HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes-Advocate, 1983-07-13, Page 20Page 20 Tithes -Advocate, July 13, 1983
DEELSTRA -- John and Lynda
are very pleased to arinounce the
birth of Derek Thomas on June 29.
1983 at Victoria Hospital. A
brother for Tim. Proud grand-
parents are • Leroy and Marie
Thiel. Zurich and George and
Tena Dcelstra. London. 28'
HAMILTON — Leo and Marlene
thank God for the safe arrival 01
Michelle Erin. born June 14. 198:1
al St. Joseph's Hospital; London.
A sister for Karen. Kristen and
Andrea Proud grandparents are
Charlie and .lean Haw•good.
Goderich: Gerald and Marie
Hamilton. Exeter. 28c
HOFFMAN - Rick and Shelly
Hoffman are thrilled to announce
the birth of their third child. a son.
Justin Paul Jerome was born on
June 28, weighing 8 lbs. 2 uz. A lit -
Ile brother for Tina and A imee. A
very special thank y01 to 1)r
Steciuk, Mrs. Glasgow and all
staff who look care of us at South
Huron Hospital 28'
LEE — Grant and Nancy thank
God for the safe arrival ot their 7
Ib. 1 oz. daughter. Melinda Jean
' on June 29. Sister for Veronica
and Ethan. Proud grandparents
Mr. and Mrs. Lorne F•
Haldenbey, Toronto and M -s
Doris Lee, Woodstock. Special
thanks to Dr. D Maynard and
third floor nursing Staff 28c
MONTEITII — Alan and Mary
(Willis' Monteith are pleased to -
announce the birth of 'Chad's lit-
tle brother Jason Robert Gordon.
born June 18. 1983 at Grace
Maternity Hospital, Halifax. N.S
..Proud grandparents are Gord and
Shirley Kirk, Exeter: Yvon and
Anetle Laurin. Longlac. Ontario
TOONK -- Gerald and Wibbina
announce with joy and thanksgic
ing the safe arrival of Kimberly
Michelle on -June 23 at Si
Joseph's Hospital. London :\ lit-
tle sister for Angela . 28c
HEVWOOU -- At Wyandotte
Michigan General Hospital. on
Tuesday. July 5. 1983. Miss Hazel
E. Heywood. Beloved daughter of
the late John and Zeta Heywood,
formerly of l'shornc Twp.. in. her -
70th year. Survived by three
brothers Wesley., Thomas and
Hubert. three sisters Vera
Blackwell. Zeta and Lily
Heywood. Funeral service was
held at the hopper Hockey
Funeral Home. Exeter. Thurs-
day. July 7 Rev Gary Sanderson
of Wyandotte \lethodist Church
officiated. Interment ut EImville
Cemetery - " 28c
COOPER — Al Huronview. Clin-
ton, on Wednesday. July 6th, 1983.
Earnist It. Cooper in his 841h
year. Father of Mrs. Phyllis
Sharon of Wallaceburg, Mrs.
Delores Sutor of Camlachie. and
Mrs. Marion Proper of
Woodstock. Also predeceased by
two children. Harvey and Lois.
Brother of Hubert of Stephen
Township, Mrs. Cora Robinson of
Clinton, Vivan and Orville Cooper,
both of Kippen. Predeceased by
one brother Manford. Friends
called at the Hopper -Hockey
Funeral Home, William Street.
Exeter. where funeral service
was held on Friday, July 8, at 3
p.m. Pastor Robert Degraw of-
ficiated. Interment in Exeter
Cemetery. 28c
CSASZAR — At South Huron
Hospital, Exeter Wednesday, Ju-
ly 6th, 1983. Joseph Csaszar, pro-
prietor of Golden Oak Motel,
Grand Bend, in his 66th year.
Beloved husband of Terez
t Phlinkas) Csaszar. Dear father
of ,tteata) Mrs. Leslie Rimanci.
of Detroit, Michigan and Joseph
of Oakville. Loved by five grand-
children. Rested at the T. Harry
Roffman and Sons Funeral Home,
Dashwood where prayers were
said on Friday evening at 8 P.m.
