HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes Advocate, 1999-11-24, Page 2Regional
wrap U:
Spill reviewed
— The township's
insurance adjustor has
reviewed the summAr
spill of Dombind ► +
suppressant int(' tfle
Parkhill Creek water-
shed and suggested the
township had no choice
but to act as it did.
The Parkhill Gazette
reports no township
hours or equipment
were handed into the
insurance company but
the clerk was instruct-
ed to forward monthly
instalments to Woods
'Hodgins for insurance
Support for ill
has been a massive
outpouring of support
for Shane Thomas, the
six-year-old Ailsa Craig
boy who has battled a
brain tumour for most
of his life and now
needs a bone marrow
The Parkhill Gazette
reports that within a
few days of mounting a
'Shane's Train to
Recovery' poster cam-
paign, the fund-raising
enough item's for a
silent auction for,
Saturday nights benefit`
The transplant and
related treatment in
Toronto will bring
added financial strains
to the Thomas family,
including travel, food,
accommodations and
phone calls home.
Animal units
capped at 600
Perth council [n a c set-
tled on a cap of 600
animal units on each
farm site.
The township's origi-
nal draft bylaw put a
limit of 500 livestock
units but council settled
on the 600 number.
Some councillors were
concerned limiting
farmers to 500 units
would restrict some
existing farm opera-
tions or limit young
farmers seeking to
Council also loosened
the restriction that the
self -owned land be
abutting land or land
within 100 meters by
replacing the figure
with, five miles (eight
buys harbour
town' of Goderich has
purchased its harbour
for $650,000 from the
federal government,
reports the Sig tal-Starr.
dot. !,4
Exeter #'imes-Advociikb Wednesday,November 24, 1999''
In the News
Continued from front page
parents and some stu-
dents about the behaviour
of some of the high school
Graham got the ball
rolling on the ban
because he is concerned
about the students at
Exeter Public School. As
the high school students
travel to the Rec Centre,
they cut across the public
school's property. He said
there have been incidents
of bad language and
pushing and shoving. He
also said when the high
school students fight on
the Rec Centre property
it's not a good influence
banned Rec Centre property
for the younger school behaviour from the South exposed to." 4topes the ban is heeded
students who can see Huron students to the Stewardson said the and no trespassing
what's going on. public school students but vandalism to the Rec charges are laid. She said
• Homuth said some added she Is concerned Centre property hasn't if the ban is ignored the
South Huron students the group of high school been major, but a new police will be called to
have also been caught students gathering at the picnic table and play- deal with the problem.
smoking marijuana and, Rec Centre has been get- ground equipment have Homuth hasn't heard
then going back to class. ting bigger, exceeding been damaged. He also any reaction to the ban
• The ban on South 100 students on some said students have been from parents yet but "I
Huron students from the days. littering on the property. think that parents would
Rec Centre property only Homuth has also had to At the beginning of the be supportive of anything
applies during school deal with the problem school year, Stewardson we could do ... to try and
hours, but both Homuth first-hand, going to the . banned South Huron stu- get (the students) to be
and Graham say it will Rec Centre and disciplin- dents from entering the doing what they're sup -
probably be an indefinite ing the offending stu- ; Rec Centre during lunch posed to be doing and
ban. The ban does not dents. hour because they would that is attending classes
applied to school -super- "I'm concerned about often go in the building and getting there on time
vised activities. the kinds of behaviour, and misbehave. • and focusjng on learn-
Homuth shares . but I'm also concerned South Huron students ing."
Graham's concern about about the elementary kids have been told of the•ban
the exposure of the poor and what they're being and Homuth said she
McCurdy Public School faces possible closure
Continued from front page
possible closure.
She also wonders which children will be
sent to which schools and if siblings will be
split up. Windsor has one child in junior
kindergarten and one in Grade 4 and wants
them to stay together.
"My children are not going to be attending
two different schools," she states.
Windsor is also concerned about McCurdy
students taking a bus to school if McCurdy
closes. Many of the students have never
taken a bus to school before and Windsor
said the longer distance to school could add
complications to families trying to get their
children to school.
