HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes-Advocate, 1983-07-13, Page 5Manitoba turtle
to get Craig key
Reeve Don Shipway an-
nounced this week his council
has located the symbolic key.
to the village and will present
it to Manitoba Dave Trithart
July 14 when Trithart arrives
here to race the world's
' fastest turtle.
Shipwy said the presenta-
tion would be made at Ailsa
Craig international Airport
when Trithart arrives on the
Craig Air shuttle (light from
Toronto about 8:30 p.m.
"We don't know what the
key opens." the reeve said,
"but if Trithart can't find
much to keep him occupied
that weekend. he can always
wander around with his key
and see if it'll unlock
Meanwhile, Gala Days
chairman Ted Van Weert said
his committee will award a
Toronto -Winnipeg -Toronto
airline ticket to the owner of
the fastest turtle in the
weekend races, July 15-17 so
the turtle can compete in the
world turtle racing finals at
Boisseva in. Manitoba next
Van Weert said reports in
from the many committee
chairmen involved in Gala
Days and turtle racing
events, indicate everything is
organized for that weekend,
and that the weekend will cost
participants a lot less money
than in previous years.
Admission to events each of
the three days is only $1 com-.
pared to $3. last year, and
charges for meals remain un-
changed from last year when
the Saturday night chicken
barbecue in the park was
$5.00 for adults, $3.00 for
The Sunday morning
areakfast is $4. for adults.
$2.50 for children, and the
Sunday night beef barbecue is
$6. for adults and $3. for
children. •
Chairperson Carol
McCallum announced Kathy
Kilby has been chosen Miss
Gala Days for the weekend,
and variety show chairman
Bill McHugh said some of the
entertainers who have audi-
tioned "-for the talent show
were "exceptional". }dcHugh
said the talent show would be
held at 3 p.m. in the Ailsa
Participation in the ever -
popular spelling bee chaired
by Evelyn McNaughton is
expected to hit an all time
high this year with the an-
nouncement that the London
Free Press will donate a ma-
jor trophy for the event. The
bee will take place Saturday
afternoon. and the award will
�e presented by Murray
Wood, director of Communi-
ty Relations for the Free
The 10 -kilometre road race
will be held again this year,
London radio station BX -93
will hold a live Country Roads
show on Sunday, and the
weekend will be rounded out
with Roger Quick's gospel
sing Sunday afternoon and
The weekend kicks off Fri-
day night with opening
ceremonies at 7:30 p.m.
followed by Battle of the
'Stars, personalities from area
radio, television, newspapers
and villagecouncil, com-
peting in looney relays. The
battle will be followed by a
Dirt Dance in the Ailsa Dome.
There are so many ac-
tivities for all age groups
planned during the weekend
that it's impossible to list
them all here. Van Weert said
the official catalogue of
events, locations, times and
chairpersons will be publish-
ed in the official Ontario
Turtle Races program.
Turtle Club chairman John
Cornett said the program will
go on sale Wednesday, July 13
at stores in Ailsa Craig,
'Parkhill. Nairn and Denfield_
The price of the program is
50e per copy. unchanged
from last year.
City Centre
JULY 18 to 23
Conservation Authority members Don MacGregor, Ex-
eter; Charlotte Postman Adelaide township and Carl
Bryson, Warwick township. As can be noted in the pic-
ture Mrs. Postma brought along a can of Raid, but, the
mosquitoes failed to show up. T -A photo.
Diamond anniversary
The 60th wedding anniver-
sary of Wilfrid and Muriel
Mack, Adelaide St., London
was celebrated with a dinner
and tea attended by 50 fami-
ly members at Pineridge
Chalet in Hay Township about
one and one-half miles from
the original Mack Homestead
settled by David Mack Sr. in
the 1840's. Mrs. Roy Whetter,
niece of the groom and their
only wedding attendant was
Sunday relatives and
friends gathered at their cot-
tage, Turnbull's Grove to ex-
tend congratulations and best
wishes. Their marriage cer-
tificate which is 16" by 20"
was shown in an antique gild-
ed frame. The background
design is a church with a
tower and steeple surrounded.
by delicate flowers and base
of orchids, lily of the valley
and an inscribed scroll. The
Mack. family tree was
Guests came from Comox
and Kaslo, B.C.; Edmonton,
Alberta, Largo; Florida;
Snover and Deckerville,
Michigan; Birch Point,
Toronto, Mississauga, Kit-
chener, Brantford, Stratford,
Tavistock, Bright's Grove,
London, St. Marys, Lucan,
Parkhill, Kippen, Hensall,
Grand Bend and the Exeter
and Crediton area where they
lived previous to moving to
London in 1974.
They were the first couple
to be married in the new red
brick Crediton Methodist
Church which replaced the
original Bible Christian
Church. Rev. Duncan
McTavish performed the
ceremony on June 30, 1923.
