HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes-Advocate, 1983-08-17, Page 7Shipka folk
enjoy trip
Ken and Ortha Baker•
returned home Friday even-
ing after a three and a half
week holiday in the west.
They visited in Edmonton
with their daughters Nancy
and Donna who work there.
Side trips included stops at
Jasper Park, Lake Louise,
Banff, the hot springs in
Alberta canyon, Columbia ice
fields and Athabaska Falls,
also to the Okanagon Valley
in B.C. They visited a nephew
Mr. and Mrs. Dan Schilbe and
Charlie at Athabaska; and a
• niece Mr. and Mrs. George
Chartand in Calgary.
Sandra and Tony Regier,
Chris, Heather and Jillian
spent two weeks holiday time
in the west at the same time
as Sandra's parents were
there. The Bakers and
Regiers motored out west.
The wind up party for the
Shipka T -ball players, their
parents and families, was
held last Monday night at
Shipka Community Centre,
numbering around 50 in atten-
dance. There have been 16 on
the teanithis summer:They
enjoyed a 1•111 game followed
by a lunch of hot dogs and ice
cream cones.
The players received crests
and diplomas. Their coach
has been Ann Russell.
A 25th wedding anniversary
dance was held at Dashwood
Community Centre Friday
night for Willis and Ella Des-
jardine. A good time was had
by all. Reg Freer and his or-
chestra, from Kerwood
played. Willis played some of
his prize winning tunes for the
Sports news
The Shipka pee wee
baseball team entered the
semi-finals in fourth position.
They lost out in two games
against Thedford. August 10
game at Thedford, score
Thedford 10 - Shipka 9. Flies
caught by Shipka players
were one each by Jeff Ben-
newies and Eric Rammeloo
and three each by Rodney
Woods and Bruce Dietric
Jeff and Bruce each scored a
home run. Coach, Laura Des-
jardine reported Nancy Volk
played a very good game.
August 11 game at Shipka,
score Thedford 33 - Shipka 7.
Flies caught by Shipka
players in this game were one
each by Brent Love, Jeff Ben-
newies, Bruce Dietrich and
Dwayne Mellin, and two by
Eric Rammeloo. *Bruce
Dietrich made a double play.
catching a runner out on se-
cond with a throw to first for
another out. •
Special thanks is expressed
to Jason Finkheiner and
Brent Love, from the Squirts,
for helping out in the playoffs.
Lauren Marie Webb and Grant Edward Love v:,:re
united in marriage on August 6 1983 at Hensall United
Church with Rev. Stanley McDunald and Mr. Donald
Moffatt officiating. The bride's attendants were Bonita
Niemeyer, Debbie Stubbs, Cindy McDougall, Marlene
Campbell, Heather Ann Stubbs and Lisa Stubbs. The
groom's attendants were Ervine Willed, Gordon Love,
Jeff McKay and Jeff Mollard. After o reception at the
Hensall Community Centre and honeymoon in northern
Ontario, the couple has taken up residence at RR 2, Kip -
pen. Photo by Frank Phillips.
Joanne Marie Bell, daughter of Robert and Mildred Ulch
of RR 1 Mitchell, and Perry William Rose, son of Richard
and Esther Rose of RR 3 Mitchell were united in mar-
riage Saturday, July 16, 1983. Rev. Maurice Francis of-
ficiated at the ceremony in Thamesview United Church,
Fullerton with Jane DeBlock and Leroy Skinner of Mit-
chell singing and Linda Crerar of Hensall playing the
organ. The matron of honour was Donna Chaffe of Mit-
chell, maid of honour was Loree Russell, Mitchell and
bridesmaids were Patti Rose, Mitchell and Brenda
Ballantyne, Toronto. Flowergirl was Jayne Ballantyne,
Exeter. The best man was Philip Rose and ushers wdre
Dave Bice, Joe Chaffe and Doug Bell, all of Mitchel!.
