HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes-Advocate, 1983-08-03, Page 10Page 10 Tim.s-Advocate, August 3, 1983 High school reunion a success Weekend visitors with Harold and Edith Widrick were Mr. and Mrs. Richard Shantz of Heidelberg, John and Judy Schwartzentruber from Brussels, and Mr. and Mrs. James Burkhart and two girls of Kitchener. Mr. and Mrs. Mark Denomme and son of. Kit- chener returned home on the weekend after spending two weeks at the cottage of his parents, John and Bern Denomme, RR 2, Zurich. A lovely trousseau tea was held for Sharon Jacobe last Saturday afternoon and even- ing at the home of her parents, Mary and Laird, for friends and relatives. There will be no service at the Zurich United Church the month of August, so the con- gregation will join Dashwood for their outdoor service. This Sunday, August 7 is Commu- nion Sunday in Dashwood at 10:30 a.m. Phil and Vonnie Overholt enjoyed a few days at the Wheels Motor Inn, Chatham. Several from town attended the Friedsburg Days ac- tivities in Dashwood on the. weekend. The parade on Saturday was really good, with a lot of planning and work.going into it. We were also very happy again when our daughter Carrie Sweeney won the Queen contest. She was sponsored by Mozart's Melody Makers band. Congratulations to Dennis McBride and Mary Ellen Ducharme who were married on Saturday at St. Boniface Church by Fr. Mooney with dinner and reception at the Pineridge Chalet. She is the daughter of Grace and Ray Ducharme. May we offer our sympathy to the family of Milton Lavery who passed away on July 23 and especially to his son, Gor- don of Zurich. Glen and Donna Greb, RR 3, Zurich returned home last Tuesday after a 12 -day trip, where they flew to Calgary then went on a circle tour of B.C. from Prince George to Kamloops. They also visited with friends in Alberta and B.C. Bob and Donna Lavery of Calgary attended his father's funeral last week, and have returned home. A good time was had by all who attended the grade 13 class, five year reunion of South Huron District High School at the home of Martin and Theresa Van Raay, RR 1, Dashwood on Saturday. Several came from as far away as Toronto, St. Marys, London, Kincardine and Kit- chener. The group is planning another get-together in ancther five years again. Anna -Marie Cavill and daughter Kathleen and friends from Warren, Michigan, spent last week at the cottage of her Aunt, Marie and Mozart Gelinas Sr. and visited with family members. Joe and Marlene Denomme and daughters Diane and Nicole of Kitchener spent two days with his mother Mrs. Juliette Denomme last week. Son, Blackie Denomme, also of Kitchener, stopped in on Friday, then visited with Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Rau. Butch and Marion Sweeney, Kevin and Kim of Vanastra, spent last week in their trailer parked at the lake near his parent's cot- tage, and enjoyed spending a day in Kitchener at Bingeman Park. Mrs. Anne Besozzi and son Steven from San Francisco are presently holidaying with her parents, Frank and Gerry Kane. Best wishes for a speedy recovery are extended to Ted Geoffrey who is patient in St. Joseph's Hospital, London. Mrs. Marie Hess who is now in Exeter Hospital and Carl Heideman. Congratulations to Michael Haggitt and Linda Hill who were married'in Goderich on Friday with' attendants Wayne Thiel and Lynda Hillman. The couple are travelling around Northern Ontario for a week and will reside at RR 2 Zurich. Mike is the son of George and Mary Haggitt, Zurich. Congratulations to Debbie and Jerry Pennings (nee Meidinger) on the arrival of their first baby, Erin Theresa: Mrs. Come! Sweeney Phone: 2364702 0 • tt NEW FIRE CHIEF - - Krista Schilbe tried on the fire chief's hat when the Zurich playground children visited the village fire hall. She decided the boots were too big. Looking on are Jason Erb (centre) and Wade Souplat. Brown minister at Varna wedding By MARY CHESSEL Last week, Murdock and Ruth Morrison moved into the apartment. vacated. by Jay Ball in Bayfinld's Clan Gregor Apartments. Bonnie Bar- raclough and Karri are mov- ing into the Hayter house where the Morrisons lived. Harvey Hayter had a lens implant in one eye on July 22, and is anxiously