HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes-Advocate, 1983-09-14, Page 18Page 18 Times -Advocate, September 14, 1983 16 For Sate ELEC I ROLUX VACUUMS and repairs. Call 235-1619. 33tfnc TOP L INE masterbedroom suite in oak, 54"- 60" bed, 9 drawer, mirrored dresser, armoire, two night tables, 51300.00. 235-2535. 33tlnc 16 For Sole STANDING ALFALFA seven acres. Phone 235-1628. 37c CAKES DECORATED Smurfette, Pandas, Bert and Er- nie. Cookie Monster, Train, Pickup truck, bugs, etc. 235-0641. 37:38• Auction Sale Of household furniture, antiques and misc. items. On Wed., Sept. 21, 1:00 p.m. sharp 182 Carling St., Exeter for Mr. and Mrs. Winston Workman HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, ANTIQUES & COL- LECTABLES 2 chesterfields and chairs, floral love seat, hide -a -bed, Kroehler hostess chair, several swivel rockers, coffee and 2 end tables, fern stand, odd tables, magazine rack, floor, table and swag lamps, pictures, 2 mirrors, single pedestal desk, foot stools, Gibbert table and 4 matching chairs in walnut finish, dining room extension table, (with 4 leaves) extends to 80", small china cabinet, antique chandelier, spindel bed, double bed mattress and head board, single bed, mattress and springs, night tables, 7 pc. kitchen suite, 5 pc. kitchen suite, odd chairs, electric appliances such as stereo, . White sewing machine in cabinet, broom, shampooer, toaster oven, blender, toaster, iron, heater, clock, stereo stand, metal tea wagon, TV tables, card table and chairs, mats, liners table cloths, bed spread, weed eater, aluminum step ladder, 2 grow lights, army trunk. Several other items. In case of inclementweather sole will be mov- ed to South Huron Rec. Centre Exeter. Terms cash. Norm Whiting Auctioneer Phone 235-1964, 235-1931 Large Consignment AUCTION SALE Combines, Tractors, Farm Machinery, Trucks. To be held at Lobb Bros. Auctions Bayfield Road. Clinton, Ont., includ- ed in sale will be tractors and farm machinery of Mrs. Ruth Talbot of Bayfield, and Harry Montgomery of Goderich Twp., as well as our usual consignment. Friday, Sept. 16th at 10:30 a.m. TRACTORS: A.C. 7040 diesel, Ford 8000, cab, duals; Ford 8N; Ford 5000 diesel, cab; Massey Pony, buzz saw; I.H. 656 diesel, hydro, loader; I.H. 624 diesel, cab, loader; Ford Ferguson; Massey Harris 44 diesel; John Deere B, scuf- fler; Case "C" (antique). COMBINES: Glenner "G" hydro, rice tires, monitor, strawchopper, grain head, GL 430 corn head, Massey 92 SP, Gleaner C2 corn and bean SP, 4R N head, pick-up head. FORAGE HARVESTERS: N.H. 770, 2 -row corn head; N.H. S717, 2 -row hd and new -style pickup; N.H. 818, 1 -row corn head and hay head; N.H. 271, 770N2 head, hay head; N.H. 718, 770R2 head; J.D. 2 row c,)rn head no. 38; N.H. 707, 1 -row 3 pt.; Case "212", 1 row head; N.H. "1880" S.P., cab; A.C. 780, 2 -row N. head; Heston 2000, 150, 2 -row N. head; Gehl FH83, 1 -row, head, pickup; N.H. 770, elec. controls, 2 row N, 1000 RPM. BLOWERS: 56" fan Dion, pipes; N.H. 27; N.H. 25. FORAGE BOXES: Dion, 3 -beater, roof on 10T Horst; N.H. no. 8, roof, 3 btr., on Horst; Rex, 3 beater, roof, on wagon; Fox, 3 beater, roof, on H.D. wagon; Farm Boy, 3 beater; (3) I.H., 3 beater', on 10T wagon; A.C., 3 beater. PLOWS: Case 4 furrow semi-mtd. 16"; I.H. "510" 3 furrow semi-mtd. 16"; Kavernland 3 fur- row mtd.; M.F. 86 4 furrow semi-mtd. 14"; M.F. 3 furrow 12"; A.C. 6 furrow aut. reset, 16", semi-mtd. SWATHERS: I.H. no. 163, 10' SP; M.F. no. 34 12' SP; Owottona no. 29, 10' SP, Conditioner; Versatile 