HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes-Advocate, 1983-09-14, Page 23Bazaar October 22 UCW's meet at Granton Sy MRS. E. SUMMERS Unit 1 of the Graviton United Church Women met at the house of their president, Mrs. Gordon McRobert on September 1. The theme for the worship was entitled "The Beauty Box". Mrs. Robert Harloff and Miss Edna Wallis presented a picturesque and informative program on Revolution and Paradise concerning the Republic of Vanuatu, former the New Hebrides. Mrs. Harloff assisted the hostess to serve a Chinese dinner complete with fortune cookies. Janey Nixon was the hostess for Unit 3 and Joan Hayden presided. Ten members and one guest were present. The general U.C.W. meeting was announced for October 11. Ruth Francis is to be the guest speaker, also North Nissouri Bazaar and Tea for October 1 and Siloam Fun Fair. October 1. Tickets were distrih'ted for the Granton United Church bazaar to be held Octobee22. Posters were made for this event. Ruth Cook and Jean Cook presented a program with the theme "Blessings of Work" which consisted of several appropriate readings and prayers. Lunch was served by the hostess assisted by Ann Bryan. Unit 4 met in the United Church basement. Mrs. Gary Humphreys presided and opened the meeting with a Meditation with the theme "Unity and Purpose Women who work in the church Sunday school and other church organizations were likened to the Disciples of Jesus, helping keep the church together and spreading the Gospel. Mrs. Humphreys closed the devo- tional with prayer. Mrs. Tom Gagan was presented with a book from Unit 4 as she is leaving the community to reside in Lucan. The program was con- ducted by Mrs. Norman Rid- dell and Mrs. Nelson Tate, with the theme being faith and prayer. Faith is possible for all. we all have different thoughts, no two people are alike, even twins but we all must have a view. Mrs. Rid- delltold a story on faith and Mrs. Tate dealt with prayer. The program closed with the Martin Luther King's ver- sion of the Lord's Prayer: A social time was enjoyed, Mrs. Bruce Pierce and Mrs. Stanley Crawford served lunch. Unit 5 met at the home of Mrs. Malcolm Spence. Presi- dent Mrs. Charles McRobert conducted the devotional with the theme, trust. Items of business , were discussed and taken care of. The roll call was answered with your second name. Eight members and three visitors were present. Mrs. Spence introduced the guest speaker, Mrs. Herman Landsink, whose subject was "The Right to Life." The speaker presented a number of facts and figures on this topic. • The Rev. Bruce Pierce pro- nounced the benediction and Mrs. Ina !Tarlton served Colonials. get back to winning The Grand Bend Colonials regained their winning ways in London and district first division soccer play Sunday by defeating Calabria of Lon- don 2-1. The Colonials with a big ad- vantage in territorial play scored both goals early in the first half on successful shots by Pete Goodens and Bill VandenBygaart. The only ..Calabria goal came on a penalty kick mid- way through the second half. Tough on dogs Continued from page 22 Sharen said. It is estimated that the cost of the building will be over $85.000. it should he completed in six weeks. Sharen reported that the Ministry of the Environment support lin a letter► -im- mediate installation of a meter at the Grand Bend - Grand Coves boundary to meter waste into the Grand Bend system. A letter will he sent back to the ministry strongly requesting that there will be no difference in sewer charges between the village and Grand Coves Estates. The village will proceed wi'h paving in,the area of the Heaman survey above the south beach in the next few weeks.. The next start for the Col- onials will be against the Lon- don German Canadians at the Huron Park field Sunday afternoon at 4 p.m. The Grand Bend Ausable league team continued their winning streak with a 4-2 Sun- day win over the Exeter Drillers. Rob Mennen led the Grand Bend scoring atatck• with a two goal effort. Scoring in single fashion were ne-Mom- mersteeg and Greg Wilde. The next Ausable league action for the Grand Bend club will be Sunday afternoon at 2 p.m. at