HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes-Advocate, 1983-08-24, Page 25BUM RAP — The Ailsa Craig fire department captured the overall title in the Summerfest firemen's competi- tion hosted by the Crediton brigade, Sunday. They managed to win the title despite a failure in the hose relay when the bottom man on the ladder had his noz- zle come loose and ended up spraying his partner's rear instead of the chairs in front of the scaffold. APPLIANCE REPAIR � Large or small, we'll fix them all.... Our repair experts will have your appliance In tip top shape fast. Call us to -day at PECK APPLIANCES "IN THE HEART OF DOWNTOWN VARNA" VARNA 482-7103 LI1TLE PEOPLE Infants to 14 WE KATER TO KIDS 397 Main St. 1'..t.,. Ont. 235.1113 Back to School Sale Continues The countdown has started for our annual inventory. We prefer not to count stock so we have slashed prices. 20% off req price 30% off reg. price All rings • Birth Stone • Diamonds • Bands Bulova Watched Plus many other in store specials The readers write: Debate Christianho • s� of Iaud employers To the Editor: notatiorl,grants are jhougfat to figure goes towards teachers'' that the potential grants do rat her powerful interest The staff of the Canada be free. They are not. Grant salaries - we all know they not follow the students into group has seen fit to try to Employment Centre for moneys have to be raise* - don't work for peanuts. the Christian high school deny basic human rights and Students in Exeter would like through tax levies: It;makes Therefore, if instead of Mr. system. They and their freedoms to a minority group to thank the many people who sense, then, to try to reduce Allan's 10 hypothetical families bear the entire cost. for no other reason than a made this year's Hire -a- education costs. . students, 20 were to leave the In addition, they also pay perceived financial Student campaign such a Now; if it costs oprox public system, one fewer their full share towards the inconvenience. success. imately $3000 per year per teacher would be needed. The public system. At least, that's L. C. Dellaan. First en the list are the stu- highschool student, it issavings would be the way it is in Ontario. dent employers themselves reasonable to assume that a considerable. Finally, it is a bit disturb - who not only contributed to considerable portion of that It should also be pointed out ing, if not frightening, that a the success of our offices, but assisted in making higher educations available to a number of students. Summer jobs have always played an important role in assisting students to pay for their school costs and this year has been no exception. On behalf of the country's future doc- tors, architects, farmers, lawyers, engineers. managers, secretaries, politi- cians, nurses, whatever, thank you for hiring a student. Next, we w('utd like to thank the town business peo- ple for donating prizes to the 1983 Canada Employment Centre for Students Art Con- test, for displaying our posters in store windows, and for letting us interview,them in our !fire -a -Student Week articles. Your efforts are greatly appreciated. Area high schools were also very helpful. Whether we needed help with the art con- test, flyers, tips on how best to assist students in finding summer jobs, or leaving messages for the students. South Huron was very supportive. Special mention should be given to Dave Bieman of the Huron County Board of Education and Jay Campbell 'of Earl Campbell's Jewellers. as Well as area libraries, banks and grocery stores, each of whom greatly con- tributed to the 1983 Hire -a - Student campaign. 'rhe most important feature of any community campaign is getting the message to the public and this year's Hire -a - Student campaign was no ex- ception. However, our job was made much easier by the oustanding coverage we received. Any articles sub- mitted to the Times -Advocate were printed . and the coverage greatly increased our effectiveness. Finally, we would like to thank the staff of the Canada Employment Centre for their willingness to answer the many questions we always seemed to have. Thanks Susan, Helen and Laura. Sincerely, Kathy Caldwell • Student Placement Officer Angelina Arts Supervisor P.S. The Exeter Student of- - fice will close August 30, and any students who wish to keep their names on file for work during the school year are urged to let us know as soon as possible, so that we may put their cards on file in the main office. T Sir: Mr. Bob Allan's statements at the O.M.B. hearing held on August 2, 1983 ( Huron board opposes Christian school, Times -Advocate, August 10, 1983) warrant 'a few com- ments. First of all, it is good to know that the newly - appointed Director of Educa- tion is concerned about the ability of Huron County ratepayers to absorb higher educational costs. In these tough economic limes, especially as felt in a farming community such as ours, it is