HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes-Advocate, 1983-07-06, Page 15District president at Staffs Institute By MRS. J. TEMPLEMAN Mrs. George Vivian hosted the Education and Cultural Activities meeting of the Staf- fa Women's Institute at her home June 29. Perth South District Presi- dent Mrs. Oliver McIntosh, Motherwell presented a in- teresting paper on the Motto - Education Today. Mrs. McIn- tosh had taught in the com- munity prior to her marriage and congratulated Staffa W.I. on their 80th birthday. She remarked that her mother had attended . an Institute meeting as a child in 1903 in Staffa. The speaker for the evening was Mrs. Ken MacLeod who has been with the Bank of Commerce for many years. She explained the different accounts available including current, personal checking. combination, key, daily in- terest, etc and made everyone much more aware of the services offered by odr banks. Mrs. MacLeod was in- troduced and thanked by Mrs. Vivian. • Mrs. John Templeman presided, opening the meeting with a poem "Country Schoolhouse" the Institute Ode and Mary Stewart Col- lect, with 16 members and three visitors answering the roll call by telling what type of bank account they had. Mrs. George Vivian gave a very interesting demonstra- tion on microwave cooking and everyone sampled some peanut -brittle that had been made. in the microwave. Mrs. Lloyd Miller presided for the business. The bus trip was discussed, also the 8Oth birthday of the branch. '0 Canada' closed the meeting and - the hostesses Mrs. Wm.Mahon, Mrs. Bruce Arm- strong and Mrs. Art Smale served lunch. Many attended openhouse Wednesday at the home of Mrs. Russell Miller for her daughter, Lee. At a recent meeting of the South Hibbert Athletic Socie- ty, plans were finalized for a family dance to be held at the Dublin Community Centre on Saturday July 23. We welcome Rev. and Mrs. ' Hay Anderson from Saskat- chewan to Hibbert United Church and the community. Rev. Anderson conducted the service of worship Sunday morning, choosing the "Ministers Credentials" for his message. THURSDAY AFTERNOON TODDLERS INN -- Gradua- tion exercises for the Thursday afternoon class at the Toddlers Inn Nursery School were held Thursday after- noon. Back, left, Hayley Snell, Rianne Laye, Jennifer McDonnell, Shari Beierling, Karla Bennewies, Melanie McBride and Preslee Mover. Front, Matt Spears, Bryon Ellerington, Jon Moore, Graham Keys and Greg Keys. T -A photo. SPECIAL KRAFT QUALITY 24's SINGLE THIN CHEESE SLICES SPECIAL SEALTEST LIGHT N'LIVELY 2% COTTAGE CHEESE 500 g 990 SPECIAL WESTONS FRESH BAKED ENRICHED WHITE BREAD 675 g 0 LOAF 24 oz. SPECIAL CANADA "A" GRADE LARGE EGGS ALL WHITE DOZ. • ROLL LARGE ONE LITRE SIZE 140 ml TUBE FINE SHAMPOO DILL 1 SPECIAL SPECIAL SPECIAL SPECIAL PRINTED ORANGE, GREEN OR GOLD WHITE ' SWAN TOWELS 299 KRAFT MIRACLE. WHIP ONE LITRE 119 ASSORTED VARIETIES KRAFT DRESSINGS 5m01.0 • 9 CARNATION FROZEN "HASH BROWN „ POTATOES O NE Kg PKG. i ROSE BRAND 3 VARIETIES LARGE ONE LITRE SIZE 140 ml TUBE FINE SHAMPOO DILL SCOPE HEAD & PICKLES 'MOUTHWASH VACHON ASSORTED VARIETIES PACKAGES Of 6's OR 12's LUNCH SNACKS PKG SHOULDERS LONE ITRE 1. 49 3.99 2.99 FINE QUALITY BRAVO WHITE OR PINK 5 VARIETIES PLAIN STYLE REGULAR BUNDLES LANCIA SPAGHETTI CAMAY PASTAS SAUCE BAR SOAP 500 q S9 28 oz 1•19 4 s 1. 79 380 q 1.2 Kg 3 LITRE BUNDLE OF 4 3 LITRE CARTON FOR YOUR FABRICS 7 VARIETIES CHEER 2 DOWNY NEILSON DETERGENT SOFTENER BAR BUNDLE 1.993L 4.39 • 1.29 J e WHITE, YELLOW, BEIGE WHITE SWAN FACIAL TISSUES 00 89 ? 2'. PARTLY SKIM EVAPORATED CARNATION MILK X385 ml 65? . 100'. PURE MAZOLA CORN OIL 15 L139 1 ‘i 6 VARIETIES 15 oz. TINS CHEF BOY -AR -DEE MEALS S9?1.69 VACHON ASSORTED VARIETIES PACKAGES Of 6's OR 12's LUNCH SNACKS PKG ASSORTED FLAVOURS ZEHRS JELLY POWDERS 4 FORS $i 1 VARIETIES ZEHRS CHOICE QUALITY NO PEE FTroNA NO ST STRIP EA 3.19 WHOLE B�� {S IroNIIEDE e POTATOES zehrs fine markets... of fine foods We reserve the right to limit purchases to reasonable weekly family requirements. NEILSONS QUALITY ��� ONION CHIP DIP 250 9 CLUB DES MILLIONAIRE 100 q BRISLING SARDINES . 