Huron Park against Lucan. The Grand Bend pee wees scored a 4-2 Monday night win over Exeter. Steve Mathers was the big scoring gunner with three goals. The other score was notched by Glenn Hayter. • The pee wee playoff tourn- ment will be held September 24 in Lucan. in a Saturday mosquito tourney. Grand Bend defeated Arva 5-O and lost 3-1 to Exeter iI. The. Grand Bend atoms were assured of a fir.t place finish when Nairn defaulted a game. The atom tournament will be. held this Saturday in Exeter. lunch assisted by the hostess. Church news At the Granton United Church the Rev. Bruce con- ducted the worship on Sunday morning. He entitled his message 'Be Strong In The Lord.' Being strong in the Lord is to be filled with the Holy Spirit, who intercedes for us with God. This is a precious gift, let us face the fears that threaten, resist the evil one and grow closer to God. The Sunday School gradua- tion took place at this service. The junior class with Mrs. Gordon McRobert as their teacher was presented with new Bibles. At the St. Thomas Anglican church, the Rev. Peter Der- rick, rector of St. Thomas conducted the morning Prayer Service. Taking his sermon from Luke 15:1-15 the rector based his message or - the two para ales of God's mercy. - The two Scripture lessons were read by Mrs. Percy llodgins and Kenny Beatson. Cancer society meets The executive of the Lucan Biddulph Branch of the Cana- dian Cancer Society met at the home of Al and Marg Coc- quyt on Thursday. This was to plan to agenda for the coming months and to Kind up the business of the year so far. Len Maslen, president. presented a report of the Branch activities and Bruce Maslen, campaign chairman, reported a very successful campaign for funds. Murray Hodgins, memorial. fund chairman, gave a report on the amount frnin that source. Audrey Harloff and Marg Cocquyt, co -chairpersons for Cancer education gave in- teresting reports on their speaking engagements in con- nection with their masectomy visiting. Forester news Court Valentine Canadian Foresters resumed.their mon-. thly'meetings on Tuesday in the Mason's Hall. Sister Inger Lemmon opened court and conducted the business. There were a number of items to be discussed and taken care of. such as the installatior of of- ficers for the next term. Sister Margery Morley won the attendance prize of a Forester coffee spoon and Sister Dorothy Hern won the numbers draw. At the conclu- sion of the meeting a delicious dessert lunch was served by Sisters Margery Morley and Margory Mills. REDI•MIX CONCRETE MTC Approved j. • It PRECAST .r ALL TYPES OF CONCRETE WORK REDI-MIX CONCRETE & FORMWORK Sew PRODUCTS MANGERS SLATS STEPS CURBS McCann Redi-Mix Inc. Dashwood, 237-3647 Exeter 235-0338 n . V/71 •I,�l I- •-v• 4-4; J.: • _ • 'C.. Coll ]7a-4457 • Or - � t 236 8454 } Dignan Landscaping Fertilizing • Ground Work • Sodding • Seeding and Sod Supply R.R. 2 Hensall, Ontario • Railway Ties • Design Service • Nursery stock planting SAVE $$$ ON OUR SPkING SPECIALS , Order your nursery il,stock now...or the work !' can be done by our landscaping speciaiists.1 '` �t .-f.�nurtary sloth guaranis,236.4437 Tie 8134 41:,e04,11e: e. Phone to Inquire about our quality is first in our business• Nomads camp Nine members of the Ausable River Nomads at- tended the fall Ontario Pro- vincial Association N.C.H.A. campout at Brantford Labour Day weekend. The campers were graciously entertained by the hosts for the campout, the Brantford Sun -Downers and Ding-A-Lings. All enjoyed the many hospitalities, adult and childrens games, a tall tales contest, tour train ( a tour of interesting parts of Brant- ford), Ma and Pa Cabaret. projects, a marvellous enter- tainment programme Sunday evening, church service and Sunday School and the annual teed and teeny queen and pre- teen contests. Two of the club members were winners of draw prizes. When thl•retwere no activities planned, the club entertained themselves by running lawn dart games. There were 289 units from Ontario and parts of the United States. Crediton By MRS. PETER MARTIN Paul Wein is returning to the University of Western On- tario this fall. Ile is in his se- cond year. }feather Browning