Criticizing Avon Maitland, Windsor said the
board needs to be more open with the par;
ents in providing information and parents
need to know the board is doing everything
possible to prevent schools closing.
"I don't know if this is the right decision,"
Windsor said of schools possibly closing. "But
it's the beginning of a process and] think it
needs to be a process where all schools work
together for the betterment of all the kids."
Windsor, who planned to attend last night's
board meeting, said she is grateful for phone
calls of support she has received from people
from Exeter and Stephen schools..
The Huron County Christmas Bureau bags are here
EXETER -- You know
Christmas is coming
when the bag appears in
your Times -Advocate.
Your community news-
ewspaper is hoping you take
the time to help the less
fortunate again this holi-
day season by filling up
the bag inserted in this
edition with non-perish-
able food items and new
children's clothing and
toys destined for the
Huron County Christmas
Bureau Exeter branch.
Clothing items needed
include underwear, socks,
pajamas, sweatshirts and
pants. Children's clothing
in sizes 6-12 are always
in short supply and are
the most sought after
The bags can be
dropped off at 'Darling's
Food Meat Market, Seip's
valu-mart, Holtzmann's
IGA, Frayne's General
Store and various other
Exeter area businesses.
There are also drop off
depots at grocery stores
in the communities sur-
rounding Exeter.
•Thte-Chrrlstnias Bureau
will not accept .outdatO.
food or dented cans.,
The Exeter Christmas
Bureau will optn its
headquarters at Exeter
United Church, 42 James
St., on Dec. 6 and dona-
tions can be dropped. off
there till Dec. 10. The
office will be open from
10 a.m.-3 p.m.
Last year 283 South
Huron (Exeter, Hensall,
Zurich, Huron
Park/Centralia and sur-
rounding townships) chil-
dren received packages
from the . Christmas
Bureau and Huron
Christmas Bureau orga-
nizer Joan Vandenbroeck
expects the need this year
to be about the same.
She said while Huron
County unemployment is
. low, many people earn
low wages making it hard
for, families to make ends
She said the need in dif-
antsi s heading
Lucan again
LUCAN -- Santa Claus is coming to Lucan Biddulphl
The 6th Annual Lucan Biddulph Santa Claus Parade
is,. now being organized and will take place on Sat.,
Dec. 11 at 6:30 p.m. The parade starts at the corner of
Ssintsbury Line and Highway 4 and travels down Main
Street to the Lucan arena.
'three prizes will be awarded in eadrof the following
categories: best religious entry, best commercial entry,
best non-profit entry and best family entry. Judging of
the floats will start at 6 p.m.
After the parade children are limited to meet Santa in
the arena.
For more lnforn ation call 227-1398..
ferent corners of the
county varies from year
to year due to factory clo-•
sures and ,other employ-
.meat, a and,aociafactprs,4.
Vandenbroeck added half
of the families receiving
Christmas Bureau pack-
ages each year have
never used the Bureau
Those who feel they
need the Bureau's help
this Christmas season are
asked to call the Huron
County Chidren's Aid
Society at 1-800-265-
5198 for a confidential
•appointment. , _ s.t ;
"The .hope is the chid
_1s know, the, t
gifts are from the
Christmas Bureau,"
Vandenbroeck said.
Those wishing to make
a monetary donation to
the Christmas Bureau are
asked to drop in to the
Exeter Christmas Bureau
while it is open.
Donation bags will also
be collected by Exeter
scouting groups during
the Exeter Santa Claus
parade: on: Nov.:27 ,start-
ing at noon. -
i For;more- Ll
on the Exeter Christmas
Bureau, call co-chairs
Audrey MacGregor, 235=
0972, or Karen
VonDamm, 235-3719..
The . Huron • County
Christmas Bureau and
participating churches
have been making fami-
lies' • holiday season
brighter for 40 years.
Stephen Central School students Sabrina Brand, left, Leah Mudge help Jackson
Bleman through a school bus window in the school bus safety demonstration
Nov. 10. The program is done annually at all schools in the Avon Maitland
school board. (photo/Kate Monk)
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