HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes Advocate, 1999-09-01, Page 17Scouts Canada m
Scouts Canada District Commissioner Teresa Moller, left and Atironta Regional
Commissioner Hugh Gissing present Karen Redmond of Auburn with a Medal of
Merit and Bill Stauttener of Bayfield with a Medal for Good Service.The presenta-
tion took place at the Exeter Lions Youth Centre Aug. 23 during a Scouts Canada
Appreciation party planned
for bean festival volunteers
BySweeney ' ? ` ° The family of Laurene Corriveau held
Carmel �-� � •
ZURICH CORRESPONDENT t q a reunion recently at a cottage near St.
Joseph with about 50 people attending.
ZURICH - The sun shone brightly for The annual Smith family reunion was
the annual bean festival last Saturday. held recently at the farm of Bob and
The hard work of many people made Trudy Smith, RR #1 Dashwood.
the weekend a big success. A 25th anniversary party was held for
The car show and Cruise Night fol- Tony and Sandy Regier of Michigan at
lowed by fireworks brought out a good their cottage in Sunset Cove on August
crowd Friday evening. On Saturday the 28.•
r ` good food, street market, midway, frog Welcome to town, Larry and Tammie
jumping contest and outdoor entertain- Bourne and son who have moved from
meat brought many people out. The the Varna area into the former home of
profit will go towards the arena Marty and Julie Becker on Goshen St. N.
fundraising project. The Becker family is now living on
Zurich telephone area can now call Centre St. in town. . •
London and other areas freee charge. Beat wishes for a Speedy recovery go
An appreciation get-together is being to Ann Finlay, Dashwood, who is in hos-
planned for all those who worked at the pital.
bean festival on Saturday. It will be held Dan Eybergen Jr. and friends from
on September 12 at the Town and Oakville biked from Kitchener, begin -
Country Lanes in Zurich. If you plan to ning at 7 a.m. on Friday morning and
attend, phone Cynthia Strickland at 236- arrived at his cottage in Grand Bend at
7114 or president Jody Durand at. 236- 2:30 p.m.
7374 as soon as possible. Michele Gelinas returned home to B.C.
Anyone wishing to purchase I.P.M. `99 on Sunday after spending the past
gate passes may call Gerry and Diane month in Zurich with parents Mozart
Thiel at 236-4606. They are available in and Marie Gelinas Sr. and twin sister
single or multiple quantities at $1(4 Melissa and family in Orleans.
each. -!'!"-"'','="'Relatives from Holland are visiting for
The winner of the St. Boniface C.W.L. five weeks at the home of Arnold and
quilt at the bean festival on Saturday Coby Vandenboomen at Hesswoods.
was Marilee Ayotte of Zurich. Celebrating birthdays this week are:
Winners of the K. of C. St. Boniface Brian Gelinas, August 31 and Carmel
Council were: Debra Pfeffer, Belgrave Sweeney on August 30.
($500); Christine Durand, London (hope A 70th birthday party was held for
chest); Anna 13. Keller, Exeter George Mathonia on Sunday at their
(Excavator). home in Zurich. Relatives from Germany
The Monday Night Ladies Bowling and Virginia attending. His actual birth -
League will be starting at the Town and day was August 27.
Country Lanes on September 13 at 7 Rachelle Beauchamp spent the sum -
p.m. Anyone interested in joining a team mer months in Zurich with parents Don
are to phone Marlene Bedard at 236- and Elaine. She has now returned to
4923 as soon as possible. Sault Ste. Marie where she Ls attending
Blue Water Auxiliary members are Lawson Hall College for the second year.
reminded that the meetings will be - -
starting on September 7 at the Home at
7 p.m. Everyone is welcome.
Winner of the Star Quilt made by the Ride
Blue Water Rest Home Auxiliary was
Kathy Graham, Sarnia. no charges
On August 25, Joshua Geoffrey cele-
brated his eleventh birthday.
Cathy Vanneste and Michael Mazurek
were married at St. Boniface Church on
August 28 by Pr. Mario Cassar. She is
the daughter of Marcel and Simonne
Vanneste of RR #2 Kippen.
GRAND BEND — North Lambton
OPP organized a ride check at
Ontario and Main streets on Aug. 26.
Police report 55 cars were checked
between 1:15 a.m.-2:30 a.in. and no
violations were observed.
