HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes Advocate, 1999-09-22, Page 32T. 32 20 Property For Rent COUNTRY LIVING - 4 Bedroom home. 1 1/2 bath. All new windows, high efficiency furnace and water heater. Also available horse barn with stalls and pasture. 263-5060. (37;38*) CREDITON - 3 BEDROOM HOUSE - big yard, garage, available Oct. 1. $650/month plus utilities. References. 235-0737. (37;38*) EXETER - 2 bedroom luxury apartment. Fridge and stove supplied. Freshly cleaned and painted. 235-4694. (6tfn) Centralia 1 bedroom apt. Fridge, stove, all utilities included: Phone 234-6421} EXETER - upper level 2 bedroom apt., adults only, non smokers, no pets. DASHWOOD - 1 & 2 bedroom apts. $395.00 and $450.00/month. Penthouse suite $600.00/month. RE/MAX Bluewater Realty • Inc. Marlene Parsons - 235- 3777. (17tfn) . Fay EXE"T"ER - Ground floor 1 & 2 bedroom apartments. $325 & $450/month. Fridge, stove, heat included. Hydro extra. Phone Geoff at 659-7211 days or 457-1005 evenings. (26tfn) EXETER, - Modern 1 .& 2 bedroom apartments. Main St. Fridge and stove included. 235-2557. (32tfn) EXETER - 3 bedroom fully renovated apt, 2 full bathes, eat -in kitchen, family room, fridge & stove included. $475/month. 519-474-3714 or 519-474-1331 (34tfn) EXETER - 2 bedroom apartment. Available October lst. 235-3291 (34tfn) 262-2052 RING US • I+ 2 bdrrn apts. msµ::.. • Freshly decorated • : Quiet, clean, lg. suites • Ask about our move In bonus • Starting 0 $395 util. incl. ELIZABETH COURT Norah -262-2052 EXETER - 2 bedroom apartment. Also available 2 bedroom furnished, utilities included. $595/month. 235- 0512. (34tfn) EXETER - Quiet modern 2 bedroom apt., fridge & stove, large treed and flowered back yard. Leave message 235- 0298 or 235-4996. (35tfn) EXETER - 2 bedroom townhouse on Nelson St. Available Nov. 1, Phone 235- 1303. (36tfn) EXETER - 2 bedroom apartment available October 1. 262-2640. (38*) FREE 13 MONTH WiTH ONE YEAR LEASE - large common room. Lounge exercise room, games room, spacious one & two bedroom apts. Fridge.& stove included plus extra options available. Glenn Haven Apts. 519-235- 0349. (33tfh) GRAND BEND - 2 bedroom, furnished condo. Gas heat, air conditioning, river front. Available September through June. $575/month plus utilities. Save $$ - no utility hook-up charges. 519-660- 1106. (32tfn) E4eter TimerA tie Wed may, September 22, 1999 Classifieds � PrWiertY f" rent Ambassador contest will kick-off fair GRAND BEND AREA - One & Two-bedroom cottages. All amenities. Private beach, no pets, no smoking, quiet location. 519-225-2609 after 5pm. (34tfn) HENSALL - 1 and 2 bedroom apts., fully carpeted, fridge and stove,.paved parking, TV cable, etc. Special rates for seniors. 13th month rent free. 262-2230 or 905-662-6603 (26tfn) HENSALL - 2 bedroom apartment - $395./month heat included and 1bedroom. apartment - $350./month heat included. Call 235-4694. (37tfn) LARGE 1 BEDROOM + APT. - suitable for quiet,. mature individual. Fridge, stove, laundry and parking. 235- 1497. (29tfn) LUCAN - One bedroom apt. available November 1. Ground floor. Seniors welcome. 227- 1385. (37;38*) OFFICE SPACE FOR RENT - approximately 4000 square feet. Will divide if necessary - Second floor 190 Thames Rd. East, Exeter, Ont. Contact 235- 2901, Tony or John Relouw for further information. (48tfn) ONE BEDROOM APARTMENT - Spacious downtown apartment with six rooms. Heat is included at $399. Call Dinneys 9-5 at 235- 0173. (37tfn) ZURICH - Spacious 2 bedroom apt. with controlled entry. Washer & dryer hookups. Phone Rau Manor Apts. 2;6-4,07 (32tfn) ZURICH - 1 BEDROOM. APARTMENT - with private entrance. Fridge and stove available. Phone Rau Manor Apartments. 