HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes-Advocate, 1983-07-06, Page 19• Times -Advocate, July 6, 1983 Page 15 To place your classified ad quickly and easily just phone 235- i 331 a es• CLASSIFIED RATES WORD COUNT Chorges ore bosed on the number of words.Sets of numerals as for serial numbers, street numbers, phone number or price count as one word per set. Words ioined by hyphens count as separate words. FIRST INSERTION — 20 words $2.90. 104 per word thereafter. SUBSEQUENT INSERTIONS — No ropy changes. 94 per woi d minimum 51.80. SEMI -DISPLAY FIRST INSERTION — $3.00 per column inch SUBSEQUENT INSERTIONS — 52.50 per column inch. (Minimum size in this category 1)/2 inches. Accepted in multiples of half inch BOX NUMBERS to this office — $1 00 per insertion. BIRTHS — 20 words 53.00 lOe per word thereafter. DEATHS -- 40 words S3.00 IN per word thereafter. ANNOUNCEMENTS — marrioges, engagements, an- niversaries, etc. notices -- 20 words 53.00, eoch ad- ditionol word 104 IN MEMORIAMS — - $3.00 plus 134 per line of verse. COMING EVENTS -- 20 words $3 00 Each additional word IN Three insertions for the price of 2 CARDS OF THANKS — 30 words 53.00. Additional words 5c eoch. 50; DISCOUNT PAYMENT IN ADVANCE Deadline for classified ads is 4:00 p.m., Mondays Secretary needed occasionally for Township of McGillivray Typing, filing, book- keeping are essential Send resume to: Jack Dorman, Reeve RR 2, Ailsa Graig NOM 1A0 Please state wages expected Applications receiv- ed till noor July 18, 1983 classifications_ I Lost, Strayed 2 Found 3 Situations Wanted 4 Help Warted 5 Business Opportunities 6 Services 7 Livestock 8 Farm Machinery 9 Sports Equipment, Veh. 11 Cars, Trucks 12 Pets 13 Musical Instruments 14 Appliances, Television 15 Personal 16 For Sale 17 Wanted To Buy 18 Wanted 19 Property For Sale 20 Property For Rent 21 For Rent -22 For Sale or Rent 23 Wanted To Rent 24 Property Wanted 25 Notices 26 Legal Notices 27 Tenders Wanted 28 Auction Sales 4 Help Wanted THE TWINS KENTUCKY FRIED Chicken, Exeter is accep- ting applications for full and part- time employment for bosh cooks and sales hostesses/hosts. Please apply in writing to Box 795, Ex- eter NOM iSO. 26,27c EXPERIENCED GENERAL INSURANCE SECRETARY Required for modern Exeter Broker's office. Applicant would preferably be licenced and must possess good working knowledge of an insurance office operation. Please send resume to — Box 47P, Exeter Times Advocate 27c BAR STEWARD - mak or female for Hensall Legion. Shift work from 3 p.m. - 12 midnight every other day. Phone 262-5313 or 262-3018 or send application and wages expected to Hensall Legion. 27,28c WANTED IMMEDIATELY, full-time bookkeeper for furniture store. A variety of duties including accounts payable, accounts receivable and payroll. Please send resume to Dinncy Furniture, Box 159, Exeter. 27c Caretaker (resident) Tenders will be received by the undersigned until July 9th for (resident) Caretaker services at the new Hensall Senior Citiaen 22 unit apartment complex. Irene Davis, Secretary Hensall Senior Citizen's Home's Inc. 62 Nelson Street Hensall, Ontario NOM 1X0 Residential Counsellors Full time and part time and night staff are required by South Huron & District Association for the Mentally Handicap- ped for expanding Adult Group Home Programs. MRC perferred. Please send resume outlining educa- tion, qualifications, work experience, references and other pertinent infor- mation to: Personnel Dept. South Huron and District Association for the Mentatly•Handkapped P.O. Box 29 Dashwood, Qntaric NOM 1NO Deadline July 15, 1983 4 Help Wanted NEWS CORRESPONDENTS re- quired for Brinsley area. Contact Bill Batten 235-1331. 13nc RAWLEIGH DISTRIBUTORS WANTED, full or parttime. Call collect 1-455-8288. 