HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes-Advocate, 1983-08-31, Page 14Pogo 14 Times•Advocate, August 31, 1983
Plan decoration day at St. James
• At Lucan United Church,
members met for worship
Sunday morning as Rev.
Brown continued his August
series on the Psalms.
In Psalms 42 and 43, the
Psalmist gives us a glimpse
into his gradual climb from
despair to joy and confidence.
In the first section, he does lit-
tle but complain of his lot and
express his misery. Although
in the midst of his trouble he
thinks of God and promises to
praise Him when things get
better, this gives him no relief
from his despair.
Later he bargains with God,
again without finding relief.
Gradually he comes to see
that he needs to take his eyes
off himself and his own pro-
blems and fix them upon His
great God, for He is the one
who meets all our needs and
brings real joy. This joy is the
keynote of the final section
Two accidents
Damages were set at $7,000
in two accidents investigated
this week by officers of the
Ontario Provincial Police
detachment at Lucan.
Friday at 3:45 p.m. vehicles
driven by Ernest Walsh, New
Liskeard and Marlene Dur-
rell of London collided on
Highway 4 at Arva. Constable
Briggs investigated and set
damages at $4,500.
Constable Hassall
estimated damages at $2,500
when a vehicle driven by
Robert Avery of Lucan left
the roadway of Highway 4 and
rolled into the ditch at 4:30
a.m. Saturday. The driver
sustained minor injuries.
where the Psalmist praises
God and expresses His trust
in Him.
Rev. Brown pointed out that
in Christ we don't need to
travel the long route of the
psalmist to find relief from
discouragement. We can
come directly to Christ, and
he will never send us away
Flowers in the sanctuary
were from the funeral of the
late Buck Smith. The annual
Decoration Day service for
St. James' Cemetery will be
held at St. James' Anglican
Church, Clandeboye, at 2 p.m.
next Sunday.
PREPARE REFRESHMENTS — Janice and Donna Atkinson help dish up the
refreshments for Saturday's presentations of certificates of the Super Sleuth reading
club at the Lucan Library. T -A photo
and district news
St. Patrick's Church
In two weeks time, on
September II, Sunday School
will resume during the 11:00
Mass at St. Patrick's Church.
All pre-school children
from 2-5 years of age are
welcome to join in the
The London and Middlesex
Catholic School Board will
reopen their schools on Tues-
day, September 6 at 9:00 a.m.
New students may be
registered at St. Patrick's
School in the morning of
Wednesday, August 31;
Thursday, September 1, or on
Tuesday, September 6.
First time registrants
should bring with them a
birth certificate, baptismal
certificate and a medical cer-
tificate including proof of
Anyinformation regarding
school bus routes will be
available at the church en-
trance on Sunday September
4 and at St. Pat's School.
Father Meloche, who gave
our Parish Mission two years
ago and also our Forty Hours
Devotion in May of 1982, is
leading a Men's Labour Day
Retreat from Saturday,
September 3 to Monday,
September 5.
There will be retreats for
women September 16 - 18, and
September 30 to October 2 at
Holy Retreat House near
A special Labour Day Mass
will be held Monday,
September 5 at 9:00 a.m.
Service -
St. James Cemetery, Clandeboye
Church service Sun., Sept. 4
2 p.m.
Rev. Bruce Pocock, Minister
SUPER SLEUTH CERTIFICATES — Certificates were presented Saturday to the 57 members who completed the
Lucan Library Super Sleuth reading program. Above, leaders Sharlene Davis and Harolyn Sire present awards
to Debbie Hugill, Angie Sire and Denise Ward. T -A photo
Revival Centre
Sunday morning Mrs.
Marlene Thornton sang the
Spirit Song. Nick Murray,
Christian view Bible College
student, read 11 Kings 7:1-11.
that showed God can use the
instrument we do not think of.
There were lepers outside the
city where people were star-
ving, because the Syrians sur-
rounded the city. Lepers had
to cry unclean, and food was
r thrown to them, or -left
out for them.
Because the Syrians were
beseiging the city, the lepers
decided since they were going
to starve, they could go to the
Syrian camp for help, or die
trying. Their great need led
them to the enemy. Our great
need of salvation can bring us
to God. God used the lepers to
save the city. All the Syrians
had gone, leaving all supplies
behind tliat met the people's
need. God wants to use His
power in us to work His will.
Unknown to them, the lepers
were instruments of God's
will.•We should be ready and
willing .to do God's will. The
lepers acted on their decision
to go to the Syrians to find if
their needs could be met.
Their goal and need was met.
We need to have a goal to
strive for. Leprosy is like
universal sin.
God can cleanse and deliver
anyone from sickness and sin.
Al first the lepers did the
wrong thing. They hid the
good things they found after
they ate all they could.
Rick Thornton, at start of
evening service, read Revela-
tion 5:11-14. Rev. Roger
Mason, from 1 John 2:15-17,
stressed for Christians not to
love the world's evil system.
Some people think not loving
the world system means com-
plete withdrawal from
modern living.
