HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes Advocate, 1999-07-14, Page 18i8 eilitettlimeasLadvocatii p'• Business Wednesday. July 14, 1999 Lucan Pool staif 1999 The Lucan Pool estaff for 1999 is: front row (I -r): Daryl Boshart, jon Smith and back row (1-r): Lynn Cowdrey, Robyn -Hodge and Ben Hobbie. Public swims will be held Mon. - Fri.2-4 p.m. and 6:30-8 p.m. and Sat. - Sun. 1:30-4:30 p.m.The pool staff will also be running a Safety Awareness Day, Mini Olympics and Midnight Swim this summer. For more information call 227-1278. Is it time for a millenium Is the sight from your old clunker scaring the neigh- bours? Is the rust so thick on your car, that youve forgotten its original color? Are their environ- mentalists picketing in your driveway? Do little children tell ghost stories about your car? If you answered yes to any of the above ques- tions, its time to treat yourself .to a. millennium makeover! Start the year 2000 with a tax receipt in, your pock ; et and a new look to your driveway! (you can actual- ly see all of it!) The Kidney Car Program can help you! Donate your car to The Kidney Foundation and you will get a tax receipt for at least $75.00 and a free Scotiabank &Trust Y2K ready EXETER ` --- Exeter's Scotiabank & Trust staff donned special T-shirts emblazoned with the message `We're Ready for You',. last Wednesday to get the message out their bank is Y2K com- pliant. Scotiabank is prepared for the Year 2000 and have issued a guarantee to their customers their holdings and records will be safe • when Jan. 1, 2000 rolls around. The bank has been ad- dressing the problem since 1995 and has ded- icated 400 people and $160 million to the prob- lem. The Canadian Bankers Association said in a press release Canada's banks are now in the fi- nal stages of their Y2K preparations, confirming their system's readiness, verifying their links with other final institutions and checking interfaces with other service pro- viders. Canada's major banks are acknowledged as leaders on the Year 2000 issue and as a whole, the industry is well- prepared. Exeter's Scotiabank & Trust staff wore bank is ready for the Y2K bug. ;hints last Wednesday announcing the tow. Donations are used to fund organ donor aware- ness, research, public edu- cation and patient ser- vices. You will be helping dialysis and transplant patients as well as dispos- ing of that unwanted vehi- cle in a environmentally friendly and convenient manner. You'll not only get a new look in your front Protecting your property by engraving EXETER - The Ontario Provincial Police are encouraging the public to mark their property to prevent theft. All OPP detachments have mutual .pro- tect engravers that the public is free to borrow. These engravers can be used to mark property like bikes, stereos, Global Positioning Systems, canoes, watches, cell phones and pagers. Upon returning the engraver the OPP will give you mutual protect stickers to show would-be thieves your property is marked. Call your local OPP detachment for more details. Exeter's detachment can be reached by calling 235-1300. Denfield Livestock sales yard. report Denfield Livestock Sales Market report for July 6. The market at Denfield Livestock Sales traded on a selective demand on all but the fancy cattle. Fancy cat- tle traded $1.00 to $2.00 lower` with the second cut cattle under pressure $2.00 to $4.00 lower,. mostly due to the announcement of a 4.37% duty charged on all Canadian cattle going to the U.S.A. Cows sold active at fully steady prices. Stockers were steady, veal steady, pigs, sows and boars were also steady. Bob Hodgins, Lucan sold 10 steers average weight 1385 average price 94.10 with sales to 98.25 pur- chased by Matthew Heleniak for Norwich Packers. Ernie Tellier, Tilbury sold 6 steers average weight 1374 average price 94.58 with sales to 105.25 pur- chased by Case Dendekker. Emmerson Majors, Thorndale sold 29 "steers average weight 1256 aver- age price 88.75. Prospect Feedlot, Wyoming sold 9 heifers. average weight 1183 aver- age price 89.74 with sales to 97.75 purchased by Case Dendekker. Jerry Goens, of Highgate 22 short keep steers aver- age weight 1142 average price 91.80. Choice steers: 93.00- 98.00, sales to 105.25; Good steers: 88.00-93.00; Plain steers: 80.00-85.00; • Choice Exotic Cross heifers: 90.00-95.00 sales to 97.75; Good heifers: 86.00- 89.00; Common and medi- um: 75.00-85.00; Good cows: 55.00-60.00 sales to 65.00. Canners and cutters: 45.00-53.00; Shells: 35.00- 45.00; Direct to packer cows over 600 lbs.: 115.00; Direct to packer bulls: 120.00; Good veal 80.00- 90.00; Plain veal 65,00- 75.00; Good Holstein bull calves $130.00-$230.00. Pigs 50-60 lb. 70.00-75.00. Sows 35.00-43.00. Boars 20.00-26.00. 1st & 2nd Mortgage MIONEY5% eAVAILst or less�ABLersonaE aLoans Totally Unsecured it you qualify, monthly payments astow as ee Amt ty • aayt. id,� 51.255 ,000 UP TO $ir0,000. We specialize clificult mortgages. Local 364-0450 1(800) 381.1932 Astral Funding Inc. yard, but youll be helping your community and the environment as well! For more information please call the local office at 1-519-742-2023/1-800- 667-3597 or the Kidney Car Program hot-line at 1-800-565-5511. Business Directory AUCTIONEER • cFii&ift,sMoidon, FULLY LICENSED & BONDED, CALL OR FAX (519) 666-0833 Pick up end sales of complete ei partial estates. Spealel zh,g M Farm, Real Estate, and Gen Sank. Serving the community and area for over 40 REPAIRS rSewing Machine , Repairs to all makes Free estimates 90 Day Warranty Experienced since 1952 Sew and Save Centre Ltd. 1. 149 Downie St., Stratford Phone 271-9660 A well prepared resume will help you get the job you are looking for! A resume detailing an applicant's work history and education is extremely helpful to an employer who is seeking a person for a specific job vacancy. Your personal resume should accompany your tetter of application. Here are some guidelines to follow in preparing your. resume: O Make it clear, concise and easy to read • and no longer than two pages O !The resume should be typed on 8 1/2" x 11" white paper with enough white space to prevent a cluttered look O Start with your name, address and phone number O Next under a sub -heading "Work History" detail the previous jobs you've held - in reverse date order -that is, last job first. O Use a separate paragraph for each position and precede it with the dates you held that position. O State the job title, a brief description of the responsibilities - and the results you. achieved. O The next section of your resume should come"under the sub -heading of "Education". Start with the highest degree obtained or grade completed, followed by the name of the institution at which you studied. Follow this with previous education attainments. At the end, list any specific instructional courses yep have attended in conjunction with your work. O Under the sub -heading "Affiliations", list memberships and/or offices held in professional or industry associations. O Under the sub -heading "Personal Interests" list any activities which you feel will be of interest to the employer - such as volunteer work, etc. Your letter of application and your resume wilt be tfie factors that make the employer decide whether to short list you for an interview. So make it as impressive as you can - but stick to the facts. We can help you get an impressive and professional -looking resume Call Debbie Lord at • 424 Main St. Exeter (519) 235-1331