HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes-Advocate, 1983-07-27, Page 26r 1 Page 26 • r Times -Advocate, July 27, 1983 Coleman family holds reunion By MRS. HUGH MORENZ Shipka More than 70 attended the 33rd Coleman reunion held at Stanley township park on Sun- day, July 17. During the after- noon the older folks sat under the shade trees reminiscing and visiting, while the younger folks went swimming. After a delicious smorgasbord supper at 4:30, president Paul Betties, of Goderich conducted the business meeting. Officers for 1984 as follows: president Harry Coleman, Ripley; 1st vice pre$ .dent Jack Coleman, Zurich; Lnd vice president, Brian Wilson, Brucefield; Glady Doig, Sea forth, treasurer, Mrs. Audrey Col- eman, Seaforth; secretary, sports committee, Tom Col- eman, , London and Nancy Thomas, Ilderon; table com- mittee are Ernie and Dorothy Talbot, and Emerson and Audrey Coleman. Sports were conducted by Cheryl and Russell Talbot of Varna. Guessing number of beans in a jar won by Elsie Moore, of Belmont. Running races, wheelbarrow race and child kick shoe were won by the following, Julie Betties, Annie Talbot, Paul Moore, Brian Whyte, Kenny Betties, Crystal Whyte. yte The children also enjoyed a candy scramble. Adults kick shoe was won by Dave Whyte and Darlene Dungey. Relatives attended from London, Ilderton, Ripley, Seaforth, Kippen, Ilawkstone, Dashwood, Windsor, Zurich, Varna, Bayfield, Goderich and Brucefield. Hugh and Annie Morenz at- tended the Coleman reunion last Sunday. Personals Congratulations and best wishes to Willis and Ella Des- jardine who celebrated their 25th wedding anniversary. Jim and Judy Snyder spent a couple of days recently at Niagara Falls and Sea World. T -Ball game July 18 at Shipka. Score: Parkhill Ex- pos 35 - Shipka 35. By ANNE WAL! ER Jean Hartle has been visiting with Edna Woodburn. Morley and Linda Eagleson and family were camping at Ipperwash Provincial Park last week. Doug Walper attended an O.A.C. class reunion which was held at Barrie at the weekend. Recent visitors with Ken and Luella Srnithers were Mr. and Mrs. Alf Mafletts of Lon- don and Mrs. Telfer Mon- tgomery of Grand Bend. The title Rev. Pickett of Goderich's sermon on Sunday in the United Church was "Our God and Father." The Induction for the new minister will be held in Grand Bend United Church at 8 p.m. on Thursday, July 28. Give... THE HEART FUND r t wt NvSh%i wd+.M )YS t)ti vbi tUYYiyl l t rv✓i ' I1 ivi yew-% rn- '. r 9Zr (i��% 1tTC7� S i xivi s Drapery Designs Fabric Selection installation For consultation and free estimates Ca)1 262-5214 evenings iN Fresh - Ja.f/i //it species most varieties Donuts doz. 2.49 Bread ' • '-A- ' For the freshest Bread, iti Rolls, Pastries and Donuts Come to 7rr.fit/ -flit L ttI ei:, CT (1/t'ese _/bitty 443 Main St., Exeter 235-0332 DISCUSS PARTY PROGRAM - Shown prior to Wednesday's Kirkton Garden Party juvenile contest are committee members Mrs: Clayton Ross, Mrs. Garth Blackler, Mrs. Raymond Paynter and chairman Ken Blackler. T -A photo. Staffa family at convention By MRS. J. TEMPLEMAN Staffo Mrs. Phip James hosted the July meeting of the Marian Ritchie Evening Auxiliary at her home July 19. Mrs. James presided opening with a poem and hymn followed by prayer. Mrs. Robert Laing MO the scripture reading from the book of John. Nine members answered the roll call with a food eaten in the South Pacific. For her topic Mrs. Alex Miller read a humourous reading on Zucchini and also told about its food value. Mrs. John Templeman gave the study finishing up the chapter on nuclear warfare in the South Pacific. As her special number Mrs. Carter Kerslake told of her meeting recently of a Women's Institute pen -pal from Australia, who she had been corresponding with her many years. Mrs. Robert Laing