
SIGNING IN — Lionel Wilder registers with Zurich clerk
Sharon Baker before his dog is inoculated at the rabies
clinic in the Zurich arena.
TEMPTING VARIETY — Dianne Kirton and daughter
Susan fill their plates from the variety of dishes at the
Varna church supper.
HELPING — Jeanette Keys helps to set the tables at
the Varna church supper.
MORE - Joon Stephenson, head of the supper com-
mittee, replenishes the meat platter at the Varna
church supper.
A NECESSARY TASK — Joyce Dawson (left) and Helen
Taylor worked in the kitchen washing dishes at the Var-
na Church supper.
DELICIOUS DESSERTS — Eleanor McAsh checks over
the delectable selection of desserts at the Varna church
REFILL — Bill McAsh refills his coffee pot so he can pour
more coffee at the Varna church supper.
EATING OUT — Janet Webster and son Brian, Varna
and Winnie Knox, Clinton, were among the more than
300 people who attended the Varna church supper.
St. Peter's
Lutheran Church
Vice Pastor
Mrs. Christine Eagleson B.M.A.
Sunday, October 2
10:00 a.m. • Worship Service
10:45 a.m. - Sunday School
There is a nursery for small
children which is supervised dur-
ing the worship service.
Everyone Welcome
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