Dinner and reception followed at the Kii kton Communi-
ty Centre. Following a trip to Northern Ontario, the cou-
ple is residing at RR 3 Mitchell. 33*
Grand Opening
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Romeo at Douro St. Stratford Wholesale & Retail Distributing Centre
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Mourn Toss of Rev. Wilson
Tlwnies Road teams plc
B y MRS. WILLIAM ROHDE Mary Ann Vanstone; Hibbert,
A pee wee boys ball tourna• Marg Smale; Huron Park,
ment was held Saturday in Stu McGregor; Lucan, John
Cromarty Community Ball Hope; Usborne Generals,
Park. Paul Passmore; Usborne
In the final A Championship Hylands, Wayne Rowe.
Huron Park defeated Lucan The president of the
and in the B final Crediton Usborne ball association is
defeated Exeter. George Tryon and secretary
In the final A consolation is Mrs. Paul Passmore.
Usborne Hylands defeated Golf tournament
Hensall. The B consolation The annual Hodgert golf
was won by Usborne Generals tournament was held on Sun-
qver South Hibbert. Con- day at the Exeter Golf and
grat)Llations to the teams and Country club. Golfers were
coaches. present from Toronto, Lon -
The coaches were: don, Chatham, Kitchener,
Crediton, Ken Govers; Ex- Seaforth, Exeter and Thames
eter, Don Wallace; Hensall, Road.
Cromarty people
repair hail damage
A bee was held Tuesday
afternoon to repair the
damage done to the west win-
dows of Cromarty church dur-
ing Monday's hailstorm.
None of the coloured inside
panes appeared to have been
Most homes in this area had
windows broken and there
was considerable damage to
crops, especially the grain
which was ready to harvest.
Agnes Lemond presided at
the August meeting of
Cromarty Presbyterian
W.M.S. held Tuesday after-
noon at the home of Muriel
Scott. She conducted the wor-
ship service based on Psalm
137 and led in prayer. Dorothy
Miller's topic was the Sacre-
ment of Nature.
The secretary's report was
read by Lillian Douglas and in
the absence of Lila McKaig,
Muriel Scott gave the
treasurer's report. During Ju-
ly nine cards were sent and
eight visits made to the sick
and shut-ins.
Dorothy Miller conducted
the business, and plans were
made for special autumn
Crediton East
Mr. and Mrs. Jim Edwards,
Walkerton returned home
after spending the past two
weeks at their'summer home
in ('rediton. Mr. Alvin Sims
and granddaughter, Sault Ste.
Marie spent a few days with
Miss Brenda Glanville
spent last week with Mr. and
Mrs. Ron Howard and boys,
RR 2 Kippen. also Mr. and
Mrs. John Howard and fami-
ly B.C. spent the week with
Mrs. Ed Regele, RR 4
Walton and Cindy McCallum,
RR 1 Walton and Mrs. Stan
Preszcator visited Tuesday
with Mr. and Mrs. Cliff
Thornton, London.
Mrs. Stan Preszcator spent
Sunday with her mother Mrs.
Ed Regele, RR 4 Walton and
supper guests with them were
Mr. and Mrs. Harold
Mc('allum, RR 1 Walton.
Mrs. Jack Dye, Crediton,
Mrs. Lee Helmkay, London,
Mrs. Jackie Dye and her
mother, B.C. spent a few days
at Wiarton.
Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Dallier
and girls, Kitchener visited'
Saturday with Mr. and Mrs.
Stan Preszcator.
Summerfest is this
weekend in Creditor).
Guitar Lesson
at the
Masonic Hall
Aug. 13, 20, 27
Between 10 a.m. 8
2 p.m. or call
Guitars available for
During the study -book ses-
sion, a discussion of Melane-
sian Culture was led by Bet-
ty Dow. The traditional rolls
of men and women are quite
different from ours, as are
their values.
A multiple choice Bible quiz
was given by Lillian Douglas,
after which the meeting clos-
ed with a hymn and prayer.
The hostess served a delicious
A family dinner in honour of
Alex and Doreen Gardiner's
25th wedding anniversary
was held August 2 at the
Dragon Restaurant in Strat-
ford. At the gathering were
their attendants, Mr. and
Mrs. Ken Moorehead of North
Bay, also Mr. and Mrs. Earl
Eggert, Mr. and Mrs. Wayne
Zurrel, Kirk and Cory, Mr.
and Mrs. Murray Eggert,
Julie and Jason, Rostock.
