HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes-Advocate, 1983-07-06, Page 171
Medway choir
. .
Friday evening, over 100
people were reunited for a
night of reminiscing at the El-
derton arena. Thanks to Beth
and Becky Gray of Ilderton
and Anna and Cindy Bakker
of Lucan for working so hard
for the planning of the Med-
way Choir reunion. Everyone
who attended had a chance to
meet old friends and talk
about the good of school days.
A delicious chicken dinner
was served followed by some
singing of many songs that
everyone had sung at one
time or another.
Time just seemed to fly by
as, song after song, under the
direction of Ken Fleet, choir
director, everyorfe sang old
favourites which brought
back so mann memories
After singing for about an
hour 'and a half, dancing
began and everyone had a
great time. It surely was an
evening to remember and
hopefully may happen again.
Special thanks to everyone
who helped in the planning of
a very memorable evening.
Two area
Two accidents were in-
vestigated this week by of-
ficers of the Lucan detach-
ment of the Ontario Provin-
cial Police with damages
totalling $10,000.
Monday at 7:10 p.m. a vehi-
cle driven by Gerdina War-
ren, London was involved in
an accident with a tractor
trailer driven by Joseph Fred
Currie of Listowel.
The mishap occurred on
Middlesex road 23 at Conces-
sion 13-14 in London
Township. Constable D.N.
Vance listed damages at
Constable Vance estimated
damages at $7,000 when
vehicles driven by Fritz Win-
disch, Stratford and Sandra
McCutcheon, Brantford col-
lided at 10:50 a.m. Friday on
Middlesex Road 22, south of
Highwaf 4.
WIN IRISH 8 TROPHY — The Huron House Hawks of London
ship of the weekend Lucan Irish fastball tournament. Above,
the Wraith Family Hardware trophy to Tim Bowman and Vic
Kevin Lightfoot of the Irish.
won the B champion -
Paul Wraith.presents
Furga. At the right is
T -A photo.
and district news
Susan Cook
Churches join
Couples club leads service
Members of Lucan United
Church worshipped with the
Clandeboye congregation on
Sunday morning with the
Lucan Couples Club in charge
of the service.
Ed Melanson opened the
service and introduced his son
Alan, who led in many
choruses during the service
and sang four solos "I Cannot
be Defeated" "Majesty"
"Praise the Lord" and
"What's Wrogg with My
Children" . accompanied by
Larry McGill of Hyde Park
who also played for the con-
gregational singing.
Speaking from Luke 4:21,
Alan pointed out that God
anointed Jesus as He was
baptized by John, and He
received the Holy Spirit, but
when Jesus came out of the
wilderness after being temp-
ted by Satan, He was "full of
the Power of the Holy Spirit".
We must accept this help and
power today, the gift of the
Holy Spirit. We need to hear
and listen to the "Good News"
that Jesus preached as He
came to set us free in every
area of our lives.
"This morning, let us take
a step and stand on God's
power", said Alan. Just "join-
ing" a Church is not enough,
we must receive Jesus into
our lives and accept all He
has to offer.
Next Sunday at 9:45 a.m.
the service will be in charge
of the Lucan UCW with Rev.
Cecil Jardine of London as
guest speaker, on the theme
"Can These Bones Live".
Mr. Jardine is well known
in this community. Shirley
Jones and Mary Degraw will
provide the ministry in m •sic
Times -Advocate, July 6, 1983 Page 13
CRAP gcpup rotestsIandfiII
A Thursday meeting of are contrary to Ministry Huron. •petition and will also be for
members of Citizens Reac- certificates. At Thursday's meeting, warded to the Ministry.
ting Against Pollution from After Thursday's 30 minute Carolyn Taylor presented 158 The petition indicates
Biddulph township was term meeting in London, the cam signatures petition to regional highly contaminated
ed successful by spokesper-mittee was promised by director McTavish along with chemicals are being dumped
son Carolyn ministry regional director a request to have the petition and are seeping out of the soil
Taylor and otherTaylor. members Doug McTavish that all infor- forwarded to Norton. into nearby streams and into
of the committee picketed the mation regarding the landfill '-
London area office of the On- site on ministry files would be names are being added to thctually Lake Huron and
terio Ministry of the Environ- made available.
ment in an attempt to get the The dispute over the ;0 acre
Biddulph township landfill site located on Concession 3 in
site owned by C.H. Lewis Biddulph township was rais-
Lucan Ltd. closed. ed recently by Liberal leader
Firm president Cecil Lewis David Peterson who has
has said his company is doing engaged in heated discussion The final meeting for the
nothing wrong by operating with Environment Minister season of the Sunshine Busy
the landfill site and he has the Keith Norton. Buddies' groups was held
necessary certificates to do Peterson has charged that Thursday afternoon, com-
so. leachates from the site are mencing with a delicious pot
In addition Lewis has said • making their way into the luck luncheon, followed by a
any leachates leaking from Ausable River and also presentation by Jeff Rosten-
the property in question has polluting local wells and Nor- burg from the Scout
been stopped by the use of ton claims there is no committee.
