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Times -Advocate, August 3, 1983 Many women involved in research program
A National Breast Screen-
ing Study centre opened in
London on August 2.
The National Breast
Screening Study is currently
operating in nine centres
across Canada and will in-
volved more than 90,000 Cana-
dian women. The objective of
the -study is to determine
whether early detection by
mammography will reduce
the mortality rate from
breast cancer. '
More than 4,500
Southwestern Ontario women
between 40 and 59 years of
age will take part in this five-
year research program at the
centre which is located at 373
Hill Street in London.
Donna Dean, co-ordinator
of the London Breast Screen-
ing Study, said women will be
welcomed from an area stret-
ching from Windsor in the
south to the Bruce Peninsula
and bounded by Lake Huron
to the west and Kitchener to
the -east.
"The only restrictions are
that participants must be
40 -to -59 -year-old women who
have never had breast
cancer, are not pregnant and
have not.had a mammogram
in the 12 months prior to
...Just For The
Fun Of It
screening study centre opens
amination of the breasts. If clan and the patient who 40,000 women already have
over 50, women in the second decide on further manage- been recruited for the pro -
group will have an annual ment. "Managemnt" includes gram across Canada and 200
physical breast examination. both diagnoses and treatment. new cases of breast cancer
If under 50, women in the se- For most women, no treat- have been detected.
cond group will not have to ment will be required. Arrother purpose of the
return to the clinic each year The local program co- Breast Screening Study is to
but will, instead, be followed ordinator said that nearly try to identify combinations of
by mail, risk factors which may make
If abnormalities are found. it possible to select only high
the fatnily physician will Ix family risk candidates for screening
advised. It is the family physi- Gunning in the future. It will also
analyse the cost effectiveness
unites at Exeter of current breast screening
techniques and will provide
The Gunning reunion was information about breast
held at MacNaughton Park, cancer for use in computer
Exeter, on Sunday, July 31. simulation studies.
The president Kenneth The Breast Screening Study
• Hodgins, welcomed all pre- will complete screening by
sent and a minute's silence March 31, 19138. It is funded by
was observed to honour the National Cancer Institute
departed relatives. of Canada, .the Canadian
After a delicious dinner a Cancer Society, Health and
short meeting was conducted. Welfare Canada, the Medical
Officers for 1984: president, Research Council of Canada,
Kenneth Hodgins; vice presi- Le Ministere des Affaires
dent, Alice Parsons; Sociales du Quebec, the On -
secretary -treasurer, Helen tario Ministry of Health and
Herbert ; registrars, Dorothy the Manitoba Health Services
Foster and Olive Hodgins. Commission.
A very enjoyable afternoon. Women wishing to
was spent with games and volunteer or requiring further
contests. The reunion in 1984 information should call Mrs.
will be held at Granton Com- Donna Dean at (519) 433-2861.
munity Park on the last Sun-
day in July.
entering the program," Mrs.
Dean said.
Half of the women
volunteering for the program
will receive an annual
physical examination and x-
ray of the breasts, along with
being taught breast self-
examination, for five years.
The other half will be taught
self-examination and will
receive an initial physical ex -
Lois Marie James and Charles Stephen Gingerich were
united in marriage at Markham Missionary Church by
Rev. Grant Sloss on June 11, 1983. The bride is the
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ronald James of Stouffville
and Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Gingerich, Zurich are parents
of the grooms. Karen Rae was maid of honour and
bridesmaids were Marilyn Roach, Esther Cressal and
Cheryl Nafziger. Groomsman was Wayne Nafziger and
ushering guests were Wayne Gingerich, Calvin Rae and
Robert Steckle. After a wedding trip to Newfoundland
the couple are residing in Toronto. 31*
Mary and Victor Alder-
son are pleased to an-
nounce that they have
purchased the equip-
ment, stock and
negative files of Truax
Studios, formerly of
Forest," and Plx by
Peak., Parkhill. If you
had your photograph
token during the past
25 years by Charlie
Wiley, Arnold Truax or
Olive (Peoke) Truax,
the negatives on
and reprints of any
are avoilol,le.
Mary and Victor would
like to extend their
best wishes to Olive
and Arnold for an en-
joyable retirement in
B ox 165
13 James Street
Forest, Ont.
B ehind
The Hairitage
Sele.t .rur wedding
Imitations from our
complete catalogue
I -or you.. a Keepsake cop.
of your invitation
in luxurious gold.
Imes -
Advocate, dvocate
ENGAGED - Mr. and Mrs. Jerry MacLean of Exeter are
pleased to announce the engagement and forthcom-
ing marriage �f their daughter Julianne Doris to Ken-
neth Frank, son of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Varley, Hensoll.
The wedding ceremony will take place at Exeter United
Church, Saturday, August 13, 1983 at 3'30 p.m. Open
reception to follow in Exet^r.Jack Doerr Photography.
Clandeboye bride
showered with gifts
A community shower was
held in Clandeboye United
Church Thursday evening to
honour Debbie Lynn. bride -
elect of this month. Mary
Scott welcomed the guests
and contests were conducted
by Hazel Williams and a
reading "Women's Work
was given by Kay Armstrong
Debbie was presented with
a card table and chair set a Iso
a large brass candle holder.
from the community and
received several other gifts as
well. from family and friends
She expressed her thanks to
everyone, Lunch was served
and a social time enjoyed by
Jean ilo.dgins attended a
meeting of the public rela-
tions commitee of the Mid-
dlesex County Women's In-
stitutes; held at the home of
Nettie Hogg, in Thorndale.
Monday afternoon.