519-236-4607. (19tfn) 1 & 2 BEDROOM APT. MAIN STREET, EXETER - Fridge, stove and heat supplied. 2 Bedroom House, Exeter, big back yard. Call 235-3573 . (3 l tfn) 2 BEDROOM APARTMENT • Stove, . fridge and' -heat ,ncluded. $350 phis PUC. 235-1854. (48tfn) 3 BEDROOM IIOME - centrally located in Exeter. $650/month plus utilities. call 235-2079. (38;39*) 3 BEQ OQM HOUSE - SHIPKA AREA - Available immediately. 519-238-8536. (37;38*) ZlFur Rent 1 (IR 1,1:�1S[ 1800 sq. ft. prime retail/office space In new building, Main St. Exeter central location CALL (819) 235-3293 THORNDALE - Four capable young women are competing for the title of the 1999 Thorndale Fair Ambassador. The competition will be held during opening night ceremonies for the Thorndale Fall Fair, which begin .at 7 p.rn. this Friday, Sept. 24 at the Thorndale Community Centre._, 'The Ambassador com- petitors will deliver a pre- pared speech and partake in an interview as part of the competition. Other special presenta- tions to be awarded dur- ing the opening cere- monies will include; school fair champions, crowning of Homecraft royalty, horticultural awards, top field crop competitors and a country pie auction. The theme for the three-day fall fair is `Country Homecoming 99' and there promises to be lots or fun for the whole family. Correction A story on page two of our Sept. 1 edition about Grand Cove in Grand Bend contained a refer- ence to South Cove. The sentence Should obviously have read Grand Cove. The Times -Advocate regrets any confusion this error may have caused. MORTGAGE MONEY Available for • Purchases • Refinances • Debt Consolidations • Home Improvements - Offering solutions for income .and credit issues iATES "4'1'c'l''': 1 -<)1141011 !11111 .11l'1 -[►/11/1111 11-t'!1 ti 433-4800 OUR ADVERTISING POUCY Advertising in the Times -Advocate is accepted on condition that, in the event " of a typographical error, that portion of the advertising space occupied by the erroneous item, will be re -run in a sub- sequent issue as a make good at no charge, while the balance of the adver- tisement will be paid for at an applica- ble rate. In the event of a typographical error advertising goods or services at a wrong price, goods or services may not be sold. Advertising is en offer to sell aro may be withdrawn at any time. Any errors must be acknowledged within seven days of publication. The Times -Advocate reserves the privi- lege of revising or rejecting advertise- ments that it considers objectionable and to change the classification of any advertisement from that ordered to con- form to the policy of this newspaper. Contents are protected by copyright. Reproduction of any material without the permission of the publisher 's for- bidden. Advertisers purchase space and circula- tion only. All rights to any advertise- ments produced by the Times -Advocate. using artwork, typography or pho- tographs arranged for by the newspaper shall be the property of the Times - Advocate. No such ad or any part there- of may be reproduced or assigned with out written consent of the Times - Advocate. STATEMENT OF POLICY: The Times - Advocate is not responsible for error; in advertisements not submitted +11 legible form, nor for more than single incor- rect insertion of that advertisement. i.4\11:S- \1)V0('.