several clay plugs. leachate getting into the river Jeff showed plans for the
Mrs. Taylor told the T -A and no wells are being new Scout hall in the Market
Monday she has personally contaminated. Square Park, just back of the
seen 12 locations at the land One of the Thursday pickets present building and in which
fill site where leachates have was Peter Nippa who claims the seniors have been asked
run over the ground. his well has been con- to share and locate when itis
She added, "1 saw taminated by the site. completed. Many questions
discoloured rocks in the Lewis has been operating were asked as to the accom-
strearn bed. These were also the landfill site since 1971. He modation and availability of
witnessed by another cam is currently appealing a the same. President Ed
mittee member Donna Wells, ministry ruling which would Dowdall thanked Jeff for
London Free Press reporter limit his waste disposal site coming and explaining the
Anne Murphy, a lawyer for certificate to accepting gar- project.
the Environment Law Socie- bage from Biddulph, Lucan A special welcome was
ty and a Ministry of the En- and Parkhill only. He says the given to Minnie Barnes, sister
viromnent technician. certificates in his possession of Florence Hodgins, of Port
1)1,1rs. Taylor says the have no restrictions in the Coquitlam, B.C., who is
licence under which the Lewis counties of Middlesex and visiting relatives in the area.
firm is operating is for pick- s , 1 '
ing up garbage from 5,000
persons. She continued,
"Evidence carne out at the
•hearing that 16,000 persons
were now being served."
According to Mrs. Taylor, a
topographical map indicates
the elevation of the active
landfill site is at least six feet
above two wells on the Peter
Nippa property and 50 feet
higher than another.
She contends there has been
no soil testing below two feet
as recommended by Health
Unit officials in 1971 when the
andlandtheill distancessitewaseto nearestablishet
welts, streams and dwellings
charges the owners have
shown wanton disregard for
the laws of the environment
and demands the site be clos-
ed and the owner and the
Ministry be responsible for
cleanup and monetoring of
nefghbourhood wells and
Final meeting for seniors
8IDDULPH CENTRAL GRADUATES — Grade eight class graduation exercises at Biddulph Central School were held Thursday night. Back,
left, Brion O'Neill, Mike Holden, Mike Dillabough, Robert Hodgins, John R. MacDonald, David Annis, David Murray, Bill Bieber, Mike Park,
Steven Neil, Mike Cannon, Darryl Edginton, Todd Vance and teacher Barb Coughlin. Third row, teacher Dave Wilkins, Kevin Burtch, Rick
Heywood, David Hinge, Donny Hugill, Peter Schuller, Greg Newman, Scott Finlayson, Todd Hoyter, Chris Dickey, Ian Craig, Mike Heath,
Jane Milton, Andy Hockey, Jason Haskett and teacher Jim Duddy. Second row, teacher Bonnie Wallace, Wendy Butler, Julie Goos, Cathy
Curtis, Laurie Robertson, Leslee Broderick, Laura Scott, Dorothy Ovens, Debbie Hall, Angela Hardy, Shannon Shipley, Tim Bates, Johnny
Hockey and teachers Lois Lanteigne and Brian Caslick. Front, teacher Laverne Revington, Sarah Wells, Lisa Carter, Susan Stokesbury-Leeson,
Laurie St. Pierre, principal Wallace Mclay, Chloe Guthrie, Vicki MacDonald, Charlene Acres, Ann Hodgins, Ann Marie Riley and Connie
T -A photo.
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VILLA REFRESHMENTS — Sophia Moorman and
Leonard Brooks were busy serving coffee, juice and
doughnuts to visitors at Saturday's official opening of
The Villa in Lucan. T -A photo.
ViHa .op ens
medications, assist in per-
sonal bathing if required, and
to perform any other tasks
that will help to make the
residents as comfortable and
enjoyable as possible.
The major goal of "The
' Villa" is to provide excellent
care for each resident by sup-
plying a home for seniors sur-
rounded in an atmosphere of
friendship, love and care, and
a place of security. Just as
they would feel amongst their
own families.
If you are interested in liv-
ing in "The Villa" or have any
inquiries please contact Mr.
Bill Nieuwland at 227-1073 bet-
ween 10 a.m. and 4 p.m. or
227-4926 evenings.
Saturday, July 2 The Villa
of Lucan officially opened its
doors to the general public for
a spectacular Open House.
