HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes Advocate, 1999-11-10, Page 17Wednesday,November 10, 1999 Exeter Times- *s S 17 Zurich Scouts learn canoeing techniques at Morrison Dam By Carmel Sweeney ZURICH - The Zurich Scouts held their Investiture Ceremony for new Scouts joining the troops. Cameron Neilands, Roberta Smith, Tanya Prang, Patrick Lansbergen, Brian DeLange, and Brian Wiley were all invested as Pioneer Scouts. The par- ents who came ;to watch the ceremony jointed in the volleyball game. They had patrol meetings and then held a Court of Honour meeting. Crab soc- cer ended the evening. The group went to Morrison Dam on November 6 to work on the Paddling Badge. On Nov. 7 they participated in Remembrance Day cere- monies. Some Scouts went to the Bayfield ceremony and some went to the Hensall ceremony. The students of St. Anne's Arts Alliance pre- sented a play at their school in Clinton from November 4 to 7 with a full house for each perfor- mance. "Our Town" was set at the turn of the cen- tury in a small town called Grover's Corners. Christine Graham and Brandon Ovolt from the Zurich al'bla were in the play. St. Boniface Parish in Zurich will be havink a Mission during Advent from Dec. 4 to 9 with the theme "1999-2000 Coming Home". The annual "Right to Life" dinner and meeting was held in Stratford on Nov. 4 at the K. of C. hall. Huron -Bruce M.P. Paul Steckle spoke on the topic "Politics and abortion": There were 23 people from St. Boniface parish attending. They were encouraged to write let- ters of concern about child pornography to the Minister of Justice, Hon. Anne McLellan. The bake sale, bazaar and tea held at Blue Water Rest Home on Saturday was a big success. President of the Auxiliary, Gladys Gingerich, conduct- ed the draws. The deco- rated cake made by Mary - Lou Erb went to Ina Neeb and the baby quilt made by Ina Neeb was won by Nicole Veroude. Grocery boxes were won by Barb Lovie and Jane Campbell. There were also many penny sale table winners. The Home will be having their annual residents family Christmas dinner on November 28. Members of the Auxiliary will help decorate Christmas trees on the morning of November 22. The Mt. Carmel C.W.L. Bazaar will be held Novem,Wr 13. at the DashwiYbd Community Centre from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. Walking stones in St. Joseph Historical Park are available for engraving now. There are various sizes and prizes. For more information phone Pam Grusska, 236-7640. Grades 1 to 4 students of Zurich Public School went to the Blyth Theatre last Wednesday. The grade 7 and 8 classes went to the Huron County Museum in Goderich the same day. These Hensall area young people took part in the Hensall Legion Remembrance Day parade and wreath laying on Sunday. Front left Hensall Brownies Mary Joe Corbett, Heather Lenting, Stephanie Pratt, Hensall Spark Kristina Troyer, Hensall Guide Amber Kehn; back left~ Hensall Guide Maggie finks, Junior Leader Shannon Wedge, First Zurich Scout Michael Corbett, Guides Lauren Jinks and Kaitie finks. (photo/Craig Bradford) small TALK Huron -Path Port-edioa Spachilanguage Muth. small TALK is a free service provided by local health agencies. Because their first words are so important! 're concerned about the wayrow child kits, please call - 273-2222 or 1-800269-3683 for information or a speecb assessMent The school will be hold- ing their annual penny sale in December. They are also enrolled in the "Campbell's Labels for Education Program" and are asking everyone to drop their soup can labels at the school office or in the box at Seyler's Store. Phone Lisa Dietrich for more information. The next school council meeting is November 10 at 7 p.m. Both schools in Zurich will be having Remembrance Day pro- grams on November 11 for their students. They will also be selling Christmas trees from Phil and Lisa Dietrich this year. St. Boniface students have until November 17 to order their trees through Karen and Ray Mathonia. The public school orders will be on December 11 and 1'8. You can either cut your own or have them ready -cut. Members of the Zurich and Area Figure Skating Club are on the ice every Tuesday and Saturday taking lessons from coach- es Kathy McIlwain and Patty Barnett. President of the club is Carol Prang. They are getting ready for their first competition on November 12 to 14 (The Bank of Montreal Sectionals) in Woodstock. The club is also selling Ontario Skaters tickets for $2 each. The Golden Agers held a meeting on Monday after- noon at 1:30 p.m. at the Hay township hall with President Lottie Grenier. Plans are being made for their next card party on November 22 at 7:30 p.m. The K. of C. of St. Boniface held a successful volleyball tournament on November 5 and 6. All the proceeds go to the "Save the Babe" arena fundrais- ing project. There are tickets ($20) available for the Zurich Minor Athletic Association cash calendar draws. They can be purchased from Nancy Regier at 236- 4420. Tickets for the New Year's Eve Dance at the Zurich Arena are available for $30 per