�"I Exeter- 235-1331 Friday evening is `Loonie Night;' pay a loonle at the gate and a loanie for rides and games: There's a mini tractor pull from 6:30 to 7:30 p.m. when the open- ing ceremonies begin. The 'Teen Dance' will also being Friday 'light, from 9 p.m. to 1 p.m., and is for youth from 13 to 19. Admission is $5. On Saturday, Sept. 25 a special feature is Motor Madness from 5 to 7 p.m., but there's lots to see all day. Don't forget a visit to the midway, the 4-H com- petitions. and the Homecraft exhibits, and a stop at your favourite food' booth. The traditional Saturday evening dance, featuring 'The Spurs,' begins at 9 p.m. A special feature on Sunday is the Demolition Derby at 3 p.m. 111(11(11? ale RICHARD LOBB AUCTION CALENDAR CLINTON 482-7898 Wed., Sept. 22 at 7 p.m. 6 Targe pole barns at Clinton Race Way to be removed. Sat., Oct. 2. at 9 a.m. Antiques, furniture, appliances for the estate of Hartman Hiusser at Lobb Auction Clinton. www.auctionhotline.com 0 "Advertise Across Ontario or Across the Country' WANTED - HARDWOOD LOGS and timberstands. Veneer log prices. Licensed tree markers and equipment operators take special care in harvesting. Company established 1927. PannitVeneer (519)742-5887. 1111111111111111111.11111111 "CASH IN/CA$H OUT Co.lo:Pepsi, Hostess, M&M Re- stock established unique vendors in your area. No selling. Full-time, part-tiryne. Minimum investment $13,980. 1-888- 503-8884 24 hours. (Member of B.B.B). CANADA'S -1 TRAVEL BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY. TPI absorbs overhead costs, you maximize profit. PT/FT. Home-based or business add on. $8,900 of $16,900. Call 1-800-799-9910 or Visit www.tpi.ca WE HAVE TWINNED 241 PIZZA® & MRS. POWELL'S Cinnamon Rohn" under one roof and the results have been incredible. To team more about our Small -Town strategy and how you can be part of it, call TOLL FREE 1-877-241-0-241: . Totally Tropical interiors is expanding! Consultants required to market superior silk plants, trees & acces- sories thru home show. Excellent Income& Bonuses! Call toll free 1-877-717-4848. :.� r # f SIDELINE? O'Donnell -DRG, ONE of Canada's largest Calendar and Promotional Advertising Companies needs Sales Professionals/Retirees to call on Local Business- es. 60% of GROSS PROFIT 905-427-8587. FREE FRANCHISE territory for qualified candidates. Solid track record, proven systems, total support. Over 250 locations. $15K start up costs or tess;r+w.liberty- tax.com or 1-877-215-3984. "'r'' EARN MONEY ON THE INTERNET. Own an E-com- merce shopping mall with millions of name -brand prod- ucts. Commissions & bonuses. Auto Plan & stock options. Full training 416-410-4694. CAREER CHANGE/SELF EMPLOYMENT?? Pro -Tech Computer Clean provides full training, equipment and supplies in the rapidly growing field of electronics clean- ing. One time fee $3,000.00. Gov't approved. www.pro- techin.com or 1-888-615-0555..x. SUNSHINE VILLAGE Ski Resort, Banff, requires enthusi- astic, well presented, reliable staff for all positions. Reply: Box 1510, Banff, AB, TOL OCO. Fax 403-762-6513. E- maii: sunshinehrOskbanff.caom. SAWVILL $4895 SAW LOGS INTO BOARDS, planks, beams. Large capacity. Best sawmill value anywhere. Norwood Industries, manufacturer of sawmills, edgers & skidders. Free information 1-800-566-6899. ALPACAS AND LLAMAS. Choose from Eastern Canada's .Largest Registered Herd. Package Specials. Offering 10 Years Experience, Guarantees, Installment Payments, After Sales Service 613-987-2052 Ron/Bar- bara. ADVANCED WEIGHT LOSS. 49 overweight people nested to lose weight and eam extra income.1-800-211- 8744 www.hbr►.c:om Access code 5663 required. $$CHOCOLATES$$ Attention students. Make Tots of money selling chocolate bars. New products available, fast delivery. Fund Raising available. Call now 1-800-383- 3589 WELL ESTABLISHED FEED COMPANY requires full or part-time agents