99' BLUEWATER BOSTON BLUEFISH STICKS OR FRIES24 a:. 3.49 BILLY BEE BRAND CREAMED HONEY 375 q 1.49 BILLY BEE BRAND LIQUID HONEY 375.9 1.59 ESSO BAR -B -Q LIGHTER FLUID 1 LITRE 1.19 NEW! 750 g SIZE BLUEW0TER FISH 8 CHIPSBOSTON BLUE ?.39 e FREEZE DRIED INSTANT COFFEE DIET STYLE OR REGULAR 4S CHUNK LIGHT IN OIL OR IN WATER TASTERS 7 -UP STAR KIST CHOICE . DRINKS TUNA 1 VARIETIES 8 oz. 5.99 iso 39?Ho vs 184 9 1.19 TIN 3.6 LITRE FOR YOUR DISHES FOR YOUR BATHROOM LIQUID STYLE LIQUID STYLE BOWL CLEANER OLD DUTCH JOY SANT- . 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ZEHRS ARE PLEASE TO ANNOUNCE THEIR GRAND OPENING IN WASAGA BEACH (MOSELY & 45TH ST.), JULY 14TH Times -Advocate, July 6, 1983 Page 11 Businessmen in charge Plan Dashwood senior survey By MRS. IRVIN RADER Dashwood will join the list of area communities con- sidering accommodation facilities for senior citizens. At their recent meeting, the Dashwood and Area Business Association decided to under- take a survey of the im- mediate area to see if there is a need for senior citizen ac- commodation in the village. Fourteen members were ip attendance at the meeting and Lorne Kleinstiver gave a brief on how to canvass the area. Members of the Association will be doing the survey. The cooperation of all residents is solicited to help complete the survey to deter- mine what need may exist. At convention "Reach Out with Christ in Word and Deed" was the theme for the 20th biennial convention of the Lutheran Woman's Missionary League . held June 20 - 23 at Cobo hall, Detroit. Mrs. Maxine Miller, Mrs. Florence Marlene and Pastor and Mrs. M. Mellecke of Zion Lutheran church were among 5700 who attended. Some of the highlights were the opening communion ser- vice complete with mass choir and orchestra, the ban- ner parade, the 40th anniver- sary celebration, Bible studies, words and deeds fairs, open air devotions, in - gathering of sweaters for Lutheran world relief, sparkles, the musical conven- tion report and choosing of projects for the next biennial. The 40th anniversary love offering of nearly $200,000 will help build a new mission in Sierra Leone, Africa and help open up 1800 new missions in Westerners visit Kippen By MRS. RENA CALDWELL Mr.and Mrs. J.P. Sanders of Weyburn Sask., Mr. and Mrs. Martin Dodson, Chris, Cam, and Kathie of Regina spent a few days with Mr. and Mrs. Sanders brother-in-law Dorothy and Tony Moffatt. Mr. and Mrs. Grant Love, Cairo, Mich. attended the funeral of Mrs. Love's brother, Morley Cooper last week. Sympathy is expressed to Mrs. Morley Cooper and the family in the death, last week of J. Morley Cooper. Mr. and Mrs. Art Lougheed, Mississauga, and son visited relatives in the area last weekend. the United States and Canada. Another love offering of .over 86000.00 will assist the French ministry in Quebec. The next convention will be held at Ames Iowa in 1985. Personals Mrs. Wilmer Desjardine, Judy and Julie Crown, Zurich, returned home after a week's visit with Scott, Mary Ann and Shannon Boyle in Ot- tawa. While there they had the pleasure of shaking hands and speaking to Prince - Charles and Princess Diana prior to their departure from C.F.B. Uplands airport. . Mrs. Robert Boogemans has returned home from hospital. Melvin Restemayer is a pa- tient in South Huron Hospital. A number of Dashwood senior citizens joined with the Grand Bend seniors on a bus trip to Hamilton Place Thurs- day of last week and took in the "Geritol Follies" This is unique because of the fact that those taking part in the follies are 65 years plus. It was a most enjoyable evening_ Confirmands of Zion Lutheran Church taking part in the activities of "Camp Pioneer" this week are Robert Rader, Paul Mellecke, Ross Keller, Chris Miller and Bill Vandeworp. Brad Cann back from Australia By MRS. WILLIAM ROHDE Thames