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Times-Advocate, 1983-09-21, Page 25
STIN 1M W0,40 • 1a1004., 111411NO Ca.* Y• BAN WELD Sales Service Smell Engine !•Nin • Sharpening Service 153 Victoria St. E. Crediton Phone 234-6339 Hugh Evans Realtor MINI HOBBY FARM 5 acres plus with 2 storey maintenance brick home. Ultra modern throughout, 2 boths, older barn. $95.00 per month pays all utilities. "It's a winner". BRICK RAISED RANCH Main floor has 2100 square feet of quality living space. Plus fami- ly room with fireplace. 2nd bath, office or 4th bedroom on grade level. Located in ex- clusiye lake side sub- division. Another winner Call Mae Morenz 1-238-2822 for showing 6 Services KAL'S PAINT and papering. Also carpet installation. For ap- pointment and estimates phone 227-1729 Lucan. 38c •CUSTOM SILO FILLING. Doug .Lightfoot. Phone Crediton 234-6287. 38-40• BILL WATSON Whitewashing And Cleaning Zurich, Ontario l8tfnc CUSTOM WORK Big Round Baling Combining and Plowing Lawrence Becker 234-6486 23-43c NURSERY MURALS - Hand drawn and painted, Disney, Smurf and Garfield. etc. 227-4170.36-41c JIM'S MACHINE SHOP Hensall Steel, Aluminum, Stainless Brass; Cast, Welding Lathe, Milling, Grinding Shafts & Parts straightened built-up or new ones made Drive Shafts lengthened or shortened Produce Equipment manufactured Conveyors & Belting All Work Guaranteed PHONE 262-2711 49tfn ONEY ID E 1 1 DEVELOPMENTS INC• J I Al'L(JR 1 . 1 K N 11 lk If R 0•1 *KR. *041 .1111111 P1111s1. 1519,.: 961' 1 1 Two New Homes For Sale Waterloo St., Exeter 3 bedrooms, full basements, grant available Occupancy October 1st Call Jack Taylor After 6:00 p.m. 229-6472 REALTY LTD REALTO1 ©©© R R 3. ILDERTON Office 666-1010 USBO.RNE TOWNSHIP 100 acres, 90 acres workable, good house, barn and driveshed $200,000. 96 acres, 85 workable, no buildings, $135.000. HIBBERT TOWNSHIP 200 acres, 157 workable, hog operation, 2 storey house, large FCC at 10 percent. 100 acres, 85 workable, random tiled, house and barn. HAY TOWNSHIP 100 acres of woodlot, ideal building lot $95,000. ELLICE TOWNSHIP 50 acres, house and barn $115,000. Peter Berendsen, res. 229-8804 GK Y O O. O O he 0 0 OI Y O O O` YI O rii :i:i .1I1 O 0 GK GK GK GIG °K'GK GK GK x x Exeter Grand Bend Clinton Goderich 235-2420 238-8484 482-9747 524-2118 GK Realty a Insurance Jnr. EXETER HOBBY FARM paradise on the edge of Exeter with electric heat. inground ceramic tiled swim- ming pool. change room, work shop, various types of trees including fruit and nut, large garden with vineyard. Priced for quick sale. EXETER 4 bedroom, 1 I', storey brick, large lot, 1 block from downtown, priced for quick sale. EXETER 3 bedroom bungalow, gas heat, fireplace. completely renovated, close to schools. Must sell. 3 BEDROOM BRICK RANCH 4 years old, large finished family room. New subdivison, im- maculate conditon. Call now. OLD WORLD CHARM HOME, pine trim, com- pletely restored, all modern conveniences, air conditioned. Priced to sell. 22 SHERWOOD CRESCENT 4 yr. old, 3 bedroom brick ranch, finished family room. electric heat, chimney for wood stove, fenced rear yard. Immaculate condition. Call now to arrange for a showing. AREA PROPERTIES HENSALL 2 storey, 3 bedroom, family home. Could be duplexed. Treed lot. Garage and workshop. GRAND BEND SOUTHCOTT PINES 3 bedroom, 1baths, fireplace, rec room, year round. ZURICH 2 storey. four bedroom, brick home on Roselle St., 2 pc. and 4 pc. bath, large rec room, single car garage. "ONE" OF GRAND BEND'S NICEST STORES known as "Things" 38 Main St. includes 3 bedrooms, self contained apartment over store. GRAND BEND LOVELY 3 BEDROOM CUSTOM BUILT HOME with natural fireplace, carpet throughout beautifully londscaped, 2 car carport. Priced right. 