103, 10' SP, Innes PU; Versatile 18' Trail. TILLAGE: Bush Hog 10' offset, 25" notched blades; (2) Kongskilde 3 pt. cultivator; 12' Benn packer; 12' chain harrows; 14' A.C. 3 pt. cultivator, harrows; trail disc; I.H. 12' drag cultivator; diamond harrows; 6 -shank Graham plow: 9' trail wheel disc; 3 drum land roller; 10' Ford vibro shank trail cultivator; steel wheel cultivator. TRUCKS Old Mercury 600 farm truck, gravity box; 1969 Ford 850 S/A, gas, tractor; I.H. 1969 1700 truck; capper for V: ton; Mercury 1 ton with hoist. AUGERS: Westfield 46' x 8"; Malco 32'x6"; Malco 8'x4", motor; A8L 27'x5", motor; 25'x5", motor; 12'x5": 18'x4"; 20'x5"; 10"x5". SPREADERS: N.I. 200; N.H. 676; N.H. 512. GRAVITY BOXES: (3) bins on wagons, Martin 250 box, J&M fert. auger on 6T wagon. MISCELLANEOUS: 5' Rock -O -Matic rock picker, side pickup, high dump; 6 -row Mauer bean puller; John Deere FB -8 17 run grain drill, fert. and gross seeder; A.C. 4 -row planter; Malco 7' blade; 11 x28 duals: No. 65 Case loader ;its 990,995; rotary cutter; (2) post hole augers; 10' Brillion seeder; 325-329 N.I. Super Sheller; 325-314 N.I. Picker Sheller; Owottona no. 95 Mix -ANI; 75' choin-type Taper board feeder, motor and drive; Badger silo pipe turner: Gurney scale; Aeration system for groin bin (floor type); Toledo scale; Badger 10' stationary elevator; assorted electric motors; hyd. cylinders; Gehl belt -type hammermill; (2) Shell cattle oilers; Windrow turner; (2) bale feeders; New Bush Hog rotary cutter 5'; Mott 6' 3 pt. mower; N.I. 325 Super Sheller, 2 -row N; M.F. no. 26A seed drill, grass seeder; John Deere "485" hay conditioner. Subject to additions and deletions Terms Cash RICHARD LOBB AUCTIONEER Clinton, Ontario 482-7898 16 For Sale ADDING MACHINES, typewriters, sales, service, rental, supplies. Jerry /slathers Typewriters, 94 Main St. 235-1840. 211 USED FURNITURE - chester- fields and chairs, diningrgom suites, kitchen tables and chairs, dryers, refrigerators, ranges etc. Whiting's Warehouse, Exeter, 235-1964. 281 USED RAILWAY TIES. Pressure treated, uniform quality, sort to grade (premium post f& economy). Delivered in semiload lots only. (450 minimum). Reasonably priced. Phone (204) 725-2627 office hours. 37x CORNER CHINA CABINET. excellent condition. 5300.00. Phone 235-2616. 37* CONSOLE STEREO, good for cottage. 5185.00 or best offer. Ph.ne 235-2616. 37• Ready to lay pullets White and brown • egg layers Also year old heavy breed hens for freezer Call Erich Freiter RR 1 Dashwood 237-3382 37-39c 1971 SKIDOO snowmobile. 5250.00; 1975 Mazda station wagon, 4 cylinder, 51600.00 or best offer. Kittens for free. Phone 236-4154.• 37c YEAR OLD HENS, dress your own. Clayton Martin 236-4766. , 37:38c DOUBLE MATTRESS, box springs and frame. Sealy firm sup- port, very good condition. ,Phone 229-6115. 37c RAWLEIGH PRODUCTS, 114 Victoria St. W; Phone Exeter 235-1175. 37!39• FREEZER - 17 cu. ft. copper.tone space saving, gliding baskets. Flash freeze section, safety light. Holds 600 lbs. 5225.00. 238-8941 evenings between 7 and 9.36:37c DESIGN YOUR OWN clock, Quartz battery, movements available at the Country Spire. 229-6341. l7tfn KITCHEN -GOURMET GADGETS for that kitchen shower or a surprise for Mom. See our newly extended line. Country Spire 229-6341. 17tfn YARD SALE - Sat. Sept. 17 10 a.rn. 1 block west of Main in- tersection, Crediton. Baby clothes and other assorted items, baby toys. 234-6739. 