and Ruth Martin attended a Camp Menesetung reunion on Satur- day. Former counsellors and C.LT.'s enjoyed an afternoon of socializing. Thursday evening the U.C.W. ladies met in the Sun- day School rooms. Ruth Miller, Mary Elder and Leila Finkbeiner gave the worship which included a short skit on the new study book, 'Jesus means Life'. President Marie Fyden chuk conducted the business. A bale will again be packed the end of .October and a special meeting is being planned for October bunch was served by Mary Kenney and Laurene Wein and Eleanor Roeszler. Beechwood will he pro- viding the music for the Crediton and District Social Club's first fall dance. All members are urged to come out and support the club. This corrspondent would like more personal news. If you have had visitors please give me a call at 2:34-6416 before 7 p.m. Monday SORORITY DONATES— The Alphi Pi Chapter of the Beta Sigma Phi Sorority recently made donations of a water bed and a sand box to the Huron Hope School operated by the South Huron Association for the Mentally Handicapped. Above, Alpha Pi of- ficials Sharon Davis and Nancy Chambers try out the water bed with students Brian King and Rob Linton. T -A photo Chuck Collins fares well in events across Canada Local motocross racer Chuck Collins of Varna, com- peted in his first National level race series as an "ex- pert" rider recently. Chuck did extremely well in the East, across Canada. ranking 10th, after two rounds, and took his experience with him to race on the Western Cana- dian circuit. He raced at events in Austin, Manitoba, in Calgary' and in Edmonton. in Austin, a flare-up of an old injury hampered his efforts somewhat, but he still manag- ed a respectable finish. In Edmonton. two flat tires frustrated his attempts to finish in the high points. but he managed to finish as 15th top Canadian rider.anyway. In Calgary. at the Supercross, Chuck faced some of the world's best motocross riders like Brad Lackey, and the current Canadian Expert Champion and superstar Ross Pederson of Medicine Hat. At the Supercross. Chuck placed 10th in the qualifier and fifth in the quarter final. The race was heavily con- tested and despite good plac- ing Chuck had to join World Champion Brad Lackey and many others .who didn't qualify for the finals. The race was won by Ross Pederson. and he was follow- ed ,.y five Americans. in- cluding superstars Donny Cantiloupi, Jim Holley- and Jeff Flicks. Chuck has return- ed home in time to continue his pursuit of the Ontario High point series in which he's cur- rently running third. Chuck will be racing at the Iluily Gu- ly Grand Finale Motocross race October 2. - Thursday night, the second race in the new beginners' Shipka family back from west By MRS. HUGH MORENZ Harold and Lucille, Vincent, Lori. Mike and Michelle, returned home Saturday after a two-week holiday trip to Manitoba. They went out to attend the wedding of their nephew and cousin, Richard Vincent. son of Rev. and Mrs. Morris Vincent. to Sandra Wolfe, at the Church of God in Morden, Manitoba. Richard's father par- ticipated in the service and the wedding date was September :3. While in Manitoba they visited cousins in Winnipeg, Gwen and Bob Oxenforth, and Mr. and Mrs. Les Vincent. Others attending the wed- ding from this area were cousins. Jim and .ludy Snyder. A number of neighbours, friends and relatives attend- ed a Tupperware Party Wednesday evening at the home of Gloria Beierling. Demonstrator was Bonnie Brewer, Brussels llugh and Annie Morenz visited Roy Morenz at Vic- toria Hospital. i,ondon. Satur- day afternoon on the occasion of Roy's 62nd birthday. We attended the wedding reception Saturday evening for our great nephew. Jeff Corbett and Sheila Riley at South Huron !tee ('entre, Exeter. Visiting through last week with us wits our nephew, Clin- ton Dell, of Belleville, who was tip to London to find ac- commodation and register at Western University. Weekend guests with us were Mrs Beverley Ford, her daughter Sherrie and son John and friend Wayne of Bramalea who were guests at the Miller - Biggam wedding aI Dashwood Lutheran Ch(irch. Saturday. Sports new% The Shipka rookies slo- pitch