HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes-Advocate, 1983-08-24, Page 20Page 4A Times -Advocate, August 24, 1983 • uJn sin un o"Y i VTA„P- 1331 1 lost, Strayed SIAMESE CAT in Exeter Cemetery arca. Family pet. Reward. 237-3782 anytime. 34e 3 Situations Wanted CLEANING LADY has Wednes- day afternoon open, 12 noon to 4 p.m. Phone 227-1206 after 6 p.m. 33,34c. BAIIYSI ITER IN HENSALL. Experienced in child day care, mother of two, will babysit in my ossn home. monthly, daily or drop-in. Starting September 27th. Phone 262-3241. 34' W11 L BAIIYSIT DAYS in my home, Huron Park. Phone 228-6481. Auk for Bonnie. .34* W 1 1. RA Brill- weekdays T - 5. Phone 234-6375. . 345 4 Help Wanted NEWS CORRI'SPONDENI-S re- quired for I3rinsley area. Contact Bill Batten 235-1331. 13nc IIA IR STYLIST with 2 years ex- perience for busy downtown Ex- eter shop. Call 1-238-8805.31; fnc BABYSITTER required for Oc- Iober..11wy 23 arca. 225-2650. 34-36c Seasonal Employment Opportunities Men and women to work day or night shift from approx. Aug. 22 to Oct. 1st. Competitive wages with a large varity of work available. For further infor- mation call 235-2445. Ask for the per- sonel department Canadian Canners Lt. 4 Help Wanted LIVE IN COMPANION and housekeeper in lovely home %with all conveniences. Apply in writing stating references to Box 56P, c/o Times -Advocate. 34,35c DEPENDABLE BABYSITTER needed Monday to Friday starting September 6th. Must be in Exeter. 237-3486. 34,35c BABYSITTER for young infant Monday to Friday %sith flexible hours. Call 238-8911. 34c HOUSECLEANER rh day per week. r ural location. Own transportation required. 237-3782. - _ - _ _ 34c RESPONSIBLE PERSON to care for tsso boys ages 2i'2 and I' : ly from 8-5, weekdays. In your home or mine. Phone 1-243-2055. 34,35c MATURI. 11ABYSI LTER in Hensall to tine in. Phone 2622-2014 after Saturday. or 262-2429 anytime. 33e 5 Business Opportunities BUSYBODIES is pleased to tell you about an excellent income op- portunity...with flexible hours. As one of Canada's leading retailers of active -wear %%e ate now bring- ing our fashion, value, and quali- ty story into the home %kith Busybodies Home Parties. Our enthusiastic sales reps %sith fashion and colour sense arc earning im- pressive part-time income w 11r 2 to 3 parties per week. You supply the desire, the time and a car. We supple our great Busybodies mer- chandise and a complete training program. For more information call or write to: Jane Grahek, Busybodies, 26(1(1 John Street, Unit 220, Markham, Ontario 1.3R 3W3. (416) 475-8592.- _ 34x EARN MONEY. Saye money. Learn Income Tax preparation at home. for free brochure, no obligation. write: 11 & R fax Schools, 1148 Main Street, Win nipeg, Manitoba R2W 3S6.•34s 6 Services ORNAMENT Al IRON, porch railings, columns. posts, inside vinyl covered stair rails. room dividers, etc. Ron Desjardine. Pho,re 236-4622 or 236-4509. 51 Full time & Part Time Cashier required by Grand Bend area supermarket • Experienced only Apply in writing to Box 57 P, Exeter Times Advocate P.O. Box 850 Exeter, Ontario NOM 1S0 Township of Usborne requires a Clerk Treasurer and Tax Collector To perform all statuatory duties under the Municipal Act and other legislation. Municipal experience and an understanding of municipal activities in a rural setting preferred. This person will be responsible for all of the statuatory duties of the clerk and treasurer's position including: preparation of council