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Exeter Times -Advocate
Wednesday,November 10, 1999
Anniversary service
marks 139 years
of worship
By H. Davis
Patrick's Church was
decorated with fall flow-
ers, fruits and vegetables
as the congregation, for-
mer members and guest
celebrated the 139th
anniversary of St.
Patrick's at their Harvest
Thanksgiving service.
They were honoured to
have The Right Reverend
C. Robert Townshend,
Bishop of Georgian Bay
as preacher and cele-
brant, assisted by The
Reverend Stanley Jay.
Liz Jay gave the chil-
dren's focus• and looked
after Sunday School
assisted by senior class
members. Suzanne Davis
and Lisa Van Schaick led
the scripture lessons,
Courtney MacGillivray
and Crystal Davis were
servers for the service.
Rose Cunningham assist-
ed Bishop Townshend.
Heather MacGillivray
presented the solo "The
Summons Will 'Y a Come.
and Follow Me."
Floral arrangements on
the altar and p ilpit were
placed in memory of the
late Mary and Lieber
Davis, Almari. Davis
Young and Margo ;r ate
Davis Greenlee, and the
Dickins and MacDonald
family Ioved ones. Potted
mums were placed in
memory of forbearers
and all who served the
congregation and com-
munity with their special
gifts through the years.
The "Recovenanting of
God's People" was led by
Bishop Townshend with
Hazel Davis, Bob
MacGillivray, Heather
MacGillivray, Rose
Cunningham and
Margaret Carroll as
Ron and Margaret
Carroll were greeters for
the service and Hugh
Davis and Bob
MacGillivray collected
the offering. The service
closed with the benedic-
tion by Bishop
Townshend and a reces-
sional hymn.
A time of fellowship fol-
lowed in the parish hall.
It was a special day at
St. Patrick's in their
newly re -decorated
church made possible by
the donations given in
memory of the late Mary
St. Patrick's celebrated
their Evening Prayer ser-
vice on November 6 at 7
p.m. Margaret Carroll
led the service assisted
by Katie -Scarlett, Caleb
and Corbin MacGillivray
reading the scriptures.
The children's focus and
message was given by
Hazel Davis entitled
"Waiting for the
Bridegroom". Bob
MacGillivray read the
poem "In Flanders
The Rev. Stanley Jay
will be at St. Patrick's on
November 14 at 10:30
a.m. to celebrate the
Holy Eucharist.
An invitation was read
inviting two women from
St. Patrick's to attend the
annual Christmas party
hosted by Holy Trinity
Ladies Guild in Lucan on
December 2 at 7 p.m.
with Bernice Santor as
guest speaker.
Ron and Margaret
Carroll were guests
recently at a party hon-
ouring their grandson
Matthew Iredale on his
13th birthday at the
home of his parents
Terry and Brenda.
On November 7 a large
crowd of relatives and
friends met at St.
Patrick's parish hall to
honour Arnold
Cunningham on his 75th
birthday. The hall was
decorated with balloons
and streamers. Several
grandchildren attended
the guest book. Heather
MacGillivray gave a
"Tribute to Arnold" in
poem. the guest of hon-
our thanked everyone for
coming and all enjoyed
the cake and ice cream
and the time together.
Sylvia Bell of Brantford
and Clarence
Cunningham of Lucknow,
sister and brother, were
surprise visitors. Sylvia
was Sunday night guest
with the Cunninghams.
Arnold and Rose and
family and several
friends enjoyed dinner at
Three AAA's Restaurant
in Exeter.
Birthday wishes also
this week go to Heather
MacGillivray who cele-
brates her birthday
November 9.
Bill and Betty Johntson
of Owen Sound were
weekend visitors with
the Davis's.
The Catholic Women's League of the Precious Blood Mission held their annual Christmas Penny Sale last
Wednesday with the profits going towards many projects. Pictured in front from left are Annette Denomme,
Marlette Bilcke, Joan Agnew,AntoniaVerbeke, Edith Boudreau and Monique Van Bruwaene; in back from left are
Cecilia Mittelholtz, Janette Ducharme, Mary Smits, Joanne Steffens,Aggie Groenewegen, Doreen Regier and Pat
Campbell. Some of the project to be funded from the profits are the Precious Blood Church building fund,
baskets for shut-ins at Christmas, donations for needy families, articles for the church, food bank and
Christmas Bureau, books for Precious Blood School and a bursary fund for StAnne's Secondary School in
Clinton. (photolScott Nixon)
W.I. celebrates 'Year of
Older Person'
October meeting of
Hurondale W.I. took
place at the home of
Gladys Richardson
where dessert was
served. President Fern
Dougall opened the
meeting in usual form
and had a reading on
the coming of fall. Fern
and Marian Dougall
reported thoroughly on
the Fall Rally, where
Melissa Whitmore of
Seaforth was guest
speaker. The London
area convention is
being held in Mt.
Brydges on Oct. 28 with
Marilyn Pym as dele-
gate and the board
meeting is on Nov. 9 at
Hensall United Church.
Helen Webber's group
took over for the pro-
gram. As the theme
was 'Year of the Older
Capsule Comments
with Ernie Miatello
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Person' there was a
reading on nostalgia -
'The Oldendays', a skit
was performed and
Lois McFalls told of her
trip to the West Coast
this past summer.
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The Limited Edition Company's Coming Millennium Edition Cookbook
and here is your chance to win this wonderful book.
Complete the trivia questions by writing the correct
year beside the events or memories listed from the
past 100 years. Mail or drop off your answers to
Exeter Times Advocate, PO Box 850, 424'Main St
S, Exeter, Ontario, NOM 1S6, or fax to 235-0766
before 2:00 pm on Friday, 'November 12, 1999.
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