HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes Advocate, 1999-11-17, Page 32• 32 Exeter Times -Advocate Wednesday, November 17, 1999 Classifieds 26 Loral Notice Under the Ontario Tenant Protection Act To: Deborah Mitton Gould The landlord, Linda and Eugene Weber, of RR 11 Hay Township, Ontario, hereby gives you notice of their intention to dispose of your 1967 General Coach 52 ft. x 12 ft. single wide. trailer bearing serial No. 1126099- 1967-25 pursuant to the provisions of the said Act. Lorne Campbell Barrister and Solicitor 994 Country Club Crescent London Ontario N6C SSI Phone (519) 668-0080 Fax: (519) 668-0081 Lawyer for Linda and Eugene Weber • ,.ase i NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE ESTATE OF ALVIN JAMES CHAPPEL late of the Township of Usbome, in the County of Huron, who died on the 1st day of July, 1999. Creditors and others having claims against the above estate are required to send full particulars of such claims to the undersigned on or before the 25th day of November 1999, after which day the estate assets will be distributed, having regard only to claims that have then been received. ' ROBERT 1. DEANE, Q.C. Barrister and Solicitor 417 Main Street South Exeter, Ontario NOM 1S6 Solicitor for the Estate Trustee(s) • { From South Huron to Central America . South Huron District High School: students donated 377 shoeboxes for Operation Christmas Child: last week.The boxes, filled with toys, school supplies, hygiene items'and other gifts for children, are on their way to Central America.The high whoops Spanish class wrote spe- cial greetings in Spanish to include in their boxes. Co-ordinating the project, from left, are AmandaYearley, Pave MacLeod, Diane Heatherington,-s Cowell, Crystalyn Lotscics, Laura Sheppard, Zak Homitth, Kathleen Amerongetl, Beth -Ann Hern and Rhonda Dougall... Last year, SHDHS collected 74 shoeboxes for the project.The program is a project of Samaritans Purse, a non-profit Christian relief and evangelism organization. (photo/Kate Monk) 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 TORONTO CHRISTMAS TRAIN SAOW, Sal/Sun, Nov. 27.26, 11am-5pa; Intwmetidnel Centre, 6900 Akpo 1 Road, Idesimougs. 60,030 sq. -IL mad ltoy i webs Bring he rating o; he Mole Ion* 1111111111111111110111111111111111 WANTED • HARDWOOD LOGS and tImberstanda. Veneer log prices. Unread nee miners and Kamer. operators take epeeist are in hemming. ComPIIIT established 1527. Parini Veneer (51917424117. CASH NICASI OUT Cake. Papal Hostess, Mite. i;► sod aaleEUhnen usque vendors in you arse. No sel- l% peo-time. MYInun immanent 813160.1• OW -5034484 24 hours. EXCITWO INTERNET OPPORTUNITY: Make mater =ritNonawy. Not sada amino read eeo For broad b rids CALL NOW RILL -FREE 1.6118.6531006. SUBSTANTIAL 11 or more per morel►. Ca nada% lasted po�gempo! h tl�f t bion iniac nanny tell be mew 6hy07gons in you area 8111,009. Tonrtosy Takeo 1- -2614111. WE HAVE TWINED 241 KIM & nils. POWELLs Crisman Hold" under one rod aid b reside have been haedtble. To Nan more about our Smsi:Toan *Wm and tow you an be part d L oat TOLL FREE 1.8 44144241. CARSkETICS le landdenq In your wee end O looking b people to loin our Ism Proven kdnipuet camphors ton -key; comprehensive training program; iwlasl c return on kws Bert Call John Filey Y M)7324770. SPECIALTY INSURANCE AGENCY boldng lor l Kr- ket our Wok* Rs d Permed A e dont 8 Sled ses Compensation plans rndetar► to Cwrnardel IOW L 6h 1.100.2164275. Etatiy net pod wow it aoanpwr'.'v ' lid wb wlalgprepkn ► Diplome rm d datelkin Hob Propos FNMA* Millrios, brei awoodir spasms ad lob Wow* 951 avetsbls owirtmelrehow toe rsaswp. 1408471- 111111111111111111111111111111111111111 COUNSELLOR TRAINING bob* d Canelo filers al. comes and carespondence courses brood a WarmIn s Cooip Radice.t begin be morel. Free ca - bps, cell 24bot 1400415.7044. 8E A SUCCESSFUL WRITER... WO our greet home - study course. Cal laby It you FREE BOOK 1.100- 267.1829. The Writn g School 34 McArthur Avenue. Subs 3322. Marra. Of/ K1L 6R2. SAWML $1100 SAW Lofts am) 'dams. planks, bewn6. Ltm almetr. Beet simeoll vibe anyvbn. Nomad MOW* wwr+le1ew M,11wfb, ceps,, 6 *MIL I Wee e6atlelbn I -*$II N RAN( ROWING • Wet Phe r t r TIG f tf baa 6164% matMae calm&. 8246/4 L. Wine owns aw8*Ie. Cal Century YAW Robots 519417476/ POOL TABLES, NEW, USED, ale Nan mstss, mod*. Custom built tor you 5 x 10 82501 6 t 12 $2500, aniquet Mao mcov ks refurbishing. Cal Jake M 02. GENERATORS AT COST. Overstock end conceited Wert Must deer 2.000W to 100KW Oosome end t6seet Ilat4t;1U/Iaanrtppnord.Mitsubishi, Deere engines. Net 1418.604180 raverpr0. Winnipeg 204-633- 5611 Wer need 10 wwenws.1 wisp bhaedielely. Wals- M pot Imo e�eeaeokeeppee. 54. roil Fl Ern tq to 812 per hour. paMt/IfX 1477 5.6608. 111111111111111111111111111111111 Nc$1OCL ITESIS AttMnea4 elder& Maki bila d Money sasst6reeeealll bats via. podgy ewiable, t avoy fYUtytwiabM.Cd! now 1405,'!13. SSD 11111111111111111111111111111111111111111 WANTED - S2 1/2 people b lose mitt Bryn hes lost 55 pouch and 21.25 Inches. Doctor tamn6Nd, sale; Weal erldwest Cali laFkee 1416.6134610. ADULT ENTERTM OOT. Order Me best Woos by rill ateIlse. FREE V1dso 08srt FREE Catalogue. De- ena HMD NW 5266 PI , t0t-C Mord* ahbsa, 101407. Do vee mooned au* ad out pssi phiihl moments? - Ctspter 3 DIANETICS by L.Ron RONA Find out - arder Me Dlws8es 8N boas 'marl Pablo 162.61. Cat 1400481.6801 LIENS °MACE HELP1 Sr* temeinds on ay less ehle praledng your cakid cull* Olt Nide Wiwi Coat baa al! 147741PENQIP dist OLL NEW STEEL BUILDONGS....Go Oiwd and Sew. 4:12 roof pidt 25 t 30 83,90000 25 t 40 84.90000 30x40 $S,S00.oa 35 it s0 $7,10Q0Q 40 t 40 $10,100.00. 45 t SO 811400.00 Ohws. PhrMer__1.600446.6422. FUTURE STEEL BUILDINGS • Doable. Dependable. liteinginbred eel Structures. Cumom-made to alt pm need end reequirements Factory -01w diad• able prices. Coll 1-800.668-5t 11 est. 531 fa tree TMESHARE RESALE& To bun. NO a rel vorkkelde. Whales Lama Ressler. ERA STROMAN SINCE 1979. flows adiS. Saws call 14042011168. klisna ie�am. ACAPULCO. 211 days from 82711 CDN p.p.dW.occ. Modes air, accommodates, tes, M msat, drib we mos WWI Jemmy 2000. Cat lot heat 14774290461 - )void leer r► N46'0 '>asl'n�ri(]nharia $ i38 • MOANOntario $ r • C ntrat t�nl alio 51 4 • nn or:l�rr, 1,90 TENDER COUNTY OF HURON HIGHWAYS DEPARTMENT • Submissions will be accepted untie 12 o'clock noon, local time, Tuesday, December 7th, 1999 for: One - 55000GVW Tandem Cab & Chassis One - 1 Ton Crew Cab Six - 1/2 Ton Pickups Supply of Gasoline, Diesel Fuel and Heating Oil for the Year 2000 Forms available upon request from the office of the undersigned. Lowest or any quotation not necessarily accepted. County Engineer Court House. Goderich, Ontario TeL (519) 524-7412 — Fax (519) 524-9291 . t 111'/lull VI it: Auction Calendar Auctioneer Bob Heywood 235-0874 TONIGHT WED.. EVENING NOV. 17 AT 5 P.M. • AT SOUTH HURON REC CENTRE EXErER Dispersing a Targe offering of household effects. antiques and misc. mems from the home of Mrs. Stephens of itirkton along with additions ''film London. MARTIAL USTING INCLUDES: Solid oak 9 pc. dining suite with ext. table and 6 chairs, china cabinet and buffet, good maple bedroom fumiture with 2 matching chests with mirrors and night table, wooden dinette table and 4 chairs, old dressers and washstands, nice lamp and plant tables, corner what not, double and queen size beds, ofd blanket box and wooden chairs, small iron table and 4 chairs, colour TV, stereo, microwave, older fridge, 30" range, stereo, the usual large offering of collectible and useful smalls Inc. china and glass, crystal, silverplate pcs., Bavarian dinnerware, old picture frames, oil painting equip. along with table easel, golf clubs, kerosene heater,iron kettle, MTD chipper shredder (5 hp like new), hand and garden tools and hundreds of items unlisted. Sat., Doc. 4 at 10 a.m.: Household and antiques from Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Morenz and additions for Alan Westcott. Upping the ante 21 For Rent INDOOR STORAGE • Motor Homes • Cars • Boats, etc. REASONABLE RATES (119) 228-6638 Auctioneer Wendy Case looks for the highest bid *. on a bird house during last Friday's Time and Talent Auction for the Thames Road-Elimville United Church at the Kirkton- Woodham Community Centre.While organizer Shirley Kerslake couldn't release exact figures, she said she was pleased with the amount of money . raised, despite the smaller - than -expected crowd. Funds will go towards church projects. (photo/Scott Nixon)