HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes Advocate, 1999-08-04, Page 21Wednesday, August 4, 1999
Faxen news
Register farm business byAug. 31
The Exeter Saddle Club held a riding show in Exeter on Sunday. Participants of all
ages took part in the event. During the competition 32 events were held.Above:
Hensall's Matt Mousseau, 16, during his ride in the Jr.A's Down and Back event.
Bulls show
their stuff
SEAFORTH �-- Not all
cows are created equal-
To beet reveal how a
bull's genetics can
affect daughters, orga-
nizers of the Huron
County Holstein Show
have organized a new
attraction -- a progeny
Several dairy farmers
will be entering cows in
this non-competitive
display. The cows will
be daughters of two of
the Holstein breed's top
bulls: Robthom
Integrity, a well-
respected superior type
sire and Second -Look.
Jolt, Canada's highest
'New Class Extra' sire.
A progeny review
gives fanners and spec-
tators a chance to see
how a bull's genetics
are truly reflected in his
daughters. It's valuable
information for dairy
farmers who often rely
solely on genetic index-
es and classification
numbers when breed-
ing their cows. Plus, the
display will allow spec-
tators to get a close-up
view of ' some of the
county's . finest. Holstein:
The very best Holstein
cattle in 'the county will
be led around the ring
as dairy farmers com-
plete for the coveted
Premier Exhibitor
award. The annual
show allows dairy farm-
ers to exhibit their top
dairy cows and heifers
to win prizes and see
how their cattle com-
pare to other breeder's
cattle. Frank Donkers of
Branchton will be judg-
ing the event.
More than 100 cattle
are expected to be
shown at the show on
Friday, August 13 at the
Seaforth Agricultural
Park in Seaforth. The
show starts at 6 p.m.
and is open to the pub-
GUELPH - Farmers class tax rate.
who have not yet regis- lithe property is rented,
tered their farm business the tenant who is farming
with the Ontario Ministry the land, rather than the
of Agriculture, Food and " landlord, must have a
Rural Affairs (OMAFRA)
for 1999 must register by
Aug. 31 to maintain their
eligibility for the farmland
property tax class.
Under the Farm
Registration and Farm
Organizations funding registered early this year.
Act, Ontario farmers who A reminder letter w a s
sent in June to farmers
who had not yet regis-
tered. The final opportu-
nity for registering a farm
business is Aug. 31.
For more information or
to obtain a registration
form, farmers should call
1-800-469-2285; write to
the Farm
farm registration number.
Farm business registra-
tion forms have been sent
to eligible farm business-
es on record from previ-
ous years and 50,000
businesses have already
have a gross farm income
of $7,000 or more per
year are required to reg-
ister their business with
OMAFRA during the first
three months of each
The farm business reg-
istration number is one of
the eligibility criteria for
the farmland property
Sales yard report from Brussels Livestock
Total receipts at Brussels
Livstock for the week ending
July 29 were 1684 head of cat-
tle, 269 lambs and 65 goats.
On Friday the stocker calves
sold at steady prices with the
yearlings fed steers and heifers
sold on a steady market.. Cows
also sold steady. On Thursday
veal and lambs sold steady.
There were 457 fed steers on
offer selling from 89.00 to
94.00 to the high of 109.00.
A limo steer consigned by
Jerry Cronin, Dublin weighing
1185 lbs. sold to Dominion
Packers for 101.50 with his
overall offering of three steers
averaging 1326 lbs. selling for
an average of 94.47. • -`
A limo steer consigned by
Cunningham Farms, Lucan
weighing 1125 lbs. sold for
Aylmer Meat Packers for
100.75 with their overall over-
ing of 42 steers averaging 1330
lbs. selling for an average price
of 93.01.
Two steers consigned by Ron
Gordon, Blyth averaging 1345
lbs. sold for an average of 94.84
with sales to 97.00.
Four steers consigned by
George Adams, Brussels aver-
aging 1440 lbs. sold for an
average of 93.86 -with sales to
Thirty steers consigned by
Allan Rundle, Exeter averaging
1320 lbs. sold for an average of
93.64 with a limo steer weigh-
- ing 1315 lbs: sold for Gross
Abattoir Co. Ltd. for 97.00.