Blue Vater residents tour
plowing match site
ZURICH - The residents of Blue Water
Rest Home travelled through history at
St. Joseph's Park recently. The newly
renovated park setting with paving
stones and park benches . refreshed
many memories of dais of yore. Neil
Mustard, Carman Lovie, Bernice Cann,
Philippa Steckle, Eben Wel; 4, Harry
Mas, Margaret Hess, Ethe' ire and
Vera Haberer remember my of the
events as they sipped on i etreshments
under the mature trees. Volunteer bus
driver Jim Purvis took the residents on
a bus tour of the future sight . of the
International Plowing Match. What once
was a field for harvest, has turned into.
many buildings, tents, hydro poles,
flower beds and fenced areas for future
The men's group met Tuesday after-
noon to discuss many topics in the cur-
rent issue of the London Free Press.
During their reminiscing the men
sipped on tea and cookies.
Barbara . Shephard, the retired
Director of Nursing of Blue Water
opened her doors Wednesday afternoon
to welcome many of her former
charges. They viewed the lake from the
deck, found shelter in Shephard's home
from an afternoon drizzle and enjoyed
petting "Stitches", a golden retriever.
The Townliners entertained the resi-
dents on Thursday evening. Phyllis
Deichert on piano, Max Ducharme on
violin, Harvey Smith and: Cork Bedard
on guitar, and George Mathoniaon
accordion provided old time music for
dancing and toe tapping. Refreshments
were ,served by Auxiliary volunteers
Louise Hayter, Lottie Grenier and
Carmel Sweeney. : s: °
Zuricb was a -buzz on Saturday with
the annual Bean Festival. Ervin
Steinmann assisted the Cann family by
providing driver service for the wheel-
chair bus to allow Bernice a chance to
sample baked, beans, pork chops and
.the works with her husband Art, son
Roger and family and sister Gwen
Whilsmith and husband Art.
• Mabel Gilfillan enjoyed some home
• .cooking at the home of her daughter
Barb Regier on August 25. Her grand-
son Jason assisted with the wheelchair
bus for the outing.
The Auxiliary had their annual quilt
draw at the Bean Festival and the win-
ner of this year's Star Quilt was a Sarnia
woman, Cathy Graham.
Adeline Denomy is relaxing after cele-
. brating 95 years with family and friends
On August 13. Hilda McAdams enjoyed
her birthday with herfamily on August
16. Beatrice Eagleson,: Clarence Gascho
and Geraldine Charrette celebrated
their birthdays on August 22. George
Chapman enjoyed his birthday with his
daughter Pat Bain of Mississauga on
August 30.
"To the Queen Mother of Canada With
Love" was the name of the afternoon
video on August 30.
The residents look forward to a picnic
in Goderich on August 31; Cork Bedard
and Friends on September 3; a Men's
Group trip ,to Penhale's Carriage Works;
the Auxffiary 'ary on September 7; and a trip.
to the Pioneer. Threshers' Reunion: in
Blyth on member .10.
uonAdult Day
EXETER - The Huron
Adult 'Day Centre has
been having lots of fun
this summer. Temporarily
located at the Christian
Reformed Church on
Jeep clips
four pafked.
EXETER -- One of
Exeter's busiest inter-
sections looked like a
movie crash scene after
an incident on
Saturday night (Aug.
Kimberly Caldwell,
33, of Main St. in
Dashwood is charged
with careless driving
after she lost control of
the Jeep she was dri-
ving southbo nd on
Main St. In
Ex4ter at
John St. at about 11
p.m. London OPP
Const. Doug Graham
said Caldwell lost con-
trol of her vehicle and
struck four parked
vehicles on the west
side of Main St.
A teenage girl from
Hensall who was sitting
on the curb with a
friend had her foot run
over by one of the
parked cars that had
moved forward
because of the impact.
She was treated for her
injury at South Huron
Huron -Street in Exeter
until facilities in the South
Huron Hospital are ready
later this year. The pro-
gram meets twice a week
on Tuesdays and
Thursdays from 10:30 to
3:30 p.m. Seniors, who
choose to live indepen-
dently in the community
and who require " assis-
tance to do so, participate
in a wide variety of physi-
cal and social activities. In
July during western days
we discussed the Calgary
Stampede and played cow
paddy' toss. The • next
week the group talked
about exploring outer
space and played space
August has been filled
with music and picnics.
A piano sing -a -long plus
entertainment was held
by Murray Christie and by
Fred and 1 Eva
Vanderheide. In
September the group is
looking forward to an ice
cream parlour and later a
coffee break fund raiser
for the Alzheimer Society
on the 23rd. Anyone
interested in joining the
centre as either a client
or volunteer should call
Anne or MaryT4s=
t 235-
4600. f.:•
SUPER SALE continues through
Saturday, Sept. 4/99
LAST TIME you will see prices like this
It k 114 all.
GRAND BEND 238-2110
Hwy. 83 E (2 mitis from the water plant)
Mon. -Wed. 9-5i Thors.-Frl. 9-TiSat 14-4