a necessary attribute to be sensitive to the tax burdens of the constituents. In a sense Mr. Allan is right when he argues that a future Christian High School would ultimately be. supported. albeit to a very small extent. by every ratepayer in the county. A drain of students from the public neutral system to a public Christian high school would, of course, reduce the overall educa- tional grants. Since operating costs would remain relative- ly unchanged the Boardwould have no option but to pass on the increased cost to the Huron ratepayers. However, the contention that a lass of students to a pro- posed Christian high school would result in a loss of fun ding is debatable. Funding is based on needs. If grants are reduced( it is only because the needs are reduced. Furthermore, through con- 1,4 SUMMERFEST TALENT SHOW BEST - A very successful talent show was held at Crediton Summerfest Friday night. Above, from the left at the back are champion. Karen Caldwell, third place finishers John Farwell, -Mark Hartman and Darren Tin- 'ney of the Destinators. In front are Laurie and Scott Jewitt who finished second. Newlyweds always have a lot of adjustments to make. I think the change that I found most difficult to make was the move from a home where there was bountiful closet space to a home where closet space is next to non-existent. I know this has been a dif- ficult adjustment, because I'm no longer a newlywed - four years later, this problem is still bothering me. Let's face it -- my parents spoiled•me. I -had a bedroom with two closets: one large walk-in closet with lots of shelves for shoes, and one cedar -lined closet for wool clothing. I failed to fully ap- preciate it then, but now 1 realize I was living in luxury. By comparison, I now have a small closet, and worse yet, i have to share it with so- • meone else. Andnotonly is the closet too short, it's also loo narrow. That means that to shut the bi-fold door you have to fight with all your sleeves to keep them from getting caught in the door. • I know now why real estate salesmen make such a point of telling potential buyers about the ample closet space. The house could be a real dump, but if there are lots of roomy closets, it's a gem. • By now you have the im- pression that 1 am not pleas- ed with the closet space (or• the Zack of) in our bedroom. You'll understand why I was just a little upset with what happened the other night. i had just arrived home from a business trip with a suitcase filled with dirty clothes. For some reason that I haven't figured out, there is always more laundry to do when i've been away for the week. it's still the same Length of time between washings. Perhaps it's understandable that I might go tilror •,h more clothes when I'm travelling. But somehow, my husband cotnes up with more laundry when he's left home alone. Anyway, we decided to spend an exciting Saturday evening. at home doing laun- dry. We couldn't go out -- we On location or Studio leo Bart DeVries PHOTOGRAPHY (OMMI R(IAI POR/RAIfS WI DOINGS CAM !PS PUSIK 11' mount... and Iimmiing telephone 215.1298 137 themes Rd. East timer, OnI. TRUST COMPANY GUARANTEED CERTIFICATES AVAILABLE Representing many trust com- panies, highest rates usually available. For more information contact John R. Consitt at 236-4381 or 236-4560 Mary's musings By Mary Alderson didn't have any clean clothes to wear. At midnight we were just finishing up the ironing and hanging up the results in our closet. Victor was hanging up his pants, and t had just hung my last dress and turned my back on the closet when 1 heard a sickening thud. The bar holding our clothes had col- lapsed and there was everything clean and freshly pressed lying in a crumpled heap on the floor. Since it was well after mid- night major repairs were out of the question. We propped up the bar as best we could, and hung clothes on every door knob in the house. Clothes were spread all over the living room furniture and the floor. Constructing new braces and erecting a new bar in the closet took the better part of the next day. And this time, Victor wanted to make sure the bar didn't collapse again. He put a hook in the ceiling and strung a wire down to support the middle of the bar. A great idea, I thought. Until I noticed that the suspended wire was well into my half of the closet. Ile quickly hung up his clothes in his side, spreading them along to the wire, which, as I say, was not centered, but well into my half. Now, I no longer have a half closet -- it's more like three-eighths. i came out of this fiasco on the short end -- literally. That's OK, i fixed him. The laundry basket now goes on the floor in his side of the closet. The rest of the floor is covered with my shoes. His 'shoes can just stay in a heap at the hack door. ET ET ET ET ET ET ET ET E1 ET ET ET ET ET ET ET ET ET ET ET ET fT II FT ET ET ET ET ET ET ET ET ET ET ET ET ET FT ET ET Ii I I (r fI ET ET