HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes-Advocate, 1983-08-17, Page 22i
ARTISTS IN ACTION -- Shown busily engaged
in Dashwood are Joey Keller, David Maguire
in an
, Tim
Times -Advocate, August 17, 1983
Page 21
To repair steps and shower at SN Ree Centre
There's good- news this
week for the hundreds of peo-
ple who have tripped on the
steps leading to the seating
area of the South Huron rec
centre as well as for those
athletes who have been
unable to get a shower after
a torrid game.
At their meeting, Thursday,
the board of management
gave the facilities committee
authorization to proceed on a
project to fix the steps and the
The steps, which alternate
between a short one (12") and
then a long one (19' , were
described as "quite tricky"
by Gaylen Josephson, while
fellow facilities committee
member Brian Hardeman
said he couldn't understand
why anyone "would build
art lesson of Vacation Bible School at Zion Lutherpn Church steps like that."
Miller, Poul Nutt and Terry Hoffman. T-Ahoto. The steps have taken a
p heavy toll since the facility
opened, although most of the
accidents have occurred with
people falling up, rather than
down, the uneven steps.
Consider study of harbour
A well organized and com-
prehensive preliminary
report on the first phase of a
study commissioned by the
harbour committee and
financed by the federal
government was presented at
the harbour meeting.
Wednesday by Andy Spiel
(Spriet Associates and David
The study pinpointed the
need for well defined owner-
ship of the land involved with
the harbour and the river with
the thought to docking
facilities. The study looks in-
to questions of harbour"
maintenance. depth and
width, parking and public
Malik has been working
with village employees and
surveyors to try to determine
jurisidiction and ownership.
The report will be studied by
the committee in the next
week and a review Will be
considered by Spriet before a
final draft is completed.
in other business, there was
a lengthy discussion about the
lease for the Laundromat
space. It was finally decided,
since it was late in the season
that a lease would be granted
for an eight month period.
rather than the three -.year
lease previously considered.
hairman, Tom Lawson, was
the only negative vote on the
motion. "He'd be crazy to
sign a lease like that" Equip-
ment would be supplied by the
operator. The debate came
when there was some ques-
tion about hydro service and
It was reported that the
pump -out unit is operational.
There was some debate about
the location. Dr. Russell
Lingard suggested that it be
moved and set down so that it
ran directly into the sewer
system. He also donated a
tower for the VHF radio.
There was discussion about
the landscaping and the in-
terlocking brick. Committee
decided not to pay the land-
scaper for supervising plan -
Craft caught
without sails
When one of Grand Bend's
famous 'line squalls' hit sud-
denly Monday evening. Lisa
and John Dietz were caught
without sails in their 23 -foot
craft. They had decided to use
the outboard motor to enter
Gtand Bend harbour.
Once the squall hit, they
were being pushed toward
shore to the south of the har-
bour_ They radioed for help
and the call was picked up at
the Grand Bend harbour
building and by Dick Manore
at Manore Marine.
The best thought was to
radio fisherman Joe Green,
who was out on the lake.
Meanwhile, Skip fzon, who
was working at his boat -
building shop on the dock
decided to get out to :he boat
and sail it in. He and Doug ,
Jones and Wayne Kapitaniuk
pirated a power craft of a
friend, Rick Tatersall, head-
ed through the squall, board-
ed the sail boat and sailed it
straight through the harbour
Attention - Veterans
Ex -Service Men and Women
and Dependents.
Mr. C. Wall, Provincial Service Officer Lon-
don, Ontario will be visiting In the area.
Anyone wishing information, advice or
assistance, regarding:
(a) War Disability Pensions;
(b) Treatment for entitled veterans;
(c) Application for Benevolent Funds;
(d) Appeals against adverse original ap-
plications for War Veterans and Widows
is requested to contact the Service Officer or
Secretary of the local Branch, whose name ap-
pears below, not later than August 21, 1983
to arrange an interview.
Mr. Jack Stewart, Secretary.
P.O. Box 638,
316 William Strut
Exeter, Ontario NOM 1S0
Mr. R. McDonald, Service Officer
P.O. Box 222
186 Ann• Streit West
Exeter, Ontario NOM 1S0
By the time Lisa and John
were moored at the village
docks the blow was over. Safe
and smiling, they had lots of
praise for the actions of the
local persons. Green, with his
big fishing -tug, arrived in
time to escort them in.
