HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes Advocate, 1999-09-15, Page 1212
Exeter Tirnes-,Advec*te
Wednesday,September 15, 1999
athwoodWL prepare for IPM 99
DASHWOOD - The Citizenship and Legislation meet-
ing of Dashwood W.I. was convened on Sept. 7. W.I.
members and guests visited the tented city to see the
set up structures. What was a field for harvest, has
turned into many buildings, tents, hydro poles, flower
beds, and fenced areas for future parking. The group
then returned to admire South Huron Farmstead Most
Improved owned by Cheryl and Eric Frieter and Elaine
and Howard Datars and Agri -business Most Attractive
by Hayter's Turkey Products.
The meeting at the hall opened by a reading "A
Farmer" followed by Ode and Collect. The secretary 's
and treasurer's reports were given, along with a report
on a Curators' workshop held Aug. 5 in Springfield.
iFi t, � tw 4}t? •-.
The Huron W.I. is providing 500 bags of gifts and
crafts to the I.P.M. and each branch is responsible for
Members were reminded of the I.P.M. church service
to be held in Zurich Community Centre Sept. 19 at 7
p.m.; the W.I. Fall Rally to be held in Clinton Oct. 4; the
London Area Convention in Mt. Brydges Oct. 28; and
the 0.I. Workshops in Hensen United Church on Nov.
The program included the motto "To be a seniors cit-
izen means to follow your own individual road to hap-
piness and contentment" given by Kaethe Freiter, and
several readings on the I.P.M. Members viewed news-
paper clippings of the event.
Welfare or learnfare, the choice is ours
Our politicians bemoan
the fact there are has one
million, two hundred
thousand poor children in
our midst but have little
in the way of solutions to
alleviate the problem. No,
tax cuts do not help the
poor who are unemployed
or are drawing welfare;
surprise, they are not
"gainfully employed and
thus do not pay income
tax. The majority of
Canada's poor are women
and their children, 84% of
the 537,000 single parent
families wore headed by
women. This equates to
451,000 households with
an average of two chil-
dren per home and we
arrive at a staggering one
million children who live
with poverty and all of it's
consequences. "Poor
youth" are almost three
times more likely to drop
out of school. In 1991
more than 38,000 young
1. Joke
4. " Peaks"
8. Prattler's "gift"
11. Church picture
13. City near Mauna Loa
14. Bullfight bravo
15. "Nautilus" captain
16. Prairie State
18. Toothpaste flavor
20. Pans for gold
21. 10/31 offerings
24. Curse
25. Undeveloped territory
26. Refrain syllables
27. Ghost's cry
30. Bad day for Caesar
31. Japanese coin
32. Reedlike grass
33. Golly!
34. Number of Marines sought?
35. Down -producing duck
36. Had been
37. Lucky numbers
38. Tycoon's craft
41. Take a t
42. Appropriated
44. Use a decorator
48. Send flowers and candy, e.g.
49. James Jones
50. Space to be filled
51. Not positive: abbr.
52. Annoying to Mise Manners
53. Allowed
1. They attend family reunions
2. Cocktail rocks"
3. Joe DiMaggio's brother
4. Dilutes
5. Lose freshness
6. Cry Tomorrow.
7. Sounds
8. Err Y
9. Touched down
10. Mrs. Truman
12. Gypsies
17. Veto
19. " All in The Game"
21. Nest -building bit
22. Goonapony
23. "Waiting For The Robert
" (2 wds.)
24. Chinese river
26. Ayres or Alcindor
27. Commanded
28. Foreboding
^ Thole attachments
32. Philanthropists
34. More plump
35. Mouse -in -the -house shout
36. " Do You Love?
37. Edge furtively
38. Sign of boredom
39. Bitter drug
40. Wooden shoe
41. Cow committee
43. Type of cross
45. 45 inches, in England
46. Name of anonymity
47. Slugger Mal
women under the age of The State of Wisconsin -in
20 became pregnant and the U.S. has established a
24,000 carried their 'program called "LEARN -
babies to term. FARE". A young mother
The present day solu- who wishes to draw wel-
tion for the single mother fare must attend school to
is Mother's Allowance. be eligible for benefits.
The provincial gov- Attendance is
ernment provides closely moni-
social assistance for tored by the
the mother . and r departments of
child until the child education and,
reaches the age of r< social assistance.
eighteen, the only Skipped classes
requirement being :.:: means a loss of
the child is regis- income ,on next
tered for school. The LEamARD month's cheque.
mother usually LESSER, Single mothers
drops out of school COUNSELLOR graduate high
in the second month school and are
of her pregnancy . prepared for
and applies for assis- employment. The grads
tance, there is no require- gain self respect and are
.ment for her to: attend positive role models : for
school or find employ- their children.=In Canada
ment. In my 30 plus years we spend hundreds of
of counselling thousands millions of dollars to no
of teens, only one young avail. In 30 years of
man and his family kept teaching I found that the
the child. Being born poor rich got richer and the
guarantees inadequate poor had children.
food, housing, schooling "Most men look " at
and health care in our things as they are and ask
affluent communities. The Why. I dream of things
children inherit these that never were and ask
chains and sadly the cir- Why Not?"
cle grows into crime, dis- Len Lesser provides
illusionment and poor self educational and career
esteem. The "graduates," counselling. He can be
the children of the poor, reached at 519-434-8316.
often end up in general
level and vocational pro-
grams in our school sys-
tem. I was director of stu-
dent services of a Junior
Vocational school and
sadly I found that most of
the students were poor
and the vast majority
came from single -parent
female -run homes. Being
poor wasn't a require-
ment to get in but the
well-to-do families did not
seem to have slow chil-
dren. Perception does
wonders when promoting
students to high school,
the rich and middle class
on one side and the poor
across the tracks.
I have a solution to the
dilemma of the cycle of
poverty in our society.
in Kirkton
KIRKTON • - Six plexi-
glass windows were bro-
ken in the entrance of .the
library at the Kirkton
Community Centre on
Sept. 6.
A demonstration "The Log Cabin Star" included how
to use two inch strips in an assembly -line method by
adding "stars" among the blocks. Each received
instructions to follow.
September is known as Gum Care Month and each
compllted a search and find contest. The Legacy left
by the Prime Minister of Canada was up -dated.
During the social time muffins, cheese, jam, grapes
and tea were served. Birthday and anniversary songs
were sung.
• In
• Be
• Lar
• Ros
• most
art of faux finis
•Blinds by Hunter Douglas & Levolor
�atci.6r, Qfneue Gi9iteAtioaa
436 Main St. S., Exeter
est. 1990 235-4086
cRo se & O ate gal/Ay to Le a flatL of de
,dV South Hnmst Recreation Centre
• Dog Obedience
• Babysitting Course
• Youth Gyir nastics
• Kindergym ,
• First Aid
• C.P.R. & C.P.R. Recert
_4v • Exeter Karate School
• South Huron Martial Arts
• Tai Chi
• Yoga
• Social Dance
• Christmas Cookies & Crafts
For info on programs
and registration call 235-2833
• • • * • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •
from South Huron Stec. Centre
Rec Centre from Dashwood
9:30 *******4''�..�«
11:00 a.m. 1:30 p.m.
1:00 p.m. 5:00 p.m.
Service availabl,� d
Tues., Wed.., Thurs., Fri., Sat.
$2.00 each way • Children Free
Ken Ogden 235-t)450 No reservations needed
• • • • • • • • • • • • • • 0 • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • ,