HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes Advocate, 1999-09-01, Page 1616 Exeter Times -Advocate f - Wed>lsdtay, September 1, 1999 Restructuring discussed at W.I. By Roberta Templeman TAFFA COMESPONDENT STAFFA - President Kay Smale hosted the August meeting of the Staffa Women's Institute at her home on August 25. with 11 members present. Smale presided, opening with the Institute Ode and Mary Stewart Collect. The minutes of the previ- ous meeting were read by secretary Claudette Elliott. Margaret Daynard introduced Pat Taylor, who spoke to the group about restructuring taking place in West Perth. The process began in January 1996 and Is working well at the present time. The roll call was answered by naming a Canadian law which they appreciated: Doris Miller read a funny joke and Esther Smale gave some. household hints. A poem was read by Esther, as a memorial to Mrs. Stella Worden, a life member of the Staffa Women's Institute. Upcoming events were discussed: the fall rally October 20 in Mitchell; the District directors meeting September .13 at Harrington; 8 visit to Stratford museum = on September 29; an invitation from Avonton .Branch as they cr lebrate 75 years of W.I. work on October 27; and the London Area Convention on October 28. , Barb Hartman and boys, Terry and John, visited with John and Roberta Templeman on Wednesday evening.. Mary Jane, Cassandra and Stuart Parsons visited with John and Roberta Templeman on Thursday evening. Community Kids Club Before anthtfter School program offered in Hengrall By Liz Sangster HENSALLICattantiata HENSALL - The September meeting of the Hensall and District Horticultural Society will be held on Sept. 7 at the Hensall United Church at 7:30 p.m. The speaker will be Martin Quinn who will discuss ornamental grass- es. Please note due to the re -location to the United Church, all meetings will now be held on Tuesdays. At Carmel Presbyterian Church, Tracy-Annettee Whitson-Bahro's message was "Does Christian Freedom have Its limits?" Dorothy Taylor was the organist. The offering was received Ivy Al Hogarth and Harry Smith. Several visitors from Hensall United Church were present. Kids Club Before and After School program will once again be offered at Hensall Public School. This program is licensed by the Ministry of. Community and Soda' Services. School -aged children are supervised by a spe- cially trained teacher, from 7 a.m. to 6 p.m. (excluding the regular school hours). Nutritious snacks are provided. For more information, or registration, call 262- 3025. The program is available full-time, part- time and casually, but spaces are limited so call early. Architectural. aspects of Quebec shown in slide presentation at Zurich Senior Diners ZURICH - Twenty-seven members of the Zurich Senior Diners met on August 11. The 50/50 draw was won by Ila O'Rourke. Progressive euchre was played with Francis Ayotte winning high, Mary_ Reichert winning second high and Elizabeth Grainger winning most lone hands. On August 18 the Senior Dinars met with 36 people in attendance. 199 I ins • • y Consolidated. Statement of Operations for theyear ended December 31, 1998 Budget Actual Sources of Financing Requisition on Local Municipalities Grants Government of Canada 715.72 Province of Ontario 39.334,151 Other municipalities 535,962 Other Investment income 640,202 Fees and service charges 3.715,020 Rents 925,482 Sale of Equipment 297,758 Miscellaneous 71,799 Fund Balances at the Beginning of the Year To be used to offset taxation 604,270 604,270 Actual 14Q$ 122ii 1421 S $ .24Q82,145 18,402.098 8.958.717 689,581. 25,897,506 491.356 105,837 15,892,389 331,847-- 688,140 304,683 3.332,604 3,504,000 919,582 934.278 297.758 289,600 121,006 A Current Operations General government Protection to persons and property - protective inspection - emergency measures Transportation services Environmental services Health services Social and family services Recreation and cultural services Plann0Ag and dev`lopmcnt Capital General government � t'. _ '¢ _ 183,000 Transportation services ::< <�� ° �= -z ' 594,000 Health services _, _` ' 30,E Social and family servicer -'` 114,000 Recreation and cultural services 79,000 Planning and development 22,000 53,922,513 51.612,495 3,017,487 2.336.260 250,100 70,804 9.242,549 100,000 4,971,039 28,728,655 1,854,070 1,583,251 233,841 87,775 8,153,141 85,084 4;297,413 26,862,132 1,789,008 1,526,661 49,817,955 . 