Another false interpretation
means not to associate with
anyone who is not religious,
even to living in a monastery.
•Some of this separation is
shown in Christians who
withdrew from association
with other denominations.
Another erroneous interpreta-
tion of not loving the worrd
system is to set up unwritten
set of rules to guide Christ ian
conduct. Instead the guideline
for our way of lite should be
the Bible, that tells of the law
of Christian liberty.
• Because it is incompatible
to love both the world and
God, this command was writ-
ten not to love the evil world
system. To love God
supremely is to fulfill this law
of God. Worldliness is shown
in Christian circles in an un-
caring attitude, a "•ne Frst'•
attitude. exalting beauty and
hrains, or negativeness that
hurt and abuse people. The
Bible will liberate one from
this attitude, giving one
guidelines to love God
supremely in all we do.
We'll be open for appointments
starting Sept. 12, 1983
Mon. - Fri. 9 - 5.
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Denture QherappcLlinlc
Centre Mall, Main St., Exeter
Middlesex'County Public and Secondary
School Year 1983.84
Middlesex County public elementary and
secondary schools open on Tuesday,
September 6.
School buses serving the northern part of
the county will initially follow the same
routes and time schedule as last year.
The Middlesex County Board of
SUPER SLEUTHS The Lucan Public library ran a Super Sleuth reading club this summer requiring all who joined to read 10 uooks in a
10 month period. The 57 members who completed the project received bookmarks, colouring sheets, a maze, certificate and button. Back,
left, Jenn;fer Duskocy, Angie Sire, Alissa Wragg, Sarah Henderson, Jane Holden, Suzanne Kress, Harold Kress, Jason Munro, Shane Munro
and Michael Van Bussel. Third row, Mary Holden, Tara Sullivan, Andrea VL.n Geel, Melissa Small!, Melissa Dillabough, Amy Sullivan, Brian
Munro, Darcy Maguire, Robert Stotesbury-Leeson, Alen Kress and Derek Greenlee. Second row, Christo Hardy, Meadow Smaill, Brenda
Whitehead, Stephanie Sandison, Laura Duskocy, Marcia Sire, Aimee Gibson„ Nancy Van Bussel, Loretta Foran, Denise Ward and Heather
Hugill. Front, Julie Van Geel, Julianne Sire, Celeste Guthrie, Denise Cowdrey, Lisa Hietalahti, Tammy Graham, Debbie Greenlee, Sara
Holden and Tara Forster. Missing were Tanya Bickareff, Heather Dickie, Jamie Fronts, Fraser Gott, John Hodgins, Melissa Hardy, Robbie
Waters, Pam Wilkins, Lillie Buckareff, Robbie Paul, Shelly Maguire, Michelle Strobridge, Paul Monger, Joanne Monger, Jean Marie McCarty
and Sean O'Reilly. T -AP hoto
Granton area WI's
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Members of Granton WI
and Prospect Hill, Lucan,
BUT and Kirkton WI and
friends enjoyed a bus trip.to
Port Dover on Thursday.
Upon arrival at noon.
everyone went to the Cove
Room at the Erie Beach Hotel
where lunch reservations had,
previously been made and the
food and service was ex-
cellent. Following lunch and
a tour of the town where the'
points of interest were the
Stone ('an'n, in memory of the
two Jesuit Priests. Fathers
I)ollier and Gallinec who
were Pioneers of Dover Mills,
later named fort Dover, this
monument stands in Heritage
Park, also the drawbridge
over the Lynn River, which
was built by IheBr'idgeWorks
of Stonetown, St. Marys.
The town of fort Dover has
grown considerably since it
was annexed to the new city
of Nanticoke.
Theremainder of the after-
noon was spent in the enjoy-
ment of watchinga play "Tal-
ly's Folly". a comedy at the
Port Dover Lighthouse
Returning home by way of
Simcoe we stopped at
McDonald's for a snack.
Everyone agreed that it had
hcen a very rewarding day.
Special thanks to Mrs.
Clarence Lewis, for planning
the trip and to Ed. Hoch our
driver, for a safe journey.
Church news
At the Granton United
Church, the Rev. Bruce •
Pierce conducted the worship
and entitled his message
"Lost in your own backyard."
This referred to the elder son
in the story of the Prodigal
The elder son was lost in
jealousy, this can happen to
us, said the minister, we can
be so filled up with jealousy.
that we cannot see the joy. We
can get like this in our own
backyard. (rifles are
magnified and the most inno-
cent of intentions are
distorted. The elder brother
was also lost in self
righteousness, jealousy can
eat away at us. but self
righteousness is worse. if we
truly know who we are, we do
not care about crowns of
Glory. The accused knows
Whether he is guilty or inno-
rent. but it is up to the judge
to prove it.
Mrs. Jim Riddell and
Cathie, have returned home.
after spending a week in Port
Nelson. B ('.. visiting Icon and
Sherry Funston and Jay
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Free coffee and donuts
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Don and Audrey Watt
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