Other members on the com-
mittee are Marg Carmichael,
Ilderton. Shirely Towers of
( At t JUDY
iv( rh, meeting
ne,t.es1 vol,
Model. near Glencoe, Marie
McGuffur. `lacy F':,llon and
M. s. Ilogg of Torndale.
The meeting was to plan a
public relations booth for the
Western Fair All :to branches
in Middlsex County will be
asked to send hyo members
fora shift on one certain day.
to help man this display dur-
ing the period of the Western
So. everyone. come and
sign the guest book and visit
the W I. display at the
Western Pair.
Mrs (;eorge Crosby. Ed-
monton. Alberta and Mr and
Mrs. Guy Ernest, Jaddo,
Michigan visited Thursday
with their cousin Beth and
Rea Neil.
Ab and Anne Van Mar:
rewyk. South Holland. are
visiting with Mr. and Mrs.
Pete Groenewegen.
Jerry and' Elaine 'Noyes
w-er in Toronto for the
weekend where they took in a
couple of Blue Jay hall games
n Friday night and Saturday
fternoon, also visited On
tario Place and the CN tower
II Wedding
'111 decorated
Will deliver within 20
miles of lucon For op
pointment please phone
Cake Creations
At.da McComb
Hope to cut
fraud calls
In an effort to cut down on
fraudulent long distance call-
ing, Bell Canada, starting Oc-
tober 17, will verify all third
number calls billed from coin
telephones. -
This is the third and final
stage of the Company's plan
to cut down on fraudulent
third number calls billed from
a payphone.
Last year, Bell operators
stopped accepting third
number local calls billed from
coin telephones.
On April 15 of this year, on
a. -.jird number long distance
calls from coin telephones
operators began attempting
to contact the billed party to
confirm that the person plac-
ing the call was known and
that the charge was accep-
table. However if verification
was not possible because the
line was busy or there was no
answer, the call was still put
Starling October 17, all
such numbers will have to be
verified before the call is con-
nected. If there is no answer
or a busy signal at the billing
number, the person placing
the call will have the option of
paying by coin. calling collect
or using a long distance Call-•
ing •Card tm • or calling
another time.
Murray Makin, Bell's vice-
president of customer 'ser-
vices said the October.17 date
was chosen to allow
customers who regularly
make third number calls
from coin telephones to obtain
Calling Cards.
"Calling Cards will allow
customers to charge long
distance calls at regular
operator -assisted rates,"
Makin said,
Calling Cards are available
to qualified .business or
residence users at no charge
and can be obtained by com-
pleting the application form
that will be enclosed with
their August telephone bills.
In 1982 there were more
than 2-.0.u00 fraudulent third
number long distance calls
placed from coin telephones
in Bell territory resulting in a
loss of more than $1.3 million.
This is a 90 percent increase
in fraud of this type since
HITS 90 - The year 1983
has been a very special
one for Mrs. Mary Han-
nigan of Exeter. On
January 9 she celebrated
her 90th birthday with on
open house which includ-
ed family, friends and
neighbours. This past holi-
day weekend a family
reunion wos held in her
honour with children,
grandchildren and great-
grandchildren travelling
from as for away os Win-
nipeg. Sault Ste. Marie,
Ottawa and the southern
Ontario area for this
TO MARRY - Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Stewart, Hensoll are
pleased to announce the forthcoming marriage of their
eller daughter, Sylvia Jean to Mr. Walter Joseph
Kunicki, Calgary, son of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Kunicki,
Edmonton. The wedding will take place Saturday,
August 13 at Resurrection Church, Edmonton, Alberta.
Open reception for friends and relatives in this areo
on Friday, August 26. 31 *
Grads welcomed back
All South Huron District
High School students and
teachers of the 1950's and 60's
are invited to a reunion to be
held at the Dashwood Hotel on
August 5 and 6.
A display of memorabilia
and year books is planned and
everyone is asked to loan "a
bit of memory" to the display.
There will be prizes for the
best costumes of the eras, and
a band to play the appropriate
music. All in all - a fun
-weekend is planned.
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� From A &. H
Make your food
dollars go farther
Heinz, 1.5 keg
Ketchup 2.59
Natures Best, 19 oz.
Beans with
Pork 55$
Fresh Picnic whole or half
Pork Shoulders
2.18 kg. / lb.99
Fresh Pork
Butt Chops
2.84 kg./Ib. 1.29
Burns Pride of Canada, Vac Pak
Wieners Ib, l •29
Burns Dinner Style,. 2-3 Ib. avg.
Burns Small Link
4.17 kg./Ib. l •89
3.06 kg./Ib, 1 s39
Schneiders Blue Ribbon, Sliced or Piece
Bologna 3.73 kg. /ib. 1 ,69
Fresh Pork
Spare Ribs
3.95 kg,/Ib. 1.79
Store Sliced
Cooked Ham
4.15 kg./lb. 1.88
Maxwell House Vac Pack, your choice, 369 g.
Coffee 2.69
Brights Fancy, 48 oz. tin
Juice 88
Flowerdale 60's
McCormick, 20's
Ice Cream
Cones 79 t
Solo 100% Veg. oil, 1 lb. tub
Classique Face, 100's
Tissues 1.09
0-z_ bakery buys
Cake , 1.79
Superior White or 60%
W. Wheat, 675 g.
ozen foods
Valley Farm, 1 kg. Rich's. 500 g.
French Fries .594 Coffee Rich
Highliner, 350 g. Kent, 12.5 oz.
Cod in Batter2.39 Orange Juice 894
Ont. 1
fresh produce
Can. 1, Produce of U.S.A., 1.52 kg
Mushrooms 1.79ib. Nectarines 69C Ib.
Ont. No. 1, 10 Ib.
New Potatoes2.39 Celery
Stalks 691 ea
for Frozen Raspberries
no sugar added
8 Ib. pail 10.95 28 Ib. pail 32.50
Open Thursday 8 Friday Nights until 9 p.m.
We Deliver - 235-0212