Funeral Mass at Immaculate
Heart of Mary Church, Grand
Bend. on Saturday. July 9th at 11
a.m Interment in the Pinery
Cemetery, Grand Bend with
Father R Morrissey officiating.
IDLE — At St Joseph's Hospital,
London on Friday. July 8, 1983.
Arthur Bolton Idle, retired prin-
cipal of .Exeter Public School in
his loth year. Beloved husband of
the late iva Wickens (1979) and
dear father of Don of Toronto,
Claire of North Bay, Larry of
Thamesford, Merle of Forest and
Paul at Toronto. Beloved brother
of Edith Nieson of Clarkesburg
and loving grandfather of
Michael. Tracy, Paul, Robert and
Nancy Friends called at the
Hopper -Hockey Funeral Home,
William Street, Exeter where the
funeral service was held on Mon-
day. July 11 at 3:30 p.m. Rev_
JamesForsythe officiated Inter-
ment in Exeter Cemetery. Dona-
tions to the Heart Fund would be
appreciated by the idle family.28e
OKE — At 'University Hospital on
Friday. July 8. 1983. Gordon Oke,
formerly of Exeter and Vsborne
Township in his 89th year: Son of
the late Mr. and 'Mrs. William
Oke. Friends called al the flap-
per Hockey Funeral home.
William Street. Exeter where the
funeral service was held on
Monday. July 11 •at 1 p.m with
Rev. James Forsythe officiating.
Interment in Exeter ('etnetery.
Calvary o
United Church of Canadc,
Miss (dello Gabel A.R.0
Sunday, July 17
For the month of July we will loin
with the Zurich Church for their
outdoor services on the lawn
beside the church. Bring your
own chair. Service or 10 30 a,0,
No teen town during summer
Everyone Welcome
Reformer! Church
Huron Street East. Exeter
Sunday July 17
10:00 n rn Worship
Holy Supper
I Will Give You Rest
(Matthew 11 )
11 00 a.m Sunday School
7.30 p.m Worship
-Christ Our Cornerstone
11 Peter 2 4-10)
Come and Worship wreh Us
Coven. Presbyterian
Phone 235:2243
Mr Robert McIntosh
Sunday July 17
10 15 Morning Wo,,h'p
Sunday School caisContrnued
for summer months
We welcome Exeter (lnrted
Church members as they worship
with us for rhe month of July Thr.
Rev James Forsythe will conduct
the services
Everyone Weir oche
The Trivitt
Memorial Church
Main at Gidley, Exeter
Sunday. July 17
8th Sunday otter Pentecost
11 15 a m. F ly Service
Friday July 27
St. Mory Magdalene
700 p.m Eucharist
A welcome to Visitors
Lutheran Church
Sunday. July 17
9:30 a.m. Sunday School
and Bible Study
11:00 o.rn. Divine Service
Everyone Welcome
Exeter Christian
Reformed Church
Main St. North
B.A. M.Div.
Phone 23:1.1723 •
Sunday. July 17
1000 a.m. Morning Worship
Sunday School- Preschoolers
7 00 p to. Evening Worship
Sunday School Grades 1-4
Everyone Welcome
Nursery Available
Listen to
the Back to God Hour
Radio Program • Sundays
CKNX Dial 920 - 10 30 a.m.
CHLO Dial 1570 - 4.30 p m.
C1-108 Diol 1070 6 45 a.m.
Parental Choice and Education"'
'television -
Foith 20 - Global 6 (cable 3)
-Is, Faith Possible?'
9 30 0 m Sundays
Exeter United Church
Jcrme s at Andrew
Assistant Minister
, Organist and Choirmaster
Mr. Robert Cameron
Sunday July 17
10 15 a.m. Combined Service in
Coven Presbyertian Church.
Speaker • Rev. .1 Forsythe M A.
Courtesy Car 235083?
Ston Mitchell
Vacation Bible School
July 25.291h,
Children 4 12 t
All Are Welcome
Baptist Church
187 Huron St W. Exeter
Sunday July 17 at
11 00 o m and 7 30 pan.