5 YEAR OLD 3 bedroom electrically heated house with two large decks, dog run, Fleet- wood kitchen cabinets and rec room. VANDOGEN LOVELY 4 BEDROOM HOME with extra large kitchen, large rec room with natural fireplace, aluminum siding, beautifully decorated and landscaped. DASHWOOD 2 ACRE HOBBY FARM 4 bedrooms, renovated home plus 40 x 60 It. barn, excellent soil for market gardening. 0 0 0 0 0 C) IX 0 O 0 ipqO x GK GK GK GK GK GK GK GK GK GK 6 Services Custom Back Hoe Front End Loader Work Weeping beds, septic tanks, Water lines, basements, footings, drainage installation and repairs GLENN PFAFF 237-3397 36-39• G.I.C. RATES Compare - Call Art Read 238-2388. Personal ser- vice - no obligation. 36tfn NEED HELP? Books gettink you down. We can help you. Check out our excellent service and rates. No obligation - first visit. Call me at 238-2388 Anhui W. Read C.A. 36tfn SHAPTON CONSTRUCTION Handyman Renovations • Homes Farm Buildings • Farm Roofs WAYNE B. SHAPTON R.R. 1, Exeter, Ont., NOM 1S0 PH: (519) 237-3739 235-1027 16tfnc STEVE SCHROEDER DESIGN BUILD General Carpentry Architectural Drafting RR 2 Dashwood PH: 237-3789 after 6 p.m: 24tn Johnson SANITATION SERVICE PORTABLE TOILET RENTALS Septic tanks and holding tanks pumped and installed. /PH: 294-6954 Parkhill Zenith No. 89220 29ifn FARMERS PIT SHOP Harold Triebner RR 1 Exeter Phone 237-3724 For All Your Steel Needs - Welding Lathe and Milling Portable Welding Welding Supplies Etc. 1'/ miles North of Exeter Cemetery. Watch for Big Yellow Building. 14t fn \• A. DENOMME CONSTRUCTION LTD. •ALUMINUM. 3 VINYL SIDING •ROOFING •ADDITIONS *CUSTOM HOMES •IN000R/OUTDOOR PATIO FURNITURE - FREE fStIMA tS - 237-3516 DASHWOOD No Job roo &q OR too Small 6 Services MILLER'S Welding, Lathe and Fabricating RR 2 Dashwood Portable Welding Wrought Iron Railings General Repair OPEN 6 DAYS A WEEK Earl Miller 237-3365 181 Don's Electric For all your electrical repairs & installations Industrial, Commercial, Residential & Farm Winco Standby Generators Sales 8 Installations PH: DON BENDER Dashwood 237-3575 12t SEPTIC TANKS WEEPING BEDS Installed, Repaired, Pumped Butler Bros. Lucan 227-4312 or 227-4254 30 Years Experience Backhoe service, Scrap purchased 16tfn DAVE PASSMORE PLUMBING & HEATING RR 1 WOODHAM 235-2708 30t fnc SIGNS & SHIRTS By Tim R. Wilcox Signs, truck lettering and custom printed T -Shirts Hwy. 4, 3 miles south of Exeter PH: 228-6116 R.H. & S. PAINTING 8 DECORATING -Painting Interior & Exterior - Wallpapering We have a good selection of wallcoverings available. Look at samples in your home Phone 235-2087 Ron Heywood 23tfn CAMPBELL APPLIANCE REPAIR Repairs to all makes of Washers, Dryers, Ranges, Dishwashers, etc. PHONE: 235-1987 24tfnc MF AGRI BUILDERS quality grain storage, drying and handling products DESIGN / SALES / SERVICE MF AGRI BUILDERS P.0 BOX 550. MAIN gTREET SOUTH. EXETER, ONT . NOM 1,;0 (519) 235-2120 After Hours 345-2611 Private Sale Enjoy living in Southcott Pines- Grand Bend. This cedar home is situated on a lot 66' x 157' in a beautiful setting of trees, new kitchen with built in oven, countertop stove, dishwasher, trash compactor, sunken living room with natural stone fireplace. 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, cable TV. Access to beach. Priced right. 82 Allison St. Shown by appointment only Phone 238-2993 Between 8:30 p.m. - 10:00 p.m. 6 Services FARMERS - For a good farm building at a competitive price phone: Ray Lambers Construc- tion, RR 2 Clinton, 482-3305. Free Estimates. 431 7 Livestock DENFIELD LIVESTOCK SALES LTD. Sales every Tuesday at 11 a.m.. Phone 666-1140. For trucking or sorting Tom Rushton 471-4148. Hugh Filson 666-0833 or Jack Philips. 232-4233. 25t CATTLE - we pay good price for recently injured unthrifty cattle. Easy loading trailer with winch. Call collect 238-2796 John Ansems Grand Bend. 45tfn PUREBRED YORKSHIRE and Duroc boars. ROP test, govern- ment health inspected. Ted Schendera, 225-2734. 27tfnc LIVESTOCK: We pay S20.00 to 550.00 per cwt. for old cows and recently injured and crippled cat- tle. Must be alive and drug free. Mark Leis and Sons. Call toll-free 1-800-265-4910. 33tfnc BEEF CALVES, Northern and Eastern, good supply. 200 Ibs. and up. Phone Joe Kaak 294-6125. 37;38c 8 Farm Machinery MF 300 FT COMBINE with cab and 3 row corn head, good con- dition, reasonably priced. Phone 238-2611. 38:39c 9 Sports Equipment,Veh 1975 HONDA 750, low mileage, full faring. Phone 235-1584 after 5 p.m. 38c 11 Cars, Trucks 1976 OLDS 4 -door hardtop, all power, recent first class body job, 52200.00 or best offer. Phone 235-0302. 30tfnc 1980 FORD FAIRMONT. Cer- tified - Al condition. Can be seen at 76 Mill St. Exeter, or call .235-0596. 36-38• 1979 GMC Sierra Grande diesel half ton. Best offer. Phone 294-0374. 37:38c 1973 PONTIAC VENTURA 350 big block, very little to safety. For more information phone 228-6851. 37:38• 1977 CHEVELL MALIBU in ex- cellent condition, mechanically, and body. Make offer. Phone 237-3342. 37:38• 1976 MONTE CARLO 350 V8, p.b., p.s., air conditioned, good condition. 235-2191 5-9 p.m. on- ly. 37tfn 1973 AMC HORNET, 51000 original miles, new body job, brakes, muffler system. All ready for safety. Asking 51300. or best offer. 235-1607. 38:39c 1976 VW RABBIT, 3 door, stan- dard, 64,000 miles, 4 new tires. Asking 51950. 235-0762 after 5:30 p.m. 38:39• 1977 FORD F250 pickup truck, one owner good condition. Phone 262-5988. 38c 12 Pets PUPS FOR SALE. Mother purebred Scotch Collie. 229-6253.. 38c GERMAN SHEPHERD puppies. Call 227-1287 after 5 p.m. or 227-1161. 38c FREE. 2 kittens. Litter box train- ed. Must find homes. Please call Cheryl 235-0599. 38' TO GIVE AWAY - Puppies, to good home. Part Beagle and Spaniel. 235-0737 after 5 p.m.38c 13 Musical Instruments PIANO - Sherlock -Manning apartment size, excellent condi- tion. Apply to Box 64P c/o Times Advocate. 38c PIANO - 1930's style, excellent shape, carved front legs, cloth seat on stool. 5500. 227-1187. 