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Times-Advocate, 1983-07-13, Page 16
Page 16 Times -Advocate, July 13, 1983 own and C classifications 1 Lost. Strayed 2 Found 3 Situations Warned 4 Help %Vanted 5 Business Opporrunhies 6 Services 7 1 is eNtock I arm Machincn 9 Sports Equipment, Veh. 11 Cars, Trucks I2 Pets - 13 Musical Instruments 14 Appliances. 1 ries isiori 15 Personal 16 I -or Sale 17 Wanted Tu Bud 18 Wanted 19 I'roperty For Sade 20 Property For Rent 21 For Rent 22 For Sade or Rent • 23 wanted 1 c, Rent 24 Property Wanted Notices .26 I egal Notices 2-- fenders \1 anted 28 .tu-ii„n Sales 1a CLASSIFIED RATES WORD COUNT Charges ore based on the number of words.Sets of numerals os for serial numbers. street numbers, phone number or price count as one word per set. Words joined by hyphens count as seporote words FIRST INSERTION — 20 words S2 90. 10e per word thereafter. SUBSEQUENT INSERTIONS — No ropy changes. 9C per wo,d 'minimum 51.80. SEMI -DISPLAY FiRST INSERTION -- S3.00 per column inch SUBSEQUENT INSERTIONS — S2 50 per column inch. (Minimum size in this category I1r, inches. Acce1 ted in multiples of hot( inch BOX NUMBERS to this office — S 1 00 per insertion. BIRTHS — 20 words S3.00 IO( per word thereafter. DEATHS — 40 words S3.00 )0c per word thereafter. ANNOUNCEMENTS — morrrages. engagements, an- niversaries, etc. notices •-- 20 words S3 00. each ad- ditional word iOC IN MEMORIAMS - - S3.00 otos )3c per line of verse. COMING EVENTS -- 20 words S3 00 Each additional word 10c Three insertions for the wire of 7 CARDS Of THANKS -- 30 wor . S3.00. Additional wo,ds Sc eoch S0c DISCOUNT PAYMENT IN ADVANCE Deadline for classified ads is 4:00 p.m., Mondays Secretary needed occasionally for Township of McGillivray Typing, filing, book- keeping are essential Send resume to: Jack Dorman, Reeve RR 2, Ailsa Graig NOM 1A0 Please state wages expected Applications receiv- ed till noon July 18, 1983 3 Situations Wanted BOOK K EE PER TOO YOUNG to retire. Available full or part time. Take adsanuage of my experience in accounting and office manage- ment at little actual cost to you. Experienced in retail. wholesale, manufacturing, construction trades and starting up new businesses. Albert Beer, Lucan. 227-4290. 28-30c 4 Help Wanted NEWS CORRESPONDENTS re- quired for Brinsley area. Contact Bill Batteu.235-1331. I3rte BAR STEWARD - male or female for Hensall Legion. Shift work - front 3 p.in. - L2 midnight every other day. Phone 262-5313 or 262-3018 or send application and wages expected to Hensall Legion. 27.28c RAWLEIGII DISTRIBUTORS . WANTED, full or parttime. Ca I collect 1-455-8288. 27.28 CONSIDERING A TRUCKING CAREER? .Contact your Mery Orr's Transport Driver Training regional office, Toronto (416) 251-9073; Ottawa (613) 523-3489; London (519) 432-1726; North Bay (705) 472-29.10; Thunder Bay (807) 623-8686; Cambridge (519) 648-2519. 28x TIPS SCHOOL OF SERVING is now offering a complete course in serving. Waiters and waitresses are in demand. Placement assistance available. Call now (519) 672-2640. . 28s FOR GROWING AUTO Repair Shop, licenced class A mechanic or 4 year apprentice. Parttime work 10 start, possibly full time. , Wage negotiable depending on ex- perience and qualifications. Apply in writing to Box 49P c/o Times - Advocate. 27,28c \WAITRLSS TO WORK WEEKENDS. Apply to The Golden City Restaurant. (Ages 16 years and up). 28c REI (ABLE BABYSITTER FOR two boys, I and 4 scars old. in Huron Park Mondays and • Tuesdays. Must be experienced and enjoy children, non-smoker. Referrence% please. 228-6577._28c SALES AGENTS. 1\'e want von to'represenl us in %Our communi- ty. Nature's Gold is marketing a fund raisi••c program to schools, churches. companies, sports groups or ans non-profit organiiattans. Our program offers high profits to these organizations and high commissions to you. \1r. Westbrook. 