Hear Wayne Previtt as he
prem hes and sings Wayne is o
gifted baritone soloist and a
capable speaker from London..
This is YOUR invitation!
DEWEY — At the Sarnia General
Hospital on June 30, 1983, Donald
Francis Dewey of 30 Morris
Street, Forest. Beloved husband
of Gladys W. (Harford) Dewey_
Dear father of Kendall of Port
Rowan. Dale and daughter-in-law
Brenda of Piston, Barb and son-
in-law Steve Hayward of Sarnia.
Sheryl) and son-in-law Bud Bell of
Thunder Bay. Glen of Perth and
Dorothy Ellyn at home. Dear son
of Gladys Denomme of Forest.
Brother of Monica Larkin of
Parkhill. Leona Maillett of Elliot
Lake and Ed Dewey of Forest.
Predeceased by father -Wilbur
(1959) and sister Dorothy. Grand-
father of Blair Hayward his une-
qualled joy. Don was born in
Grand Bend. Ontario, February
23, 1925. As soon as he was big
enough to carry a golf bag he was
caddy at Oakwood Golf Club for
such greats as Marty Burke. Fall.
to most young folk of the area was
celery picking time when one
could buy it for twenty-five cents
a crate. What he considered his
first real job al age fourteen was
guiding a horse .drawn scoop to
remove the top soil of the gravel
pits of the late Pete Eis 'nuach for
one dollar and twenty-five cents a
day. He dabbled in plumbing and
wiring but like his forefathers was
led to commercial fishing on Lake
Huron and his heloved Lac Seul
near Sioux Lookout, Ontario. As
Custodian at St. John Fisher
School since 1969 he was
respected and loved by all *the
children and staff. His greatest
love next to family and faith was
the outdoors, nature and sports.
As some of our flock left the nest
making things quieter at home. he
thoroughly enjoyed aifted talent
of art and has left us some
treasured memories in oils.. We
cherish and appreciate the
memories of a dear son. husband.
father. brother, grandpa. uncle
and friend. A beautiful Requiem
Mass seas celebrated at Si.
Christophers Catholic Church, 11
a.m. Saturday. July 2. by Rev.
Father D F. Boyer celebrant.
Pallbearers were Phil Litrenta.
Ray Piche, Bob Tait. Lee Gar-
nham. Frank Brennan and Collin
Dykes. Flower bearerers were
Sarah Michaelsons, ' Marina
Verhoeven, Kevin O'Donnell and
David Rops. Reader Bill Boere.
Altar boys Gary and Leo Boere.
St. Christophers Choir. Interment
Beechwood Cemetery. Forest.
Donations to Sudden infant Death
Syndrome 1 S.I. D.S.) would he ap-
preciated. 28c
Shelly Robichaud. daughter of
('amillad of
an Robbie Robichaud.
Sarnia. formerly Huron Park a rtt
he married in Edmonton. ,July :84
to Warren Saucer of Hudsuns
Hope. B C •fig
\Ir Leo Paul Masse and Ethel
Masse of Oashlu>od and Mrs
1{osemary. Reschke and the late
Robert Reschke of Dearborn.
\lichigan are pleased to announce
the marriage 0t their children
Barb and Bob I'he wedding will
take place ,July 16. 1983 at 2::3o
o'clock In St. Hnnitacr ('hutch.
Zurich Reception to tollow 28c
(' plain and Mrs Richard A
Simons. Bayfield are pleased 10
announce the engagement ot their
daughter. Danielle Rae to Allan
1{oderlckMrG ra lh. sill ot fir and
Mrs Roderick 1 McGrath of
Delta. It ('The wedding will take
place on Saturday, July :to. Vet at
4 p.m al "Sltaneri-la" residence
of the brides parents in Hayfield
( Ipen reception 10 follow at 9 p.m
in Hayfield 28c
Mr and \irs John 7etnpleman.