37c SPRING LAMB - the ideal treat on your barbecue this summer. Get one now for your freezer and be ready to treat your family and guests royally. CaII Bill Batten at 235-1331 or 235-2184. 28ttnc FRESH CAULIFLOWER 56,50 per dol. 3 miles west of Exeter on Hwy 83 Open 9 a.m. - 6 p.m. Closed Sundays VISSCHER FARMS 237-3442 37tfnc STORAGE PROBI-I.MS? Perma has the solution-. our multi pur- pose done, straight or slantwall all -steel buildings. Wide variety of sizes. In Northern Ontario call cc. leer (705) 474-1180. 37x CANNING TOMATOES, located on first farm west of Mt. Carmel. Phone orders filled. Phone 237-3209. 35-37c DUCHARME ORCHARD RR 2 Zurich While They Last Red Haven Peaches Available Now Jonamac Apples Call 236-4755 or 236-4876 t -s Pick your own TOMATOES Double M Bargain Price 238-2758 _ _ 36:37c UI;V'LLBISS 3 h.p. compressor on 60 gallon tank, 220 volt. Good for any garage. Phone 236-7781. 36:37c FOR MECHANIC'S Cherry Picker (picks out motors), good condition. 227-454.1. 36:37c APPLES - eating and cooking. Prices reduced due to hail damage from storm of August 8th. McCly- mont Orchards. 1 rnile south of Varna. 482-32.14 36tfn PEACHES - 511.95 per bushel and up. Bartlett pears 54.50 Per bushel and up. (Wholesalers welcome on pears.) Canning plums. A sariets of new crispap- ples. Sweet corn for freezing. Wat- son's Farm Market and Orchards, 1 mile north of Forest, 21 Hwy. 786-5439. 36:37c WOODSTOVE, Carrnor downdraft 5200.00. Lorne Gingerich 2364145. 36:37• CORN FOR SII AGF, 12 acres. Phone 262-2244. 36:17c FENCING, green vinyl clad. 1 mesh S0'x5' high, gate. posts. damps, etc. Oil furnace. 200 gal. tank with 40 gal. fuel. Phone 237-3755. 36_38• TURNIP GROWERS and PROCESSORS Turnip Trimming Knives Swiss made safety grip handles, razor sharp, thin six inch blade Pederson Store Equipment and Supplies Ltd. 229 Raymond Avenue London, Ontario N6A 2N2 Phone 432-2129 37:38c BICYCLE, medium size girls. Apartment size crib, high. chair nearly new. 235-2528. 37• 16 For Sale FIREWOOD, well seasoned, delivered by cord or larger truck loads.' 236-4457 or 238-8454.37tfn MOBILE HOME. 12'x60'. Franklin fireplace, 3 Bedrooms, newly renovated bathroom and bedroom, living room curtains in- cluded. 8'x16' storage shed. Phone after 6 p.m. 235-0107. 36.37c FIREWOOD - mixed hardwood, delivered, free kindling. Leslie C: udmore. 235-1267. 37:38• LAWN SALE - Moving, numerous articles. 109 Wellington Cres. Huron Park. Sat. Sept. 17, 9 a.m.-? 37• PIANO AND BENCH, upright Heinizman. You mole. Cash of- fers to Marie Hess, Box 17, Zurich, NOM 2T0. 37:38• CCM JUNIOR TACKS, Boys, size 71/2, only 1 year old. good shape 545.00. Phone 235-2052.37c CEMENT BLOCK BUILDING with steel roof. Approx. 40x100'. To be removed from property 262-5250. 37!39• USED John Deere 110 lawn and garden tractor, 38" mower, clean and in good shape. -Phone. 238-2832. - 37c FISHING MOTOR, Mercury. 7.5 h.p., runs good, best offer takes . it. Call 294-6837. 37c USED DESKS and chairs plus other office supplies.. Call 294-6837 Mon. -Fri. 9 a.m.-4 p.m. .37c FACTORY CLEARANCE: Steel buildings. Example 40'x58' arch building including 2I'W double slide doors 56600. Similar sax Mrs on widths 20' to 100' wide clear span. Also available straights. all all -steel buildings 20'-60' clear span. Priced to clear. For guaranteed savings call toll free 1-800-268-0802. 37s. NOW OPEN. Andor Nouse Books, used and rare, Elora St. W., Teeswater. Open most after- noons. Otherwise chance .or ap- pointment. Residence (519) 392-6966 or business (519) 392-8266. 