HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes-Advocate, 1983-07-27, Page 22Page 22
Times -Advocate, July 27, 1903
10 Property For Rent
MENTS, luxury, adult, two
bedroom apartment available Ju-
ly 1. Phone 235-2420. 18tfne
appliances, heat included. S265.00
per month. 6 miles north of Ailsa
Craig. 293-3038. 26ifnc
IN HENSALL - 2 bedroom lux-
ury apartments, S250.00, available
September 1. Phone 262-2014.30c
iN HENSALL, 2 bedroom
townhouse, heated. Available
August 1. Phone 262-2014 or
262-3446. 28tfnc
MAIN STREET, 3 bedroom
apartment with cedar deck, stove
and fridge supplied. Available im-
mediately. CaII 235-0141. 28tfnc
APARTMENT. Early possession.
Lots of parking. Close to
downtown. References required.
227-1710 or 227-4766. 28-30c
ing Street. Available August'lst.
5280.00 monthly. References re-
quired. 235-2183._ 30c
4 -room, heated, centrally located,
nicely decorated apartment.
Fridge and stove supplied.
Available after August 6. Phone
235-0477 or 235-1580. 30tfnx
21 For Rent
portable cement mixer, Power
Trowels, wheelbarrows, etc. Form
ties stocked. Call N.J. Corriveau,
Zurich. Telephone 236-4954. 151
CEMENT FORMS, cement saws,
plate tamper, darbie, power
trowel, hammer drills, water
pumps, generators, construction
heaters, etc. G.M. Rentals, RR 2
Hensall, Ontario. 236-4819,1611 nc
in Centralia. 228-6867 mealtime.
auditorium for rentals including
weddings. meetings, banquet
room, lectures, exhibitions, films,
etc. Kitchen facilities available.
Contact Ellison Travel, 235-2000.
12x56, Bucklyn Acres, No. 83
Hwy. W. Call 237-3260 after 6
p.m. 29tfnc
22 For Sale or Rent
TRUCK CAMPER, 2 -way fridge,
gas stove, 2 -way water, gas fur-
nace, 110 and 112 volt, sleeps 4.
5995.00 or 550.00 per week rent.
228-6328. 28tfnc
23 Wanted To Rent
HOLE, barn and five to 10 fenc-
ed acres in Exeter area. Must hale
ample water for small livestock
operation. Two-year lease or
longer preferred. Apply stating
location. rental and length of term
available to Box BAX, The Exeter
Times -Advocate. 45tfx
YEAR college student seeks ac-
commodation from September
1983 until the end of April 1984.
Looking for a clean one -bedroom
apartment, or bachelor apartment -
with appliance. Prefer partially or
fully furnished, located in Exeter
or Lucan. Please write, with
details to: Lorna J. Matthews, cio
28 Stavely Cres., Brampton, On-
tario. L6W 2R9. 27-30c
)t� Auctioneers
* Hugh Filson
* 666-0833
26 tcool Notices
In the Estate of
Late of the Village of Zurich, in
the County of Huron, who died
on or about the 28th day of June.
1983. Creditors and other having
claims against the above estate are
required to file full particulars of
such claims with the undersigned
on or before August 12th, 1983,
after which date the assets o1- the
estate will be distributed having
regard only to the claims then
Exeter, Ontario
Solicitors for the Executors
Plan course
on cash skills
The Wise Money Manage-
ment adult short course will
provide the opportunity for
you to take a close look at
your money management
skills. Do you wonder why
there is too much month left
over at the end of the money.
Record keeping sessions in-
clude financial planning,
monthly expenses and income
sheets, cash flow charts and
personal and family net worth
statements. Theyare the keys
to making your money buy
what you want to. Record
books and information will be
Financial security is an in-
tegral part of all financial
planning. Discussions of
economic risks that effect
your financial security will
take place. Discuss the types
of insurance policies
available: property, disabili-
ty, personal liability and life.
Then decide if you have the
necessary insurance needed
to insure your financial
Areas of wills, banking and
taxes will be discussed.
This workshop will be held
September 14 and 15
(Wednesday and Thursday),
9:30 - 3:30 at Goderich
Township Hall, Holmesville.
