HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes-Advocate, 1983-08-17, Page 19Puycr I8 I lima Advur situ, August 1/, 1983 Town n untr CLASSIFIED RATES WORD COUNT Charges ore based on the number of words.Sets of numerals as for serial numbers. street numbers, phone number or price count as one word per set. Words joined by hyphens count as separate words. FIRST INSERTION — 20 words $?.90. 104 per word thereofter. SUBSEQUENT INSERTIONS - No copy chonges. 94 per wo,d minimum $1.8Q. SEMI -DISPLAY FIRST INSERTION -- $3.00 per column inch SUBSEQUENT INSERTIONS - 52 50 per column inch. (Minimum size in this category 1 '•i inches. Accepted in multiples of half inch 1 BOX NUMBERS to this office - $1 00 per insertion. BIRTHS - 20 words $3.00 104 per word thereafter. DEATHS - 40 words S3.00 106 per word thereafter. ANNOUNCEMENTS - - morriages, engagements, an- nrversories. etc notices - - 20 words $3.00, each ad- ditional word 104 IN MEMORIAMS - $3.00 Plus 134 per line of verse. COMING EVENTS -- 20 words $3.00 Each additional word 104 Three insertions for the price of 2 CARDS OF THANKS - - 30 words 53.00. Additional words 5c each. 50c DISCOUNT PAYMENT IN ADVANCE Deadline for classified ods is 4:00 p.m., Mondays classifications 1 Lost, Strayed 2 Found 3 Situat-44ons Wanted 4 Help Wanted 5 Business Opportunities 6 Services _ 7 Livestock 8 Farm Machinery 9 Sports Equipment, Veh. 11 Cars, Trucks 12 Pets 13 Musical instruments 14 Appliances, Television 15 Personal 16 For Sale 17 Wanted -To Buy • 18 Wanted 19 Property For Sale 20 Property For Rent 21 For Rent 22 For Sale or Rent 23 Wanted To Rent 24 Property %Vaned 25 Notices 26 Legal Notices 27 Tenders Wanted 28 Auction Sales Township of Stephen Part Time Office Help Required Experience in typing and bookkeeping is essential. Applications must be in writing and should contain qualifications and salary expected. Submit to Wilmar D. Wein, Clerk - Treasurer, P.O. Box 100, Crediton, On- tario before August 26, 1983. Help Wanted Assemblers Are required by expanding automotive parts manufacturer in the Exeter area. Positions are currently available in our 3:30 p.m. to midnight shift as well as our 11 p.m. to 7 a.m. shift. Good starting salary including shift premium plus benefit package available to eager, mature in- dividuals. Interested persons are asked to app- ly in person to: Fleck Manufacturing Inc., Canada Avenue, Huron Park, Ontario Township of Usborne requires a Clerk Treasurer and Tax Collector To perform all statuatory duties under the Municipal Act and other legislation. Municipal experience and an understanding of municipal activities in o rural setting preferred. This person will be responsible for all of the statuotory duties of the clerk and treasurer's position including: preparation of council ogen- dos and minutes; correspondence; conducting of municipol elections; financial management including the preparation and control of the an- nual budget; supervision of all accounting func- tions and tax collection; the Bac Pac program is in place; tile and municipal drainage pro- cedures included; attendance at night meetings requir. Persons who hove completed or are enrolledin an AMCT course preferred. Salory commensurate with qualifications and ex- perience. Benefits provided. Applications with detailed r sume of experience, educational. background arid references will be received in confidence by the undersigned until September 15, 1983. Please mark the envelope "Applica- tion for Clerk Treasurer, Private and Confidential." Reeve and Council /Mr. Gerald Prout, RR -3, Exeter NOM 1S0 3 Situations Wanted CLEANING LADY has Wednes- day afternoon open, 12 noon to 4 p.m. Phone 227-1206 after 6 p.m. 33,34c MOM WITH 21/2 -year-old boy looking for someone to babysit. Good lunch, close to park, fenc- ed yard. Receipts given. Phone 235-0473. 