with local farming knowledge interested in discussing and solving livestock nutritional problems. No sales experience necessary. Comprehensive training and full support by sales and technical staff help livestock farmers to get best results with free feed analysis and custom formulated supplements. FEEDMATCH 1-800- 265-0554. Fax: 1-519-662-4334. ONTARIO PROPERTIES TO BE SOLD for unpaid taxes. Write: Dept. CN,, Box 5380, Stn. F, Ottawa, K2C 3J1 or Visit: www.taxsaleproperties.com. LEARN AUCTiONEERING. Classes held November 20- 26, '99. For information contact: Southwestern Ontario School of Auctioneering, R.R. #5, Woodstock, Ontario N4S 7V9. 1-888-673-6999. FREE 128 page `Career Opportunities" Guide shows you how to train at home for top paying jobs. Eam More. Call Granton Institute today at 1-800-361-1971 for your free guide. Exciting well paid carters in computer programmirtg. We will prepare suitable applicants. Ministry of Education Registered Home Study Diploma Program. Financial assistance, loaner computer systems and job placement tools available. No experience necessary. 1-800-477- 9578 www.crostraining.com ADULT ENTERTAINMENT. Order the best videos by mail and pay less. FREE Video Offer!. FREE Catalogue. Dis- creet. HMC Video 5288 Parc, 101-C, Montreal, Quebec, H2V 4G7. DIVORCE RIP OFF! Protect your children & assets. We are men helping men fight an unjust system. Tactics/strategies, free call: 1 -877 -BREAKUP, Ext. 98. NEW STEEL BUILDINGS....Go Direct and Save. 4:12 roof pitch. 25 x 30 $3,900.00. 25 x 40 $4,900.00. 30 x 40 $6,500.00. 35 x 50 $7,600.00. 40 x 60 $10,800.00. 45 x 80 $18,400.00. Others. Pioneer....1-800-668-5422. FUTURE STEEL BUILDINGS - Durable, Dependable, Pre-engineered. All -Steel Structures. Custom-made to suit your needs and requirements. Factory -Direct afford- able prices. Cali 1.800-668-5111 ext. 536 for free brochure BE A SUCCESSFUL MITER... with our great home - study course. Call today for your FREE BOOK. 1-800- 267.1829. The Writing School, 38 McArthur Avenue, Suite 3280, Ottawa, ON Kn. 6R2. COUNSELLOR TRAINING Institute of Canada offers on - campus and correspondence courses toward a Diploma in Counselling Practice, to begin this month. Free cata- logue, caN 24hrs.14)00-665-7044. TIMESHARE RESALES. To buy, sell or rent worldwide. World's Largest Reseller. ERA STROMAN SINCE 1979. Buyers call 1-800-613-7987. Sellers call 1-800-201-0864. Internet www.stroman.com. Wanted: investment diamonds coloured stones and fine jewellery. Immediate payment. Sell now to Canada's leading gemologist John Shearer. Call today toll free 1- 877-922-9322, Mon -Fri 9am-5pm. • It's Affordable • It's Fast • It's Easy • One Bili Does It Alt • Northern Ontario $76 * Eastern Ontario $133 • Western Ontario $130 • Central Ontario $134 • All Ontario $390 National Packages Available • Call this paper for details! wait ' SEE WHY PEOPLE ARE CHOOSING CO- OPERATIVE LIVING! Large 1 bedroom apts., 2 & 3 bedroom townhouses available in a quiet, safe community in Exeter. Wheelchair accessible unit available. Join a Co-op and get free of landlords. Lots of extras. Move -in incentives available to, qualified applicants. ` Call Exandarea Meadows Co-op at 235-3382. v 1 GRAND BEND AREA - One & Two-bedroom cottages. All amenities. Private beach, no pets, no smoking, quiet location. 519-225-2609 after 5pm. (34tfn) HENSALL - 1 and 2 bedroom apts., fully carpeted, fridge and stove,.paved parking, TV cable, etc. Special rates for seniors. 