Preregistration is
necessary. $5.00 fee includes
both days. Limited enrol-
ment. For more information
contact: Jane Muegge, Rural
Organization Specialist,
(Home Economics) and John
Bancroft, Rural Organization
Specialist (Agriculture).
Phone 482-3428 or Zenith
7-3040, Box 159 Clinton, On-
tario. NOM 1L0.
Clearing Auction Sale
For Roy Moore and Sons of
machinery, antiques, livestock
Wednesday, August i0 at 11 a.m.
On No. 7 Highway at Edgewood
south of Granton
Full list next week
Tom Robson
Auction Sale
Of real estate, household furniture,
antiques and miscellaneous items.
On August 6, 1983 at 1 p.m. sharp.
3rd house south of Main corner in
Crediton, Ontario. For the estate of
the late Mrs. Mabel Fahner.
REAL ESTATE - Consists of 1'/2 storey frame
house. Main Floor - large Iivingroom, den, kit-
chen, pantry, 3 pc. bath, 2 verandas. Second
Floor - 3 bedrooms, and large clothes closet.
Partial basement. This house is situated on a
lot 54.97' x 198'. Lot 28, plan 6, King St. Village
of Crediton, of the Township of Stephen, Coun-
ty of Huron. This property is well shaded, and
only 1 block from uptown. Property to be sold
2 p.m. subject to a reasonable reserve bid.
10% day of sale, balance in 30 days.
chesterfield with ottoman, chesterfield, studio
couch, choir, coffee and two end tables, floor
and table lamps, 2 carpets, chest of drawers,
39" bed frame, box spring and mattress, head
board. 2 small cabinets ,steel cabinet, kitchen
table and 4 chairs, buffet. Two step -stools, Vik-
ing 2 door frost free refrigerator, Frigidaire 30"
range, Coronado 7 cubic foot deep freeze, 21"
console 8&W TV, 12" portable, 88W TV, several
electric appliances such as vacuum cleaner,
electric broom, floor polisher, rooster, frying
pan, sandwich toaster, coffee pot, mixer, -2
heaters, 4 radios, 2 clocks, quilts, blankets,
linen, several dishes knick knacks, silverware,
pots and pons, 2 step ladders, 1 aluminum ex-
tension ladder, several other items.
Anne style choir, wingback chair, fancy wood
choir, 4 pc. bedroom suite, night table, vanity
and bench, large cedar chest, 2 cane choirs, 2
wicker armchairs, dishes and miscellaneous
items, and many other items.
For inforfation contact auctioneer
. Norm Whiting
2$I. N 235-1931, Exeter Ontario
COOKING FOR EXCHANGE STUDENTS — Handling the chef duties Friday when
a number of Lions Exchange students visited the Exeter Lions and lioness clubs were
Don Mousseau, Liz Stephens, Lillian Beer and Shirley Mousseau. T -A photo.
GOOD OLD FASHIONED LEARIN' -- Readin', writin' and 'rithmetic were the basics
featured on the South Huron District High School in Saturday's Heritage Days
T -A photo
TALENTED SINGERS Vocalists Karen Caldwell, Blyth, Scott Triebiier, Forest, Lori
Jewitt, Clinton and Kim Langlois were among the winners in last Friday's youth
talent search during Heritage Days festivities.
Two district couples
at Co-op conference
Greater knowledge about
co-operatives, new friends
and an opportunity to learn
interpersonal skills were the
results of the fifth annual
Young Couples' Conference.
sponsored by United Co-
operates of Ontario (UCO).
That was the consensus of
the 21 farm couples, in their
twenties and thirties, who had
come together from across
the province to Geneva Park,
just north of Orillia, to attend
the conference, July 11-13.
Chairman was Murray Allen,
UCO's second vice-president
and director for zone 2.
Allen, from Vankleek Hill.
challenged the participants to
provide input into the Con-
ference on the future of co-
operatives and of farming in
this province. "The hall is in
your hands", he said. "You'll
be the ones to make the future
work and I'm confident it will
be a successful one for all of
Attending from this area
were Barry and Melonie
Miller, RR 3 Exeter and Ron
and Peggy Keys, Varna.
