HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes-Advocate, 1983-08-03, Page 7Backed by businessmen
Survey shows need for Dashwood seniors apartments
The Dashwood and Area
Business Association held a
meeting July 25 at ARC In-
dustries and the area can-
vassed for the senior apart-
ments received a very
positive response.
Dashwood and area
residents feel there is a need
for the senior apartments.
Guest speaker, Mr. H. K.
Poser, Social Housing Officer
from Canada Mortgage and
Housing Corporation, Kit-
chener, gave a general infor-
mation speech and opened the
meeting to questions and
The association now has to
answer a detailed
The next meeting of the
Dashwood and Area Business
Association is Monday,
August 8. at 8:00 at ARC In-
dustries. The association has
a membership of 27.
Vacation Bible School
starts Monday August 8th at
Zion Lutheran Church. All
children of the area are in-
vited to attend. It will be held
each afternoon from the
8th -19th with the theme "Take
it to the Lord in Prayer."
Andrea Norris, Mississippi
and Beverley Williamson,
Mississauga were weekend
visitors with Rev. Barbara
Jeff Hayter, Toronto, and
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Nagel
and Chris Baynham Oshawa
were visitors with Mrs. Elda
Koehler and Mr. and Mrs.
Bob Hayter and family.
Mr. and Mrs. Art Koessel,
Lansing, Mich., accompanied
Mrs. Richard Mueller of
Bloomfield Hilts, Mich. to
Dashwood where they visited
with Mr. and Mrs. Clayton
Pfile. Other visitors were Mr.
and Mrs. .Wilfred Travis,
Grimsby and Mr. and Mrs.
Arnold Kuntz, Grand Bend.
Mr: and Mrs. Doug Nutt,
Paul and Rachel spent the
weekend at Allenford. Paul
and Rachel caught a 14 inch
bass and Paul snagged a 23
inch pike.
Murray Fried,Kitchener, a
Fried descendant, accom-
panied by his mother called
on Mr. and Mrs. Irvin Rader
Sunday and brought pictures
of Absalom and Noah Fried
for the history book and fami-
ly trees of each one. They
were the founders of
Friedsburg (Dashwood).
Sunday, August 7 is the
110th anniversary • of Zion
Lutheran Church with Rev.
K. Zorn, a•former 1 inister,
guest speaker. Following a
picnic lunch, the congrega-
tional picnic will be held.
Deichert picnic
The 26th annual Deichert
family picnic was held July
26th at Dashwood Communi-
ty Centre with 108 in
Winners in sports were
Boys, 5 and under, Joel
MACRAME TIME -- Gia King and Denise Hendrick are busy learning the art of
macrame from teachers Wendy King and Mary Kenney at a Wednesday session of
Vacation Bible School at Crediton United Church. T -A photo.
Shipka couple visit in west
Hugh and Annie Morenz,
accompanied by their son Bill
have returned from a week's
holidays in B.C. in the area of
Coquittam and Port Moody.
where we visited our grand-
daughter Persephone and her
family. We left the farm Tues-.
day p.m., July 19 and spent
the night at Bill's home in
London. Next morning we
boarded a mini bus at 5:30
a.m. for an early flight from
Toronto to Vancouver on CP
Air. When we left here it was
30 Celsius and when we land-
ed it was 16('.
Persephone's little brother.
Christiana three years old
captivated our hearts and
calls us Grandma and Grand-
pa too. Ile also accompanied
us on many of our outings.
some of which were to Van-
couver Centennial museum.
where we saw beautiful anti-
que dolls as well as natural
and human history. Stanley
Heating 8 Cooling
• Heuting Systems
of All Types
• General Sheet
Metal Work
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133 Huron St. East,
Park. Ricky Point Park,
Pacific National Exhibition,
Queen Elizabeth Park and
Bloedel Conservatory.
We visited a day with Ann
McLaren (a former resident
of Ontario) and she guided us
on a tour of the Capilano
Salmon Hatchery, also to the
Capilano suspension bridge in
North Vancouver. Side trips
were made shopping and to
see the "Snow White" movie.
It was a special occasion for
me your correspondent) as 1
celebrated my bath bi: thday
while out there. Persephone's
mother, Lynda cooked a very
special family dinner for us.
We had birthday cake and ice
cream, even balloons, paper
hats land champagne, and this
was all a sturise to me. A
special guesilrat the dinner
was Persephone's great
grandma, Mrs. Ruby
Caldwell, of • New
Ilugh and I arrived back at
the farm on Thursday a.m.,
July 28 after a most happy
These are the last of the
regular ghme scores. T -ball -
.luly 21 game Shipka 29 -
Parkhill Expos 32 July 28
game Shipka 20 - Lieury 28.
I'ee wee baseball - July 18
game Shipka 12 - Lieury 4.
Plays for Shipka - Terry
McIlin caught three' flies.
Dwayne Meilin, James Des-
jardine and Rodney Wood
each caught one. and home
runs scored by Bruce Dietrich
and Jeff Bennewies.
.July 20 game Shipka :3 -
Thedford 36. Two flies were
caught by each Terry Meilin
and ,James Desjardine and
one fly each by Dwayne
Meilin and Bruce Dietrich.
The pee wee coach and
players wish to thank Master
Foods of Greenway for new
shirts this year.
Squirts baseball scores - Ju-
ly 19 game. Shipka 28 -
�lcrs 1 - 17/ J)pc ci a f3
6's• Save 40c
B utter Tarts
100% Whole Wheat, 16
B read
Havarti "Butter"
Onion and Parsley
oz. unslice��
Ib. 2.89
c, -nu eatery
% and%I
theeie _Jfouii
443 Main St., Rxotor 233.0332
Parkhill 37. July 26 game
Shipka 7 - Thedford 29. Jason
Finkbeiner hit a grand slam
home run and Alex Russell
played a solid first base.