Ribbon cutting ceremonies
began at 1:40 p.m. following
with tours throughout the
home. Some of the people who
attended this grand opening
were MP Garnett Bloomfield,
MPP Jack Riddell, and Reeve
of Lucan, Norm Steeper.
This magnificent home has
five bedrooms, either to be a
private or semi -private room.
Each bedroom has been
beautifully decorated while at
the same time leaving room
for a personal piece of fur-
niture to create a feeling of
Staff will be present on a 24
hour basis and will be
available to serve meals,
clean, do laundry, supervise
LUCAN NURSERY SCHOOL — Graduation exercises were held for the Lucan Co- Operative Nursery School,
Wednesday. Back, left, teacher Leslie Steeper, Brandon Reed. Jason Haride, Teresa Lojzer, Jesse Waters,
Sarah Gore. Michael Brody and Michelle McRoberts. Front, Chris Hietolahti; Launie Poleman, Scott Chattersin,
Erica Wilcox and Scott
Welcome To
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Branch Iibrary
activity hive
for the summer
Your branch library will be wall display at the branch.
a pleasant hive of activity • With the general theme of
when the summer reading the program named "Super
programs get underway. Sleuth", you may think that
Children are encouraged to the children can read only
register at the end of June mysteries during the pro -
and read a specified number gram. On the contrary, the
of hooks throughout the children are encouraged to
summer. read almost anything in the
As the books are read, juvenile section at their
bookmarks and colouring branch.
sheets will be given to the The program encourages
readera. Each chikt who the children' to come to the
reads all the books required library and read books for •
will be awarded a button and fun. Naturally, the reading
a certificate to mark his or skills of every child are
her achievement. Also as strengthened as they read.
each completes a book, he or Further details about the pro -
she can watch a personal gram can be obtained at the
marker be moved along a Lucan litlrary.
Agnes Hotson reported for
the nominating committee as
follows: president, office to be
filled; vice president, Eleanor
Darling; secretary, Iva
Hodgins; assisted secretary,
Iola Goring; treasurer,
Edythe Murdy; greeting card
secretary, Greta Gibson;
social convener, Kay Arm-
strong; lunch committee,
Rheola Hotson and Mary
Scott; tour consultant, Elsie
Gibson; pianist, Muriel
Cobleigh; assistant pianist,
Mary Kooy.
A nomination from the floor
resulted in the unanimous
vote that Ed Dowall should be
president for a second term.
While he really wished to be
replaced, he accepted the
"vote of confidence" and
members are most grateful to
him for his leadership during
the past year. Ed thanked all
for their cooperation during
the 1982/83 year.
Sunshine club members
played euchre with prizes go-
ing to Jessie Lewis, ladies'
high; Margaret Allen, lone
hands; Mary Damen, low
score; man's high, Maurice
McDonald; lone hands, Ed
Dowall; and low score, Chris
Heesels. The craft prize went
to Ethel Crouch.
1 he Busy Buddies com-
pleted their ceramics, under
the direction of Rose Bakker
and iva Hodgins thanked
Rose on behalf of the
Tomorrow, Thursday at 2
p.m. all members of the Busy
Buddies are asked to be at the
club rooms, with their con-
tributions for the fair booth, in
order that a decision may be
reached regarding the
amount of space required.
Please price your articles
and bring a list of your ex-
penses if you wish reimburse-
ment for these. If you cannot
be present, please phone
227-4714, or 227-4947 and ad-
vise of what you are bringing
for the craft sale. The annual
meeting of this group will also
be held tomorrow, Thursday.
Graduation held
at St. Patrick's
Wednesday, June 29, St.
Patrick's School held their
grade eight graduation
ceremony. It was a lovely
evening highlighted by the
presence of Peter Garland of
CFPL Radio who was the
guest speaker.
Several students received
special awards. The John
Vanderloo Sr. Memorial
Award which recognizes the
boy with all round general
achievement and attitude
went to Dennis Foran. It was
presented to him by Mr. Jim
The Maslen Family Award
recognizes the girl with all
round general achievement
and attitude and Carla
The ladyship award which
is the Nancy Ryan Memorial
Award was presented to Lisa
VanGeel by Mrs. Colleen
The gentlemanship award
went to Dan Hartman and
was presented by Father J.P.
The academic awards which
go to the girl and the boy with
the highest average were
presented by Mrs. Lanna
O'Leary president of CPTA.
Monica McCarthy and John
Reymer were recipients of
these awards.
Best progress awards were
also presented by Mrs.
O'Leary. Karen Toonders and
McAdam was the recipient. David Seymour were the
Bruce Maslen presented the speri stewards.s who c�ive�tl56se
award to Carla. special awards.
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