13th month rent free. 262-2230 or 905-662-6603 (26tfn) HENSALL - 2 bedroom apartment - $395./month heat included and 1bedroom. apartment - $350./month heat included. Call 235-4694. (37tfn) LARGE 1 BEDROOM + APT. - suitable for quiet,. mature individual. Fridge, stove, laundry and parking. 235- 1497. (29tfn) LUCAN - One bedroom apt. available November 1. Ground floor. Seniors welcome. 227- 1385. (37;38*) OFFICE SPACE FOR RENT - approximately 4000 square feet. Will divide if necessary - Second floor 190 Thames Rd. East, Exeter, Ont. Contact 235- 2901, Tony or John Relouw for further information. (48tfn) ONE BEDROOM APARTMENT - Spacious downtown apartment with six rooms. Heat is included at $399. Call Dinneys 9-5 at 235- 0173. (37tfn) ZURICH - Spacious 2 bedroom apt. with controlled entry. Washer & dryer hookups. Phone Rau Manor Apts. 2;6-4,07 (32tfn) ZURICH - 1 BEDROOM. APARTMENT - with private entrance. Fridge and stove available. Phone Rau Manor Apartments. 519-236-4607. (19tfn) 1 & 2 BEDROOM APT. MAIN STREET, EXETER - Fridge, stove and heat supplied. 2 Bedroom House, Exeter, big back yard. Call 235-3573 . (3 l tfn) 2 BEDROOM APARTMENT • Stove, . fridge and' -heat ,ncluded. $350 phis PUC. 235-1854. (48tfn) 3 BEDROOM IIOME - centrally located in Exeter. $650/month plus utilities. call 235-2079. (38;39*) 3 BEQ OQM HOUSE - SHIPKA AREA - Available immediately. 519-238-8536. (37;38*) ZlFur Rent 1 (IR 1,1:�1S[ 1800 sq. ft. prime retail/office space In new building, Main St. Exeter central location CALL (819) 235-3293 THORNDALE - Four capable young women are competing for the title of the 1999 Thorndale Fair Ambassador. The competition will be held during opening night ceremonies for the Thorndale Fall Fair, which begin .at 7 p.rn. this Friday, Sept. 24 at the Thorndale Community Centre._, 'The Ambassador com- petitors will deliver a pre- pared speech and partake in an interview as part of the competition. Other special presenta- tions to be awarded dur- ing the opening cere- monies will include; school fair champions, crowning of Homecraft royalty, horticultural awards, top field crop competitors and a country pie auction. The theme for the three-day fall fair is `Country Homecoming 99' and there promises to be lots or fun for the whole family. Correction A story on page two of our Sept. 1 edition about Grand Cove in Grand Bend contained a refer- ence to South Cove. The sentence Should obviously have read Grand Cove. The Times -Advocate regrets any confusion this error may have caused. MORTGAGE MONEY Available for • Purchases • Refinances • Debt Consolidations • Home Improvements - Offering solutions for income .and credit issues iATES "4'1'c'l''': 1 -<)1141011 !11111 .11l'1 -[►/11/1111 11-t'!1 ti 433-4800 OUR ADVERTISING POUCY Advertising in the Times -Advocate is accepted on condition that, in the event " of a typographical error, that portion of the advertising space occupied by the erroneous item, will be re -run in a sub- sequent issue as a make good at no charge, while the balance of the adver- tisement will be paid for at an applica- ble rate. In the event of a typographical error advertising goods or services at a wrong price, goods or services may not be sold. Advertising is en offer to sell aro may be withdrawn at any time. Any errors must be acknowledged within seven days of publication. The Times -Advocate reserves the privi- lege of revising or rejecting advertise- ments that it considers objectionable and to change the classification of any advertisement from that ordered to con- form to the policy of this newspaper. Contents are protected by copyright. Reproduction of any material without the permission of the publisher 's for- bidden. Advertisers purchase space and circula- tion only. All rights to any advertise- ments produced by the Times -Advocate. using artwork, typography or pho- tographs arranged for by the newspaper shall be the property of the Times - Advocate. No such ad or any part there- of may be reproduced or assigned with out written consent of the Times - Advocate. STATEMENT OF POLICY: The Times - Advocate is not responsible for error; in advertisements not submitted +11 legible form, nor for more than single incor- rect insertion of that advertisement. i.4\11:S- \1)V0('.