Later guests returned to the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Reg
Hodgert where a
smorgasbord supper was par-
taken of.
The trophy was presented
to the team of Ken Richard-
son, Kathleen Hodgert and
Rick Parker. Runners up
were Eugene Luxton, Pat
Hodgert, Ken Dutot, and Alan
Hodgert. Ladies low,
Florence Richardson, men's
tow, Rick Parker.
Quite a number of people
from this community called
at the Hopper -Hockey
Funeral Home on Friday to
pay their respect to the late
Rev. Hugh Wilson who pass-
ed away Thursday. Sympathy
is extended to Mrs. Wilson
and her family.
Several from this area call-
ed at the Lindsay Funeral
Home; St. Marys Sunday and
Monday where the late Joey
McCurdy lay at rest. The
sympathy of the community
is extended to his parents Mr.
and Mrs. Lloyd McCurdy,
brother and sisters.
Mr. and Mrs. Dave
Passmore, Tom and Jon
spent the weekend with Mrs.
Myrtle Passmore at
Pinehurst Camp.
Mr. and Mrs. William
Rohde visited Friday evening
with Mr. and Mrs. Russell
Morley, Exeter and on Sun-
day evening with Mr. and
Mrs. Dave Spence, St. Marys.
Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Stewart
and Paul were guests at the
wedding of Walter Kunicki
and Sylvia Stewart Saturday
at Resurrection Church in Ed-
monton, Alberta. Congratula-
tions to the bride and groom.
Centralia welcomes
two new residents
We say "Welcome" to Doug
and Beth McLellan
(newlyweds) who have mov-
ed to the village into the
Ferguson house on Victoria
Street. Dave and Mary Ellen
Ferguson have taken up
residence in London.
Mrs. Von Overholt enjoyed
a few days visit last week
with her sister Mrs. Teresa
Bedour and family in
Mr. and Mr`s.. Doug Riley
and Ben spent the weekend in
Georgetown visiting with
Doug's sister Mr. and Mrs.
Ron Goodfellow.
a Sunday dinner guest with
her son, Mr. and Mrs. Howard
Cunnington and family,
Thames Road after attending
Lucan Fair.
Miss Noreen Riley, Huron
Park spent the weekend with
Miss Debbie Horton.
The sympathy of the com-
munity is extended to Mr. and
Mrs. Larry Cronyn and fami-
ly in the death of Mary's
father, Earl Campbell of
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Hirt-
zel, Parkhill and Mr. and
Mrs. Karl Keller, London
visited on Sunday with their
parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Lawrence Hirtzel.
TO MARRY — Elsie Margarete Schofield, daughter of
Mabel Schofield, RR 3, Parkhill and the late John
Schofield and Larry Norman Coulthard, son of Jeanne
and Norman Coulthard, RR 1, St. Pauls are proud to an-
nounce their forthcoming marriage. The wedding will
take place Fridoy, September 16, 1983 at 7 p.m. at
Greenway United Church. Bart DeVries Photography
August 17, 1983 Page 7
On location or Studio
Bart DeVries
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Telephone 235-1298
137 Thames Rd. East
Exeter, Ont.
Lowrey Organ
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Mr. and Mrs. David Isaac were married on June 10 at
Grand Bend United Church. r hr bride, Barbera Ann Glan-
ville, is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Preszcator,
Crediton and the groom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Ken
Isaac, Parkhill. The maid of honour was Connie Martinella
and the bridesmaids were Lorna Barnes, Jody Glanville
and the flowergirl wos Cara Laye. The best mon was Ron
Brass and the guests were ushered by Mark Isaac, David
Glanville, Don Isaac and ring bearer was Joshua
Chalmers. Following o short honeymoon in Pennsylvania
the happy couple is residing in Exeter. 33•
Due to the popularity of the
Kem Exterior Paint
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we are extending it to
August 31, 1983
Kem Alkyd *$2199
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