27,28• CONSIDERING A TRUCKING CAREER? Contact your Mery Orr's Transport Driver Training regional office, Toronto (416) 251-9073; Ottawa (613) 523-3489; London (519) 432-1726; North Bay (705) 472-2910; Thunder Bay (807) 623-8686; Cambridge (519) 648-2519. 27z WEB OFFSET OPERATOR to run 4 unit Newsking. Must be ex- perienced in stripping and plate making. Apply Sheldun Press - Box 428, Durham, Ontario (519) 369-3905. 27x OPPORTUNITY. Full or part- time Steel Building Manufacturer has dealerships available. Not a franchise. No inventory to carry. Unlimited earning potential. Agricultural and commercial prefab all -steel buildings. Straight wall, slant wall and quonset or ar- chtype buildings. For full details call toll-free 1-800-268-0802. 27x TiPS SCHOOL OF SERVING is now offering a complete course in serving. Waiters and waitresses are in demand. Placement assistance available. Call now (519) 672-2640. 27x FOR GROWING AUTO Repair Shop, licenced class A mechanic or 4 year apprentice. Parttime work to start, possibly full time. Wage negotiable depending on ex- perience and qualifications. Apply in writing to Box 49P c/o Times - Advocate. 27,28c 5 Business Opportunities PHOTO STUDIO AND STORE. All equipment, stock and negatives. Ideal for semi -retired or serious starter. Reply: Box 521, Massey, Ontario POP 1 PO. 27x EARN EXTRA MONEY PART- TIME as a Regal Sales Represen- tative. Our Gift Catalogue is all you need. Write REGAL, 939 Eglinton Ave. E., Dept. 446, Toronto, M4G 2L6. 27x FREE RADIO CASSETTE. TELLING you how you can share in the exploding video industry from your store front, home or taxi operation. No obligation or contract required. Blenheim Sound, Box 283, Blenheim, On= tario NOP IAO. (519)676-3402 of (519) 676-8911. 27x SATELLITE TV dealership available. Phone (519) 893-2260 or (519) 894-2461. 27x QUALIFIED DEALERS RE- QUIRED. 1867 Confederation Log Homes, manufacturer of pre- cut log homes requires additional dealers, highest commissions paid. Contact Mike Murphy, Box 9, Bobcaygeon, Ontario KOM 1 A0. (705) 738-4131. 27s PRIVATE SALE. Convenience store, Chelmsford - iO minutes north Sudbury. Busy intersection, good parking, volume 360,(00 growing Building also contains two apartments. I'rice $130,0(0 including building, inventory, signs, c.nuipment. 55(1,0(x) down, balance of 10 percent until paid. For information write R I ilion, 360 Jean Street. Harmer, Ontario POM 1 Y0. 27x 6 Services EXETER CAB 24 hour service radio dispatched Phone 235-2110 If no answer phone 228-6812 49 Simcoe St. Exeter 23tfn John Hayter PAINTING Interior, Exterior Free Estimates Call 237-3298) / 38tfn CUS i JM SWATHING AND big round baling. Doug and Pete Case. 235-1648 and 235-0197. 24tfnc SHAPTON CONSTRUCTION Handyman Renovations • Homes Farm Buildings • Farm Roofs WAYNE B. SHAPTON R.R. 1, Exeter, Ont., NOM 150 PH: (519) 237-3739 235-1027 I6tfnc BILL WATSON Whitewashing And Cleaning Zurich, Ontario 181f tit McStephen • Auto Wreckers Located on the Mount Carmel Road PHONE 228-6214 Selling Used Car and Truck Parts 23-32• SIGNS & SHIRTS By Tim R. Wilcox Signs, truck lettering and custom printed T -Shirts Hwy. 4, 3 miles south 01 Exeter PH: 228-6116 25-28c CUSTOM WORK Big Round Baling Combining and Plowing Lawrence Becker 234-6486 23-43c (USIOM ROUND BALING - 4'x5'. Scott Consitt, Varna, On- tario. Phone 482-9297. 27tfnx CARPENTRY - DRYWALL ID CONTRACTING HAROLD DEVRIES P.O. Box 268, Exeter, NOM 1S0 Phone 519-235-0941 Specializing in finishing carpentry ,Q,ur/li (Z,ri.,)) (rn.t/i,) al (1 /sf (l.rr,rr(r hie `rir .• •• Trenching for *water lines *drain tile *underground wiring 6 Services Genes sons Gene Creces - SIGN'S OF ALL TYPES - RR 1 Dashwood, Ont. NOM 1 NO PHONE 238-8242 4t TO BUY OR SELL antiques and used furniture contact Norm Whiting 235-1964. 