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Exeter skaters learning some new moves for '99/2
Skating stars. Exeter Figure Skaing Club members Melanie Hern, 6, Ieft, BrittneyVandergunst, 8, Mackenzie.
Holtzmann, 6, and program assistant Meghan Cooper practice drags at a regular group lesson at South Huron
Rec Centre last week. (photo/Craig Bradford)
EXETER — The Exeter
Figure Skating Club is
busy with a new season
on the ice.
Every Monday and
Thursday evening the
skaters learn new moves
at South Huron Rec
Centre under the tute-
lage of professional
coaches Patty Barnett
and Kathy McLlwain.
Sixty-five children are
enrolled in the Can Skate
program and 24 older
skaters are in the
Canadian Figure Skating
Association test program.
The Can Skate program
is a . learn to skate . pro-
gram designed for chil-,
dren of all ages. Skating
fundamentals are taught
to skaters to .be. used for
figure skating, hockey,
ringette or recreational
skating. The skills are
arranged in a progres-
sive teaching sequence
and ' are . divided into
stages 1 through 7.
This month Brooke
EMMA wks
Nov. 6 - Esxettper 'Tyke atParkhill7
Goals: (3iristoNStchell V� ((3)r). Tim
Jake Partridge
Assists: PfaQ�tfoot,
Vandergumst, K�yb Brand, Tanner
Shapton, ut. Horner, Koedi
Bryson, ZachcS rreda, Daemon
Goaltender: MMichaelael Clarke
Next game: Nov. 13. 9 a.m. at Mt.
EMMA Tyke Hawks
Nov. 6 - Parkhill 3 at Exeter 4
Goals: Brendan Krahn, Brett
Thompson, Lucas Bannon, Andrew
Assists: Krahn, ache, Shawn
EMHA Senior Tyke Golden
Hallov. 6 - Exeter 2 at Parkhill 5
Goals: Steve Morgan (2)
Assists: Tyler Bryson, Matt Bilcke,
Levi Northover, Scott Gregguuss
Goaltender: Jordan Skochinsici
Nov. 7 - Exeter 4 at Alvinston 1
Goals: Carly Winters, Bryson,
Morgan, Avalon Kerslake
Assists: Winters, Bilcke, Sarah
Burtch, Scott Gregtts. Steve Gregus,
Skochinskd, Jake Hern. Levi
Goaltender: Hayden Cann
Next game: Nov. 13.12 noon at
Exeter Produce Novice 1 Hawks
Nov. 2 - Exeter 4 vs. Merton 4
Goals: Shayne Mudge (2). Tim
Burtch,Jared Green
Assists: Brett Overhholt, Tim Burtch,
James Marsden, Mu
Goaltender: Scott
Nov. 6 - Exeter 6 at Port Stanley 1
Goals: Mudge, Blafrl�nny , Green
Assist)s:BGrr eeeen (2), Parsons,
HaopCetem (2). : e
Nov. 7 - Exeter 9 vs. Watford 2
Goals: Marsden (2). Green (2),
Gavin Harburn. Parsons, Ha'penny.
Mudge (2)
Assists: Mudge (2), Green (2),
Maarlssddeen(3 , Brett Oud (2).
nGoalteend David
Nabisco Novice LI Hawks
Nov. 6 - Lambeth 3 at Exeter 3
Goals: Brett Overholt, Marc
Assists: Dan Tordoff,Mike Van
Gerwen, Brendan Shapton, Jayden
Goaltender: Lucas Skinner
Next game: Nov. 13. Exeter at
!Merton, 6:30 p.m.
Ander Novice III Hawks
t : Exeter 0 vs. Stephen 4
Next game: Nov. 12,600 at Lucan
Ate. Broncos 'A'
Oct. 17 - Medford 1 at Exeter 10
Goals: Darrin Denomme (2) Brett
Crerar, Reid Ha'penny (2). tarry
Northover Tim Bilcke, Jake
Homuth. Just(n Dionne Troy Elder
Assists: Crerar (2). . '", (2).
Northover Dionne
Hackett (3). Matt Cooper, Brent
Johns. Justin
Oct. 29 - Exeter 1 at Parkhill 7
Goal: Northover
Assist: Denonune
Oct. 31 Stephen 5 at Exeter 3
Goals: JaredAAnatett (2) Elder
Assists: Ha'penny, Cann, Joel Veri.