38-41 c 14 Appliances, Television 30" RANGE, gold McClary, with self clean oven, good condition. Asking 5125.00. Phone 235-1214 evenings or 235-1035 days. 38c Rob's Appliances Washing Machines, Dryers, Fridges and Stoves Phone 227-1071 " We buy, sell and service 38c 15 Personal FREE 120 PAGE CAREER GUIDE shows how to train at home for 205 top paying full and pan -time jobs. Granton Institute, 265A Adelaide Street, West, Toronto. (416) 977-3929 today. 38x ATTENTION SENIORS! Retire in a stately home at reasonable rates. Meals, laundry, housekeep- ing included. Enjoy companion- ship, security, independence. No worries, no work load and more free time for hobbies. Gall 227-1073 or 227-4926. 34-38c EARN MONEY. Save Money. Learn income tax preparation at home. For free brochure. No obligation. Write U & R Tax Schools, 1148 Main Street, Win- nipeg, Manitoba R2W 3S6. 38x HELP RECOGNIZE Ontario's outstanding young people; nominate someone today who qualifies for an Ontario Junior Citizen of the Year award. Con- tact this newspaper for details.38x ARE YOU ALONE and unat- tached? I'm looking for new faces for my correspondence group. Free bulletin and information, write Barb Johnston, Box 2246-C, Sudbury P3A 4SI. 38x 16 For Sale ADDING MACHINES, typewriters, sales; service, rental, supplies. Jerry Mathers Typewriters, 94 Main St. 235-1840. 21t USED FURNITURE - chester- fields and chairs, diningroom suites, kitchen tables and chairs, dryers, refrigerators, ranges etc. Whiting's Warehouse, Exeter, 235-1964. 28t TOP LINE masterbedroom suite in oak, 54"- 60" bed, 9 drawer, mirrored dresser, armoire, two night tables, 51300.00. 235-2535. 33tfnc CAKES DECORATED - Smurfette, Pandas, Bert and Er- nie, Cookie Monster, Train, Pickup truck, bugs, etc. 235-0641. 37:38• Ready to lay pullets White and brown egg layers Also year old heavy breed hens for freezer Call Erich Freiter RR 1 Dashwood 237-3382 37-39c YEAR OLD HENS, dress your own. Clayton Martin 236-4766. 37:38c MATHERS MOTORS 136 Main St. N. DAILY CAR RENTALS Low daily & weekly rates PHONE 235-1525. CUSTOM HOME BUILDING RENOVATIONS UFFI Removal • Aluminum Siding Soffits, fascia Eavestroughs • Shutters • Awnings • Replacement windows • Free estimates GRASDAHL CONST. LTD. Cliff 234-6711 r„ Ron !;;32s 234-6224 Aitcheson Electric & Plumbing Ltd. RR 2, St. Pauls, Ontario , Residential, commercial, industrical Electrical wiring and plumbing • Jacuzzi Jet and submersible pumps Submersible pumps for 3" wells Repairs and most makes of pumps Sales, Service and Installation • Water softeners and filters For estimates and service Phone Jack Aitcheson, 393-6551 or Ron Webber, 229-8293 „Over, .f:i wars oI (,.ualr4 Sen is t1 Triebner Electric Trenching for *water lines *drain tile *underground wiring Call 235-1756 anytime 16 For Sale RAWLEIGH PRODUCTS, 114 Victoria St. W. Phone Exeter 235-1175. 37-39• GAS RANGE 5125.; Aquarium 5100.; gas barbecue 5200.; dog cage 530.; 262-3246 after 5 p.m. 38:39c 50' T.V. TOWER, rotor, booster, dismantle 5300. 238-2993 or 238-2025. 38c WHISKEY BARRELS, wet, Tots of 50 or more, delivered 520, pick- ed up 518, storage barrels, 518 delivered, 516 picked up. Call Tot- tenham (416) 936-4560. 38c CHILD'S SPRING HORSE, Cooey high chair, both in good condition. Phone 228-6942.38:39c WEIGHLIFTING EXERCISE unit, heavy duty, all attachments. ISO lbs. of weights, squat bar, bar bell, dumbells. All York equip- ment. Never used. 5150.00. Man's 10 speed bicycle, good condition. 