awaiting the time when he can have the other eye done. and resume all of his normal activities. The Rev. Wilena Brown returned to her home early last week, and officiated at the Wise -Keys .wedding in Goshen Church on Saturday. Judging by the traffic north out of Varna on Saturday night, a big crowd of the Keys farhily's friends attended the wedding reception. Doug and Mildred McAsh, Darryn and Krista had a very enjoyable Iwo -week camping trip. They slopped at Elora Gorge .and Wonderland, ATTENTION SINGLE LADIES 16 to 21 . Would you like to receive $100 plus prizes and more? OF COURSE YOU WOULD!! Once again Zurich Bean Festival is looking for contestants for it's annual Queen Competition Saturday, August 27 Participants must register by August 5 by call- ing Rosemary Scott, 236-4465 or Sharon Vanhevel 236.4531 4ERG 1983 HONEY CROP (2.18 kg.) PER POUND •Phase bring your own contalnars FERGUSON APIARIES... Batwaan Hansell A Zurich on Hwy. M OPEN Monday -Saturday • am -6 pm Closed Sundays Thurs., Sri. 9-0 visited friends in Echo Bay and Sault Ste Marie and relatives in Wawa, then took a bicycle tour of Mackinac Island on the return trip. Ex- cellent weather added to the enjoyment of their holiday. World Development and Itelief is the theme of the church service in Stanley Park Pavilion on Sunday. Please remind your children to bring their mite boxes. Adults are also reminded of the special envelopes they received several weeks ago. Shirley Luther, of Hensall, who is well known in. this area, is the guest speaker. Amrit Lama of Nepal, a guest of John and Margaret Robinson on weekends, will participate in a short dialogue with Marg. Amrit, a 19 -year-old college student, is a counsellor at Camp Menesetung this summer, with one week at Camp Rimini in Perth County. The children have enjoyed having him, as he is very athletic, and has taught them some karate, along with other sports. Amrit, a Buddhist, is impressed with the Christian fellowship enjoyed in the church camps, and has been very happy with his ex- perience there. At least one coach of a boys ball team has been very discouraged with the poor tur- nout urnout for practises and games The people who coach these teams are donating their time, and parents whose children are on teams should make a real effort to get their children there, or at least notify the coach in good time if it's impossible for him to be there. If you have news items dur- ing the next two weeks, please submit them directly to the paper, or hold them until we return from holidays about August 19. Little Anne Marie Patricia Bedard, daughter of Ivan and Rose Mary, Hensall was bap- tized on Sunday at St. Boniface Church by Fr. Mooney with her godparents and grandparents being Anna .and Ulrich Duttmann of Hensall. Karen Oxford of Scotland returned back home last Wednesday after visiting for six weeks with her Aunt and Uncle, Ted and Sadie Klopp and other relatives in the area. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Smith and three of their children recently spent a few days in the Collingwood and Midland area. Matthew Philip Laporte, son of Phil and Patty Laporte, was baptized Friday evening at St. Peter's Church, St. Joseph by Fr. Bensette with his godparents being Jean Pierre and Kathy Laporte, RR 2 Zurich. A Laporte family reunion. was held over the holiday weekend on Sunday in Marysville, which was at- tended by several from the Blue Water area including Noel Laporte and members of his family who all enjoyed a nice day. • TRYING IT ON FOR SIZE — when children/from t le Zurich playground visited the village fire station, fire chief Bob Merner helped Danielle McKinnon try on dad Kevin McKinnon's hat and coot. Zurich retailers stay open on August 1 civic holiday Question: When is a civic holiday not a civic h"Iiday? Answer: When a municipality, exercising the authority vested in it, decides not to proclaim one. Zurich council made such a decision at their July meeting. As merchants along •the Bluewater do the major portion of their year's business during the summer months, the retailers in Zurich wanted to stay open to serve customers on Monday, August 1. Zurich Reeve Don Van Pat- ter explained there had been such a tremendous response