Eight steers consigned by
Dave Bender, Palmerston aver-
aging 1348 lbs. sold for an
average of 93.03 with sales to
Eleven steers consigned by
Lorne Benedict, Kerwood aver-
aging 1396 lbs .sold for an
average of 92.53 with sales to
Twelve steers consigned by
Alton O'Neil, Lucan averaging
1329 lbs. sold for an average of
92.49 with a gold steer weigh-
ing 1250 lbs. selling to
Highland Packers Limited for
There were 259 fed heifers
on offer sellin: from 89.00 to
94.00 to the of 111.50.
A read and white heifer con-
signed by Hugh Love, Atwood
weighing 1130 lbs. sold to
Norwich Packers for 111.50
with his overall offering of
seven heifers averaging 1246
lbs. selling for an average of
A RWF heifer consigned by
Johnston Farms, Bluevale
weighing 1040 lbs. purchased
by Gross Abattoir Co. Ltd. for
104.00 with their overall offer-
ing of 24 heifers averaging
1172 lbs. selling for an Average
price of 95.31.
Seven heifers consigned by
Dale Gammie, Lucknow aver-
aging 987 lbs. sold for a aver-
age of 93.40 with sales to.
Nineteen heifers consigned by
Kada Farms, Bluevale averag-
ing 1203 lbs. sold for an aver-
age of 92.36 , a limo heifer
weighing 1120 lbs. sold to
Dominion Meat Packers for
Fifty-eight heifers consigned
by Stan Francis, Kirkton aver-
aging 1151 lbs. $old for an
average of 91.63, with sales to
There were 168 cows on offer
saving: D1 & D2 cows 55.00 to
60.00 to the high of 70.00. D3
cows 50.00 to 55.00. D4 cows
45.00 to 50.00.
Four hol cows consigned by.
Albert Middlecamp, Ripley
averaging 1266 lbs. sold for an
Areyou' a FORMER? Are you
ver 50years ofAGoAGE?
Are you within 15 kilometers of Exeter? Are you
interested in improving the servers financial
institutions provide in your community?
We are looking for couples or single farmers interested in
voicing their opinions in a focus group? We pay $50.00 for
a single farmer and $75.00 for farmers with their spouses.
No marketing will take place and you will not be contacted •
at a later date. This is market research for a business
interested in serving the Local farming community with
better services directed at their needs. The meeting will
take place at the Exeter Town Hall on August 10, 1999 at
7:30 p.m.
To register call Tim Hoyland at 643-8473. Leave your
return phone number, the type of farming you are working
in, and whether your spouse will also be attending. We
have 16 available spots on a first come first serve basis.
average of 59.34 with sales to
One limo cow consigned by
Dave McClinchey, Auburn
weighing 1510 lbs. sold for
Two hol cows consigned by
Breeze Brae Farms, Bluevale
averaging 1630 lbs. sold for an
average of 62.32 with sales . to
There were 7 bulls on offer
selling rom 58.50 to 77.00 to
the high of 92.50.
One blue Belgium bull con-
signed by Keith Watt, Bothwell
weighing 1660 lbs. sold for
There were 268 veal on offer:
Beef: 90.00 to 128.50 Hol:
90.00 to 110.00. Plain hol:
75.00 to 90.00.
Lambs: 59-65 lbs. 99.00 tq/
127.50. 65-80 lbs. 88.00 to.
122.00. 80 - 95 lbs. 90.00 to
112.50. 95-110 lbs. 82.50 to
103.00. Sheep 57.00 to 67.50.
Goats $25.00 to $127.50.
Stockers: Steers Under 400
lbs. 128.00 to 163.00; 400-499
lbs. 134.00 to 146.00; 500-599
lbs. 124.00 to 137.00; 600-699
lbs. 109.00 to 129.00; 700-799
lbs 103.00 to 116.00; 800-899
lbs. 104.00 to 110.50; 900 and
over lbs. 95.50 to 107.50.
Heifers - 300-399 lbs. 106.00
to 110.00; 400-499 lbs. 81.00 to
111.00; 500-599 lbs. 106.00 to
122.00; 600-699 lbs. 103.00 to
117.00; 700-799 lbs. 100.00 to
113.75; 800-899 lbs. 95.00 to
106.50; 900 and over lbs. 88.00
Lo 102.50.
Plain stockers: 47.00 to
Tax Unit, OMAFRA, 2nd
floor, 1 Stone Rd. W.,
Guelph, NIG 4Y2; visit
their local OMAFRA field
office or the ministry's
Web site
Applications must -
include a $150 cheque
payable to one of the
accredited general farm
organizations -- the
Ontario Federation of
Agriculture or the
Christian Farmers
Federation of Ontario.
The membership fee ismb...
required for farm regis-
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