Mr. Mack is a First World
War veteran serving in
Belgium and Germany with
the Army of Occupation.
They have four children,
Bryce, Tavistock; Evaline,
Mrs. John McAllister, Hen-
sall; Winnifred, Mrs. Leo
Jette, London and Rosalie,
Mrs. Lorry Cann, Kaslo, B.C.
There are 13 grandchildren
and 16 great-grandchildren
also five step grandchildren
and 14 step great
Treat your family.
Sizes to fill any appetite
All your favourite choices
Summertime Treats
J%ntuckyied chicken
227 Main St. N., Exeter
Congratulatory messages
were received from The
Mayor of London, Al Gleason
William Davis, Premier of
Ontario; David Peterson
M.P.P. London Centre;
Pierre Trudeau, Prime
Minister of Crnada; Jack
Burghardt, M.P., London
West; and The Queen.
Many Thames Road visitors
Times -Advocate, July 13, 1983
Page 5
Hodgert family reunites at MitcheIl Lions park
Rev. Robert and Mrs.
Matheson returned home last
week after holidaying for a
week in the Ottawa area.
Michael Stewart returned
home Saturday after having
been a patient in University
Hospital for a week. Get well
wishes are extended.
Danny and Tammy Rohde
holidayed last week with their
grandparents Mr. and Mrs.
William Rohde. Danny spent
a day with Jason McCurdy of
Mr. and Mrs. Elgin Luxton,
Chatham spent Sund9y with
Mr. and Mrs. Mac Hodgert.
Mr. and Mrs. Craig Pyne,
Point Edward, and Mr. and
Mrs. Allan Jeffery holidayed
last week in Algonquin Park.
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Cann
and Jonathon, Ottawa, Mrs.
Isobelle Cann, Exeter, Mk.
and Mrs. Jim Love, John and
Patti, Grand Bend, Mr. and
Mrs. Bill Weber, Julie and
Jacob, Dashwood, Mr. and
Mrs. Wayne Riddell, and
Jason, Clinton, and Ray
Cann, were Sunday guests
with Mr. and Mrs. Reg
Karen and Kathy Rohde,
Exeter spent the weekend
with their grandparents Mr.
and Mrs. William Rohde.
Church service
Rev. Robert Matheson was
in charge of the church ser-
vice'Sunday when Elimville
people met with Thames
Rev. Matheson told the
children a story. The sermon
was entitled, "Who Is My
Neighbour?" When Jesus told
the Story of the Good
Samaritan in Luke 10:25-37
He was responding to two
questions: "who is my
neighbour? and what must I
do to achieve eternal life?"
The Parable of the Good
Samaritan demonstrates
many aspects of good
neighbourliness - a sense of
love for one in trouble - a
sense of selflessness - a sense
of risk - risking one's own well
being for that of another
But we often forget that
throughout the Gospel's .i esus
teaches us through His ex-
amples and lifestyle that God
is our closest neighbour.
Church service Sunday, Ju-
ly 17 will be combined at
Elimville at 10 a.m.
The 58th Hodgert reunion
was held at Mitchell Lion's
Park Saturday with 70 people
in attendance throughout the
day. A welcome to all was ex-
tended by Arnold Cann, ac -
Homuth is pleased to an-
nounce Debi Wooden's
graduation -from the
University of Western On-
tario with a Master's
Degree in Education. Debi
is presently employed by
the Oxford County Board
of Education as a teacher
in the program for the
ting president of the reunion.
A full sports programme
was run by Janet and Bob
Hulley and Jack and Nancy
Children's race winners
were( Tawyna MacLean,
Michael Hodgert and Steve
Adult winners were Brenda
MacLean and Larry Mayo.
Distance Walk, Mac
Hodgert, Arnold Cann; Kick
the Slipper, Marjorie Ben-
newies, Larry Mayo; Shoe
Scramble, Jeff Hodgert;
Wheelbarrow race, David and
Elizabeth Olson.
Ball throw, Steven Hoff and
Alan Hodgert. After relays
there was the usual ball
game. Oldest lady attending
' Vi Coates, oldest man
Whitney Coates. youngest
child, Ann Marie Hodgert.
Couple travelling furthest
distance Elgin and Mildred
Officers for 1984 are:
presidents Arnold and Marion
Cann; vice presidents, Ross
and Kathleen Hodgert;
honorary presidents, Whitney
and Vi Coates; table commit-
tee, Loreen Hamilton and
Gertie Clark, Don and Aan
Bray and Allan and Bernke
Olson. Sports committee,
Alan Hodgert, Pat Hoddert
and Eric and Diane Ellis.
JIo weri
...You don't pay any
more for the satisfac-
tion of knowing
they'll be prepared
with the care and
concern for detail -
that has built our