HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes-Advocate, 1983-08-24, Page 23Party for Stan Christie Sat., Aug. 27 For more infor- mation call 345-2568 or 229-8761 Party for Matt Muller Fri., Aug. 26 For information 234-6482 234-6463 Happy 65th Birthday Dad From your family WED.-THURS. LAST 2 DAYS FOR SHOWING AT 7 i 9:00 You won't believe what goes on and what comes off in.. . ,yo4A7,'ME7-4 • STARTS FRIDAY 2 SHOWS NIGHTLY 7 & 9 FOR 24 HOUR MOVIE INFORMATION PHONE 524.7811 MCI • IR Drive -In ) Ho, e oee„t•. ar(e- ea Si.. 191. 11111111111111111111111111111111111 MR•MaM BOX OFFICE OPENS 8:00 WED., THURS. LAST 2 DAYS FOR ' ' MAX . DUGAN + RETURNS No STARTS FRIDAY Every summer Chevy Chase takes his family on a little hip. This year he wont too far. 2wD BIG HIT "CADDYSHACK" • LOTS OF BAKING — Visitors to Summerfest in Crediton Saturday had Tots of op- portunity to buy baking and crofts. Shown with baking at the Crediton WI booth are Grace Fahner, Marie Fydenchuck, Ann Cottel and Ruth Eveland. T -A photo. Goderich centre may be home for young offenders The prospect of the Bluewater centre being utiliz- ed as a detention centre for young offenders was refuell- ed Monday by Mayor Eileen Palmer in a report to Goderich council. Palmer and town ad- ministrator, Larry McCabe, met with .Community and Social Services Minister Frank Drea, deputy -minister, J.K. MacDonald and ex- ecutive co-ordinator, Mr. Alfieri in Toronto recently. The meeting was arranged by Huron -Middlesex MPP, Jack Riddell, after numerous in- quiries into the fate of the cen- tre for the developmentally handicapped. The facility may be in use within 15 months as a provin- cial youth detention centre. Palmer told council, and could employ as many as or . more people than the Bluewater Centre. The centre for the developmentally han- dicapped is scheduled to close in November 1983 but since the closure announcement by Drea, there has been specula- tion that the building would be used as a detention centre. People will be retrained to work in the detention centre Palmer said, adding that the "municipality can rest more easily" knowing that jobs would be available. Administrator McCabe said Stephen sets dump session Stephen township will be hosting a meeting of area municipalities to discuss landfill site problems and possibilities. It will he held at the Stephen township municipal office in Crediton at 7:30 p.m. on Tuesday. September 27. Invited will be represen- tatives from the town of Ex- eter, the village of Uensall and the townships of Stephen, Us borne, Hay and McGillivray in addition to the Ontario Ministry of the Environment. One tile drain loan applica- tion in the amount of $9,000 was approved along with an addition to a previous applica- tion of $500. A resolution from the township of Southwest Oxford asking that Consolidated Hearing Act applications need not go to Cabinet was supported. Drain commissioner Ken Pickering was directed to repair the Des jardine municipal drain extension 1974 at Lot 1, Ai usable Conces- sion ar,d thr B branch of the Wein municipa' drain at the south half of L d 22, Conces- sion 7. Council approved payment of the township's share of ex- penses incurred by the Exeter and area board in the amount of $6,249.77. Permission was given to the Bluewater ladies slopitch team to hold dance at the Crediton pavilion on September 24. Approval was given to of- fice member Linda Oliver to attend a Municipal Officers conference September 28. 