Stals. wish to announce the tur-
thconung marriage 01 their
daughter. Darlene Marie to
Donald Edward Ellison. son of
Mrs Gertrude Kempston. Mil-
c'hell The wedding to lake place
Saturday. August 6, 198:3 at fi p.m .
'1'ontplchaten Farms 28c
- I would like to thank all my
friends and neighbours of
Crediton and Exeter for the
shower held in the I'nited Church
Special thanks to my !nom. Irene
s.chlenker. Gloria Martin and
'.:race :Warlock and all the ladies
who helped to make it a tory en
joyable evening The gifts are
lovely and usclul and greatly ap-
preciated 'thanks again and God
bless you all
Mary Schlenker 288 -
The family of the late Hazel E
Ileywood wish to express sincere
appreciation to relatives. friends.
and neighbours Tor many prayers.
acts of kindness. floral ar
rangements. cards of sytnpaths.
and memorial donations. during
the bereavement of our dear
sister Special appreciation to
flet• Gary Sanderson. the
pallbearers Hopper Hockey
funeral directors and the Elim
vale 1' e' NN Your thanightlul1,ess
will always he a cherished
Sisters anti hrolhers
Coming Events
BINGO - Every Tuesday even -
at Vanastra Centre. RR 5 Clin-
ton 8 p m First regular card
SI 00. 15 regular games, 3 share
one wealth Jack I'ol S200 must go
Admission lrestnc•Ied to 16 years
and over 261(nc
Heritage Days celebrations ate
Friday. Saturday. and Sunday. Ju
ly 22. 23 and 24 Barbecue, dance,
fish try. parade, craft show, flea
market, ball games and much
more Keep the date open and
watch this newspaper for details
25 26:27:28e
-THE IF: 111' Ru\ COUNTY Health
('nit invites you to attend the
Adult Health Guidance Centre.
held at the Health Unit office,
South Hun in Hospital Exeter on
Tuesday July 19. 1983 from 1 30
to :3 .to p to for I. ileaIlh
Surveillance. 2 Foot ('are. :t
Anaemia Screening. 4 !'rine
Testing. 5 Blood Pressure -- 28e
Words cannot begin to express
,.ur thanks and gratitude to all the
Dewan fancily and friends for all
their kindness and concern while
Ralph was a patient in Victoria
Hospital: A very special thank
you to the volunteer drivers of the
Cancer Society of Lucan for their
Ralph and Catharine Staples,.
/urban'. Ontario 28'
We would like to say thank you
for the cards and treats al the
lime of Michelle's accident.
Special thanks to Hoffman's Am-
bulance. Dr McIver and Univer•
sity staff. Special thanks to Don-
na Dawe, for the help at home, to
Brian Gunness for his kind atten-
tion and special gift and to all
those who helped in any way.
Your kindness will always he
Glenn. Joan and Michelle. 28c
We would like to express our
thanks to our family. relatives,
friends and neighbours for help-
ing us celebrate our 50th anniver-
sary party For th r lovely gifts.
c•: -”ds and bowers mid to all who
helped in any way. Our many
thanks to you all.
Pearl and Fred Harburn. 28nc
We would like to express our ap-
preciation and thanks to toe Cen-
tralia community for the gift of a
card • table and chairs. Thanks
Nancy Mc('urdy and Dean
Campbell. 28•
The family of the late Ettie
Penhale would like to thank
relatives. friends and neighbours
for their expressions of sympathy
and acts of kindness during our
recent bereavement. Special
thanks to Hoffman's Ambulance,
Dr. Steciuk. Dr. Read. staff of
South Huron Hospital, Rev.
Jaynes Forsythe, Rev Barbara
Laing. pallbearers, Hopper:
HockeyFuneral Home and Ex-
eter 1.('.14' for the lovely lunch.
