HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes Advocate, 1999-06-23, Page 4040
Exeter Times -Advocate
Wednesday, June 23, 1999
Local author speaks at Grand BendThankoffering service
tom... GRAND BEND - The last
euchre of the 1998-99
season was held June 9 at
the Legion Hall with eight
tables in play. Winners
were: ladies high Barb
Davidson; ladies low Elda
Adams; lone hands, a tie
between Lou Hamilton
and Dee Rath; mens high
Hugh Griffin; mens s low
Evelyn Watral; lone
hands, a tie between John
Kelders, Mary Wallen,
Kay Farquhar and Cleve
Grand Bend United
Church Women met June
10 at Old Orchard Park
Condos for their annual
potluck picnic at 12:30
p.m. They ate lunch at
tables around the pool -
side. Hostesses were Joan
Eagleson, Lola Jackson
and Norma Walper. Edna
Frampton gave the wor-
ship as she .talked about
gardens, family and
friends, and how they
both need attention and
Hazel Broad spoke
about World Outreach
and about volunteers in
the church. She said the
gift of time is a gift of
She also read a letter
from Karen and Bill Butt,
based in Mapata, working
for Christian Council of
Business was conducted
Out of sight
ZURICH — A public edu-
cation workshop on July
10 will raise your infor-
mation and awareness
level about septic systems.
Through a series of
guest speakers with
expertise in this area, you
will learn about these
commonly asked ques-
What is the purpose of
your septic system and
how does it work?
What are the laws and
responsibilities involved
with owning your septic
How can your septic sys-
tem be properly main-
tained to last longer and
save money?
What are the `health
risks associated with sep-
tic systems?
How does water conser-
vation increase the lifes-
pan and performance of
your septic system?
All of this and more will
be explained at the work-
shop which will be held in
the gymnasium at Zurich
Public School in Zurich on
Saturday, July 10, 10 a.m.
to 1 p.m.
"Out of Sight, Out of
Mind" is part of a water
quality improvement pro-
ject initiated by the Huron
County Interagency
Committee in the
out of mind
Hay/Zurich/St. Joseph
The workshop was con-
ceived by the Steering
Committee fbr the project,
which is made up of local
residents interested in
and concerned about the
environmental health of
their community.
Sponsors for the event
include the Ausable
Bayfield Conservation
Authority, Huron County
Health Unit, Huron
County Planning and
Development Department,
Huron Green Community
Initiative, Huron
Stewardship Council,
Township of Hay, and
Village of Zurich.
Any person interested in
learning more about what
happens "after the flush"
is invited to attend.
If you have any ques-
tions, call Dave Morlock at
the ' Ausable Bayfield
Conservation Authority
(519) 235-2610.
by president Joyce
Thompson and minutes
were read by Bertie
A letter was read from
Geri Wright in Queen
Charlotte who was for-
merly the U.C.W. treasur-
Plans were discussed for
the bake, craft and gar-
den produce sale on
August 4 at 11 a.m.
Seventeen women
answered . the roll by
naming a frieu �o
needs a prayer
The next m' ,vill
be held September 9.
June 13 was the annual
U.C.W. Thankoffering ser-
vice at Grand Bend
. United Church. U.C.W.
president Joyce
Thompson presided. The
guest speaker was
Gwyneth J. Whilsmith, a
sister of member Lola
Jackson. Whilsmith is
noted in the community
as author of several
Prelude piano music
was played by Maggi
Glena Horner told a
childrens story on trust-
ing Cod. Scripture read-
ings were given by Edna
The choir's anthem was
entitled "Great is Thy
Faithfulness". Prayers of
the People were given by
Ann Lawton, and hi clos-
ing Laura Flewelling gave
the U.C.W. benediction.
Greeters and offering
collectors were Loreen
Gill, Joan Eagleson,
Ainslie Murdock, Carrie
Illman, Charlie Love and
Amy Jennison.
Pentecost IV and the
sacrament of Holy
Communion were
observed on June 20 at
Grand Bend United
Rev. Putman was in
charge and in his medita-
tion spoke on fear, saying
the right kind of fear is
good for people.