when village merchants stayed open on July 1 the businessmen wanted to repeat the performance. Speaking from the London office of the provincial ministry of housing and municipal affairs, Nigel Bellchamber said councils have the authority to pro- claim civic holidays only in relation to their power to regulate closings. Under the municipal act councils can, technically, designate any date as la civic holiday, but they are responsible to en- force the closing stipulations. If they don't want to force stores to close, there is no need to declare a civic holiday. The resort villages of Bayfield and Grand Bend had faced the same problem, but passed bylaws exempting establishments from man- datory Sunday and holiday closings when the retail business holiday act came in- to effect in 1976. Neither village makes any formal proclamation concerning civic holidays during the sum- mer months. In an experiment a kw years ago, Grand Bend pass- ed a resolution postponing the August 1 holiday until Oc- tober. The results were so unrewarding they have never tried it since; people assum- ing the banks and liquor and beer outlets would be closed stayed away in droves. Extra employees hired by the bank stood around waiting for a rush of business that never materialized. "We don't bother proclaim- ing it; it doesn't mean much around here," commented Crand Bend reeve Bob Sharen, adding that under their working agreement with the village, all municipal employees are given the August 1 holiday. Bayfield clerk -treasurer Pat Graham confirmed that the same holds true in that village. "We don't proclaim a holi- day, we just carry on the same as any other day," he said. The municipal office, ank, post office, liquor store and lumber yard were closed in Bayfield this year, and all others were open to cater to a large horowd. Doug Kincaidlidayc, chairman of the Zurich Chamber of Com- merce's local business trade committee, said the venture in his village was worthwhile, and will be repeated. Business volume at his hard- ware store compared favourably with a normal day. lb zehrs fr"i markers... of fine foods 0 �KOUT 5PECIAL5 PRODUCE SPECIALS EXPIRE SAT. AUG. 6 ALL OTHER SPECIALS EXPIRE TUES. AUG. 9 We reserve the right lo limit purchases to reasonable requirements FRESH PORK SIDE SPARERIBS 3.9s719 FROM ONTARIO PORK FRESH SHOULDER PORK BUTT CHOPS 3.n6139 lb a FRESH COUNTRY CUT CHICKEN FRYER PARTS: 3 FOREQUARTERS WITH WHOLE BACK AND NECK. 3 HINDQUARTERS WITH WHOLE BACK. 3 WINGS & 2 GIBLET PACKS. SCHNEIDERS COOKED PORTION SIZE HAM STEAK WITH SAUCE 175 9 PKG. 11 P c. A-400 >' p 0A1. PART BACK ON FRESH CHICKEN LEGS 2•Sikq 1.29b FROM ONTARIO POULTRY FRESH SPLIT CHICKEN BREASTS 3.5tq 1.59b P A L SCHNEIDERS COOKED -10 VARIETIES MINI DELI MEATS 250 g PKG 1.89 MADE WITH PORK & BEEF Z&W BREAKFAST STYLE LINK SAUSAGE MAPLE LEAF SWEET PICKLED BONELESS PORK BUTT COTTAGE ROLL 4.39..1.99. p L FRESH PORK SHOULDER BUTT ROASTS 3.06.. 1.39 SCHNEIDERS SCHNEIDERS its SLICED FAMILY PACK g SIDE BACON ENDS c BEEF BURGERS A 500 g PKG. f.99 PKG 4.99 A 1 kq A L COUNTRY GOLD SLICED -5 VARIETIES COOKED MEATS 175 q 79? _ PKG SPECIAL AT THE DELI; MAPLE LEAF PARA OR VISKING 162/kg BOLOGNA 1.191b. SCHNEIDERS SLICED SMOKED A'1/kg PICNIC SHOULDER Z&W COOKED OUTADE ROUND 10.56 /kg `ROAST BEEF 4.79.. SCHNEIDERS SMOKED 6.S9/kg PORK SAUSAGE?. 99a, SCHNEIDERS OKTOBERFEST 909 mL SAUERKRAUT 1.49 COUNTRY GOLD SLICED 4x50 g PKGS. CORNED BEEF 2.29 MAPLE LEAF VEAL 750 g STEAKETTES 3.49 MAPLE LEAF MINI FULLY COOKED 6.37/k, DINNER HAM 2.89. NEW ZEALAND FROZEN SHOULDER 4.39/k9 LAMB CHOPS 1.991b SUPER SPECIALS • ' SUPER SPECIALS l r SUPER SPECIALS SUP& SPECIALS CANADA NO. 1 GRADE NEW CROP ONTARIO POTATOES 10 Ib. BAG CANADA NO. 1 GRADE SWEET JUICY CALIFORNIA CANTALOPES SIZE 18 s1.99, 9 EA PROD. OF ONTARIO rtb9aCANADA N0.1 GRADE °� °(.7NDQ� FIELD CUCUMBERS 419 PROD. OF CALIFORNIA SWEET JUICY NECTARINES OR PLUMS Ib. PROD. OF ONT. SQUASH PROD. OF ONT. CAN. NO. 1 GRADE ASSORTED ZUCCHINI 1.30 ,k4 59°.t GREEN CABBAGE FA 59° TROPICAL PLANTS fi 4.99 PROD. OF S. AFR. GRANNY SMITH PROD. OF ONT. PROD. OF ONT. FANCY APPLES f14/kg79° " GREEN BEANS 1.96 49°ib WAX BEANS /96,k,89#1, VISIT ZEHRS NEW MARKET IN WASAGA BEACH OPEN TO SERVE YOU SEVEN DAYS A WEEK