presided for the business portion. Quilt blocks were handed out by the quilt committee to be com- pleted by September. There will be no August meeting. The Staffa Women's In- stitute members and friends enjoyed a bus trip Wednesday to the Toronto area, where they toured the Casa Loma, Montgomery Hotise and Black Creek Pioneer Village. Miss Kathy Norris is home again after undergoing surgery in Toronto. We wish her a good recovery. Mr. and Mrs. Rob Templeman and Carrah and Cain, holidayed near Tober- morey for a few days and visited overnight with Joanne Capling, Mississauga. Mr. and Mrs. Ed S&tember 3 Where will YOU be? Conestoga College's Secretary - Administrative Program could be on your calendar for September! You will learn word processing and executive secretarial skills in just 52 weeks. Give us a call. or drop in, and we'll discuss the details with you. J Sun. Mon. September Tue. Wed. r T 4 5 ;6 11 12 3 18 Tht I. Fri. sat. 1 2 STRATFORD CAMPUS 270 Water Street Stratford, Ont. N5A 6W3 (519) 271-5700, Ext. 5 i Restemayer, and family Bar- rie, visited Thursday with Mr and Mrs. Rob Templeman and family. Mrs. PhilipJa'ms hosted the July meeting of the Cromar- ty Ladies Aid at her home Ju- ly 11. President, Mrs. Jean Carey opened with a poem. Roll callanswered was a sww ayed by naming something from your emergency shelf. Mrs. Carey gave the devo- tions el'o-tions taking her scripture reading from Romans. Mrs. John Miller gave a report of the ham and strawberry sup- per which was quite a success. Mrs. Tom Scott read a let- ter from the Unitarian Ser- vices thanking Cromarty for the donation received. The Ladies Aid will be working with the Marian Ritchie Aux- iliary to organize and plan the attic, bake and craft sale in October. Relatives gathered on Sun- day afternoon at the home of Fay Martyn,Russeldale for a shower, honouring Darlene Templeman prior to her mar- .riage on August 6. Contests were enjoyed and a address which had been prepared by the bride's aunt Isabel Annis was read by Karen Templeman. Darlene was assisted by Gertrude Kemp- ston and Geri Neilson, and ex- pressed her thanks to all for the lovely gifts received. Joint service for Cromarty Presbyterian and Hibbert United Church was held in Staffa, Sunday at 11 a.m. with Rev. Ray Anderson in charge. There will he no services Ju- ly 31, August 7 and August 14, when both churches will 1 be on holidays. Mr. and ars. Lorne Fell, Sharon, Roger. Joyce and Pauline, attended the Cana- dian Seed Growers Associa- tion annual meeting in Quebec City. Part of the activities includ- ed a Mechoui I lamp barbe- que) one evening. in the Military Armory near the Citadel. As part of the enter- tainment following it. Sharon and Joyce performed several step dance numbers. Mr. and Mrs. Itugh Scott. Andrea and Philip. Cromarty. also attended the annual meeting. Miss Tammy Parsons, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Bill Parsonsas returned h t urn d h ome from two weeks where she spent two weeks on a student exchange. Tammy will be hosting a student from Quebec for a couple of weeks. Mrs. Jiro Diehl and her mother, have returned from a holiday in Europe. A CANDY CLOWN Appearing os a candy clown at aturday's Fun Days parade in Granton was Amanada Tiley. T -A photo. WINS RED RIBBONS First prize winners in the on wheel category in Saturdays Granton Fun Days were Katherine, Casandra and Poul Harding. T -A photo. Johns family in Florida Anniversary at Thames Road By MRS. WILLIAM ROHDE Thames Rood Saturday for dinner Mr. and Mrs. Reg Hodgert enter- tained in honour of their daughter and son-in-law Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Hern of Zion on their first wedding anniver- sary which is July 24. Other guests attending were Mrs. Isobelle Cann, Mrs. Kay Cann, Mrs. Gladys