ET ET ET 11 ET ET ET ET ET ET 11 FT Conjrafu/aIions Bob Swartrnan Swartman's of Exeter. On the expansion of his ' men's wear selection. Book On Or Before October 1 on selected holidays and get Clothing Vouchers You con use like real money at Swartman 's of Exeter Also Enter the Lucky Draws for A trip for two Jo Pureto Vollarta; Mex ico. Value $1400. Draw made Sat., Oct. 1 AND Two air flights to Florida Value $600. Draw made Dec. 24 1 11 Aft •, -••. / Toll free 1.800-265-7021 MAWExeter area 100Vit MAT 233-2000 IT 11 FT ET FT FT Fr 11 ET ET ET ET ET ET ET ET ET 1' ET ET ET ET ET ET ET ET ET FT ET ET ET fT Fr IT 1'r 1T1, 1117 IT IT 17 1 1 IT 17 1 Mark events at Kirkton By MRS. HAROLD DAVIS Kirkton A family dinner was held Sunday afternoon at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Garth Blackler and Kirk to celebrate the birthday of Mrs. MauriceBlacklerand the 35th wedding anniversary of Mr. and Mrs., Jack Urquhart. Those present were Dr. Albert Berry of St. Marys. Mrs. Roger Urquhart and Gary, Mr. and Mrs. Brent Blackler, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Urquhart and John, Mrs. Maurice Blackler. Mr. and Mrs. Ken Blackler, Maureen, Andrea and Greg of RR 1 St. Marys, Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Donohoe of Mississauga, Miss Heather Urquhart of Toronto, Mrs. Gerald Paul and Ethel Copeland of Kirkton. Mrs. Gary Ballard and Craig of Mississauga spent the weekend with her father Rea Stephen. . Mrs. Burns. Blackler is a patient in St. Joseph's hospital, London at time of writing having undergone surgery. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Davis visited Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Fairbairn at Meneset Park, Goderich. Mr. and !tics. David Btirgin of Lindsay were recent visitors with Mr.- and Mrs. George Burgin_ Best Interest 121/4% Guaranteed Investment Certificates subject to change Gaiser•Kneale ,- Insurance 411 Brokers Inc. EXETER 235-2420 GRAND BEND 238-8484 CLINTON GODERICH 482-9747 524-2118 1/Veit/if/ �fi o fve its ( ill (1011'1 /)d1 d1)\ 'mire i(Tr t!)(''dti\!a)( - 111)n at klmtt infer !I)(' '11 ht. prepared with thew (,)rce an(/ < im«.1-n J(,, <k'ldil that ha, h(lilt Our f('/)tltdtl(11). Q entry Rowers EXETER 235-2350 Times -Advocate, August 24, 1983 Page 9A We're glad you asked! With Bob Fletcher and Iry Armstrong of c /-1" WHAT 1S "WIDOW'S WALK"? Old and historic homes built along the seacoasts often hove a fence -like railing on the roof which is called a "widow's walk." This "widow's walk" provided a lookout point for those awaiting the return of loved ones from the sea. In early days, many families were dependent on the shipping business for their livelihood, Many lives were lost at sea. Many ships were to depart, never to return again. "Watching from the widow's walk" became a common experience for countless wives and sweethearts in the early history of our country. The expression, "widow's walk", has been us- ed to entitle a booklet by Jane Woods Shoemaker. A widow can receive comfort and constructive ideas to help her adjust to her new way of life by reading this warm and moving experience of another widow. Your problems are our concern.'Please feel free -to call on us about them. ONTARIO FUNERAL SERVICE ASSOCIATION uncorporatedi IRV ARMSTRONG FUNERAL HOME PIIOKE 23S 1220 BOB FLETCHER COME TALK MONEY! Visit us in Exeter, Ontario EVERY WEDNESDAY REPRESENTATIVE: Bruce Gagnier The Federal Business Development Bank is here to help you. Come tell us of your plans to grow. We can offer you flexible financing, fixed or floating interest rates. Flexible financing is funds in many forms. Medium and Tong -term loans, loan guarantees and equity participation. We offer a brain bank of experienced people, too. Come talk business with us about financing, counselling, management training and govern- ment assistance programs. Whatever your need is, we have the flexibility to help—just talk to us. For an advance appointment call: 271-.5650 (collect) or write: 1036 Ontario Street Stratford, Ontario Federal Business Banque federate Development Bank de developpement Your future is our guarantee. Cando " The energy crunch is here now! YOU CAN'T AFFORD TO WAfE THERMO PANORAMIC TRIPLE GLAZED REPLACEMENT WINDOWS Here are lost a sew r.1 '►.(• reasons why you should ACT NOW' l r wort '111'1 ,Turf Prw 1, - h ": 1'1 q,d 11 •,. n,rm lhrrn•31't Etrnl,'', fr.1•••' null 1hrn mint i -IS'' •. hit • I.)0'T1 ,1nrl lock 11110 .My tint 1,V, Po'..'i.r l' r %Peru my SyaPn1 1'S ptw'••• r•On' !, w)Od (rim .nnr 1.1 w nrinw; rompin"P', to .11',Im�11u•-1 Cu.t. m t •,.fl to s 7. v.rtlr.11ly .1^y w•n17Vv StyIP Irum mc(1P•^ r., rntnr. )I w lh nr w.Mnul Inds M.l•nfn•• . •• Minn Nn r hrrp.n() %CF.1p'11q pully.... L 1 117 . 1 f.tsf 1`11•' d.ty nn mos! in, 1' .' • ►1 , .••.;r rllrma^ 11,1y •Pete$ ffom n` 1 .•••, Call now for a free window inspection. No obligation CaII Collect 685-1234 Jack Schenk