Far them it was the first
vacation they've had without
their four children. They are
from Grand Rapids,
Michigan and planned to head
out the next day for the north
channel of Lake Huron.
has party
Pat Venton, Southcott Pines
was hostess for the annual
Huron Country Playhouse
Guild cocktail party held
Saturday. There were about
50 members and husbands in
President Tory McKenzie
announced that a luncheon for
members will be held in
Bayfield Wednesday, August
24. There will be an executive
meeting prior to the luncheon.
ting, when he apparently did
dot supervise and it was
decided to hold back 10 per-
cent until the interlocking
brick was made more level.
Member Shirley Mitchell
and Dock master Steve Rid-
dell will be organizing the
open house of the building to
be held August 20 and 21.
It was reported that the flag
pole has been set into the mid-
dle of the wheel chair ram
It was. noted that repairs
would result in a reduction in
maintenance as the steps are
usually covered with spilled
coffee, soft drinks or popcorn
after most events.
Facilities manager Cam
Stewardson said he had a
price for metal parts to ex-
tend the short step and make
tham all even. That was $600
just to do the main steps. He
was expecting a further price
for cement.
The board agreed to give
CHEV IN PARADE -- Jason an'. Karen S onieczny ap-
peared in Sunday's Lucan Fair parade with their toy
Chevrolet. - T -A . hoto.
SHAVING BALLOONS -- - Jason Eifert, Rebecca Darling and Kim Campbell are
carefully shaving ballons during a penny carnival Friday at the Exeter playground
program. T -A photo.
Always welcome.
Of all the ways
to cook chicken in
this world, only
Kentucky Fried
Chicken wins hands
down every time.
That's because we
cook each piece of
fresh young chicken
perfectly. according
to the Colonel's own
secret recipe.
No matter what
you're up to. drop
in and pick up some
Kentucky Fried Chicken,
There's nothing that
can heat the finger
lickin' gond taste when
you're really hungry.
Great for
Summer Visiting
or Entertaining
Colonel Sanders'
boys and girls
make it
'` finger lickin'
Ketttuckyfried Chicken
227 Main St. N., Exeter
Sunday service was held in
the United Church with Rev
Peebles taking the topic "The
Need of "the (lour" for his
sermon. •
The choir anthem was call-
ed, "There is Sunshine in N1.
Sympathy goes to the fami-
ly and relatives of the Tate
Carl Pollock whose funeral
was held Saturday and to the
Bullock family in the drown •
ing death of Wayne I,cerlcr•.
son of Mrs. Evelyn r Bullock
Lceder of Inglewood.
A family gathering was
held at the home of Fred and
Isabel Bullock Sunday In
celebrate isabel's birthday
Many people from here at-
tended the wedding of Mr.
and Mrs. Bruce Furtney I nee
.Janice Larkin' which .was
held in Parkhill, Saturday
The reception followed at the
Parkhill Community ('entre
Our family attended a
bridal shower which was held
at Neil and Marcia
Trevithick's home at Brinsley
Sunday in honour of Colleen
the committee authorization
to proceed once all quotations
have been received. The
money was included in the
Stewardson told board
members that only four of the
nine showers in the dressing
rooms were operating at pre-
sent and replacement parts
are now unavailable for the
original equipment used.
Replacement cost for the
nine has been set at approx-
imately $1,235.
"They've been a problem
since day one," Josephson
said in reference to the
showers. He explained that
the showers either run con-
tinuously and waste a great
deal of water, or they don't
run long enough and those in
the shower can't complete
their task of washing.
Cathy Whiteford asked if
the replacement parts being
planned would also become
obsolete in a few years.
"There's no guarantee,"
Stewardson responded, while
Hardeman said some extra
replacements would be
ordered to have some spares
on hand for future use.
In other business, the
Approved a new floor for
the lawn bowling clubhouse
after learning club members
had the money to pay for the
Asked Hardeman to check
with Usborne Township of-
ficials to find out why the first
instalment of their grant had
not been forthcoming as pro-
mised,' although secretary
Joanne Fields said the pay-
ment may have been made to
the town.