235-0658 before 3 p.m. 38• KITCHEN CABINETS - birch plywood. To be dismantled, top, bottom with sink and taps. Ideal for cottage or workshops. 235-0129. . 38:39• STILL IN THE BOXES, 2 brand new 20" Unisex red high rise bicycles, banana seat, store price 595.00 each our price 550.00 each. 235-1357 after 3. 38• SUPER SPECIAL on 2x4's. For more information call Centralia Farmers' Supply Ltd. 228-6638. 38c COOKING APPLES, please bring your containers. Barry Jef- fery 235-0387. 38c WOOD STOVE, Carmor down draft with screen, glass doors, good condition. 9 ft. insulated pipe, wood. Cadet 75,.8 h.p. riding lawn mower, new battery. Call after 4 p.m. 237-3488. 38c TRUCK RACK 8x I3 steel front. .4 ft. plywood sides and floor, hinged tailgate. Ideal for hauling corn. Phone 227-4009. 38c GARAGE SALE. Sat. Sept. 24 9-? Rain or shine. 192 Andrew St. Children's clothing and winter needs to 3X, toys, household items. Sklar velour loveseats and rocking chairs, much more. 38c APPLES - Macintosh apples are now available at Dixon's Fruit Farm, RR 2 Ailsa Craig. Bring your own containers. 293-3043. 38c DESIGN YOUR OWN clock, Quartz battery, movements available at the Country Spire. 229-6341. I7tfn KITCHEN-GOUP.MET GADGETS for that kitchen shower or a surprise for Mom. See our newly extended line. Country Spire 229-6341. • 17tfn FIREWOOD - mixed hardwood, delivered, free kindling. Leslie Cudmore. 235-1267. 37:38' PIANO AND BENCH, upright Heintzman. You move. Cash of- fers to Marie Hess, Box. 17, Zurich, NOM 2T0. 37:38• CEMENT BLOCK BUILDING with steel roof. Approx. 40x100'. To be removed from property 262-5250. 37!39• Professional CAR CLEANUP Call Gord Hay dm. deb- MOAK 235-0660 CUSTOM KILLING and SLAUGHTERING Kill Day - Tuesday Specializing in home cured and smoked meal' Veals ABATTOIR and MEAT MARKET 235-1123 NEW HOMES ADDITIONS RENOVATIONS If you're planning any type of renovating... WE CAN DO IT O` fa I Specializing in Replacement Windows CALL FOR A FREE ESTIMATE Van Haarlem Construction 235.2210 Our Reputation is your guarantee of quality workmanship Times -Advocate, September 21, 1983 16 For Sale FACTORY CLEARANCE Steel buildings. Exainple 40'x58' arch building including 21'W double slide doors 56600. Similar savings on widths 20' to 100' straight -wall all -steel buildings 20'-60' clearspan. Priced to clear. For guaranteed savings call toll free 1-800-268-0802. 38x FOUR TIRES and spare. P-195, R -15s SI50.00 complete. Tool box for 1/2 ton pickup 5100.00. Phone 228-6233. 37:38• LEATHER COAT, like new brown, with fur coliar, size 16 Tess than half price. 236-4819.37;38• QUALITY ADULT VIDEO VHS, Beta, uncut versions 539.95. 100 percent guaranteed 1-800-663-6555. Color brochure available. TriColor Video Sept. S. 13381, 72nd Ave. Surrey, B.C. V3W 2N5. 38x SUMMER SPECIAL. Prices still in effect for limited time on utili- ty, agricultural, commercial and industrial dome, straightwall steel buildings. Call collect anytime (705) 474-1180. 38x BOYS BAUER SKATES size 5, worn occasionally. 11/2 years old, good condition. 530.00. Phone 235-0327. 38x WOOD FOR SALE. 525.00 single cord, apple and hardwood. Phone 237-3207. 