The choir's anthem was
"I feel the winds of God
Organist and choir
leader Elva McIntyre was
thanked and given a cor-
Prayers of the People
were said by Sherwood
Eddy. Word was received
of the death of a long time
member and friend to
many, Geri Wright of
Queen Charlotte Island,
B.C. She was predeceased
by her husband Lorne
Wright a few weeks ago.
Outdoor services begin
June 27, weather permit-
ting, at 11 a.m. Special
music will be presented
by the Exeter Band.
Attention all Usborne School families
past present
USBORNE TOWNSHIP - It is less as the fun ball tournament held out and cheer on your favorite
than one month away from our during the Usborne Township school section. There will be a
"Swing out 1999" fun slo-pitch sesquicentennial event in 1992. small area set up of Usborne ball
tournament. The `Friends of There are no big prizeslor the win- memorabilia so if you have a blast
Usborne' School fundraising group ners. It is just for fun. We are look- from the past you want to share
are hosting a two day fun ball tour- ing for players between the ages of bring it along that weekend. Rain
nament at the Kirkton Community 21 and 101 to dust off the old ball or shine the reunion goes on!
Bali park on July 10 and 11. The glove and take a turn at the plate. All proceeds from this tourna-
township has been divided into the No prior experience is necessary. ment will go to the Usborne Central
11 old school sections to make up The more players on a team the School Council which is made up
teams. The school sections we hope more people to visit with. Also primarily of parents of the current
to have represented at this tourna- remember the more players on a school families who will decide
ment are Hurondale, Thamesroad, team the less stress on your body. which projects to direct the pro-
town, town, Eden, Bissetts, To make thetournament go ceeds to. One major project the
Winchelsea and Elimville, Zion, smoothly each school section cap- School Council is saving for is new
Whalen, Woodham, Lumley and tain needs to know how many peo- playground equipment.
Kirkton. So if you live in these old pie want to play on their team at. It is our hope that this tourna-
school sections of Usborne we have any one time. A minimum of 12 ment will continue to build our
a team for you. Several of our players of about the same number community spirit as well as provide
Usborne Central school families of men and women must be orga- needed funds for our rural school
reside in the town of Exeter and we nized prior to the start of each to build a better tomorrow for our
invite them to play on the Bissets game. So contact someone on the children.
team. Some traditional Usborne executive of `Friends of Usborne' or For more information about the
family baseball teams have been your team captain for your favorite. tournament or to get on a team
invited to play as well so that more school prior to the weekend to be contact Karen Brock 229-6265,
people can be involved. At just $5. a put on a team. Jane and Larry Rundle 229-6333,
player, it's a great chance to get to Each team will also need score Gerald and Carolyn Johns 229 -
know your neighbours better as keepers, people to work in the food 6312, Tom Oke 235-1456 or
well as reminisce about the past. booth and'beverage gardens and Brenda Hern 229-6712.
Many of the rules will. be the same fans so even if you can't play, come
Close, but not close enoug
We wish to draw your
attention to the following in
our current "Dad... You're
Special" flyer.
Page 6 4x36" Belt/8" Disc
Sander, 55-3554-4. This
product does not come with a
bonus 4" vise as stated in the
We wish to draw your
attention to the following in
our current gest Prices, best
Sales" flyer.
Page 20 - Item #1,
Rubbermaid 98L Garbage
Container, 42.9764-8. Copy
reads: Reg. 19.99, Sale 9.99,
1/2 Price. Should .read: Reg.
19.99, Sales 10.99, Save
We sincerely regret any
inconvenience we may have
caused you.
cnote d3241325 -Zone 1
Left photo: Lucan Optimist
Club president Owen
Gilley, left, hands over a
$1,000 cheque to
Stratford's Grant
Bridgewater for coming the
closest to the pin at the
Avonbank Farm Equipment
Million Dollar Hole -In -One
finals at The Fox Golf Club
Sunday. if he aced the hole,
he would have won $1 mil-
lion. Bridgewater.came
within 5'7" of the hole.
Right photo: Gidley hands
over the sixth place prize
to Lucan's John Straatman,
the highest placing Times -
Advocate coverage area
participant. Gidley. said
about $2,200 was raised
for the Lucan Optimist
Club Junior Golf Program
that is run jointly with the
Bryanston-Birr Optimist
Club.The second annual
event attracted about
1,100 hopeful golfers
throughout the five-day
(photos/Scott Nixon