37x LINDE MODEL V205 3-phase triple voltage MIG welder, 51000. Wanted to Buy: Massey 7 -foot grain binder. Enos S. Martin, RR 3 Wallenstein 519-669-8400. 37x BENCH SAW 8", motorized. 16"x22" bench. Phone 235-0844. 37. 16 For Sale ARTIST SUPPLIES Artbuards, Brushes, Acrylic Paints, Charcoal Pencils, Art Nibs Sketch Pads, Calligraphy. EXETER TIMES -ADVOCATE 30t(nx FOUR TIRES and spare. P-195, R I Ss 5150.00 complete. Tool box for'.: ton pickup 5100.00. Phone 228-6233. 37:38• LEATHER COAT, like new brown, with tur collar, size 16 Iess than hall price. 236-4819.37;38• 17 Wanted To Buy BOAT TRAILER for 16' or 17' or less boat. Call 262-2505.26tfnx USED BASS. AMP. Phone 235-0302. 29tfnc BABY'S PLAYPEN in good, clean condition. Phone 234-6396 after 5 or weekends. 35tfx APARTMENT SIZE electric organ or piano suitable for young student. Phone 237-3248. 37c 18 Wanted WANTED AT Brand's Nearly New Shop, 399 Main St. Exeter, Ontario. Fall and winter clothing now being accepted, hockey equipment, skates; etc. 15 articles per consignment, must be clean. An) consignor wanting their sum- mer clothing returned must pick up by Sept. 15 or will be given to charity. We could use paper and plastic bags. New fall hours: Mon- day, Tuesday, Thursday and Fri- day 9:30-5:30. Saturday 9:30-4:30. Closed Wednesday. Phone 235-1901. 36-38c ROOM AND BOARD in Exeter area. Phone 519-565-2739.37:38c 19 Property For Sale TWO BEDROOM HOUSE on 62x264 foot lot close to schools. Gas heat. 106 Andrew St. Exeter. 235-2062. 36:37' • Estate Auction * of antiques and household fur- * nishings for the Estate of the late * Mr. Murdoch O. Smith, 262 Main St. * Lucan, Saturday September 24 at * 12:30 p.m. Full list next week. * Hugh Filson AUCTIONEERS * 666-0833 * Tom Robson •* 666-1967 * ***41* *****4<**4<**** ******************** * * * 16 trucks * Friday, Sept. 23rd, 1983 - 10:30 a.m. * in the morning * Sale to be hold at the Ilderton Fair * Grounds - Ilderton, Ontario. * 12 miles north of London. * , Business is closed. Trucks no longer * required * 16 Ford P400 Series and P500 series - 1972-1975 * insulated refrigerated delivery vans - selling os • is. • For information phone 686-5876 or 666-1267 * (519). Trucks can be seen at Tom Robson Farm, * 13 concession London Twp. 1st farm west of * Denfield sideroad. * Terms cash, sale day. Clip for reference; last ad. Truck Auction * * * * * * * Hugh Filson * 666-0833 AUCTIONEERS * Tom Robson * 666-1967 * 111111111111111III IIIIIIII IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIN11111111111111111111111111111111L Auction Sale E.--- 3 g Saturday, Sept. 17th 1 p.m. Sharp 75 queen St., Hensall We have received instructions to sell without reserve complete contents of well kept furnishings for Mrs. Greta Lammie who gave up housekeeping Oak compb. bow front china cabinet and drop front desk, oak sideboard, ash ext. table, with 3 leaves, 6 matching press back chairs, press • back rocker, captain chair, mahogany desk and music cabinet, 3 pc. spoon carved oak bedroom suite, arm rocker, arrow back rocker, 7 dr. bonnet chest, pine plonk seat choirs, high buck carved bed, dressers, commodes, parlour table, oak carved high boy with mirror, dou- ble pedestal walnut desk, oak arm chair, wicker fern stand, pine tapered leg table, pine blanket box, walnut spool leg table, small pine legal box, oak cabinet Singer drop head sew- ing machine, wicker baskets, occ. choirs, 2 Ont. chairs, excellent Wright & co. upright piano (music teacher), piano bench, pine table, Lincoln rocker, small hump back