item, Mrs. Mary Hodgert of Exeter, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Hern, Sandra and friend of Zion, Grant and Scott Hodgert. In last Monday's London Free Press I read of the pass- ing of the late Mrs. Dorothy Moores of Albright Manor, Beamsville. Dorothy Moores was the wife of the late Rev. Wesley Moores who came to be a minister at the Thames Road pastoral charge in 1952. Sympathy is extended to son Trevor of Toronto and to daughter Marilyn (Mrs. Ernest Zsebik of St. Thomas.) Mrs. Mary 'Thomson, Ex- eter and Mr. and Mrs. William Rohde visited with Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Hanna and Mr. and Mrs. Robert Ross, London, Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Barry Jef- fery, Michael and Patrick were guests at the Hankinson- Whitmore wedding at Isl- ington United Church Mon- day. Barry was an usher and Diane was matron of honor for her mother. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Johns holidayed recently with Want more credit money The board of directors of the 25,400 -member Ontario Federation of Agriculture adopted a plan of action Wednesday to deal with specific issues - and then put it to work immediately. Executive members -were given the go ahead to use the plan to persuade the federal government to put more money aside for the Farm Credit Corp. The government announced plans 1': ednesday to set aside an additional $250million this s year for lower interest loans to farmers through the cor- poration. The $250 million fell far short of the $1 billion re- quested by agricultural groups to help farmers stay afloat. And of that $250 million, $200 million has already been committed for special farm assistance and other finance programs through to the end of the fiscal year in March, said corporation adviser George Gardhouse of Caledon East. In effect, there won't be any corporation cash available until March unless Finance Minister Marc Lalonde com- mits more money, Gardhouse said. Merle Gunby of the Huron federation said he hoped members would use the term strike carefully because of the image it could conjure up. their daughter and son-in-law Mr. and Mrs. Robert Waddell at Isla -Del -Sol, St. Petersburg, Florida. Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Ballan- tyne and Wendy spent last week holidaying at Balsam Lake. • Mr. and Mrs. Roy Pepper, Exeter visited Saturday even- ing Witt Mr. and Mrs. William ohde. Mrs. Glenn Rohde and Tammy attended a birthday party for Darryl Kingma at his parent's home Mr. and Mrs. Harry Kingtna, Exeter, Sunday. Darryl was seven. Congratulations! Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Passmore and Mrs. Rick Mellenger and Alicia visited with Mr. and Mrs. Ken Brazier, also visited with the former's new great grandson Michael Bradley Petrella of Brantfol'd, Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Barry and Mrs. Pearl Baynham, London were guests Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Alvin 1 t t 1 11 1 1 1 Passmore. Miss Erin Richardson holidayed last week with Mr. and Mrs. Johnny Miller, Staffa. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Robt Baxter on the birth of their son Jeremy Robert on July 19 in Stratford General Hospital. A new grandson for Mr. and Mrs. Ken Duncan. Mr. and Mrs. William McIntosh, Susan, Bethany and Allison of Stratford visited Saturday afternoon and were supper guests with Mr. and Mrs. Don Richardson and family. Church service Rev. Robert Matheson was in charge of the church ser- vice Sunday morning. Rev. Matheson told the childr' -n a story. The Scripture Lesson were read from Genesis 18:20-33; Colossians 2:6-15. Luke 11:1-13. The sermon was entitlecj "Great Events of the Bible." We are told, through the Genesis account of Creation that God was able to make