45.371,315 Net Appropriations to (from) Reserves and Reserve Funds Fund Balances at the End of the Year To be used to offset taxation 671,122 31.423,879 1,534,401) 209,018 6,253,094 199,558 1,803,865 11,447,999 2,006,369 1,642,484 25,096,787 *4= •. 183,0811+: 314,527 }• 593,688 is 375,666 ')-. ' 29,936 118,102 113,839 384,256 78,974 103,095 21,696 8,978 1,022,000 1,021, 214 1,304,624 4,418,198 604,270 31.423,879 3,082,558 4,141,558 14011,408 53,922,513 5116 495 The 50V50 ' tlhaw was mol- lam:Ann Flaxbard. Phylis Deichert entertained by showing and explaining the many slides she had taken of buildings and places she had seen on her trips to Quebec. Marg Hayter thanked her for coming and she also made some announcements. Thirty-three Senior Diners enjoyed a roast beef dinner on August 25. The 50/50 draw was won by Ann Flaxbard. 'Happy Birthday' was sung to Dolly Jeffrey, Rose Regier and Kay Hay. Bingo was played with winners Orland Swartzentruber, Mary Waters, Tony Denomme and Reta Snyder. A T.V. dinner was won by Marj Reichert. Card games were played. AUDITORS REPORT To tt►e Members of Council, Innabitants and Ratepayers Of the Corporation of the County of Huron We have audited the oonsoiidated balance sneet of the Corporation of the County of Huron as at December 31. 1998 and the consolidated statement of ooerations for the year then ended. These statements are the responsibility of the county's management. Our responsibility is to exoress an opinion on these financial statements based on our audit. We conducted our audit in accordance with generally accepted auditing standards. Those standards require that tie plan and perform an audit to obtain reasonable assurance whether the finandai statements are free of matenal misstatement An audit iricsudes examining, on a test basis evidence. supporting the amounts and disclosures in the financial statements. An audit also assessing the accounting petnciptes used end significant estimates .rnaoe managemenmanagement.a8 wel as i1 ating over 1..: I statenietit presentatii.r:.` ` r°• `i l . 1)11,0 `.) ` jl in our opinion, triose consolidated financial .statements present fairly the tinangat_t Ilion of the•Coiporation of the County of Huron as at December 31 1998 and the results of its operation for the year nun molded in accordance with the accounting prinapies disclosed in note 1 to the financial statement. • - Godench, Ontano 00. lege • grarha• 41.044- sticdhiejs, Consolidated BalanceS.heet at at December 31,1998 142$ $ Chartered Accountants 142 5 Unrestricted Cash on hand and in ban,. .. _ 6,731,146 4,062,996 Due to general funds trom reserve,tunds (407.531) 712,104 Accounts receivable 1.165,147 - 508,114 Other current asset,. 209,196 , 200,069 Restricted Cash on hand and to bank Investments Unamortized premium (discount) Less: Due from reserve funds to general funds Liabililastandimillalansta 7,697.958 5,483,283 7.362,000 2.189.096 3,751,347 6,480,018 (7,508) (26.638) 11.105.839 8,642,476 407,531 (712,104) 11.513,370 7.930.372 19,211,328 13,413,655 Liabilities Accounts payable and accrued liabilities 4,065,503 2,883,526 Fund balances at the end of the year To be used to offset taxation Reserves r � p Reserve and Reserve Fund Operrations Revenue Transfers and Expenditure Year End Isosition of Reserves and Reserve Funds • t 1,078,408 2,554,047 11,513,370 604,270 1,995,487 7,930,372 19,211, 328 13,413,655 7,068,825 6,601,898 ��- '` 2,927,267 2,183,700 4fi 1+. 1 Q67.41.7 9,925,859 - NOTES 1. These Financial Highlights reflect the operations, assets and liabilities of the County of Huron including the following: Huron County Library Board, and the Huron County Board of Health. • 2. The Huron Addiction Services Program, the Healthy Babies/Healthy Children Program, and the Heart Health Program administered by the Huron County Board of Health and funded entirely by the Pt'ovince of Ontario are not consolidated. 3. Copies of the audited financial report from which these highlights were extracted may be examined at the office of the Clerk -Administrator, County of Huron Court Hou Square, Goderich, Ontario. Carol Mitchell Warden Ken Nix, C.M.A. 'Measurer