baseball team won the Lake Huron sin -pitch A trophy. winning over (:rand Bend in three straight games. series was run at Hully Gul- ly. It attracted all kinds of budding racers from 6 -year old Benji Crane right up to a few participants who wished they were 6 again. Particularly exciting was the ATV class... Several three wheelers arrived to give the small, but enthusiastic crowd of well-wishers a great show. One of the participants was lfully Gully's Drag Racing -team rider Ted Chatterly. Ted is used to straight line •charges in the 200 mile per hour range, not to going over curves - and certainly not to riding on three wheels. Ted's first attempt at three - Wheeler racing left him speechless... and breathless. When he finally managed to catch his breath, his first words were "that's the longest 10 secoads i've ever raced!" His normal style of racing usually only lasts 10 to 11 sc - onds. however•, once a competitor. - always a competitor. Ted managed a third place finish in the ATV class, despite the fact that it was his first time. In fact, the begin- ners' series is designed for people who have never raced, or only dreamt about it. Saturday. the last house league motocross race before the- House League season grand finale was run at Nul- ty Gully. Despite hot, dusty condtions, spectators and par- ticipants enjoyed a good race. Racers from six-year-old Scott Zimmer of Stratford to junior and senior level riders were racing - some coining from Hamilton and Toronto. Results: pee wee A - Bill Rainford, London, Pat Poulin. London, Kevin Reeve, Lon- don; pee wee B - Paul Bingham, Sarnia. Chris Berendregt Pt. Stanley. Chris Humphrey, London: 'pee wee C - Dave Milewski. Toronto. Rob Bulyovski. Nor- wich; novice A - (reg Par- sons. Exeter. Jeff Bruinsma. Goderich, Jeff Libby. Essex: novice B - Kelly Peev. Sarnia. Kevin Lupton, Watford. Gord Whitely, Atwood; novice C - Dave Fry. London. Enduro A - John Spears. Woodstock: Enduro B - Gary Louie. Exeter. Dave Ferguson. Exeter: Enduro (' - Mike Lewis. Sarnia, Stephen Caulfield. Stratford: mini - Scott Zimmer. Stratford; Old Timers - Peter Schell. Lon- don: junior A - Ilugo Maaskant. Clinton. junior B - Ron liardoel. Putnam, Brian Keys, Hamilton, Rob McIn- tosh. Brussels. The final House League race of the year will he held at !fully Gully Saturday. September 17. There will be a party with time out to watch ("TV's coverage nt (he Cana- dian Nalional Senior Motocrms Championships on Gets award The late Edward Roland lett $1.000 in his will back about 1931 The money with accumulated interest was to he used for an award'tothe student who attained the highest average in English and mathematics al the end of grade eight. According to (lie terms of the Last Will and Testament. McGillivray ('aradoc Central. Adelaide W G. MacDonald. ('a ra doe North. ('a redo( South. Colborne. East Williams, Pa rkview and Vallevview are the schools from which this student may he selected I,ast June. Mr Mason and Mrs. Hrophey were pleased to submit the name of Meagan Henry who had an average of 95 3 percent in English and mathematics in grade eight. She won the Roland Scholar- ship and a cheque for $300. Congratulations to Meagan, a graduate of McGillivray Cen- tral School. Wide World of Sports being televised the same day. The final CMA race of the year is October 2. The next race in the Begin- ners' Series takes place at pully Gully Thursday even- ing, September 15. Practice begins at 6:00 p.m. with rac- ing starting at 7:00. Each participant races in two races, and the final plac- ing depends on his or her com- bined score. For information on how to enter, a phone call to Hully Gully is all that's. necessary. Beginners races - Mini Class 1st. Benji Crane, Goderich. Enduro Class 1st. Chris Sakusov, Wingham; 2nd. Stephen Hutchins, Goderich and 3rd. Bryan Olson, Dungannon. Motocross class - lst. Mike Saxon. Ethel. A'i'V class tthree-wheeler) tst. Mike Rummey, Strathroy; 2nd. .Jonathon Rummey, Strathroy and 3rd. Ted Chatterly, London Times-Advocote, September 14, 1983 Pogo 23 History night in CIandeboye A Clandeboye History night is being held Wednesday Sept. 21 at 8 p.m. in the Clandeboye United