HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes Advocate, 1999-09-01, Page 27Wednesday, September 1, 1999 Exeter Times -Advocate PLACE E AN AD In Person: 424 Main Street South, Exeter, Monday to Friday, 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. - By Pitons: (519) 235-1331 By Fax: (519) 235-0766 By E-mail: to @ eedy. or, m Classified Ad Deadline MONDAY AT 10:00 AM 3 Sil atirns Wanted E XPERIENCED CHILDCARE PROVIDER - has room for more playmates. Lots and lots of toys, large fenced -in yard, meals and snacks provided. Receipts and references available. Call Nancy Eisenschink at 235- 3967. (35-37*) H OUSECLEANING AVAILABLE - Call Valerie 235-0369 (35;36*) FIREARMS STUDENTS - REGISTER NOW - for our next "One Stop" Hunter Safety - and/or" i~itearms license (FAC) course. The course and test will be held in Dashwood September 11, 12 & 18. Advance registration only. Terry Romphf 237-3248 or Neil Romphf 235-1196. (32- 36) 4 Heb Wand AZ LONG HAULING -TEAM DRIVER NEEDED - Non- smoker. US experience required. Good attitude and disposition required. Very good pay. (519)881-2757 or (519)881-0227. (34-36x) - BABYSITTER WANTED - One day a- week. Preferably in my home for 2 young children. References required. Phone 228-6265. (35;36*) COOK WANTED - part-time position for both Centralia and Grand Bend locations. Experience. preferred. Please send resume to P 0 Box 298, Grand Bend, Ont. NOM 1TO. (26tfn) EXPERIENCED WAITRESS - needed immediately. Appy $e person to the Burkley Restaurant, 312 Main St. E. Exeter. Ask for Georgia. (35*) LOOKING FOR NON- SMOKER -SMOKER TO BABY -. in our home or youu. interested please call 51.3-234. 1106. 191=2 - 1106. Leave message. References required. (35;36*) • SUAR ADS Get results with our $t 1 Super Ad or we will repeat your ad up to another seven times at no charge. • For Sale items on • One item per ad • Private non-commercial ads only • Ail ads must be prepaid Calf 235-1331 for bar or monthly 4 Hip %Wwbed LOVING, NON-SMOKING PERSON - required to care for my happy 5 month old baby in my home. Part-time Sept. & Oct., full-time from Nov 1. We're on Hwy 21,5miles Nof Grand Bend. Two-bedroom apt. with separate entrance available for live-in option. Call Laura 238-1070. (34;35*) CLASSIFICATIONS 1 Lost, Strayed 2 Found 3 Situations Wanted 4 Help Wanted S Business Opportunities 6 Services 7 Livestock 8 Farm Machinery 9 Sports Equipment, Vehicles 11 Cars, Trucks 12 Pets 13 Musical Instruments 14 Appliances, Television 15 Personal 18 For Sale 17 Wanted to Buy 18 Wanted 19 Property for Sale 20 Property fo- Rent 21 For Rent 22 For Sale or Rent 23 Wanted to Rent 24 Property Wanted 25 Notices 26' Legal Notices 27 Tenders Wanted 28 Auction Sales 29 Yard and Garage Sales I insertion . $9.63 insertions $18.05 insertions $22.47 word maxiinurn 50 for each additional word NOTICES ki Births, Deaths, Memoriarns, Announcements, Coming, Events, Card of Thanks 41isi►Wanted PERSON WITH EXPERIENCE - in carpentry, electrical and plumbing. Full or part-time, in Exeter. Plea send resume to Box # 142, c/o Exeter Times Advocate, 424 Main St. S, PO Box 850, Exeter, Ontario, NOM 1S6. (35;36*) Community Living South Huron requires part time support workers for nights and weekends Community Living South Huron offers a very compet- itive wage and a fun team atmosphere to work.._ Successful applicants must be able to provide sup- port to people with a developmental disability in all aspects of daily living. Apply to: Box 29, 144 Main St., Dashwood Ont., NOM 1NO or Fax 237-3190. P.Q.C. Ince TEM PORJU Y POSITIONS on our Vegetable Processing Line APPLY (VOW GENERAL PRODUCTION Earn up to $10.25 per hr. No experience necessary Shift Work Must work all shifts APPLY IN PERSON Hwy. 81, East of Grand Bend Mon. -Fri. 8:30 a.m.- 4:30 p.m. 4 Help Wanted FARROW TO FINISH - Will train the right individual.. Mature applicants welcome. Call 519-229-8862. (33tfn) FULL TIME AND SEASONAL HELP - required for cash crop farm. Mechanical abilities and AZ or DZ driver's license would be an asset. Apply to Hill & Hill Farms Ltd., Varna. Call 519- 233-3218. (34;35) OCCASSIONAL WORKER ON FARM - Machinery experience would be an asset - but not necessary. Please apply in writing to Box 144 cloth Exeter. Times Advocate, 424 Jain St. S. Exeter, Ont. NOM 1S6 (35;36*) PART-TIME PIANO TEACHER WANTED - Please mail resume to Exeter Music Centre, Box 179, Exeter, ')ntario. NOM 1S6. (32-35) MECHANIC Wanted - Diesel Mechanic Ak Experience with heavy construction equipment and transport trucks is required. Excellentwages and benefits. Reply by mail to Varr Btee Drainage & Bulldozing Ltd. R.R.