�"I Exeter- 235-1331 Friday evening is `Loonie Night;' pay a loonle at the gate and a loanie for rides and games: There's a mini tractor pull from 6:30 to 7:30 p.m. when the open- ing ceremonies begin. The 'Teen Dance' will also being Friday 'light, from 9 p.m. to 1 p.m., and is for youth from 13 to 19. Admission is $5. On Saturday, Sept. 25 a special feature is Motor Madness from 5 to 7 p.m., but there's lots to see all day. Don't forget a visit to the midway, the 4-H com- petitions. and the Homecraft exhibits, and a stop at your favourite food' booth. The traditional Saturday evening dance, featuring 'The Spurs,' begins at 9 p.m. A special feature on Sunday is the Demolition Derby at 3 p.m. 111(11(11? ale RICHARD LOBB AUCTION CALENDAR CLINTON 482-7898 Wed., Sept. 22 at 7 p.m. 6 Targe pole barns at Clinton Race Way to be removed. Sat., Oct. 2. at 9 a.m. Antiques, furniture, appliances for the estate of Hartman Hiusser at Lobb Auction Clinton. www.auctionhotline.com 0 "Advertise Across Ontario or Across the Country' WANTED - HARDWOOD LOGS and timberstands. Veneer log prices. Licensed tree markers and equipment operators take special care in harvesting. Company established 1927. PannitVeneer (519)742-5887. 1111111111111111111.11111111 "CASH IN/CA$H OUT Co.lo:Pepsi, Hostess, M&M Re- stock established unique vendors in your area. No selling. Full-time, part-tiryne. Minimum investment $13,980. 1-888- 503-8884 24 hours. (Member of B.B.B). CANADA'S -1 TRAVEL BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY. TPI absorbs overhead costs, you maximize profit. PT/FT. Home-based or business add on. $8,900 of $16,900. Call 1-800-799-9910 or Visit www.tpi.ca WE HAVE TWINNED 241 PIZZA® & MRS. POWELL'S Cinnamon Rohn" under one roof and the results have been incredible. To team more about our Small -Town strategy and how you can be part of it, call TOLL FREE 1-877-241-0-241: . Totally Tropical interiors is expanding! Consultants required to market superior silk plants, trees & acces- sories thru home show. Excellent Income& Bonuses! Call toll free 1-877-717-4848. :.� r # f SIDELINE? O'Donnell -DRG, ONE of Canada's largest Calendar and Promotional Advertising Companies needs Sales Professionals/Retirees to call on Local Business- es. 60% of GROSS PROFIT 905-427-8587. FREE FRANCHISE territory for qualified candidates. Solid track record, proven systems, total support. Over 250 locations. $15K start up costs or tess;r+w.liberty- tax.com or 1-877-215-3984. "'r'' EARN MONEY ON THE INTERNET. Own an E-com- merce shopping mall with millions of name -brand prod- ucts. Commissions & bonuses. Auto Plan & stock options. Full training 416-410-4694. CAREER CHANGE/SELF EMPLOYMENT?? Pro -Tech Computer Clean provides full training, equipment and supplies in the rapidly growing field of electronics clean- ing. One time fee $3,000.00. Gov't approved. www.pro- techin.com or 1-888-615-0555..x. SUNSHINE VILLAGE Ski Resort, Banff, requires enthusi- astic, well presented, reliable staff for all positions. Reply: Box 1510, Banff, AB, TOL OCO. Fax 403-762-6513. E- maii: sunshinehrOskbanff.caom. SAWVILL $4895 