The Young Couples' Con-
ference has provided a train-
ing ground for co-operatives
leadership in Ontario. About
half of the graduates of this
program have served on local
councils and boards of direc-
tors, many in executive posi-
tions. This summer, three
were also graduates of UCO's
Youth Camps, a summer
educational program for
young people between the
ages of 18 to 21. They are:
Evelyn Page, Denis Seguin.
and Fred Munro.
When asked, at the Con-
ference, to evaluate its con-
tent, the couples expressed
positive support: "We liked
the down-to-earth involve-
ment"; "I learned more
about co-ops in three days
here than three weeks back
home"; "We learned how to
Real Estate Auction Sale
Of 2 homes on Friday evening August
5th at 6:30 and 7:30 p.m. For Mr. and
Mrs. Chester Baarda
REAL ESTATE PARCELJl1 - To be put up for
Public Auction at 6:30 p.m. August 5th, 1983.
Located of 59 Huron St. W. Exeter, Ont. Consists
of a two storey frame house. Main Floor - large
livingrom, dining room, and kitchen, small den,
3 pc. bath and large utility room Second Floor -
4 bedrooms, 3 pc. bath, large attic. large veran-
da on first and second floor. Full basement, 4 year
old gas furnace, new pressure treated wood
siding, new aluminum soffits ad eavestroughs,
new roof, and large twostoreyshed. This comfor-
table home and shed are situated on a shaded lot
105.6' x 165' Tots 229-230, plan 20 of the Town of
Exeter, County of Huron. Only two blocks from
downtown. This home could be converted to two
apartments of very little expense.
REAL ESTATE PARCEL#2 - To be put up for
Public Auction at 7:30 p.rn. August Sth, 1983
Located at 262 Sanders St. Exeter Ontario. Con
sists of a one storey frame house. Main Floor
large livingroom, kitchen, one large and one
smoll bedroom, 3 pc. both, and utility room
Heated with new gas furnace, very inexpensive,
to heat. This house is covered with cedar shake
siding. Also o 6' x 6' utility shed. This house and
shed are situated on o shaded lot, 66.5' x 125' lot
9, plan 23 of the Town of Exeter, County of Huron.
These two properties are to be sold to the highest
bidder, subject to a reasonable reserve bid if not
previously sold. 10% down and balance in 30
days. Both houses will be open for viewing Tues
day August 2, 1983, 1-4 p.m. and 7-9 .m. Also 2
hours prior to auction.
For appointment contact:
Norm Whiting Auctioneer, Exeter 236-1964
or 235-1931 or Mrs. C. Baarda 234-2434.
help in the community"; "i'm
not especially tied to co-op in
any way, but f like the
philosophy it stands for and
the ideas of working together
so everyone can win". They
attended workshops and lec-
tures on community involve-
ment skills; the future direc-
Huron farm and home news
Warm weather attracts pests
The last month of hot, dry
weather has been ideal for
development of the potato leaf
hopper. This insect is of ma-
jor concern in two of our
crops - white beans and
The leafhopper is a small,
light green, wedge shaped in-
sect that flies in from
southern U.S. states. `.loth
adults and nymphs damage
•these important crops. The
leafhopper feeds by sucking
plant juices out of the leaves.
As it feeds, it injects a toxic
saliva that plugs the vascular
system and causes yellowing
and drying out of areas at leaf
tips. In both alfalfa and white
beans, this is known as "hop-
per burn."
These symptoms are most
obvious during hot, dry
weather when the plant is
under some additional stress.
'In alfalfa, the plants will ap-
pear stunted. Research has
shown a 2-3 percent reduction
in protein as well as reduced
height and yield. New seedl-
ings tend to be more suscep-
tible. These insects should be
controlled with insecticide
Stars attend
Clinton party
More than 50 members of
the Stratford Festival from
Huron, Perth, Bruce, Mid-
dlesex, Lambton, Grey and
Wellington Counties attend-
ed a Meet -The -Festival par-
ty at the home of Helen
Tench in Clinton on July 17.