Everything was sincerely
appreciated. 28'
Many thanks to my relatives
and friends for the gifts. cards
and visits while• I was in Univer-
sity Ilospital and since returning
home. Special thanks to Martha
Weigand for looking after my
flowers. •
.Mrs. Luella Tiernan 28c
1 would like to thank the ladies
of the Centralia Community lot-
the lovely gifts 1 received. They
will be put to good use. Also to ail
Ihe people. who attended our wed-
ding (lance and tor the gills we
received Also to alt the people
who helped in the kitchen and (111
other sway throughout the even
ing. You made our wedding day a
day to be remembered -
Barb and Glen Bullock (Swartz
• 28'
The fancily of the late Alma
Henderson expresses - deep ap-
preciation to relatives, friends,
and neighbours for expressions of
sympathy. beautiful floral
tributes. in memoriam contrihu•
ions. cards and 'x:king at the
tithe of our recent bereavement.
A special thank you to the stalls
of Dufferm 1)aks and Shelburne
District- Hospital, 1)r.‘'ander-
burgh. and Rey' Doyle Prier
Cecil.- Howard. Shirley,
and tamales. Elvin and Alex
Black; Harold and Mary IGlhxtrn.
IIO%%E -- to hiving memory 01 a
dear daughter. sister. and aunt
\larian r Rader! Howe. who pass-
ed away Jul 18. 1976
We cannot halt the handsel' time.
or lyre again the past.
But the air .tot,es 01 the love we
Will forever Iasi
Lovingly remembered by dad.
atom. sisters. brothers and
families 28ne
WILLIS - - In hiving menton of a
dear husband and father .John \.
1C111is who passed away, ,July 17.
God hooked around Itis garden.
And found an empty place.
Then looked down upon this earth.
And sats your tired lace
Ile knew (hat 'o i were suffering.
He knew you were in pain.
Ile knew that y ou would never gel
- well.
Mon this earth again
He put His arras :wound you.
And lifted you Io rest,
God's garden must be beautiful.
Ile only lakes the b st
Sadly missed by his wife and
families - 28'
David Underwood, son of
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Under-
wood Ridgetown has com-
pleted his Junior 13 at
Blenheim District High
School with an Ontario
Scholar status. David at-
tended Exeter Public
School and South Huron
District High School until
moving to Ridgetown lost
September. He plans to go
on to university this fall.
ALWAYS POPULAR — The Targe engine out of the Woodham grist mill is always
popular at heritage shows and the weekend performance at Ilderton was no ex-
ception. One of the reasons is that owner Robert Ratcliffe, RR 1 St. Marys, manag-
ed to blow smoke rings from the stack of the engine. The grist mill was founded
in 1922 by Wesley Shier and subsequent owners were Jim McCullagh, Harry Web-
ber and Grant Ratcliffe. The engine weighs between 12 and 14 tons and produces
50 horsepower.
EARLY ADVERTISING There was a large audience in the grandstand at the Tri -
County Heritage Days show in Ilderton, Sunday, and among the parade entries
was this vintage vehicle announcing Hensoll's centennial celebration next year.
ryce to head authorities
A Bruce County man has
been elected chairman of the
Association of Conservation
Authorities tAC O) at a
meeting field recently in
John Bryce, an Elderslie
Township farmer and chair-
man of the Saugeen Valley
Conservation Authority. was
elected for a two-year terra as
head of the association which
represents the collective con-
cerns of the province's 39 con-
serva tion authorities. A
member• of the Saugeen
Authority since 1969. Bryce
tills the position previously
held by Upper Thames River.
Conservation Authority chair-
man John Stephen of Blan-
shard Township and Perth
County• who did not seek
In accepting the position.
Bryce said that conservation
authorities will be facing
critical limes during the next
few years as they attempt to
meet natural resources
management demands while
faced with provincial and
municipal government fun
ding constraints.
"individual Authority roles
will have to be hegotiated
Two in hunt -
for '84 warden
The race is on for the
w'arden's seat in 1984.
11111101 Reeve Tom Cunn-
ingham. 43, announced at the
,July session of ',mon County
Council that he will seek the
position of warden al the end
of the year. Earlier this lean.
Goderich Reeve Harry
11'orscll indicated he would ix'
seeking the same position.
