HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes-Advocate, 1983-08-31, Page 6Times -Advocate, August 31, 1983 MR. AND MRS. WAYNE SHAPTON On Saturday, July 9, Dianne Wilson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Stuart Wilson, Brucefield, and Wayne Shap - ton, son of Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Shapton, Exeter were united in marriage at Brucefield United Church. Rev. Robert McMullen and Mr. Donald Moffatt conducted the ceremony. Maid of honour was Estella Wilson, Brucefield. Bridesmaids were Janet Shapton, Exeter, Elizabeth Gibson, Clinton arid Joan Rocha; Seaforth. Flower girl was groom's niece, Sabrina Murley, of Hamilton. Best man was Bevan Shapton, Exeter. Ushers were Randy Wilson, Seaforth, Bob Wilson, Brucefield, and Paul Pavkeje, Centralia. Ringbearer was cousin of the bride, Peter Miller, Sarnia. After a reception at Seaforth Community Centre, the couple went to Manitoulin Island and are now residing at RR 1 Exeter. Pollution is In all the publicity surroun- ding the pollution warnings along Lake Huron's shorelines, we have only heard an outcry from the merchants. 1 don't blame them a bit -- the loss of the tourist dollar directly affects MR. AND MRS. GLEN BULLOCK Barbara Doris Swartz, daughter of Ronald and Helen Swartz, Lucan and Glen Frederick Bullock' son of Fred and Isobel Bullock, of Parkhill were married July 2, 1983 at Greenway United Church with Rev. Raymond Lind- say officiating. The matron of honour was Brenda Thom- son twin sister of the bride. Bridesmaids were Nancy Davis and Patti Swartz, sisters of the bride. Marlene Harris, sister of the groom and Julianne Rader, cousin of the bride. The best man was Bev Ritchie, friend of the groom and guests were ushered by Earl Bullock, brother of the groom, Jeff Mallard, friend of the groom. Jim Rock and Steve Thomson brother -in -lows of the bride and groom. Glen and Barbara are now residing in Greenway. Hill1111ILII III IIIIIIIItnI II I III II III1111111ILII III ILII ILII1111111ILII llllllll1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111III III IIIIItttl II I111111111111111111II IIIIIL their livlihood. And the ramifications are many: few of us realize the spin-off effect the tourist industry has on our area. If the pollution problems persist the economy' will certainly be hurting. But shouldn't something as serious as the pollution of Lake Huron be more than just a dollars and cents problems? What about those of us who just plain enjoy and love the lake? Why haven't we been speaking up about this horri- ble problem? Is this something that is going to get progressively worse each summer until we won't b e able to swim in our lake at all? For many of us, the lake provides our only fitness facility in summer. Now, I am not a fitness fanatic. Daily calisthenics -or jogging is not my idea of a good time. But I do like to have some semblance of keeping in shape. In fall, winter and spring, the Thedford-Bosanquet Com- munity Centre is our fitness facility. My husband plays hockey, I go to dance -exercise classes and we both curl. Families with children pro- bably find themselves at the arena even more often. Im- agine the great hue and cry that would go up if a sign was posted on the arena door say- ing that it could be a health hazard. Well, that's what those Over 80 club Olive ' Andrew of the Bluewater Rest Home will celebrate her 100th birthday on September 2. Give,.. THE HEART FUND Lowrey Organ & Piano Sale Pianos from 1699°° Up to 25% off All organs Benson's Keyboard Nouse 757 Richmond St. London 438 2931 Open daily 10-6 a e s Lined, 300 sheets Refills 1.77 5 8" or 1" Pressed Board Binders 250 pages CoiI Books . 19 Laurentian Color Pencils 3.99 Encore, 12 • Color Pencils. 