Church, sponsored by the Women's Institute. The film on Middlesex County, that was prepared especially for the Interna- tional 1982 Plowing Match, with Hon. Wm. Stewart as narrator, will be shown as well as other interesting program. History books, as well as private scrap books and items pertaining to Clandeboye history, will be on display. This invitation goes out to everyone, (men, women and Crediton East By MRS. STAN PRESZCATOR Mr. and Mrs Wilmer Wein celebrated their 30th anniver- sary Saturday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Paul Wareing and Jillian. Paul Wein and friend were also there. Their anniversary is September 12. Mrs. Stan Preszcator celebrated her birthday Saturday, September 10. Mr. and Mrs. Stan, Preszcator and Brenda Glan- ville, Crediton, Mr. and Mrs. Robert England and family, Huron Park, Mr. and Mrs. Richard Glanville and family, RR 2 Parkhill, and Mr. and Mrs. David Isaac, Exeter, were Sunday supper guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. David Glanville and family, Listowel. Mr. and Mrs. Stan Preszcator visited Sunday evening with Mrs. Ed Regele, RR 4 Walton. Sympathy is extended to Mr. and Mrs. Charles Brow - ing Sr. Mrs, Browning lost her mother. Mr. and Mrs. Stan Preszcator returned home Thursday evening after spen- ding the past two weeks in Windsor, Nfld. There they stayed with Mr. and Mrs. Nick Barry, Roland and Bill. The weather there was cool and it rained nearly every day. Replacement Windows Three Types to Choose from Also Allan Storm Windows and doors. Met 11111111 Phone Don Mantey 235-2848 school children) in the area, that enjoy learning more of their heritage. Please mark this date on your calendar and plan to attend. No admis- sion charge. Mrs. Carol (Gilbert) Crawford of Burnaby, B.C. spent a week with her sister Lucille and Arnold Blake. The sisters had not seen or heard from each other, for many years until just recently they found each other. Mr. and Mrs. Pete Gilbert and children from Acton, Mr. and Mrs. Bill Gilbert and family also Mr. and Mrs. Tom Gilbert and family all of Windsor, spent the weekend with the Blakes. On Sunday, a Gilbert family reunion was held at Gayle Jackson's home in London. Mrs. Art Hodgins and Mrs. Roy Cunningham, represen- ting Clandeboye Women's In- stitute, were guests of the Western Fair Association, at the "Ladies Luncheon" Mon • - day noon. Karen Baldwin, Miss Universe 1982 was the guest speaker. Catherine Lynn, Paul Groenewegen, Dave Dixon and Steve Tasko began their first year the the University of Guelph, while Dean Scott returned to the same Univer- sity to continue his studies. Jill Cunningham is attending Fanshawe College in the Ex- ecutive Secretarial course. Phillip Lynn is attending Centralia 1'ollege. Sunday, Samantha Lynn, daughter of Wayne and Hazel (Simpson) MacLeod of Strathroy, was baptized at Clandeboye United Church by the Rev. Keith Brown. Joan and Murray Simpson were sponsors. Following the ser- vice, Helen and Jim Hearn entertained relatives - and friends of the MacLeods at their farm home. We'll be open for appointments starting Sept. 12, 1983 Mon. - Fri. 9 - 5. Denture VEtlerappelinit Centre Mall, Main St., Exeter 235-2966 INDUSTRIAL GROWTH FUND 1 Year 77.6% 10 year 19.0% Average annual compound rate To find out more on this and other Mutual Funds Contact Gary Bean Pitfield Mackay Ross Limited Limitee 344 Andrew St., S., Exeter Ontario. 235-2231 VH -c -I First Annual Inventory Clearance Sale The Riviera Collection expresses a new concept in indoor/outdoor furniture 30 • 40% Off All Sale Items "Outdoor Tent Sale Each series will be on display Must bl' ordered day of Sale Delivery to be arranged on site Sale Hours: Friday, Sept. 16, 1983 — 10:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m. Saturday, Sept. 17, 1983 — 9:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m. Cash or cheque only 5 year warranty applies The Riviera collection is affordable, practical, enduring elegance at a time when good value and high quality are in great demand. United Plastic Components Limited 143 Thames Road East, P.O. Box 580 Exeter, Ontario, Canada NOM 1 SO (519) 235-1665 1-800-265-7080