Reeve Cunningham is ser-
ving.his fifth year on county
council after hating served
the first hyo years as Hullett's
deputy reeve Prior to having
served as tiepuly reeve. Mr
('unningham served two
yea' s as a councillor in his
A beef and cash crop
farmer, the Mullett reeve is
currently chairman of the
county's road committee
Mr. Cunningham said it is
an honor to serve as county
warden. n.
"1 feel I have something to
offer," said Reeve Cunn•
inkharn, one of the younger
members of county council.
The election for warden Will
be held in the early part of
December. The last election
for warden was in 1981 when
the former reeve of Ilowick
Township Harold Robinson,
ran against Goderich
Township reeve Grant
Mr Robinson served as
1982 warden and Mr. Stirling
was acclaimed as 1983
with other government agen-
cies in order to provide an ef-
ficient delivery service to (he
general publi Mr. Bryce
In order to establish a com-
mon basis for such negotia-
tion. Mi'. Bryce stated that the
ACAO rnust be prepared to
continue to work closely with
the Ontario government and
organizations like the
Association of Municipalities
of Ontario.
Mr. Bryce made specific
reference to the resumption of
ACAO discussions with the
Ministry of the Environment 1
concerning the Environmen-
tal Assessment Act and the
need for further research in-
to agricultural land drainage
and soil erosion in co-
operation with Ihe Ministry of
Agriculture and Food.
Also at the meeting Dennis
Reed. chairman of the
Cataraqui Region Conserva-
tion Authority, was elected
vice chairman of ACAO.
Former area boy
excels in music
Scott Triebner, Forest col-
lected a first. second and
third at the Kiwanis Music
Fest ivaI at. St. 'l'honuts and
London this year.
Scott also won the 1.ambton
County Music Festival Eyre
Trophy for highest solo marks
in vocal classes, and was
awarded a scholarship from
Fiberglass of Canada Sarnia
Ile sings with St. Michael's
Parish Church, London. John
F.M. Wood chair master
where he sings three Sundays
each month and sanga solo at
1loly• Trinity Anglican Church
Lucan and at Ilensall Spring
Fair Hensall.
.Scott's upcoming events
are July 16 at 3 p.m. at Ailsa
Craig (:ala Days. .July 22.
Heritage Days. in Exeter.
July i; he attends Summer
School of Arts at Alma Col-
lege in St. Thomas. Choral
Division Master John F.M.
W(xxt member of Faculty and
of the Board of Examinors of
Western Ontario Conser-
vatory of Music of U.W.O. and
has specialist in child and
youth voice. Scott will attend
the two week course.
In September Scott will
take his vocal examine with
Western Ontario Conser-
vatory of Music of U.W.O.
Helen and Wm. Delorme
are grateful to various people.
Mrs. Beaulah Hardy for his
singing career. his grand-
parents and friends for
transportation to and from
London contributing to Scott's
music career.
Grand Bend Gospel Hall
Tent Meetings
Located corner Hwy No. 4 and
Huron Rd. No. 21
8 km. S. of Exeterl2 km. N. of Lucan
BEGINNING: June 26, 1983 and conti-
nuing weekly Mon. thru Fri. 8:00 p.m.
Sun. 7:30 p.m.
SPEAKERS: Norman Crawford,
Jackson, Mich., Paul Kember, West
Lorne, Ont.
Will be illustrated using a large chart
• The Ropture • Armageddon
• The Rise of Antichrist• 1.000 years of peace
• Worsening Inflation
• The Great Judgement Day
All Welcome No Collection
July 16th, 1983
• *******
• Entertainment
All This Week
Next Week
Tues. Night
No Cover
South Huron
Rec Centre
Fri., 'July 22
7:30 p.m.
Sponsored by
Exeter Agricultural
Admission $2.00
$5.00 per family
MC Ross Daily
CFPL Channel
10 London
Miss Friedsburg
Sat., July 30
11 a.m.
Any interested girl 14 years and over
with a sponsor contact:
Mrs. Donna Hoffman
237-3763 for more information
• 1,
NiTtOURRI 000U111i(M
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Tony Manem knows the okl days are over -
But nobodygonna tell him he can't feel that good again.
John Travoha
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