HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes Advocate, 1999-11-03, Page 29Wednesday. November 3; 1999 Eire" TIflie$:Advocste 29 Classifieds air 111/ 16 For Sate 5 PIECE DARK -WOODEN BEDROOM SUITE . queen - size bed, dresser with mirror, stand-up chest of drawers, 2 night tables. $600. Call 522- 0744. (44*) 9 X 5 KING EDWARD SLATE POOL TABLE and accessories $1,000. 5 yr. old 12.5 hp Cub Cadet riding lawnmower and utility trailer. $2200. 227-1300. (43.45*) APPLES - DON'T WAIT!! - Last chance to buy Ida Reds & Red Delicious at $7 per bushel (less than 20 cents "a pound). Bring own containers: Open Monday -Saturday 8am-5pm. Dixon Fruit Farms, 34111 Maguire Rd., RR#2 Ailsa Craig. 293-3043. (44) BABY ITEMS - Girls clothing to size 3, crib sheets, sitter, crib activity centre. 229-6193. (42- 49SA) • CEDAR TREES - excellent for hedging and wind breaks. Phone Dignan Landscaping 236-4457. (14tfn) 16 For Sale T. COMPUTER FACTORY BLOWOUT "Amazing 1 year no payments then $16/wk (oac). 350 Mhz loaded, printer, monitor, Internet, software and more. Fre*. scanner, delivery and set up. 1-800415-5545. (31-47x) FIREWOOD - Dumptruck loads of hardwood slabwood and edgings or blocks. Call R.J. Dungey & Sons 519-348- 8477. (14tfn) FIREWOOD - seasoned hardwood hickory, beech, ash and maple, delivered or picked up. Call Dignan Landscaping at 236- 4457 (42tfn) FIREWOOD - Seasoned, split, $40.00 a cord, no delivery, in St. Pauls area. Please phone Walter Dunbar at 393-5388. (42-49SA) FIREWOOD - ALL SEASONED - hard Maple. Good body wood only. $40/cord. Delivery available 2346497 or mobile 872-8981. (24-52) 16 For FIREWOOD, DRY -SPLIT HARDWOOD 4 538/cord: Delivery available. Victor West 349-2381 Quantity discount. (44-51SA) FRANKLIN FIREPLACE - with chimney stack{ like new car roof carrier. 284-1055. (43-50SA) GARAGE DOOR - sectional wooden cedar door, 16'x7', 8 years old in excellent condition, $450 or 5600 professionally installed for details call 284-4784. (44- 5ISA) HAY FOR SALE - 80 - 4x5 bales of hay, alfalfa/brome. First cut, no rain. Phone 519- 293-3029. (44*) IBM 486 SX COMPUTER - complete with screen, keyboard and software. 5450. Phone 284-8035. (40-47SA) LIVESTOCK FEED FOR SALE - Vegetable Byproduct - Cull diced carrots and mixed vegetables. Delivered from Strathroy Foods Limited in Strathroy. Call 245-4600 ext. 223. (40-47) 16 For Sale NORDIC TRACK. LEG SHAPER PLUS like new paid $600. Asking 5300. 4 x 8 col table and accessories 5350. Call 284-1772 anytime. (42-49SA) *PATONS • YARNS* - Discount Prices. Ron's Health Centre, Hensall (26tfn) QUALITY EARTH TONE COUNTRY STYLE SOFA - 590. Deluxistepper exercise machine 560, Pine and blue coffee table 560, Student suitable computer station $45. Call 284-2441 or 284-4278. (42-49SA) Apples Available Apple butter, Apple Cider Open Saturdays Sawyer Orchard 235-0446. Hwy. 4& Crediton Sideroad 16 For Sale SLAB FIREWO00- -FOR SAI,g - Wfrbuy :Wo d o s. MILLER ; WOOD PRODUCTS. 235-1510 (26tfn) SMALL' ITI'ILITYTRAILER - no tires, older, snowmobile/titiility trailer: Call - 284 -3735. (43-50SA» { STAINED GLASS LAMPSHADE 20" IN DIAMETER - mostly wedgewood blue with -band of' roses and leaves around bottom, beautiful. 5550. 284- 1258. (43-50SA) - STAIRLIFTS, Buy/Sell/Trade, Porch and Ceiling Lifts, Elevators, Scooters, Hospital Beds, Wheelchairs, etc. SILVER CROSS, London. Over 5000 satisfied clients. Call 1-800- 209-3644 for free brochure. (27-50*) TREES FOR SALE - White spruce, Norway spruce, White cedar, call 284-4934. (40- 47SA) 16 For Sale SOLID WOOD TRIM - and furnitigo diningroom, bgdrodm-. sets. Come see what we sell. Melvin Albrecht, south of St: Marys off No 7 highway on Cherryhill Rgad, 3rd place right 49SA) house.. ,No. 24081. (42- WHY HAVE A YARD SALE ? Call us, we buy it all. Antiques, furniture, coins, etc. No fuss, no muss. Cash on the spot. (519)364-0448. (28tfx) Visscher Farms Country Market FINAL Ala APPLES ...