33c 4 Help Wanted NEWS CORRESPONDENTS re- quired for Brinslev area. Contact Bill Batten 235-1331. l3nc HAIR STYLIST with 2 years ex- perience for busy downtown Ex- eter shop. Call 1-238-8805.31tfnc PART TIME TEACHER requires babysitter for two boys age, 1 and 3, beginning September 1. Half day weekly and occasional supp- ly work. Please give references. Apply in writing to 13ox 576, Ex- eter. 31-33c PART TIME BABYSITTER star- ting mid-September in Exeter or immediate arca for four -month- old. Afternoons 'o early evenings, some weekends. Call 237-3406. 33,34• PERSON TO WORK full-time in bakeshop. Bring resume to Cookie Cutter, Centre Mall, Exeter. 33c CLEANING STAFF required by Charlton Cedar Court and Evergreen Court Motels in Banff and Chateau Jasper Hotel in Jasper. Excellent accommodation available. pleasant surroundings. Only industrious people need app- ly. Contact Linda Charlton, Box 757, Banff, Alberta TOL OCO or phone (403) 762-3659 between 5 and 7 p.m. -33x VENDORS FOR Christmas Craft Sale, also antique and Trade Fair vendors wanted for sale at Hunt- sville Curling Club, October 1 and 2. (705) 789-7773. 33x BABYSITTER WANTED for 2 girls ages 10 and 7 from 4-11 p.m. weekdays. Student welcome. Phone 262-2203. 33c PART TIME HELP wanted in comfortable home for ailing gentleman. Apply Box 551', c/0 Exeter Times Advocate. 33' 5 Business Opportunities BUSYBODIES is pleased to tell you about an excellent income op- portunity...with flexible hours. As one of Canada's leading retailers of active -wear we are now bring- ing our fashion, value, and quali- ty story into the home with Busybodies Home Parties. Our enthusiastic sales reps with fashion and colour sense are earning im- pressive part-time incomes with 2 to 3 parties per week. You supply the desire, the time and a car. We supply our great Busybodies mer- chandise and a complete training program. For more information call or write to: Jane Grahek, Busybodies, 2600 John Street, Unit 220, Markham, Ontario L3R 3W3. (416) 475-8592. 33x YOU COULD EARN 5100,000 profit annually. Minimum invest- ment $2,700. Fully covered by in- ventory. Excellent opportunity as full or part-time business. Contact Transcontinental Distributing Corporation, 5165 Sherbrooke St. West, Montreal, Que. H4A 1T6. Phone (514) 489-3873. 33x BULK FOOD WAREHOUSE. Retail store franchise. Ontario based successful retail chain now offering franchises throughout Canada. Total investment re- quired for "Turn -key" profes- sionally designed store is approx- imately 95K. Net income expo: - tion is 75-150K. Stores carry 800 - 1000 products at very low com- petitive prices. No previous food experience necessary. Training provided. Act now to get in on ground floor of this aggressive marketing network. Fox informa- tion on this exciting Business Op- portunity, call Director of Fran- chising, phone (519) 944-1100.33x 6 Services CUSTOM COMBINING and plowing. Phone Don Parsons, 262-2821. 31-33' FARMERS - Fan modulators us- ed to control farm ventilation systems can be repaired at a frac- tion of the cost of new units. For further information phone 237-3782 evenings. 