38:39c V. BED like new with white wicker decorator headboard 560.00; area rust broadloom 10'x18' good con- dition 525.00. 1978 Star Craft Venture hard top trailer, sleeps 6. stove, ice box, sink, very good condition. 51650.00. CaII 235-0217 after 5 p.m. 38c PIONEER SONY audiosphere research home stereo equipment, amplifier tape deck and speakers. Call Greg after five. 235-2298.38c SOFA BED, box spring and mat- tress for double bed, new condi- tion. 235-2741. 38tfn 10. 24 FOOT TRUSSES 520.00 each; 1000 clean 8" blocks 50c each. Phone after 5 p.m. 237-3481. 38:39c SHURE MICROPHONES, ex- cellent condition. 3 mics at 565.00 a piece. Phone 235-2615. 38' Page 9A BRIAN'S SERVICE CENTRE Repairs to cars, trucks, chainsows, snowmobiles and motorcycles Pioneer 8 Husgvarnal Chainsaw Sales 8 Service LBRIAN KIPFER Dashwood, Ont. Phone 237-3322 CARPENTRY - DRYWALL ID CONTRACTING HAROLD DEVRIES P.O. Box 268, Exeter, Ont. NOM 150 Phone 519-235-0941 Specializing in finishing carpentry For Sale Duplex, brick, situated behind Vic- toria 8 Grey at 429 William Street, Each half contains 3 bedrooms, dining, living room, kitchen, full basement, elec- tric heat, full front porch, new roof, ce- ment drive, garage each side. Phone 235-1066 or 234-6420 Your Corner of the World May be these 2 plus acres of rich garden Ic,nd and aluminum clod 3 bedroom home, garage, some trees, only $21,900.00! ! , near Thedford. Alton Ross (519)673-6091, 686-5942 Canada Trust Realtor GRAND BEND $3.000.00 Grants • " •1. New 3 bedroom brick town homes at 5 Wood- ward Ave. 600 ft. from beach. Only 2 left. $59,900.00. - $3,000.00 government grant to qualified purchasers = $56,900.00 (You need not be a 1st time home buyer to qualify). This is not a condominium. You own the land. AUSABLE Open House HOLDINGS 2 ■ 4 p.m. daily .44 UMITED Phone 1-238-8984 ROYalrfraSt Real Estate Services NEAR NAIRN - 7 year old brick home, well insulated, 6 rooms, 3 bedrooms, walk out patio, electric heat, 200 amp service, imple- ment shed 24x36. This is on a 50 acre form. Private location. Price reduced Io $87,900. Hove to see to appreciate. IN SYLVAN Insulated brick 7 room house, 3 bedrooms, full basement on well pipeline available, oil furnace. Have to see to appreciate. GREENWAY - 99 acre farm, 65 workable, 19 rough land, 15 heavy timber. 2 storey brick 4 bedroom home, oil furnace, on pipeline. Pric- ed to sell. $125,000. EXETER - Commercial property on 83 highway. STANLEY TOWNSHIP -- on road20. Access to beach. Log cedar siding chalet cottage. 5 rooms, 2 bedrooms. Fully furnished, garage at- tached. Excellent condition. BUILDING LOTS - in Thedford. Wanted Farms and Residential Property For information on above properties call Cliff Russell 237-3252 * * * 25 ACRE HOBBY FARM Near Grand Bond. A bargain at $69,900. Neutral colours dominate this 3 bedroom ranch. Master has 3 pc. ensuite and large built- in dresser. Eat in kitchen and huge finished rec room.Call Heather Rogers today to inspect. 235-1732 or 1-472-0660. • * Royal Trust Cor- poration is pleased to announce the appointment of Heather Rogers os sales represen- tative for the Exeter -Grand Bend area. Heather has been actively in- volved in the com- munity and looks forward to handl- ing your real estate needs.