Times Advocate, 1999-09-22, Page 17Wednesday, September 22. 1999 Council, Southcott Pines co :emit to highway project GRAND BEND -- Council has thrown its support behind a new turning lane and slip lane at the intersection of Lakeview Ave. and Hwy. 21. Grand Bend Administrator Paul Turnbull, Bosanquet's Director of Public Works Ken MacKenzie and Southcott Pines Association have met to discuss costs. Estimates put the project's price tag at $33,500. Southcott Pines Assoc. has agreed to pay $11,167 (one-third of $33,500). At Monday night's meeting, Grand Bend council passed a.. ,- motion to pay the same-- =; amount, with the money coming from this .year's surplus. Bosanquet will discuss the, project at its next council meeting. Beach. house interest Twenty-four firms have expressed an interest in bidding on the construction of the new beach house. On Thursday, council will review a qualification e- qualification report to narrow down the field. Construction of . they new facffity 'ty is scheduled f ompleted . by. May 12, ,2000.:: Exotior TMw•#drocaq ag 17 r�enae e7 AIM2n.u+4 .. Exeter Golf Club's Tuesday Morning Ladies, league handed out its annual awards at its recent wrap-up. Left photo: low, net winners, from left, Ina Browning ('D' flight), Ola Batton ('C'), Grace Drummond ('B) and Carole Preece ('A'). Right photo: low gross winners, from left, Theresa McCann ('D') and Esther Johnson ('A').Absent are Glenna Horner ('B) and Karen Ratcliffe ('C'), Johnson and Preece also tied with Joanne Middleton for the most birdies. (photos/contributed) •y ■ P WE hiCepOisloCabe. agar. wlirl R+o>;tol.do mie 1611641bevyvea re •Pfidalltigh N.Mii*i . r :1 $20,000 for tights Grand Bend council is cii tting $20,000 to buy . new decorative: lights for Hwy. 21 and Main' St. as. Its -part of the Rotary Club's Millennium... Celebration of Lights project. The money will be taken from the 1999 budget surplus. Council has ' requested an ad, hoc committee be created with membership from the Rotary Club, Horticultural Society and the Canada Games 2001 Cbminittee to implement and co-ordinate a concept plan for using streetlight poles for decorations. Right -of - Council reviewed a letter from Tony and Patricia Shantz about the right-of-way behind their cottage on Huron St. The letter stated their concern about parking along the' village -owned parcel. Council directed staff to send a letter to the Mime failIT VRATI" property owners in the block bordered by Pine, 1" Centre, Huron and King il,streets to see if they want the right-of-way divided among the neighbouring property owners or have the current arrangement maintained. Turnbull said some landowners . have told : him they want the status quo maintained. 1999 Clirmr.i.! lsaib 1!!1 amity Illimws moi': �.-: :�. -• Ly <{.v 1 9 flbovrIlliverade war*oar Cab Mew TP sm Ihri k at time Year THE BEST OFFER YET nes YEAR ON ems. 1999 Oldsmobile Intrigue Sotaariama 36 MONTHS UP TO 4111401111.11. OR $27,59.5 (endwise Mobibt of Sea soil Air Ai..r.aa ue...a M.r..00ss bed Was soOr..) SOPHISTICATED DESIGN, NIMBLE HANDLING, SPIRITED PERFORMANCE IN A MID-SIZE PACKAGE. 3.5 litre Twin Cam Sequential Fuss Injected V6 215 hp engine • 4 -sped automatic transmisiuion with overdrive • 4 -wheel anti-lock beaking system • Next Generation driver and front passenger air bags • Passlock' theft -deterrent system • AM/FM stereo with cassetie • Air condit#oni • • HI" aluminum wheels ASK ABOUT FACTORY -TO -DEALER INCENTIVES AT YOUR CHEVROLET • OLDSMOBILE DEALER. HURRYS OFFER ENDS SEPTEMBER 30,1999. Ari AUTO INSURANCE DISCOUNTS FOR ANTI -SOCK SRAM AIR SACS AND ANIVI IIIPY OIVICM ”IOM soio*O MURANO! CORPORATION -TILE INSUAAscs PROM INION Comm, moron. VISIT vou* CsesVIIotxT • O.oswous&a MAUR Mir 4811 NIC ter e twit. MfilMilesiiess 1111140 Ulftwraln0e queer -.,......, ----"Offer also applies to Aurora, Lumina, Metro, Monte Carla, Silhouette, S -IO and Tracker. ori Se }w to Uiwr Mom Como Out to at foal dodo, on our arbrlr a wri ut rrr a ail %a M f�.N*MMra Owofiab4 Nrrr hos In f MlbrrN 4nf d *ale Un+. $0.12 pot I N WM.! Ol nolb foie Nam no in realm, d d eA� pa Ole rr two spans wlii/M 1r . on c MC awl not £ s lo: MAOO b i Nc r. >�. amsin= ver it li ��a��I a cal of 1:1=9 Mt* taw Qa :D4 M2 ololO f o� IfOfa = 10"0 lb* ~ 4 Coon ADZ na er 11 a r �wits o1rl���l b Pi Oehl sr tbc�d b �� 1n M Oribb amok DWM Aull�ofrieh aif�ill a4w ebb �► Abbe aoMNo� vtlU+ AN cab. Drize w boo b �a i� noniroti : �r 4�1 vrhldr a woo fob b on d b iMr M1 0MrwMA MtMnp' h ri roe wow SIri�d Mr bolo aro olwil N Mo ► Y VW bio d !f► ti Wand T►Slimy llaoirw�ln • ► ;; Of OWN in rml an +a N Wei, "din not M an a Mast a i+ Mir an WWI of *Ms blow . b wawa d Onime