Guests of honor included:
Don McLeod, president of
the board of governors and
Mrs. McLeod; Miss Amelia
Hall, appearing in Tartuffe;
Mr. Nicholas Pennell, who in
addition to playing a title
role in McBeth this season is
also appearing in As You
Like It and Love's Labor
More than 10,000 people in
Canada and the United
States have various
privileges as members of the
Stratford Festival.
lion of farming in Ontario; co-
operative history; and
management theory.
UCO is one of the larger
retail, manufacturing, and
marketing businesses in On-
tario providing a full line of
farm input(, and marketing'
services in grain and
livestock. The Co-op provides
goods and services to our
49,100 individual inembers in
more than lou Co -Op sales
and service centers and 47
member co-operatives.
INSTRUMENTALISTS -- Joanne Wallace, Staffs, and
Lori lynx Stapleton, Dublin, were among the variety act
'.vinners at the Heritage Days talent search.
Twilight Auction Sale
Of household furnishings and misc.
items on Thursday ovening August
4, 1983, 6:30 p.m. sharp. 135
Thomes St. Exeter, Ontario. For the
estate of the late Mr. Arthur Idle.
livingroom choirs, foot stools, hex. end table,
floor, table and swag lamps, mirror and
sconces, pictures and frames, 2 book cases,
buffet and hutch, 5 pc. maple dining room table
and choirs, tea wagon, 3 pc. bedroom suite,
chest of drawers, 4 kitchen stools. telephone
table, set of 4 chairs, 20" color TV and stand.
2 door frost free gold refrigerator, 30" electric
range .gold, Maytag automatic washer,
Kelvinator clothes dryer, 10,000 BTU air condi-
tioner, stereo and 2 speakers, coffee maker,
4 slice toaster, cuckoo clock, several dishes,
pots and pans, linens, quilts, slide projector
and screen, comp stove, jugs, jars, tool shed
like new, several other items.
Norm Whiting Auctioneer.
Phone Exeter 235-1964 or 235-1931
before plant symptoms
develop. The best way to
check populations is with a
sweep net - if greater than one
per sweep, then spray. For
those non -sweepers - count on
spraying when alfalfa looks
Infested beans will be
stunted in growth and never
really recover. If there are
five or more leafhoppers per
plant, then spray. Some insec-
ticides can be mixed with
white mold fungicides. Make
sire to check your label. A
product such as Cygon has
given good control in both
Who's afraid of
big, bad weevil?
While on the topic of insects
- remember to clean out those
granaries. It's a lot easier to
kill insects now than have to
fumigate a bin or treat the
grain with protectants.
Once cracks and corners
are cleaned out - residual
sprays of malathion will kill
remaining insects. To get
maximum control, insecticide
should be applied two weeks
prior to storage. More infor-
mation is in Publication 229,
"Insects in Farm Stored
John Heard
Farm Management Specialist
Verticillium wilt
of alfalfa
In 1982 Verticillium will of
alfalfa was confirmed as be-
ing present in a number of
fields in Perth County. Ver-
ticillium wilt can be a
destructive disease in alfalfa
fields. We are suspicious that
it was partially responsible
for some of the winter kill in
some fields last winter.
If you have verticillium wilt
on your alfalfa, it should show
up during a dry spell. It will
be especially noticeable if
your alfalfa is at least 25 to 30
cm. high.
The disease is present in the
soil and enters the plant
through the roots. It spreads
upward in the plant via the
water conducting tissue and
enters the leaves where it
causes yellowing. This is in-
itially at the tops of the
leaflets, but eventually in-
volves the entire leaf which
finally dies.
In the early stages of the
disease, wilting of the leaves
is common during the heat of
the day, with recovery during
the cooler nights. Eventually
the wilting becomes perma-
nent (especially if the current
lack of rain continues) and
the leaflets die turning white
to light grey.
Diseased plants can be
stunted. All shoots on a plant
may be affected or the symp-
toms may be limited to one or
two sterns. There are several
other diseases which -resem-
ble the symptoms of ver-
ticillium wilt. If you are not
sure about your plants, bring
the plant, including 10-15 cm.
of attached root to the ag.
