HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes Advocate, 1999-09-15, Page 7Wednesday,September 15, 1999
Exeter Time
Zurich changes p ro c e dure,jegarding purchases
ZURICH — It took
Zurich council a heated
one-hour discussion to
modify a 'policy
regarding how its arena
manager can buy items
for the community
The discussion rose
from a complaint from
Coun. Marg Holmes, who
looks after the finances
for the Zurich
recreation parks and
community centre boat -cf.
Holmes was concerned
about expenses of $700
for bowls and kitchen
supplies and $500 for
new tires for community
centre use by arena
manager Kevin Geoffrey.
Holmes argued that
Geoffrey's job
description requires him
to receive permission on
items costing over $100.
Coun. Barb Jeffrey,
also a recreation board
member, said since
Geoffrey had budgeted
for the Items, he didn't
require permission.
"We're saying it's OK,"
Jeffrey said of Geoffrey's
"I'm saying it's not,"
Holmes responded,
arguing that the
recreation board should
know when Geoffrey is
buying items even if
they've already been
budgeted for.
Reeve Dwayne LaPorte
disagreed with Holmes,
saying if the council and
recreation board have
already approved
Geoffrey's_ -_ _ budget,
there's no reason every
purchase has to be
spices it up
in Spice Giri tributeact
LONDON — Dania The Western Fair . show
Thurman has added some will beThurman's last as
spice to her life. a Spice Power girl
The 25 -year-old Exeter because she is moving to
native has been playing Nashville next montho
`Ginger Spice' with the pursue herreal love tof
Spice Girls tribute band country music.
Spice Power since last Before joining Spice
Power, Thurman per-_
The group has per- formed afemale country
formed in Miami South singer tribute act called
u Beach, New York, Country Divas. She per -
Pennsylvania, Ontario, formed songs by Trisha
Quebec, Saskatchewan, Yearwood, Patty Loveless
Manitoba, Alberta and and Canadian singers
have toured the Michelle Wright and Terri
Maritimes four times. Clark.
Thurman and the rest of Before Country Divas,
Spice Power will perform Thurman appeared at the
at the Western Fair Huron Country Playhouse
Grandstand in London on in The King and I and
Sept. 18 at 1 p.m. Gypsy.
Lucan Biddulph
to request more
grant money
Unsatisfied with the
amount of grant money
it will be getting from the
province for the Granton
sewer project, Lucan
council has a date with
the Minister of the En-
The $1.9 million sewer
project, which has seen
numerous delays, was to
receive a 55 per cent
grant from the govern-
ment, but council wants
to get more money, say-
ing other communities
with similar projects
have received much larg-
er grants.
Making the trip on Oct.
5 to Toronto to visit Min-
ister of the Environment
Tony Clement will be
Reeve Earl French,
township administrator
Ron Reymer and en-
gineer Bob Stevenson.
As a result of the visit,
council has changed its
regularly scheduled
meeting to Oct. 4.
Grand Bend & Area Community Health Centre
The Community Health Centre Facilities Committee is
requesting that anyone who owns suitable property in the
Grand Bend area and is interested in having it developed
for a new Community Health Centre, to please contact
this committee.
Contact person: Roy Merkley, Facilities Committee
P.O. Box 268, Grand Bend, Ontario NOM 1 TO
Phone:1-519- 3 .° 20
approved. Coun.'helley
Rodgers -Bedard, who
later resigned from
council to spend more
time with her family,
agreed with LaPorte.
After much debate,
council decided Geoffrey
will only need approval
from the recreation
board when spending
over $100 on non -
budgeted items.
Councillors Holmes and
Brad Clausius voted
against the motion.
Clausius said Geoffrey
didn't follow policy
when he made the
purchases without
notifying the recreation
board and said Holmes
should be told ahead of
time which purchases
are coming.
LaPorte, though,
maintained Geoffrey
had approval because
his budget had already
been passed and said
council has to trust its
"Why don't you let the
rec manager do his job
and let the arena board
do their job and not
quibble about it at
council meetings?"
Rodgers -Bedard said to
When the discussion
was finally over, Coun.
Jeffrey said, "This has
been an hour of wasted
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