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Times -Advocate, September 21, 1983
COWBOYS WIN - The Cowboys have won the Crediton and district slo-pitch cham_
pionship for the third straight year. Back, left, Clancy King, Dennis Pfaff, Pete Van
der Burgt, Ken Govers, Scott Dinney and Larry Lichty. Front, Bill Van Bergen, Josh
Glavin, Steve Dinney, Randy Witherspoon and Mott Muller. The mascot is Gareth
Runnals Lichty. Missing were Gerry Dewan and Rick Govers. T -A photo
Offer basketball clinic
South Huron Basketball is
following the example of pro-
fessional and university
teams. A grade school basket-
ball clinic is being offered to
any grade six, seven and
eight girls and boys.
The clinics will be held
every Tuesday evening in the
high school gym from Oc-
tober 4 to December 6. Begin-
ning at 7:30 p.m. the groups
will work on skills, develop-
ment, practice, testing and
fun for one hour. Games will
be played from 8:30 until 9:00.
The 10 -week clinic costs
$5.00 to cover instruction, a T-
shirt, individual and team
High school teachers and
coaches Terry O'Rourke, Pat
Rowe and Ron Bogart will be
instructing with the help of
several senior high school
The clinic is being offered
to any area basketball
players. Interested girls or
boys should see their school
coach for an application.
Basketball at South Huron
Liven Up Your Life
Become a pilot with
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Sept. 23, 24
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District High School has
steadily increased in
popularity, over the past
years to the. point now that the
gym is never free from the
eager dribbling and shots of
both amateurs and the well-
trained varsity teams. Girls'
•basketball has started with
the participants eagerly an-
ticipating good seasons.
Fifty hopefuls vied for the
15 positions on the junior
team. Coach Pat Rowe ad-
mits her cutting decisions
have left a team that is "raw
and untested". Twelve of the
fifteen members are first
year players. .
There is abundant potentiai
and they hope to gain ex-
perience in three exhibition
games before the first league
game next Wednesday
against Stratford. Nor-
thwestern in Exeter. Seaforth
travelled to South Huron last
night. The juniors play at
Woodstock Collegiate tomor-
row and at Westminster' in
London on Monday.
Senior coach Terry
O'Rourke feels "there is a
good feeling on the team this
year. The level of intensity is
up." With three of their
starters fr.om last year
graduated the team has less
talent to work with. O'Rourke
plans to test different and
more demanding defenses on
his players. .
Like the juniors, the seniors
played Seaforth yesterday
and Woodstock tomorrow.
The team has been invited to
this weekend's Saunders
Sabres tournament ' in
They lost in the semi-finals
last year and will be missing
two of their starters to the Ex-
eter Queen of the Fair com-
petition. The seniors play
their first league game
Wednesday. September 28 at
home in the afternoon.
Seed Wheat
Excellent supply of
Old and New Varieties
of Seed Wheat available
„Chuck 0 (t r I vices before you u h t i v
We are buyers of
• Seed oats
• Feed oats
• Feed barley
• Seed barley
• Mixed grain
Highest prices paid for your 1983
grain crop
Please give us a call at
151 Thames Road East, Exeter
Give Us a CoII at 235-0770
House league ends
Rainhelps track at Hully Gully
The final race of the Hully
Gully house league series was
held Saturday under what
began as threatening skies.
The rain that fell earlier soak-
ed the track to a near -perfect
What ensued throughout the
day was very fastracingon a
track that had the precise
combination of traction and
moisture. Since it remained
cloudy and cool all day, the
track didn't dry out ap-
preciably, but remLined ex-
tremely fast for all classes
These results were
tabulated with the entire
season, and after the day's
races, riders were treated to
a little party thrown by
organizers. After the presen-
tations of awards for the days'
racing. participants were also
awarded trophies for, their
standings after the 4eason
Saturday's results were:
Pee Wee A class: Bill Rain-
ford, London; Jim Dickins,
Hensall and Scott Lindsay, St.
Marys. Pee Wee P. class:
Chris Berendregt; Port
Stanley; Chris Humphrey.
London and Doug Fraser.
Pee Wee C class: f)ave
Milewski, Toronto. Novice A
class: Chris Lee. Walton;
Kevin McLaughlin. ('ourt-
wright: Doug Weed,
Novice B class: Kelly Peev,
Sarnia; Bill Kostuk, London
and Brian Faris, Watford.