person. Proceeds will go toward the "Save the Babe" fundraising project. For tickets, phone the arena at 236-4969, Cheryl Durand at 236-7374 or Carol Prang at 236-4661. The Zurich Beavers went on a trip to McDonalds in Exeter for their Tuesday meeting. Next week is Tail's Night. Parents are Invited. Plersonab A retirement party and dinner was held for Gord Smith on November 7 at ► the Dominion Tavern, attended by his family and Hay council members. He worked for the Township of Hay for the past 38 years. An open house for The staff of the Lambton Heritage Museum would like to thank the following volunteers for making Spooky Time Haunted Tours a "Harling" sums on October 23. We have tried not to miss anyone and apologisefor ay Community Girls Homo Northville Armen ,A.dlor4....ngv.t ,arks I Moo. Adhl, Ild•MYes Pisbotss MOO nom* Sommes111M Momsw DOW Memo Ms Meow MOM, IMO, Cando loom MosislOssii ludMae.•n IMMO Noss NNW moan NM Caen Milliorlon Mai Mlles MAW OINM MOM IlismOis WM SUMO* JIM WOO • Ann Duff Morals MA Janice Fraser Lash Roast etueddoa eters WI (basis Connie Sams *Min WOW* IwI w Nonq Mater Had lbwasrd Tawse IMI Kana Na taw Hobbs HMOs Moms. H MMe Misch I6110a41 Mohan' doe ��,► 1ddMka West leffes Monks Mop los Mew Mb* MOO D m WNdiugr. JON. lestmlom S oy Milo Mali We amill blokhrt Loh Moak o.w Morale Katie Modish! Grans **OW lana *Mow • Aneid. Oneida. Eben. DM WOO Om Maw Lobs Wry Maim Mllpr Vier sa Mtn. IMMIlkok go MM. MisuwAint Mo awn MIME MomIond tri Dam Paths MAO Pools Sand Pool. Josiqo Sow Mao Denbo MOO Mph Mos Moe Moos Ams Mesa Mos Simms MM a. Alm Su r • os«. Sty MobSchultz ter, Smith *eV Smits INNI Stoll HMIs Sabo IMMO SOW 00 Olvoi MON Thomas Matt Twain Sarah trsmdn Sabina Torment Soak %retro Pavi 1Atndsnberg &soh WOO UM Wont hoot MIM Jim Waits Candles Watson JMe MMaon kora WAN MINPII Watson Tins M- of Est Mager Mark Olds • MMosso CMs Moms MON 11111smos ladMNtEMMadee► ,airs& residua him was held from 2-5 p.m. He will also be hon- oured at the Good Roads Convention in Toronto in February. Approximately 40 people attended an 80th birthday party for John Egan recently at the home of his daughter Nancy and Bob Brown in Zurich. Visitors came from as far away as Royal Oak, Michigan. His birthday was on November 2. Happy birthday wishes also go to Melanie Hunt on November 2; and to Heidi Klopp and Joe Boyle, both on November 11. NOTICE OF PUBLIC MEETING TOWNSHIP OF HAY PUBLIC MEETING CONCERNING A PROPOSED OFFICIAL PLAN AMENDMENT TAKE NOTICE that the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Hay and the County of Huron will hold a public meeting on MONDAY, DECEMBER 6, 1999 at 7:30 P.M. in the Council Chambers of the Hay Township Municipal Office in Zurich to consider a proposed Official Plan Amendment under Section 17 of the Planning Act. ANY PERSON may attend the public meeting and/or make written or verbal representation either in support of, or in opposition to, the proposed Official Plan Amendment. Written submissions maybe forwarded to Janisse Zimmerman, Clerk of ' the Township of Hay or Jocelyn Murray, Clerk -Administrator for the County of Huron at the addresses noted below. IF A PERSON OR PUBLIC BODY files a notice of appeal of a decision in respect of the proposed Official Plan Amendment to the Ontario Municipal Board and does not make oral submissions at the public meeting or make written submissions before the proposed Official Plan Amendment is recommended for approval, the Ontario Municipal Board may dismiss all or part of the appeal. If you wish to be notified of the adoption of the proposed Official Plan Amendment, you must make a written request to one of the addresses below. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION relating to the proposed Official Plan Amendment is available for inspection during regular office hours at the Clerk's Office, Township of Hay Municipal Office, or at the office of the Huron CountyDepartment of Planning and Development, Court House, Goderich, Ontario. DATED AT THE COUNTY OF HURON AND THE TOWNSHIP OF HAY THIS 10TH DAY OF NOVEMBER, 1999. Janisse Zimmerman, J.A. Murray, Clerk -Treasurer Clerk -Administrator Township of Hay County of Huron Box 250 Court House Zurich, Ontario NOM 2T0 Goderich, Ontario N7A 1 M2 (519) 236-4351 (519) 524-2188 PURPOSE AND EFFECT: The purpose of this Official Plan Amendment is to make 3 policy changes to the Township of Hay Secondary Plan. 1. Define the process to adopt the Township of Hay Road Assumption Policy 2. Provide policies for the potential development of Recreational Commercial uses on lands designated Recreation. 3. Provide policies to allow for the severance of lots in areas designated Recreation where 2 lots were previously merged (prior to 1987). Amendment 1. applies to all lands within the Township. Amendments 2. and 3. apply to all lands that are designated Recreational by tfle Township Secondary Plan. ICRIAMSHIP OPHO w. a a a asanummgaaumNM'MtImo �c.tM.serwaa --- a a a a ar,al �rries.amNMlaaslal.a saw ase•asa�lt•• �1-__—saaaaa �asaa R. 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