29 and 30. BASEBALL BASH '83 Exeter Men's Rec. Fastbali presents DAVID WILCOX Saturday, August 27, 1983 South Huron Rec. Centre, Exeter 8 -- 1 Tickets: $6.00 per Person Proceeds for community betterment that plans to convert Bluewater Centre to a deten- tion centre were only "con- tingency plans." The Youth Offenders Act has been passed by the federal government but the legislation does not become effective until April 1, 1985. The province of Ontario will require a custody centre as stipulated in the act and the Bluewater Centre is probably the best site in the province. However, the province is waiting on word from the federal government on a cost- sharing agreement on the im- plementation of the act. As soon as the federal govern- ment commits itself on fun- ding, the province will move on establishing the detention centre and retraining staff. Bluewater Centre ad- ministrator, Bill Gregg, said the contingency plan has always been in place and can be set in motion if the govern- ment decides to use the cen- tre to fulfill its obligations to the Youth Offenders Act. When the facility closes in November, Gregg said the buildings will remain in the hands of The Ministry of Com- munity and Social Services for 18 months before rever- ting to Government Services. The report also said that the camp facilities at the centre have been set aside for ex- clusive use by mentally retarded individuals and the ministry will correspond with the local association for the mentally retarded with respect to the availability of furnishings. Despite the speculation that the centre may be used as a detention facility, closure plans are proceeding as planned. Gregg indicated that eight Bluewater Centre residents have been moved to a community placement and that the resident population has decreased to 121 from 151. While eight residents have been placed in the communi- ty, the majority (21) have been translerred to other facilities in Palmerston and Oxford County. Gregg said that one or two residents were transferred to the Southwestern Regional Cen- tre in Cedar Springs. The staff of the centre has also been on the move and Gregg said that many have resigned and or relocated. The staff has been reduced to 155. Pair fined in absentia Neither of the two accused was in Exeter court, Tuesday, but convictions were registered by Justice of the Peace Gord Ferris after not guilty pleas were entered on their behalf. Sean Jeffrey Kastner, Sebr- ingville. was fined $128 on a charge of careless driving. laid on July 10 after his truck went out of control on a turn on concession 16-17 of flay. The driver sustained minor injuries in the crash and damage was fisted at $2.000. The accused was given 60 days in which to pay the fine. Hully Gully Sports & Recreation, RR 1 Varna, was fined $53 on a charge of premitting the use of a vehi- cle with license plates that had been issued for another vehicle. 'Mit charge was laid on Ju- ly 9 after a minor accident in- voiving,a 1981 Honda owned by the firm. The plates had been issued for a 1983 Suzuki. The former was not licensed for highway use. An employ ee said the ministry of transportation and communication had ad- vised that plates could be switched around, but the police officer had advised that was only possible through the use of proper dealer plates. The firm was given 30 days in which to pay the fine. Huron plow match slated for Zurich The Huron County Plowing Match is taking shape for the weekend of September 16 and 17 at the farm of Clare Dcichert of Zurich. The match starts on Friday morning with coaching and in t he a fternoon the junior match will take place. On Saturday the main part of the pr (lgrim gets underway with antique tractors. horse-drawn plows and regular tractors all plowing furrows. • A highlight of the match is the Queen of the Furrow com- 1,.