Order out of Chaos, and He saw that it was good. But everywhere, throughout the Bible, and other narratives of human history we find evidence of the Lord of humanity re -ordering God's creation. All too often hu. tan activi- ty returns God's Creation to chaos. It doesn't seem to mat- ter how great the person may be - a King Saul or even a King David the result is the same: people working on their own undo the creativity of God. Sunday, July 31, the com- bined church service will be held at MacNaughton Park, Exeter at 10 a.m. A pot luck smorgasbord dinner will be held after the service. Each family is asked to bring their lunch. plates, cups and cutlery.. In last week's news it should have read Mrs. Gerry Morgan not Mrs. George Morgan me am PRESENTING TABEUP-4N WIHAN INSATIABLE THIRST 1 FOR WORK. Trust I fonda to make a pump that won't �n no to work. Our new'. 2OXC. So energetic It can knock back 5W litres,132Imp gat, of water in one mnutc 11,1 Without k:- .,,,king b.uk mud ea... •. he .1 - horscI owcr tour sur,kc WA2oN(' takes Very tittle effort to start.4 thank, to automatic dccorll- pressrun and fiddle tree electronic ignition And it 1.70,tsts an aluminum alloy body for lighter weight. plus cast iron Impellers and tungsten .:1rb,dc seals. for tow nau teitancc And reliable performance on the farm. fob site. or at the cohagc 1 tonal h.1', three hard dr1\II 4.! water pualp,:07 t,ai lr 71,7,,,c 770111 Willi t-1paonc, ranging from 2710 to:100litre, Oato242gal ' per I1Lnule .\, ,tell as a par ,If 11.11.q) pumps that can ,lurp up suspended solids as large .i, 3 cm 1 inches, dun-atcr LARGE PORTS Big i41min 2 in., suction and druharge ports move up to nt t) litres,1321mp gal of N'ater.1 minute. . EAST SELF PRIMING t he WA20.C1 ,c!t psau, lust i;1e1,,:,..1, at ri n17.1: •; • 1n; It lin. n: 17,1 keeps wait 1,g tune ,,4. Whatever wurpumping needs. there's a hind. that Wil: !dl them N'itbnut Liking .7 break h ri HANDY ON/01T SNITCH 11, .oda, cit loony ki ..+b ail pc •w11ii1 mak, ea,t' to 7:11711.g.; Li., ILK USER-FRIENDLY HARDWARE �r z Ac.0 skeldedmuffler and ,covered rca, tan rhelp I r '::.eke the ll'.12, ICC suer Efl1CJENI NEW FOUR STROKE ENGINE me wA2OXC uses a new overhead-valve GX engine it's more lues eltmeru be- cause it is tour stroke. volt don't lave 77,7:7.51)1177' oil 4 -OIL -MOUNTED FOR SMOOTHNESS it s mouthed on cod spring, 0) help is ,Lae vibration andiensure smooth n171141ng ,.. x IT'S A� • , HWYDA E �I I TEN NTT CARMEL CONemm HURON AD 5 SENO NI1 COLN TRY w t to SEN SIGN BEAN TO 107004 CON.yI\IFNT ('ONT5u7. PANL.1 Fuel valve. choke lever and lhrtndc .7 ..1,1 kea0.•d 1111 LIGI COSI PAC 1' CONSTRI'C \sturdybut i,gh1 ali,mtnum alloy leek make, the 1l'.\20XC 12 per:era lighter than currentm,slcl. c:1- ponabtc 23kg ;r1'Ih. ler_ I'd (NionTrut.) county COIASIt c Mon. - Sat. 10 a.m. - 10 p.m. Mount Carmel, Sun. 12 noon - 4 p.m. 237-34 R.R. 3, Dashwood NOM 1N NIB 1 1 1 1 1 1 Summer Savings at Centralia Farmers Supply Fiberglas Insulation rllh. 1 1- - Telelscopic Jack Post Cmd e' t,0a, 10, a a.. e.wni. W. Iota a 0..,{1M 777..7 .L110.1) i.'. OWN, b Y /,wt .IO tT n..1 A 17 90 44177 a 1".d S . 777 6.1 14.99 Aqa sun. 70'. •-(pv,.I.., �1•oon /8,0 It' 15's 1"r 4" sh& o . C.,. 1.99 II"• 4" $pnca 11 ills nA •d v1 , ,...r4 7, .777 H., 14-49 ..26 "4 HONIEZOILL BUILDING CENTRE CENTRALIA FARMERS SUPPLY LTD. phone 228-6638 Bids 4044 Myr UAW rash sod Carr? Pritl,.. All Purpose Mixer •'ry pew F 'tit•.- ,o. a9 •,r.w ray C7*"? 77 .w reumn n P.,. i....1 rr, AMt ay.& ^.7x 5 Marts O..ar, and, 77r .►art* ail+..i. .-d M ,.7•,y /NO 77777 Nava .,*.-r..114f tall at(la[r, On..,, 1+ltt. n.oar 7777 coon,[• •nP• 7777 anti D9.,aMa .NM 771 'naw rb7777ana Ow/ ti77 Oa. dump an, .777777.1 3 .,A7 7 1620 202 Islet Ilimple RI Imp 24.0087 ISO 9 249'9 Open Mon - Fri 14 Sot d -Noon