1.4161 261-4084, Nature's Gold, Ontario food Ter- minal, Stoic 292. 165 The Qucensssay, 1 'r onto M8Y 1118. _ 28x ARTA i IRM REOL:IRES a tern - norms pan lime secretary recep- tionist 42 3 Jat's a week) Inion August 15 - December 22. 1983. Pleasant phone persona lits ,1 must. aping ntini,lum of 45 A p.m. required. Please send resume lo Bos 501'. 1 serer i imes- \dsoc,uc, Bus 850, 1 seter, On- tario. 28c DO\\LST I( KI.()t:IRT1) to.arc for 2 chridrs•n, 16 months and 4 scars. Sonic light housekeeping re- quired. Io Int- in (11 pros,de dal • h care 1,i orrr home 3-4 days per week including Saturdays References please. ( (Intact Ion or Jo -Anne Dinner, 235 1045(1.2)1-3(k 110CSE KFFPLK for elderly gentleman in country Its des or Inc in Own transpor- 1.111on I'hr,nc ,11 ler 6(1(1, 22-.40 -t 28, 29c Help Wanted A mature woman to be a live in com- panion for an elder- ly woman on a part- time or full-time basis. Phone 235-0497 r Help Wanted Experienced Butcher Slaughtering experience preferred Apply in person Darling's Food Market & Abattoir Exeter 6 Services CUSTOM BACKHOEING AND bulldozing, septic tanks, weeping beds, sewers, farm urainage and .repairs and general bulldozing. Grant Skinner 235-1023. 2Stfnc SUN SHADE AWNINGS & SUNROOMS, Aluminum and vinyl siding, eavestroughing LUCAN ALUMINUM PRODUCTS 103 Willow Avenue Lucan, Ontario Ph: 227-1271 2stir, For All Your Electrical Needs and Problems (:ill TRIEBNER ELECTRIC 83 (iidley St.. Exeter 235-1.756 Residential, Conuncrcial Industrial and Farming Generator Installations 46, --- DASHWOOD LOCK & KEY Box 68 Dashwood 237-3426 Certified Locksmith Bonded and insured Locks Repaired Kcss Made Rekeving Master Keg Sysiems Emergency Openings of Cars. Homes, Buildings )4ttn JACK'S PLUMBING & HEATING l -o, all vovr plumbing atm heating repairs and installations Rural - Residential Commercial Water heaters, softeners and pumps JACK MAVER P H : 235-0581 1411n R.H. & S. PAINTING & DECORATING -Painting Interior & •Exterior - Wallpapering We have a good selection • of wallcoverings available: Look at samples in your home Phone 235-2087 Ron Heywood '1111 NEW HOMES ADDITIONS RENOVATIONS If you're planning any type of renovating... WE CAN DO IT iu r sr'` r Lilo: Prrttiag Specializing in Replacement Windows CALL FOR A FREE ESTIMATE Van Haarlem Construction 23112210 Our Reputation is your guarantee of quality workmanship 6 Services EXETER CAB 24 hour service radio dispatched Phone 235-2110 If no answer phone 228-6812 49 Siniase St. Exeter — Thin John Hayter PAINTING Interior, Exterior Free Estimates Call 237-3298 38(tn Don's Electric For all your electrical repairs & installations Industrial, Commercial, Residential & Farm Winco Standby Generators Sales 8 Instollations PH: DON BENDER Dashssood 237-3575 12, SEPTIC TANKS WEEPING BEDS Installed, Repaired, Pumped Butler Bros. Lucan 227-4312 or 227-4254 30 Years Experience Backhoe service. Scrap purchosed 16ttn GRAND BEND SANITATION "A Complete Sonitolion Service • septic -holding ianks pumped • clew tanks & weeping beds installed • New dr) wells • repairs W existing sysleins • pipe & fittings sales RES: commercial - farm - cottages BACK HOE SERVICE PORTABLE TOILET RENTALS TIM BOYD Grand Bend 238-2291 "A Business Built on Service" 12t Inc JIM SIDDALL TRUCKING • Livestock Hauling 13utk Grain Hauling KIRKTON 229-6439 i'1 MAINTENANCE FREE VICTORIA Bulk Feed Tanks • Side & Centre Draw • Available from 4 to 33 ton (stock items) • Delivery & installation services available For The Dealer Nearest You CaII: R.R. 1, HANOVER 364-1880 6 Services SHAPTON CONSTRUCTION Handyman Renovations • Homes harm Buildings • Farm Roots WAYNE B. SHAPTON R.R. 1, Exeter, Ont., NOM iSO PH: (519) 237-3739 235-1027 I6ttnc BILL WATSON Whitewashing And Cleaning Zurich, Ontario IStInc McStephen Auto Wreckers