1 11 .,,
, 11 .11
Nov. 2 - Exeter 2 at Merton 1
Goals: Northover (2)
Assists: Anstett (2), Cann, Johns
Nov. 3 - Exeter 0 at Strathro 9
Nov. 6 Exeter 0`At Port Stamey 1
Nov. 7 - Watford 1 at Exeter b
Goals: Anstett (2), Cann. Haipenny
(2). Northover
Assists: Cann, Northover (3),
Dionne, Bilcke (3)
Legion Ladies Auxiliary Peewee
Nov. 3 - Dorchester 8 at Exeter 1
• Goal: Mitch Homuth
Nov. 6 - Exeter 5 at Port Stanley 4
Goals: Andrew Sediak (2), Travis
Elder, Mike Nedza, Erik Denomme
Assists: Nedza, Denomme Kurt
Masse (2). Jordan Darling. Homuth,
Brett Hackett
Great pass from Nedza to
Denomme on a two -on -one.
Stars: First, Sedlak; Second, Nedza:
_, Third, Denomme
Next game: Nov. 10. St. Marys at
Exeter, 6:20; Nov. 12, 8:15 in Bill
Batten tournament
Nabisco Peewee 1I Hawks
Nov. 6 - Exeter 8 vs. Stephen 2
Goals: Justin Stacey (4), Adam
Johns (3), Shane MacGregor
Assists: Scott Loosley (5), Johns (4),
Michael Cooper, Ian Osgoode
Goaltender: Sean Ellison
Nov. 7 - Exeter 8 vs. Merton 1
Goals: (3), , S
Assists: Johns
(4), Stacey (2),
Osgoode. Loosley (2), Kelly
Goaltender: Greg Morley
Exeter Lions Bantam II Hawks
Nov. 6 - Belmont 3 at Exeter 5
Goals: Troy Lavier (2).-Korry
VanAltine, Sve Mason, Everette
Assists: Lavier, VanAltine, Mason,
Dione, Nathan Spivey 2), Adam
Johns, Chris T
Goaltender. Rick
EMHA Novice Hawks
Oct. 30 - Mitchell 3 at Exeter 0
Goaltender: Ashley Gallagher
Nov. 6 - Exeter 0 at Mitchel' 6
Goaltender: Carly Mercer
Nov. 7 - Exeter 2 at Parkhill 6
Goals: Gallagher, Mercer
Assist: Mogen Overholt
Goaltender: Sarah Selves
Huron Tractor Peewee Blazing
Nov. 2 - Parkhill 2 at Exeter 1
Goal Frances VanOss
Assists: Kelsey O'Rourke. liistylee
Goaltender: Lea Mudge
Nov. 6 - Exeter 1 at Ildefton 4
Goal: Maria Disney
Assists: Jenna Phillips. Stephanie
Goaltender: Mudge
Nov. 7 - Exeter 1 at Forest 3 p
Goal Ph-
Goaltender: Mudge •
Next game: Nov. 13In Lambeth at
12 noon; Nov. 14 in Goderich at
Legion Bra 167 Bantam
Nov. 6 - Exeter 1 ver. West Lorne 5
Goal: Karly Pinder
Assist: Sherri Skinner
Nov. 7 - Strathroy 6 vs. Exeter 2
Goals: Pinder Megan Geiser
Assists: Amy Ta , Skinner
Goaltender: Markey O'Rourke
Next game: Nov. 12 at St. Marys
Atom 'A' Hawks
Nov. 6 - Bluewater 5 at London
Devilettes Atom 'BB' 5
Goals: Katie Stewart (2). Kristin
Kleuskens (3)
Assists: Stewart S2), Laurie
Goaltenders: Natalie LaPorte,
Ka en Symes
Nov. 7 - Kftcbener Falcons Atom
'A' 4 at Bluewater.3
Goals: Brooke Carter. Stewart (2)
Assists: Laura Noakes, Katrina
Clark, Ashley'ale Br, er, Shalene
Goaltenders: LaPotte, Synses
Next game: Nov. 13, 3 p.m. in
London vs. Devitettes Mont 'AA'
Midget 'BB' Hawks
Nov. 5 - Bluewater 1 at Kitchener
Goal: Laura Crombeen
Assist: Sarah McDade
Nov. 7 - Cambridge Midget 'A' 3
at Bluewater
Goals: Rebecka Jennison, McDade
(3), Cromj3een
Assist emstaen; Meryl Nield (2),
Ashley Stephenson
Senior Tyke
-Oct. 9 - Stephen 0 at Exeter (II) 6
GoaltenderDylan Lightfoot
Oct. 23 - Exhibition game
Stephen 3 at Lucan 1
Goals: Jacob Unwin, Shawn
ist: Lightfoot ,
Goaltender: Cam Lavery
Oct. 24 - Stephen 1 at IIderton (II) 3
Goal: N. Lightfoot
Assist: Lavery
Goaltender: Mallory Duenk
Oct. 30 - Ste hen 2 a Parkhill 9
Goals: . Lightfoot (2),
Asst. Lavery
Goaltender. Joey peteke
Nov. 5 - Stephen.4 at rton 2
Goals: N. Lightfoot (4)
GOaltender: Reed Tripp
Exhibition gaMmaer-- Stephen -6 at St.