agen- das and minutes; correspondence; conducting of municipal elections; financial management including the preparation and control of the an- nual budget; supervision of all accounting func- tions and tax collection; the Bac Poc program is in place; tile and municipal drainage pro- cedures included; attendance at night meetings required. Persons who have completed or are enrolled in an AMCT course preferred. Salary commensurate with qualifications and ex- perience. Benefits provided. Applications with detailed resume of experience, educational background and references will be received in confidence by the undersigned until September 15, 1983. Please mark the envelope "Applica- tion for Clerk Treasurer. Private and Confidential." Reeve and Council /Mr. Gerald Prout, RR -3, Exeter NOM 1S0 6 Services SIGN WRITING By Mel Centralia, Ont. PHONE 228-6946 JAM SIDDALL TRUCKING Livestock Hauling Bulk Grain Hauling KIRKTON 229-6439 32t CARL GOWER Welding and Repair R.R. I Centralia Open 6 Days A Week Truck Boxes, Portable Welding Wrought Iron Railings and Hog & Cattle Stabling 229-6542 PERRY'S DRYWALL ,\pPIy Finish & Texiure Perry Knee Centralia For Free Estimates 228-6837 25t Gene's siGnS Gene Creces - SIGNS OF ALL TYPES - RR 1 Dashwood. Ont. NOM 1NO PHONE 238-8242 41 .10 I3UY OR SELL antiques and used furniture contact Norn, Whiting 235-1964. 131 ELECTRIC MOTORS • Rewinding • Rep. • • Sales & Service ' 1 Ventilation NESBIT ELECTRIC 1:1 1:('TRI(.\1 CONTRACTOR 229-8222 KIRKTON 6 Services WATER WELL DRILLING W.D. Hopper & Sons Ltd. 4 MODERN ROTARY RIGS Phone Seaforth Neil 527-1737 1)url 527-0828 Jim 527-0775 301 MOBILE FEED SERVICE "WE BRING THE MILL TO THE FARMER" Complete line of Provimi and Shur Gain Feeds and Animal Health Products. Competitive Prices. HARDEMAN BROS. Kirkton 229-6525 I1tn For All Your Electrical Needs and Problems Call TRIEBNER ELECTRIC 83 Gidley St., Exeter 235-1756 Residential, C ommcr.1a1 Industrial and 1 among Generator Installations 461 DASHWOOD LOCK & KEY Brad Barnes RR 3, Box 68, Dashwood 237-3426 Certified 1 ocksntith Bonded and Insured Locks Repaired Keys Made Rekcying. Master Key Systems Emergency Openings of Cars, Home, Buildings I4Itn CUSTOM WORK Big Round Baling Combining and Plowing Lawrence Becker 234-6486 23 41% Help Wanted Assemblers Are required by expanding automotive parts manufacturer in the Exeter area. Positions are currently available in our 3:30 p.m. to midnight shift as well as our 11 p.m. to 7 a.m. shift. Good starting salary including shift premium plus benefit package available to eager, mature in- dividuals. Interested persons are asked to app- ly in person to: Fleck Manufacturing Inc., Canada Avenue, Huron Park, Ontario Township of Biddulph requires at Clerk -Treasurer and Tax Collector Applications complete with detailed resume of experience, qualifications, education, references and expected salary will be receiv- ed by the undersigned until 12:00 o'clock noon October 18, 1983. Biddulph is a rural municipality with a populo- , tion of 2238 situated 14 miles north of the City of London. Preference will be given to applicants with AMCT designation or willing to take the course. Duties to begin January 1st, 1984. Austin Hodgins Clerk -Treasurer RR 1 Lucan, Ontario NOM 2J0 6 Services JACK'S PLUMBING & HEATING For all your plumbing and heating repairs and installations Rural - Residential Commercial Water heaters, softeners and pumps JACK MAVER PH: 235-0581 14t In CUSTOM BULLDOZING We take down tower silos ...no dynamite Bush work, Removal of old buildings BOB MORRISSEY 234-6783 MIKE DIETRICH 762-5472 29tfnc DOG GROOMING- Apply Pat's Pct Shop. 350 Main Si., Exeter. 