trunk, pine jam cupboard, pine bake board, clock shelf, pine benches, coloured gloss, cut glass, chino, fine sets of silver flatware, pictures, bedding, linens, kitchen utinsels, daveno, studio couch, 3 3 i 1 ▪ mirrors, graden tools, G.E. refrigerator, 24" • electric stove, vacuum, coal oil lamp, crocks, E. sealers, solid state BW portable TV and stand, 1 at Hensall Community Centre lamps, china toilet pcs., platform rockers, old paper weight, 1968 Dodge Monaco 4 dr. hard- top low mileage, mint condition, this is partial listing of this excellent antique auction. Terms cash, known cheque, Visa, Chorgex, Lunch counter. In case of rain sale to be held in Picnic Pavilion a Heywood Auctions s 473-3655 455-8649 686-8325 311111IIIIIiMIII 11111IIIIIiunittitinint111111111111111111111111111111111111I111111M11111aIH1111111t11111 3 R 3 19 Pr oper ty For Sale DASH WOOD, cornet lot, 4 -bedroom brick house completely renovated, 11/2 baths, double garage, large cedar deck. For viewing call 237-3516. 31ifnc COTTAGES for sale to be mov- ed. 1-2 bedroom winterized with furnace. 1-2 bedroom, 1-1 bedroom. 238-2031. 35,fn 20 Property For Rent FIVE BEDROOM FARM HOUSE. Zurich area. Available September 1st. 236-4137. 3I t fnc AVAILABLE OCTOBER 1st, large 2 bedroom, redecorated apartment. Appliances and heat included. Middlesex Rd. 24, Brinsley. 293-3038. 341 fnc FOUR BEDROOM farm house. One and half bath. C'arpeteu throughout. Available Oct. 1st. Close to school and Exeter. Phone 235-1857. 36-38• 2 BEDROOM home in Exeter, close to schools, available September. Rent negotiable at 5265-5300. Phone 236-4561. 36:37* GRAND BEND - Main St., 1 and 3 bedroom furnished apartments for intrnediate occupancy. Off-- season rates. 238-8460 days and 236-4467 evenings. 36:37c ONE BEDROOM partially fur- nished apt., heated. Phone 235-2726 after 6 p.m. 36:37c FOUR BEDROOM farm house in Woodham area. Can be rented with o without large barn. Available Oct. 1st. 229-8232. 37-40c 20 Property or Rent EXETER, sublet 2 bedroom apt. fully carpeted, 3rd floor Carling St., available Oct. 1. Phone 235-2838. 37tfn HOUSE - country location. Available by Nov. 1, 1983 for 5250.00 plus utilities per month. Phone 294-0043 after 6 p.m.37tfn 2 BEDROOM apartment, fridge and stove included, 88 Sanders St. Exeter. 234-6271 or 234-6786. 37:38c ONE BEDROOM apartment, heat and hydro, fridge and • ,se included. Available Oct. 1. Phone 235-2468. 37c 21 For Rent PLYWOOD FORMS, wedge, portable cement mixer,- Power Trowels, wheelbarrows, etc. Form ties stocked. Call N.J. Corriveau, Zurich. Telephone 236-4954. IR CEMENT FORMS, cement saws, plate tamper, darbie, power trowel, hammer drills, water pumps, generators, construction heaters, etc. G.M. Rentals, RR 2 Hensall, Ontario. 236-4819,1611'm THE ''OLD TOWN HALL" auditorium for rentals including weddings, meetings, banquet room, lectures, to es exhibitions ns d o ,fms, etc. Kitchen facilities available. Contact Ellison Travel, 235-2000. _ 29tfnc ROOM FOR RENT. Share kit- chen. Phone Mike 235-0289 or 235-2140. 37:38' ROBERTS wood splitters, 3 point hitch model 515 per day. Gas model 530.00 per day. 262-5263 or 262-2224. 