13t • ELECTRIC MOTORS • Rewind •ig • Repairs • Sales & Service • Farm Ventilation NESBIT ELECTRIC ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR 229-8222 KIRKTON lit RESPONSIBLE PERSON to do housework and odd jobs on per- manent basis. Wages to be negotiated. Excellent references available. Reply in writing to Box 48P, Exeter Times Advocate.47c DASHWOOD LOCK & KEY Box 68 Dashwood 237-3426 Certified 1.oeksmith Bonded and Insured Locks Repaired' Keys Made Rekeying Master Key Systems Emergency Openings of Cars, Homes, Buildings 14tfn JACK'S PLUMBING & HEATING For all your plumbing and heating repairs and installations Rural - Residential Commercial Water heaters, softeners and pumps JACK MAVER PH: 235-0581 14tfn 'SUDDENLY, IT'S SOLD' 482-9371 Clinton RESIDENCE: 523-9338 2 ACRESe:highway pro- perty near Hensall, 2 floor brick home in ex- cellent condition, good workshop, fruit or- chard, large garden. REDUCED. HENSALL: 1'') storey home on Richmond St. S., in good condition, financing available. 69 ACRES:Hwy. No. 8, raised ranch home, in- sulated barn, several ponds, hardwood bush. HOLMESVILLE: 13 acres with farrowing born, 1 floor brick bungalow, paved drive. VANASTR storey, 3 besli_drIVATIO me in good ition. EXECUTIVE CLASS HOME: on 20 acres, Goderich Twp., very well landscaped, in - ground pool, large in- sulated and heated barn Priced for quick sale. RESTAURANT: Main St., Blyth, fully equip- ped, apartment above, reasonable price. STONE MANSION: on attractive 2 acre pro- perty near Blyth, 3 car garage and workshop. Low down payment, reasonable price. 50 ACRES: all wooded, small cottage, ex- cellent retreat or sport- sman's property, near Auburn. 6 Services FOG GROOMING. Apply Pat's Pet Shop, 350 Main St., Exeter. 235-1951. 3t JIM . SIDDALL TRUCKING Livestock Hauling Bulk Grain Hauling KIRKTON 229-6439 321 CARL GOWER Welding and Repair R.R. 1 Centralia Open 6 Days A Week Truck Boxes, Portable Welding Wrought Iron Railings and Hog & Cattle Stabling 229-6542 PERRY'S DRYWALL Apply Finish & Texture Perry Knee Centralia For Free Estimates 228-6837 6 Services SWATHING HAY and grain, harvesting haylage and straw, combining wheat, grain, soya beans and corn. Bob and Ed Cuillerier, Phone 293-3076 or 234-6203. 241fnc Western Canada School of Auctioneering Ltd. Canada's first and in operation for more than ten years and licens- ed under the Private Vocational Schools Act, No. 0127. For particulars of the .next course write: Box 687, Lacombe, Alberta TOC ISO or phone 782-6215 22-3Ic WATER WELL DRILLING W.D. Hopper 8t & Sons Ltd. 4 MODERN ROTARY RIGS Phone Seaforth Neil 527-1737 Durl 527-0828 Jim 527-0775 30t 25t PAT'S PAPERING Custom Wallpapering Prompt Professional Service You Can Trust Reasonable Rates Ph: 235-0270 or 235-2473 after 6 p.m. Ask for Pat 15-18. 19tfn MOBILE FEED SERVICE "WE BRING THE MILL' TO THE FARMER" Complete line of Provimi and Shur Gain Feeds and Animal Health Products. Competitive Prices. HARDEMAN BROS. Kirkton 229-6525 Itfn 8b' 392 London Rd EXETER OFFICE 235-1232 Fred Eyre R.P.A. • Eves. 471-1158 Barbara Bell 235-1082 EXETER OLDER 3 BEDROOM brick home on lorgo lot south of town. Immediate possession. Asking 528,900. 8 UNIT APARTMENT COMPLEX 4 - one bedroom. 4 • two bedroom, in good condition. Excellent tenants. Call Fred Eyre for details. SERVICE GARAGE in village in local area. Call Fred Eyre for details. 135,900, 2 bedroom brick bungalow, nice living and din- ing room, single detached garage, well kept lot, modern 4 piece bathroom. Call Fred Eyre. LARGE OLDER BRICK house. 