SAW LOGS INTO BOARDS, planks, beams. Large capacity. Best sawmill value anywhere. Norwood Industries, manufacturer of sawmills, edgers & skidders. Free information 1-800-566-6899. ALPACAS AND LLAMAS. Choose from Eastern Canada's .Largest Registered Herd. Package Specials. Offering 10 Years Experience, Guarantees, Installment Payments, After Sales Service 613-987-2052 Ron/Bar- bara. ADVANCED WEIGHT LOSS. 49 overweight people nested to lose weight and eam extra income.1-800-211- 8744 www.hbr►.c:om Access code 5663 required. $$CHOCOLATES$$ Attention students. Make Tots of money selling chocolate bars. New products available, fast delivery. Fund Raising available. Call now 1-800-383- 3589 WELL ESTABLISHED FEED COMPANY requires full or part-time agents with local farming knowledge interested in discussing and solving livestock nutritional problems. No sales experience necessary. Comprehensive training and full support by sales and technical staff help livestock farmers to get best results with free feed analysis and custom formulated supplements. FEEDMATCH 1-800- 265-0554. Fax: 1-519-662-4334. ONTARIO PROPERTIES TO BE SOLD for unpaid taxes. Write: Dept. CN,, Box 5380, Stn. F, Ottawa, K2C 3J1 or Visit: www.taxsaleproperties.com. LEARN AUCTiONEERING. Classes held November 20- 26, '99. For information contact: Southwestern Ontario School of Auctioneering, R.R. #5, Woodstock, Ontario N4S 7V9. 1-888-673-6999. FREE 128 page `Career Opportunities" Guide shows you how to train at home for top paying jobs. Eam More. Call Granton Institute today at 1-800-361-1971 for your free guide. Exciting well paid carters in computer programmirtg. We will prepare suitable applicants. Ministry of Education Registered Home Study Diploma Program. Financial assistance, loaner computer systems and job placement tools available. No experience necessary. 1-800-477- 9578 www.crostraining.com ADULT ENTERTAINMENT. Order the best videos by mail and pay less. FREE Video Offer!. FREE Catalogue. Dis- creet. HMC Video 5288 Parc, 101-C, Montreal, Quebec, H2V 4G7. DIVORCE RIP OFF! Protect your children & assets. We are men helping men fight an unjust system. Tactics/strategies, free call: 1 -877 -BREAKUP, Ext. 98. NEW STEEL BUILDINGS....Go Direct and Save. 4:12 roof pitch. 25 x 30 $3,900.00. 25 x 40 $4,900.00. 30 x 40 $6,500.00. 35 x 50 $7,600.00. 40 x 60 $10,800.00. 45 x 80 $18,400.00. Others. Pioneer....1-800-668-5422. FUTURE STEEL BUILDINGS - Durable, Dependable, Pre-engineered. All -Steel Structures. Custom-made to suit your needs and requirements. Factory -Direct afford- able prices. Cali 1.800-668-5111 ext. 536 for free brochure BE A SUCCESSFUL MITER... with our great home - study course. Call today for your FREE BOOK. 1-800- 267.1829. The Writing School, 38 McArthur Avenue, Suite 3280, Ottawa, ON Kn. 6R2. COUNSELLOR TRAINING Institute of Canada offers on - campus and correspondence courses toward a Diploma in Counselling Practice, to begin this month. Free cata- logue, caN 24hrs.14)00-665-7044. TIMESHARE RESALES. To buy, sell or rent worldwide. World's Largest Reseller. ERA STROMAN SINCE 1979. Buyers call 1-800-613-7987. Sellers call 1-800-201-0864. Internet www.stroman.com. Wanted: investment diamonds coloured stones and fine jewellery. Immediate payment. Sell now to Canada's leading gemologist John Shearer. Call today toll free 1- 877-922-9322, Mon -Fri 9am-5pm. • It's Affordable • It's Fast • It's Easy • One Bili Does It Alt • Northern Ontario $76 * Eastern Ontario $133 • Western Ontario $130 • Central Ontario $134 • All Ontario $390 National Packages Available • Call this paper for details! wait