37tfn ESTATE AUCTION Saturday, September 17, 10:30 a.m. at 254 Main St., Lucan Having received instructions from the executors of the estates of the late Mr. and Mrs. Sheridan Revington.Don Irwin Inc. will offer a quality selec- tion of antique and contemporary furnishings featuring the following. Superior 9 piece walnut dining room suite, Victorian walnut occasional table with marble top. Contemorary 5 piece oedroom suite consisting of twin bed, triple drawer dresser with mirror chest of drawers, and nite table, walnut hall table, Victorian walnut love seat, pair Canadian walnut side chairs, hall tree, oval shapedmorble top coffee table, circular glass top occasional table and matching er 1 table, three peice bedroom suite, antique walnut what not, °oyal Doulton figurines, Pequegnat mcntle clock, 52 pieces of Limoges china, silver flatware, good selection of antique dishes, crystal stem- ware (Cross and Olive pattern), floor and table lamps, silver tea service, set of Paragon china, china cups and saucers, curio stand, Frigidaire upright deep freezer, mirrors, crocks, occasional tables, oil paintings, prints, pressed glass, old commode, many additional lots of useful bric a brac. On view Saturday, September 17th, 9:30 a.m. till time of sale 10:30 a.m. sharp. Auctioneers Note - Everything has been well maintained and worthy of further inspection. Please note Lucon United Church Ladies will pro- vide Tight refreshments. Don Irwin inc., Acutfoneer and Appraiser 124 McNaughton Ave., E. Chatham, (519)352-0656 Auction Sale Antiques, furniture, elite Limoges, B ridal Wreath, dishes, antique glassware, collectables, appliances, g arden tiller, gun, portable generator, small wares, etc. to be held at Richard Lobb's Barn, Clinton, Ont. for Franklin Mitchell of Goderich and Mrs. Don Howes of Clinton. Sat,. Sept. 17 at 10 a.m. Matching Westinghouse fridge and stove, Kroehler chesterfield, eight place setting of Bridal Wreath Elite Limoges dishes complete with serving pieces, extra pieces to be sold seporote, eleven dinner plates, seven cups and saucers, salt and pepper shakers, egg cups, large covered sugar bowl, butter tub; bread and butter plates, luncheon plates, two bowls with legs. Fifty eight pieces of Bird of Paradise dishes made in Czechoslovakia including large plotter, two covered vegetable bowls and tea pot, two Bull's eye lamps, gloss Aladdin lamp with hand painted shade, Hanging lamp with milk glass font, six piece toilet set, two cast iron horse banks, cast iron horse and cutter, bracket wall lamps, four bracket lamp reflec- tors, old desk phone, double barrel shot gun with open hammers, large antique hull rr;rror with fancy spooled wooden frame and hooks, !single spool bed with good mattress, open washstand with towel bars, butternut chest of drawers, three drawer cherrynight table, but- ternut hand made stool, cherry drop leaf din- ing table, small pine lift top desk, small cherry table with drawer, small pine chest of drawers, small round cedar table, pressback rocking choir, cedar blanket box, fancy brass covered wood box, arrow back choir, two chicken coop chairs, three wooden planes, 15 inch tilt top table, old carpenter's box, horse chime bells, two brass bells, folding wooden rocking choir, collection of sad irons, spoke shaver, small book case, oil lamps, 1880 ladies fashion magazine, hand made quilts, treadle sewing machine, electric sewing machine in cabinet and supplies, wringer washer, coffee table, wooden smoker's stand, binoculars, large pic- ture, four small crocks, small scales, small iron kettle, copper tea kettles, wooden clamps, hay knife, draw knife, six wagon wheels, two buggy wheels, copper boiler, two drawer washstand, shoving mirror, pictures, picnic table, lawn chairs, Ice box, Coleman stove, 5 h.p. garden tiller, 5 h.p. portable 16.6 AC generator, Schullelp oll painting, cranberry pickle cruet, eight cranberry glosses, quantity of crystal and antique glassware too numerous to mention. Plan to attend this good clean sale. Terms Cash RICHARD LOBB AUCTIONEER Clinton, Ontario 482.7898 22 f or SrrI , or Rent TRUCK CAMPER, 2 -way fridge, gas stove, 2 -way water, Via-. fur- nace, 110 and 112 volt, sleeps 4. 