White mold disease
One of the most frustrating
parts of growing white beans
is the agonizing decision of
whether to apply a fungicide
to protect against white mold.
1 talked with Greg Boland
of the Department of En-
vironmental Biology at the
University of Guelph to get
the latest thinking on white
The rest of this discussion
will deal with fields that have
a past history of mold.
Rainy periods prior to
flowering are necessary to
produce innoculum of the
pathogen. Continued wetness ,
allows the disease to develop.
You should spray if the soil
has been continuously wet for
five to 10 days before
You are probably- s -ging
now, 'how wet is wet?' My in-
terpretation of the resear-
chers thoughts is 'if the soil is
too wet for you to be out in the
fields, that is definitely wet
enough to bring on white
intermittent rains that
bring two to three cm. on a
weekly basis are not as
damaging as when it rains for
two to four days and the crop
is continually wet.
if it is hot and dry at 100
percent bloom, i would not
spray. However, if it has been
wet for five days before
flowering and wetter than
normal conditions are
predicted for the next len
days, i would spray.
The question of when to
spray has been well research-
ed. You have to spray early.
You have to spray around 100
percent bloom. That is when
100 percent of the plants in a
field have at least one open
flower. This generally occurs
about five to seven days after
50 percent bloom.
if you have a field that is
one week to ten days past 100
percent bloom and mold is
showing, the fungicide will
not control the disease.
The fungicides registered
for control of white mold are
listed on Page 33 of Publica-
tion 296 - 1983 Field Crop
There is no research com-
paring ground or aerial ap-
plication. Both pieces of
equipment can do an effective
job. Timing of the spray is as
important as the piece of
equipment that is used.
With either piece of equip-
ment, thorough coverage of
the plant is necessary. If you
are using ground equipment
you need high water volumes
and high pressures.
With aerial equipment, the
boom should be one to one and
one half meters above the
crop canopy.
I have tried to summar"ze
the most current thinking on
white mold to give you some
guidelines. Unfortunately the
whole area of white mold con-
trol is still part of the art of
farming - it will be a few
years before it becomes a
science like weed control.
Pat Lynch
Soils and Crops Specialist
As we reach the halfway
point, there is still a lot of
crew booking open and more
than likely there are a lot of
jobs to be done. 1 am quite
surprised that in these tough
economic times, more people
are not taking advantage of
this once a year deal called
For a small fee of $90 a day,
you can have a crew of four
hard working students at your
disposal for eight hours. This
is a deal that can't be beaten.
Whether you are a part-time
farmers or a full-time farmer,
Agricrew can do the job for
F'or more information on
booking a crew, contact Steve
item at the O.M.A.F. office at
Clinton at 482-3428.
Finally, as you walk around
your farm, take a look
around. You will see jobs that
need to be done. You may
need Agricrew! You know
what they say - "Try it, you'll
like it'"
)onao E
Gerold A. Webb
Doctor Of
438 MAIN ST.
By Appointment
Phone 235-1680
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to all makes
Free Estimates
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Sew and Save
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Closed Monday
Phone 271-9600
592A Main St. S.
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or call London
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Insurance Inc.
EXETER 2352.420
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CLINTON 4829747
GODERICI' 5242118
Life Insurance
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20 years' of experience
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Provincially licensed
Conduct sales of any kind
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We guarantee you more
To insure success of your sole
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Phone Collect
X666 633 666-196
Ontario Auction
Get Action -Sell By Auction
Complete Soles Service
Auctioneers and Appraisers
R.A. "Sue" Edginton
RR 2, Lucan, Ontario
J.G. "Bud" McIver
RR 2, Lucan, Ontario
(319)227-4111 1
Prompt Courteous Efildent
We give complete sale service
Phone Collect
235.1964 EXETER
Benders Abattoir 1
Horne Grown Beef
8 Pork
Mill St., Hensall
Wholesole Retail Custom
Kill day Tuesday
Call for
further information
Owner Merlin Bender
Monoger Dole Erb
Our Motto is
'The Golden Rule"
Chartered Accountants
476 Main Street, S.,
Exeter, Ontario 235-0120
Resident Partner:
John S. McNeilly, C.A.
TRt.r use-eee-tea11