Located on the Mount Carmel Road PHONE 228-6214 Selling Used Car and Truck Parts 2;-32' CUSTOM WORK Big Round Baling Combining and Plowing Lawrence Becker 2*6486 23-43c SIGNS & SHIRTS By Tim R. Wilcox Signs,, truck lettering and custom printed T -Shirts liwy. 4, 3 miles south of Exeter PH: 228-6116 25-28s 'SUDDENLY iT•S ' SOLO' 462-9371 Clinton RESIDENCE: 523-9338 READY TO SHOW: Spacious and elegant 5 bedroom brick home, custom finished throughout, 2 miles from Brussels on 2 acres. Must be seen to appreciate. REDUCED: 6 acres near Brucefield, nicely kept frame home, large barn and steel drive shed. 2 ACRES: highway pro- perty near Hensall, 2 floor brick home in ex- cellent condition, good workshop, fruit or- chard, large garden REDUCED. DUNGANNON: Weldine 9 and 3 bedr eraWrme home. main ..r. location. 50 ACRES: all wooded, small cottage, ' ex- cellent retreat or sport- sman's property, near Auburn . HENSALL: 1'/, storey home on Richmond St. S., in good condition, financing available. RESTAURANT: Main St.. Blyth fully equip- ped, apartment above, reasonable price. JAMES ST.: 2 - -'droom in exc 11 p..iition, elect, ,eat, low maintenance., HOLMESVILLE: 13 acres with farrowing barn, 1 floor brick bungalow, paved drive. EXECUTIVE CLASS HOME: on 20 ocres Goderich Twsp.. very well londscaped, in - ground pool, large in- sulated and heated barn. PRICED FOR QUICK SALE. 6 Services Genes stens Gene Creces - SIGNS OF ALL TYPES - RR 1 Ooshwood, Ont. NOM 1140 PHONE 238-8242 41 TO BUY OR SELL antiques and used - furniture contact Norm Whiting 235-1964. 13i ARE YOU HAVING PRO- BLEMS getting those odd jobs done? If so call H. E. Enterprises at 262-2829 or Box 98, Hensall." 27,28c MOBILE FEED SERVICE "WE BRING THE MILL TO' THE FARMER" Complete line of Provimi and Shur Gain Feeds and Animal Health Products. Competitive Prices. HARDEMAN BROS. Kirkton 229-6525 A91,57,‘ Xaai £ %zl Male ..Wei Must Be Sold Near Hensall, remodelled 2 storey brick home on 6 acres with born. -, Call 1-238-2822 Mae Morenz, 6 Services SWATHING HAY and grain. harvesting haylage and straw, combining wheat, grain, soya beans and corn. Bob and Ed Cuillerier, Phone 293-3076 or 234-6203. 24tfnc JERRY'S DRYWALL Or PLASTER REPAIRS Gerald Morgan 228-6724 27tfnc CUSTOM SWATHING, hay or grain. Terry Caldwell. 262-5968. 26t RESPONSIBLE PERSON to do housework and odd jobs on per- manent basis. Wages to be negotiated. Excellent references available. Reply in writing to Box 48P, Exeter Times Advocate.47c Summer Cottage Lakewood Gardens, South is the location for this 800 square foot frame cottage on block foundation. Furnished, oil heater, immediate possession. Asking $25,000. For details call now Ray Waghorn Real Estate 236-7775. 592 London Rd EXETER OFFICE 235-1232 Fred Eyre R.P.A. Eves. 471-1158 Barbara Bell 235-1082 EXETER OLDER 3 BEDROOM brick home on large lot south of town. Immediate possession. Asking $28.900. 8 UNIT APARTMENT COMPLEX 4 • one bedroom, 4 - two bedroom. in good condition. Excellent tenants. Coll Fred Eyre for details. SERVICE GARAGE in village in local area. Call Fred Eyre for details. $35,900, 2 bedroom brick bungalow, nice living and din- ing room, single detached garage, well kept lot. modern 4 piece bathroom. Call Fred Eyre. LARGE OLDER BRICK house. 8 rooms. Needs moderniz- ing situated between schools Close to shopping. CaII Fred Eyre. STEPHEN TOWNSHIP 5 ACRES NEAR EXETER with large 10 room farm home, plus gorage and bank barn. Needs some repair. Priced at 549,900. Call Fred Eyre. ZURICH MORE MODERN 3 BEDROOM frame home, double detach- ed garage, separate dining room, large lot. central air con- ditioning. Call Fred Eyre. SOLID BRICK 3 bedroom home, separate living and din ing rooms, library, large eat -in kitchen, detached garage, full basement. beoutifully landscaped. 