#6, Forest, ON NON 2JO RECEPTTONIST Full-time, experience in typing, computers, general office duties. Send resume to: J.M.R. Electric Ltd, maim to E., Exeter NOM 153 Please mail or fax resume (519) 235-0507. (No phone calls please) Anago Resources Inc. EXETER Our Exeter program is in the process of making some very exciting changes. We are hiring 4 Part time (PT) positions. Starting rate of pay is $14.69/hr. PT 25hrs/wk. - Weekdays - 7 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. PT 27 hrswk - Weekdays -10 a.m. - 3 or 4 p.m. PT (avg. 13 hrs/wk) - rotating schitide ai y weekends PT (avg. 11 hrs/wk) - every other A Thurs. 4-9 p.m. Weekend positions involve providing support in a residential hng-to individuals who are physically and developmentally. challenged. Day positions focus finding quality experiences for individuals in their home community. Prefer D.S.W. qualification. Must have valid driver's license, current CPR, and First Aid, current CPJC in writing with resume by September 8, 1999 to: lrreiramA36=on im St, ON 1S5 e specify which position you aredying for. Ami u aN applications are appreciated only those selected for an interview will be contacted. No telephonecalls . please An 4 lty Employer PkR.Su l4 TO CLEAN DETAIL NEW & USED BOATS - Possible weekends required. Call or see Dan at Roszell-Warner Marine in Grand Bend. 238-2391. (35*) RELIABLE BABYSITTER NEEDED IMMEDIATELY - to care for 3 children in my home. Full time day shift. Phone 23 1407. (35;36*) SELF -MOTIVATED INDIVIDUAL - with DZ license. AZ an asset. Mechanically inclined to do a wide- variety of duties. Full - dine. Call Wayne 227-4254. (35*) SHEET METAL APPRENTICE - will train. Full-time permanent. Fax, resume to 519-236-7499.. (32. 35) VOLUNTEERS NEEDED - Do you want to learn about woman abuse? Do you want to find out how you can help abused women and their childten7 A 10 week training course is scheduled to begin on September 14 at 7pm at the Huron County Health Unit, Clinton. Course will present: a' feminist perspective on woman abuse, how violence affects children, sexual assault, legal issues, cultural sensitivity. For more info and to register call Denise 524-5333 or 1-800- 265-5506 by September 9. (34- 36) WORK FROM HOME Earn $500-1500 part-time. $2000- 4000 plus full-time. Full training, free booklet explains. Call 416-631-3581. www.workfromhomeglobally.c om Access code #102. (19tfn) VANASTRA RECREATIONAL CENTRE is looking for Aquatic Staff, available to work Mon. -Fri., days and evenings. Must have current N.L.S. and Red Cross instructor awards, to apply send resume and copy of awards to Vanastra Recreation Centre, 26 Toronto Blvd., Vanastra, Ont. NOM 1LO. Attention: Lissa Berard (35) 1 insertion $11.77 2 insertions $23.54 3rd insertion . free 30 word maximum 150 for each additional word - PAYMENT METHODS All-classItred ads must be prepaid. • • Cash • Cheque (with ID) • Money Order • • VISA- • MasterCard 4 Help Wanted IRONWQ. GOLF CliUB Temp Mature Stat. Required for inside and out. Apply by Resume at Clubhouse. ~eta FOOD MARKET ASSISTANT DELI MANAGER MEAT WRAPPED Staffen's Food Market reran experienced Assistant MI Manager at their St. Mays location. This is a ftil-time position that includes a full range of benefits for the successtw carididate. Presse submit your resume in person to: Deli Manager, Donna Gardner or Store Manager, Mike Steffen. Staffen's also requires a Pat -unit Meat Wrapper in their Meat Department. Day time hours. Please submit -your resume in person to: Meat Bernd Groge� r 5 Business Opportunities Are you interested in creating a substantial residual income working from your home? $21- 5000.00/month is notunheard of in this industryi Pleases I 1L877-549-905. P"Pfease check your ad on the - first day it appears to ensure- . �.y 4 *c rr sdfiaj.d�Gat.` n• S illess. tluvrtunitfes • BECOME A LICENSED HAIRSTYLIST Festival School of Hairsiylng, Stratford is acoepiig registration for their September doses Make-up Artistry and Nail Technology offered at no extra charge. Financial assistance available for those who qualify. For further Information Call 511-271-9551 6 services TELEPHONE -TV CABLE INSTALLATIONS Prewire houses -Repair wiring - Install jacks for phones- modems-intemet PETER MCFALLS 235-0368 ATTENTION VACUUM. OWNERS --,Have a problem with yourver - call your expert. (18 years experience) Work ort; most brands. Have parts. Call-.; your local Electrolux man. 235-1164. (33-35*).... . n ; Mrs. Plourell's- We have twinned 241 Pizzas and Mrs. Powell's® Cinnamon Rolls and the results have been incredible. Great location in Exeter, Ontario, Hwy. #4 and #83, next to Subway®. BALL 1-877241-0241 '��