235-1951. 3ltfnc CUSTOM COMBINING; - grain, beans and corn. Call Ken or lack, 237-3707- 32tfnc MINNIE'S MAID SERVICES Personal home cleaning Everything frown 15)1)10 • bottom Call and inquire 235-2855 331fnc ('USIO\t 1'I OWIN(,, Ron Par- sons, 729-64cl. 34.35c C'US 1O\1 1'I OWING and chisel plossing. Reasonable rates. Call 236-4321 daytime or 236-4C:•5 evenings. 34-37c [CUSTOM KILLING and SLAUGHTERING Kill Day - Tuesday Specializing in home cured and smoked meat Veols ABATTOIR and MEAT MARKET 235-1123 NEW HOMES ADDITIONS RENOVATIONS If you're planning any type of renovating... WE CAN DO 1T Prif •/I'r'e t' ityt 11111 44" Specializing in Replacement Windows CALL FOR A FREE ESTIMATE Van Haarlem Construction 235.2210 Our Reputation is your guarantee of quality workmanship 6 Services EXETER CAB 24 hour service radio dispatched Phone 235-2110. If no answer phone 228-6812 .49 Simcoe St. Exeter • 23tfn John Hayter PAINTING Interior, Exterior Free Estimates Call 237-3298 38ifn SHAPTON CONSTRUCTION Handyman Renovations • Homes Farm Buildings • farm Roots WAYNE B. SHAPTON R.R. I, Exeter, Ont., NOM iSO PH: (519) 237-3739 235-1027 I6tfnc BILL WATSON Whitewashing And Cleaning Zurich, Ontario 18tfnc COMBINING WHEAT, mixed grain and corn, ploughing. Phone 228-6213. 30-36• SWATHING HAY and grain, harvesting havlage and straw, combining 55heat. grain, soya beans and corn. Bob and Ed ('uillericr, Phone 293.-3076 or 234-6203. 241 t nc (USI OM VVA I I IING ANI) big ro.tnd baling. Doug and fete Case. 235-1648 and 235-0197. 241fnc 6 Services DAVE PASSMORE PLUMBING & HEATING RR 1 WOODHAM 235-2708 301fnc SIGNS & SHIRTS By Tim R. Wilcox Signs, truck lettering and custom printed 1 -Shirts Hwy. 4, 3 miles south of Exeter PH: 228-6116 I ARMIiRS - For a good farm building at a competitive price phone: Ray Lanthers Construc- tion, RR 2 Clinton, 482-3305. Free Estimates. 431 MILLER'S Welding, Lathe and Fabricating RR 2 Dashwood Portable Welding Wrought Iron Railings General Repair OPEN 6 DAYS A WEER Earl Miller 237-3365 181 Don's Electric For all your electrical repairs & installations Industrial, Commercial, Residential & Farm Winco Standby Generators Soles 8 Installations PH: DON BENDER Dashwood 237-3575 121 592 London Rd EXETER OFFICE 235-1232 Fred Eyre R.P.A. Eves. 471-1158 Barbara Bell 235-1082 EXETER ATTRACTIVE 2 STOREY MODERN HOME, attached garage, 4 bedroom. finished Tec room. Owner transferred - must sell. Asking $72.900.00. HANDYMAN SPECIAL 2 bedroom frame house. New kit- chen top and sinks. Updated bothroom. Only $19,500. 8 UNIT APARTMENT COMPLEX 4 - one bedroom. 4 • two bedroom In good condition. Excellent tenants. Call Fred Eyre for details. SERVICE GARAGE in village in local area. Call Fred Eyre Icer details STEPHEN TOWNSHIP 5 ACRES NEAR EXETER with large 10 room form home. plus garage and bank born. Needs some repair. Priced at 549,900. Call Fred Eyre. HENSALL BEAUTIFUL BRICK BUNGALOW on 1 acre lot. Central air conditioned. Double goroge. fireplace in living room Ask- ing $59 900.00 - rrnnrirrurInnnnnnnnnnr11III11um111rt11lrinnlnnnnnnnnnnnnnlnlr VENDORS LOOKING FOR BUYERS ON THIS UNUSUAL- E LY LARGE STORE PROPERTY CENTRAL TO VILLAGE MAIN E AREA. THE ASKING PRICE IS 549,000 BUT WE NEED OF- E FERS. TRY YOURS NOW. CALL FRED EYRE. []IIIII1111111111111111111111 111111111111111111111111 n11111a11111 IIII 1111111 rninifl lllllll ZURICH 552,900 SOLID BRICK 3 bedroom home. separote living and dining rooms, library, large eat -in kitchen. detached garage. full basement, beotifully landscaped. 