•tition which starts at 9 a.m. on Saturday The contestants demonstrate their plowing ability. plows are available and are interviewed around 10::30 a.m. At noon the girls are taken for lunch compliments of MPP .lack Riddell ILib 11uron-Middlesex 1. Following lunch. the potential Queens , return to the match site where they, deliver their speeches. The winner is crowned that day and will go on to compete at the 1984 In- ternational Plowing Match to be held in Wellington County. Any young woman in- terested in entering the com- petition should contact Ruth Townsend of RR :3 Sea forth at 527-1629_ The .27-1629- 'I'he Huron County Plowmen's Association also offers a plowing class for women in two categories, those under the age of 24 and those over the age of 24. For the non-plowers there are other competitions to enter The match offers log sawing. horseshoe pitching and nail driving. A concession booth will be on the site to feed the hungry plowers and spectators. MITCHELL FAIR September 2,3, 4&S Party for Jeff Corbett Fri., Aug. 26 For more information call 262-2687 EXETER SCOUTS CUBS & BEAVERS Registration Tues., Sept. 6 7 p.m. - 8 p.m. at the SCOUT HALL John St. West maths] mum t ' • Pizza • Spaghetti • Licensed N('ti under nt 44 LCBO Main St. Grand Bend 238-2161 Carl & Mary Jefferies would like their relatives, friends & neighbours to join them in celebration or their 25th Wedding Anniversary on Sept. 3, 1983. from 9 - 1 Your pr('('nc e ,u)(1 hest t ishe'S is 1'OUr gift to is 1 o mol(' 11)tor 7))Ot io)) phone 227-4980 Wedding Reception for Syliva & Walter Kvnlcki (nee Stewart) Fri., Aug. 26 9 p.m. In honour of their re- cent marriage. All friends and relatives welcome 25th Anniversary DANCE for Keith & Dorothy Volland Sat., Sept, 3 Everyone - Welcome "No gifts, please" For more information 262-3204 Notice General Meeting Exeter Legion Mixed Dart League Wed., Aug. 24 8:30 p.m. At the Legion sar2deRs ON THE REACH Dining Lounge & Tavern Drive in or Sail in: OPEN 7 DA I'S A WEEK Fine Dining overlooking Lake Ilurotil ✓'1 r' /tin rLo-. nn l,uulrr.t Lower Deck— Restaurant Dancing New Sound System Weekend Dinner Special Reservations appreciated Grand Bend (519)238-2251 LAKESIDE SUMMER RESORT 349-2710 Lakeside, Ont. Sat., Aug. 27 music by Royal Aires Dancing on brand new hardwood floor CAMPING Make your seasonal reservation now Monthly weekly or darty comparable prices on beautiful clean Sunova lake DIFFERENT BANDS BIG TENT SUMMER FESTIVAL 1983 SEPT. 9-10-11 Times -Advocate, August 24, 1983 Page 7A Mixed Bowling The Exeter Mixed Bowling League is bowling in Lucan, Sunday nights. Any couples interested or anyone who con get a team of six or more, please phone 228-6581 for more details. There will be a meeting at Lucan Bowling Lanes on September 7 at 7 p.m. Memorial Day Service at Zion Cemetery Usborne Township Sunday, August 28th at 11:00 a.m. Robert Hern, Secretary -Treasurer • Kiddie Korner - School House - Fall Registration and Open House Thursday, September 1 2 p.m. - 8 p.m. Nursery School Half or Full Day Outdoor Playground Located 11/4 miles north of Exeter Cemetery. For more information con- tact Dianne (Wilson) Shapton 237-3739 FISHERMAN'S COVE RESTAURANT Specializing in fresh fish din from our boat to your fable. Open 7 days a week Monday to Friday 11:30 a.m. • 9 p.m. Saturday and Sunday 8 a.m. - 9 p.m. 63 River Road, Grand Bend Eat in or take out 238-2025 4 dal Hers 'Ali 4 ♦.t 1100 .46 marrAi lirt �1 iet., PM. VI 0o d 41 411.1W7.rr 111 The One Stop Place Sunday Hot & cold smorgasbord 5 to 7 p.m. 595 Noon Special Every Day. 225 Fri. & Sat. Entertainment Your kind of musk (Dancing) 280 Main St., Lucan Phone 227-6700 or 227- 4034 Operated once again by the Lewis's `1 GERMAN FOOD NOVELTY BOOTH Held under Aulherily 01 An L.L.S.O. Special Occation Perm.t. 1 Mile S. of ARKONA on No. 7 H'way Polka - Rock - Country Western 2 NIGHTS OF FUN and DANCING FRIDAY, SEPT. 9 SATURDAY, SEPT. 10 SUNDAY, SEPT 11 POLKA in the tent With ROCK'N in the tent With FAMILY DAY WALTER OSTANEK -- LONDON SET -- BAR-B-QUE Country Western country Western In the hail ENTERTAINMENT . In The Hall With With BALLOON R ACE SOUTH WIND SOUTH WIND Starts 2 p.m. Adm. Only 51.00 Starts 8 P.M. Starts 1 P.M. f i Admission 56.00 p.p. each Night Call 878-1896 or or Write: Taxandria P.O. Box 7S, Arkona