Novice C class: John Curry.
London: Steve Kostuk, Lon-
don and Dave Fry, London.
• Enduro A class: John
Spears, Woodstock.. Enduro P
class:- Steve Hutchins.
Goderich; Dave Ferguson,
Exeter and Gary Lovie,
Enduro C class: Mike
Lewis. Sarnia; Bryan Olson.
Dungannon and Steven
Caulfield. Stratford. .:Mini
digger class: Scott Zimmer.
Stratford.• •
Junior 13 class: Kirk Schell.
London and Brian Blackburn.
Combined season point
8u :A class: Bill Rainford.
London 153; Kevin Reeve.
London 133 and Pat Poulin.
London 110.
- 80 13 class: Paul Bingham.
Sarnia 115; Chris Berendregt.
Pt. Stanley 98 and Chris 1 tuns-
phrey, London 75. -
80 (' class: Rob Bul-orsky.
Norwich 148; David Milewski.
Toronto 1.1.4 and Marek
11lcGlashan, Hanover 15.
Novice A class: (;reg Pal. -
sons. Exeter 159; ,teff
Junior team
scores high
Friday. the SHHDHS junior
football team smashed Strat-
ford Northwestern in an ex-
hibition game. However
coach Dave Cox is hesitant lo
use the team's 41-0 victory as
a sign tf it win.,ing season for
the team.
Ile explained by noting that
the South Ifuron team had
an earlier start than Stratford
and was therefore much more
prepared for the game.
Actually. at this point of the
season little can be done to
predict the strength of the
team. This year's squad only
contains 10 players from last
year. The rest consisting of
new players from grade nine.
It will be a little while before
an accurate appraisal. of (he
teams ability can be made.
but coach ('ox feels the team
has potential and will prove
itself strong.
In Friday's game. Bill
Fisher scored four
touchdowns with Scott Miller
and Tim Moore each adding
one. Brian Topp made five
successful converts lasing the
sixth to a bad snap. ile also
played strong on defence.
Field hockey
gets going
Today, the South Huron
field hockey team will begin
its 1983 season with a game at
Listowel. Although the squad
has lost several of its premier
players to university, coach
Jim Workman is optimistic
that they will do well.
11e consirters this year a
building year adding Thal he
never has really had a bad
team. Ile is impressed with
his offensive payers and'ex .
.peels to see a gond deal of
growth in the team's defen-
sive ability.
Six new players have join
ed the team this year with one
returning from a year's
absence. Time will tell and, as
things stand. time should
reveal a good team.
What it does
for your body
it does
for your mind.
Bruinsma, Goderich 141 and
Mark McCarlhey. Shelburne
Novice 13 class: Kelly Peev.
Sarnia 151; Kevin Lupton,
Watford 136 and Brian Faris.
Watford 110.
Novice C class: Steve
Kostuk, London 135; Dave
Fry, London 113 and John
Curry, London 60. -
Junior A class: Hugo
Maaskant, Clinton 114; Ron
Tessier, Sudbury 30 and Scott
Wilson, London 15.
Junior B class: Brian Keys.
Hamilton 122; Brian
Blackburn, Exeter 108 and
Norm Williams, Watford 88.
Junior C class: Fred Wallis,
London 105; Ron' Bardoel,
Putnam 79. and Rob
McGlashan, Hanover 24.
Enduro A class: John
Spears. Woodstock 144; Kirk
Schell, London 42 and Peter
Knoop 39.
Enduro 13 class:
Lovic, Exeter 55; Dave
Ferguson, Exeter 30 and
Steve Hutchins, Goderich 25.
Enduro C class: Mike
Lewis, Sarnia 114; Stephen
Caulfield, Stratford 44 and
Shawn Holliday 30.
Old Timers: Peter Schell,
London 60; Archille Per-
sichelli, Sarnia 15 and Her-
man Bardoel, Putnam 15.
Mini Digger class: Scott
Zimmer, Stratford 147 and
Chris Lucas 15.
REGISTER FOR STEPHEN HOCKEY - - Saturday was registration time for the Stephen
township minor hockey association. Above, Sherri Pfaff signs up Doug Jones for
hockey and Jeni-Moe Pfaff for ringette. T -A photo
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