$9.00 bu. Many other Items at 1/2 price 82 CAUUFLOWER .2/51.00 • WHiTE POTATOES 50 lbs. $7.50 •BROCCOU • • Jams, honey, maple syrup OPEN 9.5 MON.-SAT. (519) 237-3442 5 kni W. of Exeter on County Rci 83 AT YOUR SERVICE Triebner Electric Ltd. Call 235-1756 anytime Electrical Contracting * water lines * drain tile * underground wiring HEATI\G , 111 NIBI\(, Jack's Plumbing & Heating (Exeter) Inc. Jack Mayer 235-0581. PLL\1Bl\G,` Ilr 1TI\G KING Plumbing & Heating Dashwood Sales & Service • Furnaces • Boilers Licenced in Nat. & Propane Gas EUGENE KING 237-3240 1\CO\ME TAX Jane & Company INCOME TAX SPECIALISTS * Jane Jolly * Beverly Wells 476 Main St. S. Exeter ON NOM 1.S1. (519) 235-3595 1-888-81i-6059 Persona/ Nofess/onal Service 111c \ ! OTO R 1Z! NESBIT ELECTRIC LTD. 2294222 KIRKTON Farm, residential, Industrial Electric motors • Repairs Rewinding Sales • Service Bucket truck service I\SERA\CE PAUL CIUFO 1A 490 Main St. S. Exeter, Ont. NOM ISI Bus (519) 21999 Res (519)238-2998 lisetteslocaxlit • Estate Plant** • Ute Insurance • Investments 111 CLARICA7 PUMPS & SOFTENERS GORDON DANN PUMP SALES a SERVICE LIMITED R.R. ft2Denfield, Ont. NOM IPO WATERIUMP SPECIALIST * submersible t &piston • stony& sewage WATER TREATMENT SPECIALISTS • Novatek water softeners, iron filters and drinking water systems Top quayproductswii chlorinators, know uwrec e� service 228.2234 1.800-328.0392 Fir \T i \G & Dave Passmore Plumbing & Heating RR 1 Woodham 235-2708 11EAIING aillinUTH HURON MECHANICAL aka • Heating • Air conditioning • Ventilation Sales & Service, Oil & Gas BOB PAVKEJE R.R. #3 Exeter - (519) 229-6463 Ontario MASONRY ENThAL •BRICKS 'BLOCK •STONE • POURED. FOUNDATIONS • POINTING • PARGING Here to service your area. For all your masonry needs Harrold Vander nples Call 225-2645 REPAIIRS D.J.'s Complete Cootworvial "omoand CCa Al repairs - Interior and oxtodor Prompt Quality Siwvico Jody 2286458 TREE MOVING SIR\ ICE G NCARE TREE SPADE SERVICE Can relocate trees Can basket trees Will buy trees Large variety of shade trees and evergreens available JEFF DALRYMPLE • Bus. (519) 235-3738 • Mobile (519) 852-5157 PAINTI\G M&M PAINTING Residential Commercial Industrial, Ceramic tiling, wallpapering, floor standing Free estimates 235-1701 Evenings STELL LUMBER New and Used STEEL Fluorescent Lights Fibreglass Coated Plywood Martin's Steel - 72 L MU DRILLI\G W.D. HOPPER & SONS LWATEILRELLIMILLINgi NEIL 519-1224737 Seafotth 8884224737 mu tree DURL • 519.271-7860 Stratford 88ti-271.78601bu ti,.' • FA • IESEDIMIAL • ailaaTateL • COMM _naw •1110 _ • ucE CrD 11Efr1I90TADBMS AMR 01410/111111) NEU.n TECEifiC•� • All unllate a.M. anat rte! HEATING Town & Country Home Comfort • 011 • Propane ' • Natural Gas Sales, Service and Installation Central Air conditioning 24 Hour Service 359 MAIN ST. EXETER al 235-2032 i'1 l \!IU\(. Hi \i 1\i, R.J.B. PLUMBING 1111 & HEATING •Reeldsatial & • Mod Propane Wooed RON BRAND 52 Gidley St. E. 235-2418 STEEL Brander Steen Ltd. Mb It. 1. o•.tor 235.1462 or 1400-30 Al typos asp products. Sheering & Sending Service I'.iI\TI\G MCKAY PAINTING & • DECORATING • Residential • Commercial • industrial - Painting - Papering - Swirled Ceilings - Drywall 229-8090 TAXI EARL'S TAXI INC. 235-1013 • TAXIS • LIMOUSINE & DELIVERIES ‘VOOD1\ ORKS ORCHARDSIDE WOODWORKS Fine . ',Carpentry & Finishings Carl Geoffrey 668-8535 Woodham .<;)