Times Advocate, 1999-12-22, Page 5Wednesday,December 22, 1999
Exeter Tisineoi-Ailleocate
In the News
Developer complains of onerous demands
By Kate Monk He called the require- sultants.
TIMES -ADVOCATE STAFF ments onerous and Hevey said two fran-
bird's nest materials and chises are interested in
GRAND BEND said it appeared at least being part of the food
Developer Jim Hevey got one of the consultants court but don't want to
some satisfaction when had never been to Grand lose another season of
he attended Monday Bend. business due to delays in
night's council meeting to "Obviously they're not approvals and construc-
complain about a report in tune with your coun- tion.
from the village's plan- cil," Hevey exclaimed. After Hevey presented
ning consultants on his Grand Bend administra- several issues, council
proposed food court at 87 tor Paul Turnbull told passed a motion to
Main St. council the plans Hevey approve the development
The report asked Hevey submitted in July lacked in principle as presented
to jump through several sufficient detail so the Monday night subject to
hoops including providing engineers and planners the concerns of the village
the same number of park- made assumptions to fill clerk and consultants
ing spaces as is required in the blanks. being addressed.
in the Greater Toronto Turnbull admitted to Council was scheduled
Area and completing a Hevey the village dbesn't to meet to evaluate the
formal traffic study. always agree with its con- issues and respond to
Hevey by the end of today
New barn almost
up in flames
McGILLIVRAY TWP. — A sudden change of wind
direction almost caused a new barn to go up in
smoke at a farm on Mount Carmel Road.
Farmer Tom Glavin was burning wood from a
demolished barn after 2 p.m. Saturday when a
gust of wind from the west caused his controlled
fire to move towards his nearby new barn.
Glavin hosed down his new barn till the Lucan
Biddulph fire department arrived.
Ten volunteer firefighters in three trucks took
about an hour to control the fire. The new barn
received only a small burn mark.
As an aside, Coun. Bob
Mann said Grand Bend
needs a planning commit-
tee to bring input to plan-
ning issues from council.
Remuneration for
Council meeting dates,
committee composition
and remuneration were
approved through bylaws.
The mayor and mem-
bers of council will be
paid $400 per month
honourarium. for 2000.
Reimbursement for costs
for all council/committee
appointee members while
on municipal basis will be
approved by council on a
case by case basis.
The 2000 bylaw
enforcement contract is
with Crawford Security
and Bylaw Enforcement.
The contract price is
$18,200 annually plus a
$700 annual dispatch ser-
vice for weekends
between the Victoria Day
weekend and the date
when the OPP starts to
provide the service in
• Beb Roney will be
rehired as the village's
harbour master for 2000.
The contract has tradi-
tionally been for April 1 -
Sept. 30 but has been
extended to the end of
October on an on-call
basis. He willbe paid
$500 per week for the
April to Sept. period and
$1000 for October.
Other business
• Council passed a
bylaw to write off
$17,000 in property
• The village will sup-
port the joint appoint-
ment of Stephen Twp.
councillor Anita Riddell to
the Ausable Bayfield Maguire held the position
Conservation Authority in '98.
board of directors. Mann • Mayor Cam Ivey
was the representative for reported 16 Lambton
the past two years. County municipalities
The village also entered supported the proposal
an agreement with the for a county contract with
ABCA for planning ser- the OPP for police ser-
vices and supported the vices with the contract in
conservation agency's ini- the hands of the attorney
tiative to improve the general. 'Sarnia and Pt.
Permit to Take Water Edward will maintain
Program administered by their municipal forces.
the Ministry of the • The municipal office
Environment. will be closed between
• Coun. Phil Maguire Christmas and New
will fill the role of deputy Year's. Turnbull will be at
mayor for the village in the office on New Year's
2000. Mann was the Eve to address any Y2K
deputy mayor in '99 and problems.
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