s 7
Goals: Unwin (3), N. Lightfoot,
Brandon Borden, Melissa Cronyn
Assists: Duenk, JakeCronyn
Goaltender:Novice Local
Nov. 6 - Exeter 0 at Stephen 4
Goals: Thomas Courtis, Steve
Mann, Luke y. Josh
Assists: Mann, Mike Shaw,
Windsor. Wade Kennedy.
Shutout: Marco Moreau
Next game: Nov. 12, 7 p.m.
Strathro at Stephen
S Atom Rep
Nov. 5 - Belmont 5 at Stephen 4
Goals: Cal Duenk (2), David
Reschke (2)
Duenk, J.T. Knee
Nov. 6 - Merton 8 at Stephen 7
Goals: Duenk (2). Knee (2).
Reschke (2), Justin Lightfoot
Assists: Duenk, Knee (4), Reschke
(2), asse ,
ee Rep
Nov. 6 - Stephen 8 vs. Ilderton 1
Goals: Ryan egMasse_p(44)),,,nMatt
Martens, GrNicholson, Jamie Thom_
Assists: Carradine (3), Thn
Sheridan (2), Jason Thompson (2),
Nicholson, Thompson, Bender,
Justinhane Wilson
Goaltender: John Young
Nov. 7 - Stephen 6 vs. Lambeth 3
Goals: J. Thompson (2), Kyle
Lenssen, G. Thompson, Masse,
Assists: Bender, Carradine.
Sheridan (2), J. Thompson,
Marlene (2), G. Thompson. Masse,
Goaltender: Jeff Baker
Next game: Bill Batten tourna-
ment, Nov. 12, 7:00,vs. Sarnia
Shaesrock Novice AE
Nov. 6 - Thamesford 0 at Lucan 2
Goals: Nathan V . nheuval,
Assist: Vande ' euval
Goaltender. Ryan White (fourth
Nov. 7 - Mt. Brydges 2 at Lucan 2
Goals: Ricky Butler -Ziegler, Tyler
Assists: Shav�e ley, Mathew
ThisGoaltender: White
Shaaerock Novice Lasers
Nov. 6- LUCIA 4vs. St. Marys 3
Goals: Greg -Noyes (2)Judson
CAssists: Alex 'ContuseMRobbieatt •Josh
Noyes. Kyle Dobinson7•
Nov. 7 - Luaus 4 vs. West Lane 4
Goals: Noyes Avery, Corneliesen,
StdirivAssists: C.oraeli.esa` (2). Shipway.
Noyes, Dobinson, Couture. Adam
Nov. 6 - Forest 1 at 3
Goals: Adam Thomson. Dan 'notch,
Ryan O'Shea
Assist Sean Bromley
Goaltender: Joe Dobbie
Team record: 6 wins, 1 loss, 1 tie
Next game: Parkhill i ioLucan. Nov.
Nov. 5 - Merton at Lucan 1
Nov. 6 - Lucaann 0 at Strathmy 3
Goaltender: Andrew DeKok (played
' greatgreattame
-L/M Janitor lee the
score low)
Nov. 7 - Lucas 4 at Goderich 1
Goals: Hays Rushton, Jenni Noyes
(2). Claire Barker
Assists: Rushton. Katie Mitchell.
Ronalee Lidanaeld (2)
Peewee Nov. 3 - Hensall l �Bayfeld 6
Goal: Ryan Campbell
Assist:. Eric Laurence
Nov. 7 - Zurich 2 vs. Hensall 8
Goals: Charlie Jinks, Laurence
Assists: Bevin Butson, Shaun
Thomson. Campbell. Jeff Smale
Next game: Nov. 10.8:10 p.m.,
Hetes!, at Zurich
k5et Ersimal/ I
Nov. at Hensall
Goals: Aaron Heywood, Nick
Bayley Brandon Martin
Assists: Rol, Acton. Steve Willis,
Aaron Welsh
Goaltender: Gresham Bayle
Next game: Nov. 9 vs. Minto Twp.
in Harrlston. 9:15 p.m.