32,33• Receptionist•Secretary Ausable-Bayfield Conservation Authority and Township of Usborne re- quire a full time Receptionist -Secretary 8:30 - 4:30, 5 days a week. Duties to in- clude answering and operating telephone switchboard, greeting the public, operating word processor and typing. Applicants must have excellent telephone communication abilities and an outgoing personality. Experience in operating word processor and modern telephone answering equipment preferred. Applications will be received at P.O. Box 459, Exeter, Ontario NOM 1S0 un- til August 24, 1983. Huron County Board of Education requires BUS DRIVER effective Sept. 6, 1983 at each of the following schools Howick Central Public School RR 1 Gorrie, Ontario and Turnberry Central Public School RR- 4 Wingham The successful applicant must hold a Class " B" driver's licence. Interested applicants should send a letter of application stating age and ex- perience to the undersigned prior to August 25, 1983. P. Gryseels Huron County Board of Education 103 Albert St. Clinton, Ontario. NOM 1L0 D. Wallace Chairman R.B. Allen Director • 6 Services Gene's mons Gene Creces - SIGNS OF ALL TYPES - RR I Dashwood, Ont. NOM 1NO PHONE 238-8242 4t For All Your Electrical Needs and Problems Call TRIEBNER ELECTRIC 83 Gidley St., Exeter 235-1756 Residential, Commercial Industrial and Farming Generator Installations 461 DASHWOOD LOCK & KEY Brad Barnes RR 3, Box 68, Dashwood 237-3426 Certified Locksmith • Bonded and Insured Locks Repaired Keys Made Rekeying Master Key Systems Emergency Openings of. Cars, Homes, Buildings 141fn JACK'S PLUMBING & HEATING For all your plumbing and heating repairs and installations Rural - Residential Commercial' Water heaters, softeners and pumps JACK MAVER PH: 235-0581 I4tfn CUSTOM BULLDOZING We take down tower silos ...no dynamite Bash work, Removal of old buildings BOB MORRISSEY 234-6783 MIKE DIETRICH 762-5472 29tfnc RE Russell Realty THEDFQQDr' Oa farm, 95 acr€SQ.rouildings. AILSA CRAIG area farm 8 5/8% FCC systematic tile. GREENWAY 100 acre form, fair buildings. GRAND s+ O0 75 acres, fo♦'rtdings, $50,000. GRAND BEND 25 $69, acres, good house, 900, CORBETT lot on Highway, pipeline water paid. COUNTRY LOT ap- prox. 6 acres, moke offer. LUCAN AREA 86 acres, farmland has gravel HENSALL lot for sole CREDITON starter home. Doug Russell 238-8283 We need more listings 6 Services Don's Electric For all your electrical repairs & installations Industrial, Commercial, Residential & Farm Winco Standby Generators Sales 8 Installations PH: DON BENDER Dashwood 237-3575 12t SEPTIC TANKS WEEPING BEDS Installed, Repaired, Pumped Butler Bros. Lucan 227-4312 or 227-4254 30 Years Experience Backhoe service, Scrap purchased 16t fn JIM'S MACHINE SHOP Hensall Steel, Aluminum, Stainless Brass, Cast, Welding Lathe, Milling, Grin.:ing Shafts & Parts straightened built-up or nese ones made Drive Shafts lengthened or shortened Produce Equipment manufactured Conveyors & Belting All Work Guaranteed PIIONE 262-2711 491fn STEVE SCHROEDER DESIGN BUILD General Carpentry Architectural Drafting RR 2 Dashwood PH: 237-3789 atter 6 p.m. 24tfn Royal Trust Corporation of Canada Westmount Plaza, 785 Wonderlanu Rd., London Ontario N6K 1M6 Telephone (519)472.0660 Royal Trust THE SG+, THAI SEMS HIDEAWAY IN THE COUNTRY 7 year old home well insulated, walkout patio situated on a 50 acre farm near Nairn. IN SYLVAN starter home for young couple, 3 bedroom, full base- ment. Mortgage can be arranged. COMMERICAL PRO- PERTY older home in Exeter, on 83 highway. BUILDING LOTS in Thedford, double lot, water, sewer, large single, water, sewer. Call Cliff Russell Phone 237-3252 6 Services CUSTOM COMBINING - grain, beans and corn. Call Ken or Jack, 237-3707. 32tfnc MINNIE'S MAID SERVICES Personal home cleaning Everything from top to bottom Call and inquire 235-2855 33tfnc COMPUTER PROGRAMM- ING. Specializing in micro- computers, TRS80 models 1,2, and 3. Will design new software or modify existing software. Reasonable rates. Call 237-3354. 