1', baths. Cali Fred Eyre. 554,900 3 BEDROOM solid brick home with large lot. Good horn modern kitchen 5 piece bathroom. FRED EYRE is an associate of the International Institute of Appraisers and Is qualified to do your appraisals. Call Now for further information and fees. Member of the Huron Real Estate Board 6 Services SEPTIC TANKS WEEPING BEDS Installed, Repaired, Pumped Butler Bros. Lucan 227-4312 or 227-4254 30 Years Experience Backhoe service. Scrap purchased 16lIn JIM'S MACHINE SHOP Hensall Steel, Aluminum, Stainless Brass,'Cast, Welding Lathe, Milling, Grinding Shafts & farts straightened hui11-up or new ones made Drisc Shafts lengthened or shortened - Produce Equipment manufactured ('onseyors & Belting All Work Guaranteed PHONE 262-2711 491fn 6 Services STEVE SCHROEDER DESIGN BUILD General Carpentry Architectural Drafting RR 2 Dashwood PH: 237-3789 after 6 p.m. 24tIn Johnson SANITATION SERVICE PORTABLE TOILET RENTALS Septic tanks and holding tanks pumped and installed. PH: 294-6954 Parkhill Zenith No. 89220 291111 CUSTO\i ROUND l3Al.IN(i - 4'xS'. Scott Cowan, Varna, On- tario. Phone 482_9297. 27tlnx CUSTOM BACK HOLING AND bulldoiing, septic tanks, sleeping keds, sellers, farm drainage and repairs and general bulldoiing. Grant Skinner 235-1023. 2StInc Office 666-1010 USBORNE TOWNSHIP • 100 acres, 90 workable, house, barn and driveshed. HIBBERT TOWNSHIP 200 acres, 157 workable, hog operation, 2 storey house, large FCC at 10%. HURON COUNTY 96 acres, 85 workable, no buildings, $135,000. NORTH OF MITCHELL 50 acres with house and barn. ABOVE PETER BERENDSEN RES. 229-8804 KIRKTON AREA A real do-it-yourselfer. Two Brick homes, use one to add to the other or complete both. Large bank barn, implement shed and henhouse. Hydro and water on property. Owner wants to sell. $42,900. GRAND BEND Close to lake, but country with over one acre for your enjoyment. Four level side split, seperate dining room. Glass and screened Florida room for those warm nights. Third level is finished rec room and laundry area. This pro- perty will afford you o great sunset. $64,900. KIPPEN Charm and character is still here! Stained win- dows, french doors, wainscotting, 2 staircases. 2% storey brick with wrap around porch. 3 bedrooms, separate dining room, living room, main floor laundry and mud room, full base- ment. Small 2 storey born. Large garden lot. 537,000. HURON PARK 10 acres of fenced grazing land, very clean, 2 bedroom 11,2 storey brick home. T.V. room, bright main floor family room, living room and large American style kitchen, breezeway and 2 car attached goroge. Just a great little born, block construction, modern tie-ups, box stalls and overhead loft. A must to see. Asking $95,000. - WOODHAM Ideal for workshop type business, location on busy highway, 3,300 sq. ft. building, hos showrooms and parts type addition. Office area, washrooms, excellent large 11% first mortgage. Asking 539,900. 1 MILE WEST OF EXETER 21/4 storey brick home, duplexed with two -two bedroom apartments each home separate en- trances, large kitchens, baths, living room, lower has large family room. 6 acres of land for your hobby, small 5 stall born. ABOVE JOHN MATHERS RES. 455-7309