1 baths. CaII Fred Eyre. HENSALL BEAUTIFUL BRICK BUNGALOW on I acre lot. Central air conditioned. Double garage, fireplace in living room. Ask ing 559 900.00, VENDORS LOOKING FOR BUYERS ON THIS UNUSUAL- LY LARGE STORE PROPERTY CENTRAL TO VILLAGE MAIN AREA. THE ASKING PRICE IS 549,000 BUT WE NEED OF• FIRS. TRY YOURS NOW. CALL FRED EYRE. Well appointed two storey home on Main Street. Master bedroom is 30'x12'. Form style kitchen and separate din• ing room. Priced of 552 500. �► FRED ETRE igen associate of the International Institute of Appraisers and Is qualified to do your appraisals. Call Now for further Information and fees. Member of the Huron Real Estate Board 6:SerVices 6 Services CUSTOM ROUND BALING DOG GROOMING. Apply Pat's 4'x5'. Scott Consist, Varna, On- Pet Shop, 350 Main St., Exeter. tario. Phone 482-9291. 27tfnx 235-1951 31 GRAND BEND TOWN HOMES New 3 bedroom brick townhomes, at 5 Wood- ward Ave., 600 feet from beach. Only 4 left, from $59,900. less $3000. government grant to qualified purchasers. (Principal residence etc.) AUSABLE H.1 iNGs. Open Daily 2 - 4 p.m. /t.rl>LS uharr'FD Phone 1-238-8984 Furnished Model POWELL _©© © Tv ,.*r) PE A,r.,.. R. R. 3..ILOERTON Office 666-1010 USBORNE TOWNSHIP 100 acres, 90 acres workable, house, born and driveshed. $200,000. 96 acres, 85 workable, no buildings. $135,000. Peter Berensdsen res. 229-8804. - HiBBERT TOWNSHIP 200 acres, 157 workable, hog operation, 2 storey house. -Large F.C.C. at 10%. Peter Berendsen res. 229-8804. HAY TOWNSHIP 100 acres of woodlot, ideal building lot. Peter Berendsen res. 229-8804. SERVICE STATION WOODHAM Ideal for aspiring businessman -mechanic. Petro -Canada gas, 4 bay garage with 3 large overhead doors, office area, mezzanine storage, outside metal clad building for tire storage, paved lot with lot size of 1 acre. This is a good building, well maintained and a good existing business. Asking $100,000. John Mothers res. 455-7309. KIRKTON AREA Just over 4 acres, 2 houses, both need han- dyman. Large 2 storey born, implement shed, hen house. Great opportunity for the carpenter type. Asking $42,900. John Mothers res. 455-7309. - 1 MILE WEST 2'/, storey brick home, duplexed with two -two bedroom apartments each home separate en- trances, large kitchens, baths, living room, lower has Targe family room. 6 acres of land for your hobby, small 5 stall born. Asking 569,900. John Mothers res. 455-7309. WOODHAM Ideal for workshop type business, location on busy highway, 3,300 sq. .ft. building, hos showrooms and parts type addition. Office area, washrooms, excellent large 11% first mortgage. Asking $39,900. John Mothers res. 455-7309. HENSALL 2 storey vinyl sided home, 4 bedrooms upper, large kitchen, dining room, family room, all with open concept. Glass walk out from rear to double lot with Tots of garden space. Single attached garage, mature trees. Asking • $36,900. John Mothers res. 455-7309. CLOSE TO LAKE Grand Bend. 4 level side split on 1'/, acres of land, eat-ih kitchen, separate dining room, large windowed Florida room for outdoor wat- ching. Single attached garage, great location for retiring or market gardening. Asking $64,900. John Mothers res. 455-7309. HURON PARK 10 acres of fenced grazing land. very -clean 2' bedroom 1'4 storey brick home. T.V. room, bright main floor family room, living room and large American style kitchen, breezewayand 2 car attached garage. Just o great little arn, block construction, modern tie-ups, box stalls • and overhead (oft.- A must to see. Asking $95,000. John Mothers res. 455-7309. KIPPEN Charm and character is still here) Stained win-' dows, french doors, wainscotting, 2 staircases. 2'/, storey brick with wrap around porch. 3 • bedrooms, separate dining room, living room; main floor Ioundry and mud room, full base. ment. Small 2 storey barn. largeard.n lot. $37,000. John Mothers res. 455.7309, •