5995.00 or 550.00 per week rent. 228-6328. 28ifnc 23 Wanted To Rent THREE BEDROOM FARM HOUSE. barn and five to 10 fenc- ed acres in Exeter area. Must have ample water for small livestock operation. Two-year lease or longer preferred. Apply stating location, rental and length of term available to Box BA X. The Exeter Tunes-Advcscate. 4511x WOULD LIKE to rent or rent to buy nice 2 or 3 bedroom home in or near Exeter, required mid Sept. or first ofOctober. Phone collect 539-7696 esenings. _ - 36:37c 100 ACRES farm land in Kirkton area. Phone 229-6258. 36:37c 26 legal Notices NOTICE to CREDITORS In the Estate of Donald Hoggorth Late of the 1 ownship of Stephen, in the County of Huroit, and Pro- vince of Ontario, Retired CNR Employee. Creditors and others having claims against the above estate are required to send full par- ticulars oI such claims to the undersigned on or before the 24th day of September 1983, after which date the Estate's assets will be distributed having regard only to the claims that have then been received. Dated at Thedford, On- tario, this 251h day of August, 1983. J. Philip Walden Barrister and Solicitor P.O. Box 121 Medford, Ontario Solicitor for the Executrix 36-38c • )gUIJOrVAIG100 o)riEogoiQ Eoz CHIROPRACTORS Gerald A. Webb D.C. Doctor Of Chiropractic 438 MAIN ST. E XETER By Appointment Phone 235- 1680 REPAIRS (Sewing Machine\ Repairs to all makes Free Estimates 90 Day Warranty Experienced since 1952 Sow and Save Centre Ltd. 149 D own ieSt . ,Stratford Closed Monday Phone 271-90QlJ SURVEYORS ONTARIO LAND SURVEYORS ARCHIBALD, GRAY & McKAY LTD. 592A Main St. S. Exeter, 235-0995 or call London toll free 1-800-265-7988 INSURANCE Realty ins ranCe YNR. EXETER 235-2420 GRAND BEND 238-8484 CLINTON 482-9747 GODERICH 524-2118 Farm, Home, Auto In- surance, Appraisals, Mortgages, Life In- surance, Trust Certificates AUCTIONEERS Hugh Tom FILSON and ROBSON AUCTIONEERS 20 years' of experience of complete sale service Provincially licensed Conduct sales of any kind any place . We guarantee you more To insure success of your sale or appraisal Phone Collect 666-0833 666-1967 AUCTIONEERS Ontario Auction Service Get Action -Sell By Auction Complete Sales Service Auctioneers and Appraisers R.A. "Sue" Edginton RR 2, Lucan, Ontario (519)2274029 J.G. "Bud" McIver RR 2, Lucan, Ontario (519)227.4111 J NORM WHITING LICENSED AUCTIONEER & APPRAISER Prompt Courteous Efficient ANY TYPE ANY SIZE ANYWHERE We give canphte sole service PROFIT BY ExPEnEN E Phone Collect 23S-1464 EXETER ABATTOIR Benders Abattoir Home Grown Beef 8 Pork Mill St., Hensall 262.3130 Wholesale Retail Custom Slaughtering Kill day Tuesday CoII for further information Owner Merlin Bender 262-5628 Manager Dole Erb 236.7733 Our Motto is The Golden Rule" ACCOUNTANT•PUBLIC WARD MALLETTE Chartered Accountants 476 Main Street, S., Exeter, Ontario 235-0120 Resident Partner: John S. McNeilly, C.A. ( Chartered Accountants P.O. Box 1690, 497 Main Street, EXETER. Ontario NOM 150 (519)235.0101 J CERTIFIED GENERAL ACCOUNTANT JOSEPH F. I) A R LING: t'sRTlillm t:RNtst Al. ACCOUNTANT 'rEt., 6I e-1ts6-e1Ow TNs OLD TOWN RAM IMO MAIN OtR!'st k*E1RR, ONTARIO NOM 150