Road Brad Cann has returned home after having spent the past months in Australia. Rev. Robert and Mrs. Matheson and Mrs. William Rohde put on the church ser- vice at Queensway Nursing Horne in Hensall, Tuesday afternoon. Mr. and Mt s. Oren Grace of i.argo Florida called on. Mr. and Mrs. William Rohde Tuesday afternoon. Mr. and. Mrs. Alex Rohde of Mitchell visited Friday evening with the Rohde's. Rev. Robert and Mrs. Matheson attended a wedding near Ottawa over the weekend. Mrs. Mary Thomson, Ex- eter and Mr. and Mrs. William Rohde visited with Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Hanna and Mr. ar.'t Mrs. Robert Ross, London, Thursday afternoon. Michael Stewart is a patient in University Hospital after having been injured in a car accident early Friday morning. Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Passmore and Mrs. Rick Mellenger and Alicia attend- ed the Moir reunion at Mac - Naughton Park, Exeter. Sunday. Several people from Thames Road attended the combined service at Elimville Sunday morning when Mr. Peter Snell was in charge of the service. He worshipped in song to the children. Mr. Snell accompanied himself on the guitar. The Scripture Lesson was read from Mark 10: 13-27. The sermon was entitled "The - Hope of the World" - Sunday July 10 Elimville. people will meet with Thames Road at 10 a.m. with Rev. Robert Matheson in charge. Miss Kim Kiehl, Edmonton Alberta -spent the weekend with her parents Mr. and Mrs. Gerry Riehl. and Benji Riley of Centralia has been holiday- ing with his uncle and aunt Mr. and Mrs. Riehl. Alta crab By ALICE DICKENS The Happy Gang seniors met in the town hall Wednes- day at noon for a Kentucky fried chicken dinner. Following this, seven tables of euchre were at play. Prizes went to Babe Chapman, Kay Simpson, Marion Levine, Helen Smith, Jam.L Rose and Gertie Hodgins. Lorraine Neil winning the highest score in the euchre during the year received a gift.of money as a prize. The next euchre will be Ju- ly 27 at 1:30 p.m. Mrs. Marion McIntosh, Arkona, Mrs. Hugh Baird and Alice, and Alice Dickens were dinner guests with Wilma McIntosh. . Miss Ella Morlock visited recently with her brother in Rochester, Minnesota. Plan to attend the Lioness euchre Wednesday, July 6 at 8 p.m. in the Masonic hall. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Dores spent Monday in Orangeville. The United Church Women held a successful bake sale on Saturday at the KOA Camp at Nairn. Presbyte.- n church school members were given the Robert Raike's diplomas and seals for attendance recently. 1YI:... t • •,;14 STEPHEN NURSERY GRADUATES - The Tuesday -Thursday students o t e Step en Neighbourhood Nursery School graduated Tuesday. Back, left with teacher Elaine Hayter are Heather Karkheck, Lisa Stewardson, Kathy King. Melissa Thiel, Tracy Smith, Gregory Varley and Natasha Fick. Front, Jeremy Lachance, Isaac Jaques and Mandy Page. Missing was Tim Morgan. T -A photo. Error in Fair book An asterisk inappropriate- ly appeared in this year's edi- tion of the Exeter fall fair prize list which was included with a recent edition of this newspaper. The asterisks were used to indicate that some of the past executive members of the board were deceased. Unfor- tunately, they appeared beside the names of Mrs. Rufus Kestle and Mrs. Delmer Skinner in the list of pdst con- veners and presidents of the ladles' division. Both ladies arc, of course, still living. Give... THE HEART FUND Usborne & Hibbert Mutual Fire Insurance Company (Established in 1876 Provides Full Insurance Coverage for Town Dwellings as well as Farm Properties DIRECTORS AND ADJUSTERS Jock Harrigan Robert Gardiner Lloyd Morrison Lorne Feeney Ray McCurdy Robert Chaffe AGENTS Woodham Dublin Mitchell Exeter Exeter Ross Hodgert John Moore Joseph Uniac, Mrs. Elaine Skinner Wally Burton R.R.3, Luton R.R. 2, Staffs R.R.1, St. Marys R.R.2, Dublin R.R.1, Kirkton R R. 5, Mitchell 229-6643 345-2512 348-9012 235-1553 235.0350 1