HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes-Advocate, 1983-09-21, Page 17Se,,tember 21, 1983 Serving South Huron, North Middlesex & North Lambton Since 1873 Fox hounded on Hay nature While most of us were plod- ding along our plebian, pedestrian paths Thursday, members of the Trollope Hunt Club were riding to hounds through the luxuriant nature trails of Hay Swamp. Early arrivals at the star- ting point north of the Exeter waste disposal site were rewarded with the sight of a doe and four younger deer slowly crossing the conces- sion road. The little herd stared back with wary curiosity before disappearing into the bush. They were in no danger. The hounds are train- ed to leave the trail of a deer and return to pursuit of their GETTING READY -- Joan Van Sligtenhorst prepares her horse Royal Raphael for o ride as guest of the Trollope Hunt Club on a fox hunt in Hay Swamp. HUNTERS — - Members of the Trollope Hunt Club rode on a fox hunt in Hay Swamp, Thursday. Shown (left) are the Club's honorary secretary Jim Revell and member Harry Knip. quarry, the wily fox. The 15 -member party assembled initially at the farm of Harry Knip south of Exeter to begin the day's activities. Area participants included Knip and his son Victor, Arden McGill, director of the children's residence on Huron Street, Donna Wells and Loretta Dickson from Lucan, Steve Preszcator, RR 1 Ex- eter, and guest Joan Van Sligtenhorst, RR 1 Zurich. Everyone was in oridinary riding clothes. Members of the Trollope Hunt did not begin wearing their colours, or scarlet coats, until their of- ficial opening meet at Thorn - dale three days laters. Steve Preszcator, one of the riders acting as whips that morning, explained that Thursday's outing was a "cub hunt", giving the young hounds training with the more experienced dogs. The whips keep the dogs together, and encourage stragglers who fall behind to rejoin the pack of purebred English foxhounds which are owned and trained by Bob Trollope, Hyde Park. In the six yearsPreszcator has been riding with the hunt, he recalls only two fox kills. "Canadian foxes are a lot more foxy than European foxes. One of the attractions hunting holds for me is seeing the fox outfox the hounds," . Harry Knip said, adding that the hounds rarely catch a fox. and when they do, invariab!y the animal is rabid. Members of the hunting CROP RESULTS Results of the field crop competitions for the 1983 Ex- eter Fall Fair have been released. Strang Farms and Tuckey Farms were tied for first place in the soya beans section with 94 points a piece while Elmer Powe with 96 points was the winner in white beans. All competitors are re- quired to exhibit 10 soyabean plants and/or one quart of white beans or forfeit 15 points. The complete results Soyabeans- Strang Farms 94, Tuckey Farms 94. J. Morlock 93, M. Dawson 92, E.R. Devlaeminck 88, H. Pyin 87, B. Down 86, K Oke 86. P. Sereda 85, A. Rundle 83. Passmore Farms 83, R. Cann 80, G. Sereda 79. White Beans - E. Powe 96. Passmore Farms 89. S & C. Hicks 86, T. Triebner 86, J. Kerslake 84, G. Jones 83, S. & R. Devlaeminck 83, Tuckey Farms 81. K. Oke 80, R. Cann 70. TO CANVASS FOR ARTHRITIS - Students of Centralia College of Agricultural Technology will again be in charge of the area fund raising for the Canadian Ar- thritis Association. They will be calling on homes and businesses in Exeter, Cen- tralia, Crediton and Huron Pork on Tuesday, September 27. Above, CCAT Director of Student Affairs Don Orth goes over a canvass map with Chris Robson, chairper- son Richard Dortmons and Jim Nyenhuis. T -A photo Student council changes re r p pa ed by stuuent councu and intramural reps will be served to all those who stay after school, if they can answer a school trivia ques- tion. A movie will be shown for dinner entertainment. The band "Signal" is play- ing at the Welcome Dance. All students are invited for the 8:00-11:00 dance for 83.00. Grade nines are admitted for 82.50. Watch for the SHDHS float in the Exeter Fall fair parade. The high school will also have a booth and is running two puppet plays for children at 2:30 and 4 p.m. in the hall of the rec centre. High school students are also responsible for operating the midway ticket booths. , This school year may be the year of change of S.1f.D.H.S. Along with a new principal the student's counci: hopes to introduce new ideas and events. A major change is the coun- cil's fundraising. Two major campaigns are planned. The first is a national project call- ed Go for the Gold. South Huron students will be taking orders for coupon books worth 81100 in savings for 820 from Sept. 22 until Oct. 11. Of that price 82.50 goes to Canada's 1984 Olympic Association and 89.50 will be used to run students' council events. This campaign has been en- dorsed by principal Bruce Shaw. The redemptions of- fered by the coupons are of common and valuable usage. South Huron students will soon be knocking at your door for you to support the Ideal high school. This week is grade nine Welcome Days at South Huron. The freshmen were to dress up as what they wanted to be when they grow up for today's dress -up day and pillow jousting. The purpose of these days is to welcome and help orientate our new school members. in- teraction with senior students is also promoted in Thurs- day's School Scavenger Hunt.. Grade thirteens will lead groups of niners on wild hunts for strong objects. Friday is the major day as all grade niners are to stay after school. Co-operative fun games will be run for them outside and in the gyms. School pictures will be Spaghetti Bowl Dinner, taken Monday, September 26. party were aware of the serious rabies epidemic in Huron County this year, but were not overly concerned. All horses and all hounds have been inoculated against the disease, which is par- ticularly prevalent now among foxes. Jim Revell, the Club's honorary secretary, said he is PagelA trails collaborating with a drug company, and offering some of his own horses that have never been inoculated for testing to see what level of im- munity can be achieved. The hunt ended three Hours after it had begun, with an in- formal repast cooked by the famous Kentucky colonel, and eaten in nature's dining room. The Club had fulfilled its two main goals- maintaining good sportsmanship and healthy wildlife. The par- ticipants had had an en- joyable, invigorating ride through the September coun- tryside, and the fox popula- tion of Hay Swamp remained unchanged. A -HUNTING WE WILL GO -- Some of triose taking part in the Trollope Hunt Club's fox hunt in Hay Swamp were (left) Carolyn Taylor, RR 1 Lucan; Arden McGill, Ex- eter; Donno Wells, Lucan; and Joan Fullager, Strathroy. t a •[I'[�'c)l c)1 � 1> ..cow Present ants coupon and save on the purchase of Loies Winter Coats &. Jackets Validet Gerrard's in Exeter itch rt.. Oct. 1, 1983 1 sm ...... • q Present this coupon and save on the purchase of Ladles Sweaters Valid et. 011ord's in txeter j until Sat.. Oct. 1. 1933 $ S MILK= i r•r t **ion, this coupon and 1 save on the pooches* of Mon's ft'irrn+si & pa cotton Sport Shirtit.i Valid aft O nerd's in Exeter until Sat., Oct. 1, 1983 s si SAVINGS Present this coupon and save on the purchase of." Idris Snow Snits 1 Valid at Gerrard's M Exeter until Sat.. 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