HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes Advocate, 1999-10-20, Page 11Wednesday,October 20, 1999
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Sunbeams, Messengers getting costumes ready for Halloween party
By Rhoda Rohde
Thirty-two women of the
U.C.W. gathered on
Tuesday evening in
Thames Road Church for
their Thanksgiving meet-
Melonie Miller wel-
comed everyone. The
worship service was enti-
tled "Living Thanks".
Lorraine Alexander gave
several readings and
prayers. Miller and Janis
Richardson received the
offering with a prayer by
A humorous skit entitled
"Mrs. Common Tater"
was performed by Janis
Richardson, Lorraine
Alexander, Helen-
elenWebber, Beatrice
Dawson, Judith Parker,
Marion Cann, Karen
Etherington and Melonie
First vice president,
Richardson, conducted
the business for president
Jean Hodgert. She read a
poem "A Happy
The roll call was
answered with 'some-
thing positive or negative
about October', taken by
Diane Jeffery.
The standing committee
leaders gave reports.
Marilyn Pym gave the
treasurer's report.
The visiting committees
are: Group U - Melonie
Miller; Gaup C - Joan
'Morgan; and Group W -
Marion Cann.
The South Huron
Regional Rally is to be
held at Crediton Church
on October 21 beginning if you are interested in
at 6:30 p.m. Everyone Is an Observer subscription
requested to wear their for the year 2000 at a cost
favourite night attire and of $12 contact the
read Psalm 90 autreach Committee,
Genesis 29 and 30 befo Sharon Lynn, Barry
the rally. Miller, Janis Richardson
Sharon Lynn related or Barb Ballantyne by
from the church council October 31.
meeting that there is to be The Sunday School
a congregational meeting would like people to save
on November 15 at 8 p.m. their large coffee cans to
Money was directed to be used for their progress
the Food Grains Bank and sive Christmas Story. You
to Medical Electives. may leave them at the
Group U served lunch. church.
The meeting table was Messengers will be held
decorated with the U.C.W. at Ellmville on Oct. 21
table cloth, candles, from 7 to 8 p.m. Bring.a
coloured leaves, vegeta- loonie.
bles and flowers. Centralia Faith
Tabernacle's second
Church service
Rev. Marilyn Carter was
in charge of the church
service on Sunday morn-
ing at Thames Road. She
and Zachary Kadey lit the
Christ Candle.
Rev. Carter told the chil-
dren a story about hungry
people and sharing.
The choir sang
"Hallelulia His Glory is
Exalted" accompanied by
organist Marilyn
Scriptures were read by
Karen Etherington.
The title of Rev. Carter's
sermon was "The Money
Trap". Kay Cunnington
and Sandra Rowe collect-
ed the offering.
The two bouquets of
flowers at the front of the
church were in memory
of the late Howard Johns.
Sympathy of the c mu
nity is extended to his
Life and work of the
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Thank you to all our loyal and faithful customers
Open until November 10. Open 7 days a week
14/4 miles south of Grand Bend on Hwy. 21 238-2818
Open pgain: March 4, , 2000
annual Ladies Day
Retreat will be held Oct.
23. Guest speaker will be
Fern Winner, a wife, and
mother of seven children,
a missionary, a teacher
and an author of "When
Faith is Enough".
Registration begins at
8:30 a.m. with muffins
and coffee. The cost is
$10 which includes lunch
and door prizes. Advance
tickets only. For more
information call Lana
Hiemstra, 228-7237 or
Laurie Clapp, 229-6046.
On October 24 there will
be two quartets and Roy
Dreaning with Bob
Heywood at Crediton
United Church at 7 p.m.
From October 25 to
November 29 on Monday
nights only, an Adult
Bible Study of six videos
"Wrestling with Angels"
will be held. The first
meeting is at Ann
Kernick's home at 7:30
p.m. If interested, contact
Marilyn Carter, 235-2803,
Janet Coward, 229-8743,
Ann Kernick, 229-6145,
or Karen Etherington,
The Sunbeams and
Messengers are having a
Halloween party on
October 29 at Thames
Road Church basement at
6:30 p.m. Please bring
potluck finger food.
Refreshments will be pro-
vided. There will be
prizes for the best cos-
tumes and treat bags for
the children. Everyone is
welcome and can bring a
Fall schedule
Oct. 24, at Ellmville;
Oct. 31, at Thames
Road, Hallow's Eve;
Nov. 7, Remembrance
Day service at Ellmville;
Nov. 14, Stewardship
Blues at Thames Road;
Nov. 21, Baptism at
Elimville. Please contact
Rev. Marilyn Carter is
anyone is interested in
Nov. 28, First Sunday of
Advent at Thames Road.
Many people from this
area called at the Dinney
Funeral Home on Friday
to pay their respects to
the late Howard Johns,
and also attended his
funeral on Saturday.
Group C served refresh-
ments at Thames Road
Church after the funeral
service. Sympathy is
extended to his wife
Marion and her family.
Many people attended
the party for Sue Coates
and Tom Passmore at
South Huron Rec Centre
on Saturday evening.
Dan and Nancy Rohde
and Elizabeth of
Balinafad spent the week-
end with Glenn and
Marilyn P ,, h rie and
Tammy and hill and
Rhoda Rohde.
Nine women of the
U.C.W. attended a coffee
hour at Hibbert United
Church on Tuesday.
Bonnie Galbraith of
Mitchell told about her
teddy bear collection.
Dorothy Honderick is
visiting with her son-in-
law and daughter Pau!
and Virginia Warwick
and Brett.
Fax: 471-6069
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Household Hazardous.
Waste Days
Saturday October 23rd
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Ilderton Arena
Community Centre
Ilderton Road
Hwy 7
Denfield Rd.
County Road 22
Egremont Rd
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Sunday October 24th
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Acceptable Items
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This site is available at NO CHARGE for residents of the Bluewater Recycling Associations Member Municipalities.
Refer to September 1999 Newsletter for more information.
If you have any questions or concerns, contact the Bluewater Recycling Association at the Hotline listed below.
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