Decided to investigate town
policy for replacement staff
when Mrs. Fields goes on
maternity leave late this
Were told by personnel and
policy chairman Bill Rose
that the four-month review
conducted for employee Gary
Lavier had been very
Learned that the infield
grass at the hardball diamond
had responded to a good soak-
ing after having suffered
from drought and an applica-
tion of. weed killer earlier in
the season. Stewardson
reported the PUC and town
works department had in-
stalled a water line to the dia-
mond for future. watering
needs and said the grass is
now looking good.
. Gave the rec director per-
mission to attend the Contact
'83 conference in Toronto
from September 29 to October
2. She said that many of the
theatre and arts groups which
arrange visits to communities
have displays at the con-
ference and she would like the
opportunity to see what they
have to offer.
Finance committee
chairperson Caroline Merner
indicated there had been a
change for the worse in the
board's financial picture dur-
ing July and said the'staff
would be keeping an eye on
the sitUatlon. She said it may
have been an unusual month
and it was a little early to be
too concerned over the situa-
tion. It could very well turn
around in Augukt, she advis-
ed members.
Cavalcade of Fun
Huron Country Playhouse
Sunday, August 21
5 - 7 p.m.
* Silent Auction
* Viewing of art and auction items
* Roast turkey buffet dinner
* Parachute jump display by SWOOP
* Auction at 7 p.m
Jack Riddell MPP Auctioneer
Antiques - pair of mercury glass goblets, coal oil Tamp, pressed glass, etc.
Membership to Agripress Racquet Club, Hensoll racquet included
Membership to Oscar's Video Club
Weekend at the Skyline Hotel, Toronto
Theatre Tickets
Gift Certificates at many stores and shops
Baseball Tickets 4 - Toronto vs Detroit, 2 - Toronto vs Boston
Basketball Tickets Detroit vs Kansas City, Pontiac Silverdome
Dinners at Sanders, Oakwood Inn, Red Pump, La Riviera , The Little Inn,
E.A.T. Co., and many more.
6 Foot Salami (Tenderspot)
'100. Gift Certificate at Marie Reilleys
Dinners at your choice of London restaurants, with your favorite CFPI
Parachute lesson and one jump (SWOOP)
Join in a sailboat race, on board a yacht. (Grand Bend Yacht Club)
Gourmet dinner for 6 prepared and served by a gourmet chef and o
French maid, in your home.
1 hour flying time for 3 people in private plane
3 bottles of pop per week for 1 year
Brown Jade Ring set in sterling
Many, many more fun items too numerous to list.
Original works
- William St. Thomas Smith (Watercolor)
- David Blackwood (Etching)
- Ron Bolt
- Rev. P.D. Hicks (Watercolor)
- Robt. Genn (Serigraph)
- Peter Shostak
- Gordon Peters (Watercolor)
- Huns Reigo
Other oils, watercolors, Serigraphs, etchings plus several high quality ex-
hibition posters.
7uich "cf "twat
/dean le4tislaI!
Saturday, August 27, '83
le4tieaI P"oi'am
7 a.m. to 10 a.m. - Old Fashioned Breakfast
Pancake and homemade ade sa(Jsal;e
1)reaktact ser\ e(I In the street 1)y the
/with Alinor Athletic Association
n )embers
11 a.m. to 7 p,tn. • Ilome Cooked Beans
Throughout the day healthy servings of
hums' -cooked beans, served with tasty
clic ed haat.
12 noon to 1 p.m. - Horseshoe
Pitching Registration
Canadian Horseshoe Championship
Arena (;rnun(R
11 a.m. to 5 p.m. -
Free Bus Tours
lour of Area Dairy, Beef
and Bean Farms
(amping (;rounds' Available
11 ydro service on
a limited basis
9:00 p.m. - Bean Festival Dance
In the Zurich Arena, Sponsored by the
Local A11llc'tic Ogranization.
I p.m. - Festival Queen Contest.
Preliminary judging; of all contestants will
take place at 1:00 p. m. The final judg-
ing at 3:00 p.m. for a "Festival -Queen-
takes place . in the Arena on the ice
Two runners-up will also be chosen.
Plenty of Activity
Frog lumping Contest - 3 p.m.
Other attractions include a Mid-
way tor the kids and numerous
other attractions. Bean
Demonstrations of various kinds
of beans, sponsored by Ontario
Bean Marketing Board.
Join In The Fun
C. F. P. L. Radio in attendance
In Case of Rain Activities
Wi!! Be Held Indoors
Aot t It ), tie a Via (xcithif Got