994 a Plain • Steno Pads 1 433 Main St. Vinyl 1 Binders 12 mm x 25 m Scotch Tape 994 Clear Tops Math Sets Children s, Lunch box and thermos 1.99 Lunch Kits 5.991 9943 Encore, 10 994 HB Pencils 1.19 Regular Duotang, Covers ,1 One-A'Day. 60 s, Pus Vitamins Iron & Minerals 3 4.51 E One A -Day, 100's, plus iron 4 to pkg 1.19 4 Vitamins 4.65P. 011/47% DISCOUNT Exeter 235-1661 nnmmnmmilli m inim mnmtntnntm immii mimmilrnnnntnnntnummmnnnnnmmnmmunnntttmtmmmmmmtnntmtnm pollution signs on the beaches have done -- closed up our summer fitness facility. For many, regular swimming and water skiing is their way of keeping in shape over the summer. Many of us live where we do Mary's musings By Mary Alderson and commute to work simply because we love thr_ lake. If the pollution warnings become an annual problem, possibly there will be a mass exodus of the lake area as we move closer to our jobs. On the other hand. I've been told to calm down because the pollution problem can't be all that bad. After all, how can the beaches at Grand Bend, everyone's problem Ipperwash and Port Franks be polluted when the same water at Pinery and Ipper- wash Provincial Parks is alright? I have also been told Mother Nature will clean up the lake. But why should we expect nature to clean it up, when it appears that it was mankind who messed it up? Shouldn't we have to clean it up ourselves? It isn't enough to sit back and say th.: the bacteria will be killed this winter when the lake freezes. So why haven't those of us who love the lake spoken up about this crisis? Maybe we're feeling guilty -- we've already enjoyed the lake more this summer than we have in other years. We've been spoiled by wonderful weather. There hasn't been a Sunday since early June that we haven't been swimming. Perhaps it seems as if we're being greedy if we demand that the lake be suitable for swimming all summer long. Well, folks -- its' loo much to ask. We should be able to enjoy the lake as much as we want. Let's see to it that whatever is polluting our lake is stopped. If not for ourselves, for the next eneration. TO MARRY - Mr. and Mrs. Ron Swartz, Lucan and Mr. and Mrs. Charles Hodgins, Parkhill wish to announce the forthcoming marriage of their children Patricia Ann and Ronald Raymond on September 16, 1983 at Cen- tralia United Church at 3:30. Open reception to follow in Lucan. TO MARRY - Ross and Loretta Riley, RR 2 Staffa are pleased to announce the forthcoming marriage of their daughter Sheila Elizabeth to Jeffrey Harvey, son of Ross and Donna Corbett, RR 1 Exeter on September 10, 1983 at 4 p.m., Hensel) United Church. Open reception to follow in Exeter. Superior Sanka Instant, 8 oz. dacaf. Coffee 4.49 Superior Superior Duncan Hines Deluxe 11. 520 g. Cake Mixes 1.09 Flavour Crystals 3's Quench 1.09 Superior 750 mi. Pepsi 3/994 Libbys Spaghetti, Zoodles, Alphagetti McCormicks Chocolate Chip, 61.49 0 g. Cookies Superior Kelloggs, 475 g. Special K 2.29 Superior Stokleys Fancy, 14 oz. tin 19 1,9 frozen foods Highliner, Bulk Pack, in b tte Haddock 2.19 Ib. Niagara, 12 oz. tin Orange Juice 69 C Niagara, 12 oz. tin Lemonade 39 C Carnival, 1 kg. bag French Fries 1.09 Staceys Soft, 100% Veg. oil Margarine 674 Superior Crown Brand, 1 Titre jar Corn Syrup Soup 1.99 A 3/1 , Libbys, your choice 14 oz. tin Beans & Pork Aylmer, 10 oz. tin Tomato Peas 55, j, Aylmer Choice, 28 oz. tin Tomatoes 994 2.98 Superior Tins, your choice, c/s 24 Pepsi 5.99 Sultana, 900 g. Raisins produce Ontario Grown Can. 1 N ew Potatoes 1.69 Ontario Grown, Can. 1 H ead Lettuce 59 t Ontario Grown, Can. 1 Cauliflower 75 4 Chiquita Golden Ripe B ananas 99C kg. 45 Ib. Fresh Grade A, 3-4 Ib. avg. Frying Chickens 254.0,,..1.15 Schneiders Old Fashioned 2-3 I av Hams 8.13 kg,/Ib. .49 Schneiders Mini Sizzler, 500 g. Sausage pkg. 1.99 Schneiders, fully cooked, 900 g Bucket of Chicken 3.99 A&H ea. Superior quality Meats Maple Leaf, sliced or piece Summer Sausage6.37 kg./Ib. 2.89 Fresh (backs attached) Chicken Breasts 3.51 kg./lb. 1 .59 Fresh (backs attached) Chicken Legs 2.62 kg./lb. 1 019 Schneiders Frozen, 500 g. Steakettes pkg.1.99 Etri=-Th Superior, white or 60% Whole Wheat Bread 59i l Black Flag House 8 Gorden, 400 g. 3.98 1.79 Spray Jello Lemon, 3 pie size Pie Filling bakery buys SunMaid 450 G. Raisin Bread 1.39 Sunshine 9's, Bonus Pack 6 -+ 3 free English Muffins 69 4 Dempsters Country Grain Bread 89 Maple Leaf Sweet Pickled, 3-4 Ib. avg. Collage Rolls ,,,...,...1.79 Schneiders Kent Brand Sliced 5 g Side Bacon pkg. .39 Schneiders Blue Ribbon, sliced or piece Bologna 3.73 kg. / Ib. 1.69 Store Sliced Cooked Ham 4.15 kg./lb. 1.88 11(11=111111A WHETS OPEN THURSDAY JL FRIDAY NIGHTS UNTIL 9 P.M. We Deliver - 235-0212