HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes Advocate, 1999-09-15, Page 1Fun at
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4 & 83 Exeter 2354262
I.PM1. 1999
Collector Bottled
Water 1.00
Exeter, Ontario, Canada
Wednesday, September 15, 1999
Over 200 attend Hurts
By Scott Wen
community pplking con -
fere :in Huron Park
last weeci . I
tans the rt u to.
at'n: ate:> Mine
It Wit°
As well as
from former
ponce chiei..
in simulated police situa-
tions.The scents were
shin on a scree and
vC :.!;.:` ers could interact
with the characters tibgty
For example, a perAson
as aecer would
a r- este
a row
then have to react
one and could
aways of
firearms simulator as a
judgement trainer which
tests and teaches skills to
He explained to audi-
-e members that
mite any situation a
police r to
face, t.
$ 1.00 (includes GST)
last weekend's confer-
ence Jeannise Hodghis of
Corbet said there were
250 police office ` ivi1-
tens and me tn.lr" s of
ponce service boards
She gate conference
was intended to promote
interaction beEen calms
fans sad polk4 officers
and big issues l4e
safetyand crime to the
forefront of discussion.
cat the eference
vas the live fire work
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is tells Huron
*ith eking ambulance sere
workingas well aspossibie with currentdances
Pe�ple atapublic meeting In Exeter sand the system �s
their jobs, wages and
benefits guaranteed even
if their: current employers
are not successfulin their
bids for services.
Carol Wartiner, an
See PUBUC Oasii 2
By Kate Monk
EXETER — Huron
County is looking at • ways
to deliver land ambulance
services in the county.
Based qt•- input from
members of the public,
politicians, parameds and
union • representatives,
everything should stay the
way it is.
The province hiss`
already downloaded
ambulance costs to coun-
ties and regions and will
download the manage-
ment Jan. 1, 2001 or ear-
lier if the county is ready.
The province has indi-
cated it will cover 50 per
cent of approved costs but
hasn't identified what
expenses will be
approved, Craig Metzger
of the County of Huron
said, adding he antici-
pates there will be argu-
ments between the county
and the province on
defining approved costs.
The province gave coun-
ties three options for
management. Several
southwestern Ontario
counties hired the 1BI
Group consulting firm to
rank management
options. in ambulance programs.
IBI ranked requesting The county is holding a
proposals from ambu- : series of public meetings
lance service operators to get input on the consul -
first, followed by the tent's report.
county delivering the ser- Several issues were
vice directly and last, con raised at Thursday
tracting with existing evening's meeting at the
operatblrs.. South Huron Rec Centre.
Metzger said the consul- Those in attendance
tant recommended the agreed they were pleased
county ask for proposals with the quality of para -
because it would give the
most flexibility
with how the "For the time
service is orga-
nized. The pro- being , we
posals would shouldn't be
give the county , tinkering with
an opportunity something that's
to switch oper-
ators if it was- working.
n't happy with --- BEN
the perfor- HOOGENBOOM
Metzger said
new operators
could also provide experi-
ence and expertise not
available in the current
situation that could be
part of a larger firm.
He said the consultants
ranked having the county
manage the ambulance
services directly as the
second preferred option
because the county does-
n't have any experience
Greater Grand Bend
area residents wants:,
guarantee ambulance
services will continue to
cross county boundaries.
"That county border
cannot end up being a
problem," Roy Markley
told county staff Craig
Metzger replied that
weds but had concerns many ambulances cover
any changes' areas outside the -county
would not and the costs are billed to
improve service the county the call origi-
and could lead nated in. Last year, Huron
to a fdr-profit . County netted. out
ambulance sys- $600,000 for calls done
tem. They also outside the county.
raised concerns Joanne Wareham told
with current Metzger she has serious
response times. concerns with response
Exeter Mayor time to Exeter.
B e n "We need to make peo-
H o o g e n b o o m pie aware if you have a
wants the sys- cardiac arrest in Exeter,
tem to be left as it is and you're on your owit," she
doubts the responsq, time said.
in Huron County is In Huron County, 90 per
greater than London. cent of the calls are..
"For the time being, we responded to within 17
shouldn't be tinkering minutes. Zurich resident
with something that's Joyce McBeath said
working," he stated. establishing a 911 system
No one at the meeting in the county would
said they want services to decrease response times.
be determined by a call Goderich paaramed Gary
for proms from coq!. Renand said parameds
are doing a great job and
the county could increase
the number of ambu-
lances and staff but is
sure it's a cost Huron
County can't afford.
He said parameds want
Council bites back
dt dangerous dogs
By Kate Monk
\,1.1 — BButt%el'lit'I'4 anti ilit i)t}11 iIt i-
art' ,„„1)t't•iiit•:lite flamed in i lt'n`, tli's iwys ti:tit
t. t'1•t►i1` ttt►2, h iiIS' passed it( 11oitelttl night',
council meeting.
( iitill•it had !hissed it 1), la•v (11 1ht' \.lig. 9
itlt't'(itnbut repealed it 10 atilt more specifics
including 1)I•t't'tl tlt'liiiitions ;trlil c•oiltainllttt'itl
\II Ili►tigtl the I)% IU%% ,(►1't•if ie•;tlP% 11i1'itt il►il', pi(
tattle anti j'(t1 ('itt'i•';, dile herr ran i)t' desig-
natedoodangcrous, 1•e't.t:1i•tllt'44 ()fits breed.
riff 1)e 1;l% also outlines i•g•l$Uii•t'itlt'tt1s 01' dog
u%%11t'I•`I)i(► including 1•e'!4i,tt'I'i11g the (1014 ""illi
111t' clerk. and pit, lug it lie•t''i'''
‘s %sell. 'e t'rs dog ee i111111 tit' a i11agt'. �i lti'tt
1101 ('Dili +111'ti 10 Olt' IRR` i•iiii►; 01• $)1•U11t'1•( of
tilt' 0%‘114t1' 01• 1)1`1"..011 haa% iSi ., t•11,1011% 111tt`+t tit'
1•t` .Ii•;litit't! Oil .1 1t':t,,i1. iII' (I0t; lili11111 7'tll!11ilI .,
,t1 Iar:;&' could I)1' ;111(1 impounded.