Wushke, Lyn Weber and
Megan Hodgson complet-
ed stage 1 while Abbey
Oke finished stage 4.
The CFSA test program
skaters have been work-
ing on the freeskate,
dance and skills. In
September three of the
competitive skaters par-
ticipated in the Ilderton
competition. Brenna
Anstett placed second in
Sr. Ladies Bronze B,
Michelle Roy got second
in Jr. Ladies Bropze B
and Kristylee Varig fin-
ished sixth in Jr. Ladies
Bronze B.
Last month the same
three competed at the
Hamilton Invitational in
the same categories.
Anstett placed third, Roy
seventh and Varly sev-
The next competition
will havethe skaters
travel to Delhi Dec. 3-5
an t re will be three
competitions after
The club will hold its
annual carnival on
March 5. The theme this
year is Disney On Ice.
The club also puts four
synchronized skating
teams on ice. The adult
team has 17 skaters aged
21-54, the open team has
24 skaters aged 21-34,
the novice team has 15
skaters aged 9-16 and
the pre -juvenile team
has 14 skaters aged 5-
The first synchronized
competition is Jan. 27-29
in Niagara Falls and the
Exeter synchronized
skaters will put on a
showcase sometime the
same month.
Mcilwain said the club
is offering group lessons
as well as private ses-
. ?>>:.c . 4 li .3iY.l;,wGGi::d!ti.'•ss :fo C'.•acu: "
Nov. 6 - Huron -Perth Junior 'AA' 11
at Markham Belle 'A' 4
Goals: Jessica Boersma (7). Ashley
Andrews, M8115811 Leith, Julie Pelton
Assists: Jessica elm>lth, Jennifer
Bradley(4), Kelly Miners, Angie
Keller (, Denise Ritchie (4). Leith.
• Patton
Nov. 6 - Mississauga Junior 'AA' 5 at
Huron -Perth Junior 'AA' 4
Goals: Boersma (2). Bradley, Pam
Assists: Helmuth (2), Boerama (2),
Nov. 7 - Huron -Perth Junior 'AA' 4
at Chatham Belle 'A" 3
Goals: Boersma (3), Gibson
Assists: Bradley (2), Ritchie (2)
Nov. 7 - Huron -Perth Junior 'AA' 8
at Chatham Belle 'A' 5
Goals: Boerama (3). Bradley (2).
Ritchie, Gibson, Pelton
Assists: Boersma (3). Bradley,
Andrews, Ritchie (3), Kendra Mudge,
Nov. 7 - Stratford 3 at Exeter 12
Goals: Carly Piett (4), Jelaine
Jackson (3), Staci Miller, Jaimee
Glover (2), Elisha Coleman, Danielle
Ondre icka
Assists: Piett, Miller (3), Sara
Stenhouse, Sam Regier, Carrie Powe,'
Jennifer Nesbitt
Celebration time
Exeter Nabisco Peewee. II Hawks -player Adam Johns,
cen re,•gets congratulated by teammate Scott Loosley
.04)- after johns scored one of his three goals against
Stephen Township,during Saturday's game at South ,
'Huron Rec Centre. Exeter won 81.2. For More on the
game, sae Minor hockey scoreboard.
r .
Irish on five ane streak
Continued from page 24
Strathroy Jr. B Rockets
increasing Lucan's goalie
count to four.
In fact, Bourne will have
to start -making some
healthy scratches, a prob-
lem coaches love to have.
"Personnel -wise, I just
have to pull the right
levers and push the right
buttons," he said.
On the ice, Bourne has
been getting big games
out of veteran players like
Dunbar, Smith, Jason
Amoy, Roy Davis and cap-
tain Chad Greenlee who's
recently back. after an
inil'They're Leading the
way," he said, adding the
midget affiliated players
are also playing well.
The Irish record
improves to 10=4, -good
for an early stranglehold
on first place in the
Morena Division in front
of second place Exeter.
Lucan will host its Hwy. 4
rivals for a one-two tilt
tonight (Nov. 10), 8:16
p.m., at Lucan
Community Memorial