July 28 game Grand Bend
25 - Shipka 34. Jason Fink- -
beiner scored a home run,
and Justin Turnbull and Jeff
Ratz both played a good
Edwin Snyder, son of Mr.
and Mrs. Ferman Snyder,
was married Saturday, July
23, to Gail Wells, daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. llerb Wells, of
Timmins, at Oakwood
Gardens with Rev. J. Camp-
bell officiating. Weekend
guests with Snyders Sr. and
attending their brother's wed-
ding were Suzanne and Otto
Plein, Melissa and
Christopher, of Elmira, and
Esther and Ric Storey, of
London. The wedding dinner
and receptione held at
Tom, Rosanne, Jackie and
Jenny Russell, of Cottam,
visited several folk and
relatives last week in this
area while they were on holi-
day with Tom's parents, Cliff
and Velma Russell in
Rev. and Mrs. Harold Dob-
son called on Carman and In-
ez Woodburn on Tuesday
Several people from here,
attended the Induction of Rev.
Peebles which was held at
Grand Bend United Church
Thursday evening.
Donald and Jean Hay. Lon-
don spent the weekend at our
home. .
Visitors at the English's
were Mr. and Mrs. Millan
Smirle, Morewood, Sandy
Reid. Ailsa Craig, Mr. and
Mrs. llarold Clement, Dear-
born. Michigan, Mrs. Hazel
McPherson and Miss Ruby
Pollock. Grand Bend.
Rev: Pickell, Goderich
spoke on "Security, How Do
We Find It?" As it was his
last Sunday here this summer
Manuel Curts thanked him on
behalf of our Congregation
and said that we had enjoyed
his sermons very much, dur-
ing the month of July.
Rev. Pickett told of his good
news on Saturday of a new
grandson. Karen Guenther
played the piano for the
Louisa Ayre and her grand-
daughter Pauline Smith, from
Ireland are relatives of the
Eaglesons. They visited
Grace Eagleson of Sarnia.
Other visitors were Carman
and Inez Woodburn and Olive
Baker, 6-8, Mark Keller; 9-12,
Joe Keller; 13-15, Ross
Keller; backwards race, Scott
Keller; Girls 5 and under,
Melany Hull; 6-8, Melany
Keller; 9-12, Amy Eichler;
backwards race, Barb
Keller; ball throw, Joel
Keller, Mark Keller and Min-
dy Keller; kick the slipper,
Tracy and Roger Keller;
balloon throw, Tracy and
Tammy Keller and Ross and
Warren Keller; wheelbarrow
race, Roger and Amy
Eichler;. button guess, Barb
Keller; mystery item,
Dorothy Elligsen.
Mrs. Josephine Deichert
had the most grandchildren
at the picnic (23) ; longest
necklace, Margaret Pfaff;
most pennies, Harvey
Hohner; the 26th name on the
roster was Harold Deichert.
A delicious pot luck dinner
was enjoyed by everyone.
Next year's picnic will be Ju-
ly 22, with Bill Weigand
Mr. and Mrs. Jim Rader
and family, Ottawa, are vaca-
tioning with his mother, Mrs.
Jessie Rader and other
Stacey Rader spent a few
days with her cousins Ben and
Robin Rader London.
Once more Friedsburg
Days have come and gone.
They were very successful.
The committee in charge
worked long and hard and
deserve a lot of praise.
Crowds were terrific. The ball
game and bingo were en-
joyed. The parade was truly
great with no limit on im-
agination. There were tots of
things for the children to do.
Winners in the Senior
Citizen draw were: quilt
Labelle ( Webb) Toppin, Lon-
don; box of groceries, Jack
Gaiser; and cushion, Ron
Mrs. Jean Wilmer,
Goderich, spent a few days
with her sister, Mrs. Greta
Visitors during the weekend
with Miss Erma Wein were
Dr. and Mrs. A.C. Whittier.
Robert and John,
Mississauga; Susan Whittier,
Toronto; Mrs. Rose Laub,
Exeter; Mr. and Mrs. John
Champagne, Caseville, Mich.,
Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Bills,
Cass City; Mich., and Carl
Wein, Ilammer, Ontario.
Recent visitors with Mrs.
Alma Genttner have been
Laura and Craig
McNaughton, Saskatoon,
Sask., Mr. and Mrs. Peter
Lockhart, London, Don
Lockhart, Ailsa Craig, Mr.
and Mrs. Don Genttner and
Stephen, Kitchener, and Julie
Mrs. Mary Shatford,
Brampton, spent a few days
with Mrs. Mildred
Dashwood Peewees were in'
Clinton for their annual tour-
nament last weekend. They
beat Woodslee 3-2 With Todd
Laporte the winning pitcher
having 13 strike outs and six
put outs, putting them in the
semi-finals on Sunday. Sun-
day's game was played
against Wheatley who won
with a score of 7-3. The boys
played a fantastic game and
broug t home'Ue most Sport-
smanlike trophy.
They would like to thank the
coaches, Ken Genttner, Irvin
Martin and Joe Arnold for
putting such a big effort in
this exciting tournament.
Also thank you to the parents
who drove.
Times -Advocate, August 3, 1983
Page 7
DECORATED WAGON Taking part in Saturday's Dashwood Friedsburg Days
parade with their decorated wagon were Bev, Julie and Jeanette Kaak.T-A photo.