32c JERRY'S DRYWALL Or PLASTER REPAIRS Gerald Morgan 228-6724 27tfnc 'SUDDENLY IT'S SOLD' 482-9371 Clinton 12 ACRES: 13th of Hullett, large home, nearly new barn, price includes 500 cage layers. REDUCED: 6 acres near Brucefield, nicely kept frame home, large barn and steel drive shed. 50 ACRES: all wooded, small cottage, ex- cellent retreat or sport- sman's property near Auburn. 2 ACRES• " Kip- pereO`� )me, hea „top. HENSALL: 1'6 storey home on Richmont St. S., in good condition, financing available. RESTAURANT: Main St., Blyth, fully equip- ped, apartment above, reasonable price. HOLMESVILLE: 13 acres with farrowing barn, 1 floor brick bungalow, paved drive. EXECUTIVE CLASS HOME: on 20 acres, Goderich Twp,, very well landscaped, in - ground pool, large in- sulated and heated barn. PRICED FOR QUICK SALE. 92 ACRES: 75 workable, 3/4 mile south of Clinton, Hwy. 4, good three bedroom home. 85 ACRES: on paved road, 40 workable, stream crosses proper- ty, good building site. Paul Hehner 235-0302 Dirk Ceolman 235-1950 414 MAIN ST., ,(CENTRE MAIL) EXETER We have many listings to choose from. Drop in to the office and pick up a new brochure and details. r 6 Services TO BUY OR SELL antiques and used furniture contact Norm Whiting 235-1964. 13t ORNAMENTAL IRON, porch railings, columns, posts, inside vinyl covered stair rails, room dividers, etc. Ron Desjardine. Phone 236-4622 or 236-4509. 5t 6 Services CUSTOM ROUND BALING - 4'xS'. Scott Consitt, Varna, On- tario. Phone 482-9297. 27tfnx CUSTOM BAC'KHOEING AND bulldozing, septic tanks, weeping keds, sewers, farm drainage and repairs and general bulldozing. Grant Skinner 235-1023. 25tfnc GK GK GK GK O O (5 O (� f5 (5 0 0 (5 :L (5 (0 GK GK GK GK GK GK GK GK Exeter 235-2420 Grand Bend 238-8484 Clinton 482-9747 Goderich 524-2118 GK Realty r~ Insurance Si. Simmons Dwayne Tinney Bruce Fisher Griffin Thomas 235-0526 235-1408 238-8735 238-2035 impel FLOE. YPW n - OPEN HOUSE Sunday, August 21 REALTOR 82 King St.. Hensall, '12 noon - 3 p.m. For private showing contact: Gasser-Kneale 235-2420 Irl 0 MMMMEE 6) GK GK GK GK GK GK GK GK 592 London Rd EXETER OFFICE 235-1232 Fred Eyre .R.P.A. Eves. 471-1 158 Barbara Bell 235-1082 EXETER ATTRACTIVE 2 STOREY MODERN HOME, attached garage, 4 br'droom, finished rec room. Owner transferred • must sell. Asking 572,900.00. HANDYMAN SPECIAL 2 bedroom lime house. New kit- chen top and sinks. Updated bathroom. Only 519,500. OLDER 3 BEDROOM brick home on larae lot south of town. Immediate possession. Asking 528.900. 8 UNIT APARTMENT COMPLEX 4 • one bedroom, 4 - two bedroom. in good condition. Excellent tenants. Call Fred Eyre for details. SERVICE GARAGE in village in local area. Calf Fred Eyre for details. LARGE OLDER BRICK hosO Needs moderniz- ing. situated betw, S `� ,hopping. Coll Fred Eyre. STEPHEN TOWNSHIP 5 ACRES NEAR EXETER with large 10 room form home, plus garage and bank barn. Needs some repair. Priced at 549.900. Call Fred Eyre. HENSALL BEAUTIFUL BRICK BUNGALOW on 1 acre lot. Central air conditioned. Double garage fireplace in living room Ask • ing 559 900.00. VENDORS LOOKING FOR BUYERS ON THIS UNUSUAL- LY LARGE STORE PROPERTY CENTRAL TO VILLAGE MAIN AREA. THE ASKING PRICE IS $49,000 BUT WE NEED OF. FERS. TRY YOURS NOW. CALL FRED EYRE, ZURICH S52,900 SOLID BRICK 3 bedroom home. separate living and dining rooms. library, forge eat -in kitchen, detached garage, full basement' beotifully landscaped. 11,1 baths. Call Fred Eyre. $54,900 3 BEDROOM solid brick home with large lot Good barn, modern kitchen. 5 piece bathroom. e - EXECUTIVE 3 BEDR. uouble ottached garage. FRED EYRE is an associate of the International Institute of Appraisers and Is qualified to do your appraisals. CaII Now for further information and fees. Member of the Huron Real Estate Board