8 rooms. Needs moderniz- ing situated between schools Close to shopping. Coll Fred Eyre. STEPHEN TOWNSHIP 5 ACRES NEAR EXETER with large 10 room farm home, plus garage and bank born. Needs some repair. Priced at $49.900. Call Fred Eyre. ZURICH MORE MODERN 3 BEDROOM frame home, double detach. ed garage, separate dining room, large lot, central air con• ditioning. Coll Fred Eyre. SOLID BRiCK 3 bedroom home, separate living and din- ing rooms, library, large eat -in kitchen. detached garoge, lull basement. beautifully landscaped. 1') baths. Call Fred Eyre. HENSALL BEAUTIFUL BRICK BUNGALOW on 1 acre lot. Central oir conditioned. Double garage, fireplace in living room. Ask- ing $59.900.00. VENDORS LOOKING FOR BUYERS ON THiS UNUSUAL- LY LARGE STORE PROPERTY CENTRAL TO VILLAGE MAIN AREA. THE ASKING PRICE IS 149,000 BUT WE NEED OF- FERS. TRY YOURS NOW. CALL FRED EYRE. Well appointed two storey home on Moin Street. Master bedroom is 30'x12'. Form style kitchen and seporote din- ing room. Priced at 552,500. FRED EYRE is an associate of the international institute of Appraisers and is qualified to do your appraisals, Coll Now for further information and fees. r«vtit(u< Member of the Huron Real Estate Board 6 Services CUSTOM BACKHOEING AND bulldozing, septic tanks, weeping beds, sewers, farm drainage and repairs and general bulldozing. Grant Skinner 235-1023. 251fnc 6 Services FARMERS - For a good farm building at a competitive price phone: Ray Lambers Construc- tion, RR 2 Clinton, 482-3305. Free Estimates. 43t isseemeer CUSTOM HOME BUILDING AND RENOVATIONS • Aluminum Siding • Made to measure Soffits, fascia custom thermal • Eavestroughs windows • Free estimates GRASDAHL CONST. LTD. Cliff Ron 234-67.11Produes 234-6224 MOMS coo w++ r • Lumber • Plywood • Paint • Roofing • Floor Covering and • Decorating Supplies Hours: Mon. • Fri. 8:00 - 5:30 Hwy. A'21 and Inter, Jl8 Grand Bend, Ontario Bus. (519)258-2374 Sat. - 8:00 - 4:00 (519)238-2374 ju HARRY E. RGHORfl Realtor MERT.(ULBERT 2211110J LUCA Mststber of Louden end St. Themes Reel Wets Sward GENERAL STORE — 22 miles north of city ser- vicing one of Ontario's most prosperous farm- ing areas. Exceptional turnover. Good spacious 5 bedroom attached living quarters. Owner retiring, needs young couple with good per- sonality, ready to work for which the rewards are practically endless. ALUMINUM SIDED — 2 bedroom - 33 year old bungalow. Very neat and shiny on .good sized town lot. Vendor transferred and ready to move. Asking only $28,900. Don't miss this one! 4LEVEL SIDE SPLIT on accessible highway lot. Hardwood floors and natural trim throughout. Ground floor has large living room with fireplace, dining room. kitchen, 2 piece bath and den or extra bedroom. Upper level has 3 good sized bedrooms and 4 piece both. Lower level has stove in finished rec room and large laundry room. Price reduced. 1'/2 STOREY 3 BEDROO luminum clad older home. on large 70' �� 'ge lot. This home features larg �� ruding 13' x 18' living room, 12' x 14 ,ring room, 11' x 16' kitchen, 4 piece both, 3 spacious bedrooms on second floor. Don't miss this one at $39,500. 5 YEAR OLD FOUR LF""de split on quiet paved street. 6r CV to Good value at belov� .,a to forclosure. Asking $45,900. 2 BEDROOM BUNGALOW — on large lot. Now gas furnace, new roof and Lake Huron water. Priced to sell in mid twenties. McGILLIVRAY TOWNSHIP 100 acres (65 acres tiled every 45 ft. . 20 acres tiled at 100 ft. - 15 acres rough posture). Large brick house buildings set up for hog operation with liquid system and automatic feeders. Good 8'-. °e first mortgage. Tile drain loan at 8%. Forty acres fall plowed, 25 acres new seeding, 20 acres seeded 3 years. Asking 5150,000! (Don't miss it! ) 4 BEDROOM older ,brick home on town water and sewers. Good solid family home. Asking under 530,000 for quick sole. , 2 BEDROOM --- aluminum cottage on 66 x 155 lot new gas heat, good water supply, 17 miles northwest of city. Sacrifice at 522,500. Many other houses to choose from et a variety of prices. 1