HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes Advocate, 1999-06-23, Page 5Wednesday, June 23, 1999
Exeter Times–Advocate
Mud Creek cleaner than before Dombind spill
By Kate Monk
Mud Creek is in better
condition than it was be-
fore the spill of Dombind
at the McGillivray Twp.
works yard June 8, ac-
cording to water tests.
The substance seeped
into the Morley Robinson
Drain and Mud Creek.
Water tests taken late
last week show no sign
of phenols and ammonia
levels were below de-
tection levels. Turbidity
tests measuring the
cloudiness of water were
seven times better one
kilometre downstream of
the spill than in an un-
contaminated upstream
portion of the same
Municipal staff and
community members
pumped 10 million gal-
lons of water from the
stream which had been
contaminated with 300-
700 gallons of Dombind,
works department super-
visor Bruce Karr told the
Times -Advocate Monday
Festival hosts
art exhibit
BIs�'H - Once again
student artists from 11
secondary schools will
have their works on dis-
play in the lower level of
Blyth Memorial Hall.
The exhibit will be offi-
cially opened on June 23
by John Patterson, associ-
ate director of the Avon -
Maitland Board of
A reception will wel-
come all participants and
their families and friends
A pay -what -you -can pre-
view performance of That
Summer by David French
will begin at 8 p.m., after
the reception. French is
the playwright who creat-
ed the Canadian classics
Salt Water Moon and
The Student Art Exhibit
will run concurrently with .
professional shows in the
Blyth Festival Art Gallery
and the theatrical season,
thus ensuring maximum
exposure of student art to
the thousands of Blyth
visitors. -Submitted by
Blyth Festival
afternoon. Fresh water
was dumped into the wa-
tercourses and aeration
pumps increased the oxy-
gen levels.
The cleanup on Mud
Creek was completed
Thursday and the Morley
Robinson Drain cleanup,
delayed while the Mud
Creek was cleaned, was
nearly complete Monday
The substance was in-
tercepted at the low level
crossing on West Corner
Drive, more than seven
kilometres upstream of
the Parkhill reservoir (as
the stream flows).
A heifer in a herd of
cattle which used Mud
Creek for drinking, died
last Monday but autopsy
reports completed at the
University of Guelph in-
dicate it died of pneu-
The liquid removed
from the watercourses
was applied to the town-
ship's road network but
substitute drivers also ac-
cidentally applied the
substance outside the mu-
nicipal boundaries one
night, Karr said.
Dombind, a byproduct
of the pulp and paper in-
dustry, is a dust suppress-
ant used by several mu-
nicipalities across
Usborne &
Hibbert Mutual
R' Insurance
Exeter, Ont. NOM 1S1
(Established in 1876)
Provides Full Insu-
rance Coverage
for Farm Properties
New Applications are
Welcomed ,
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Jack hafted. RRI. Kr10on..
Michael O'Shea RR3 Cion..
Monis WUows. RR2 St. Paula.
Wayne thaw Ex sr..._........::. -...-»...LOCH/ i
David Moon. Dubifn-....:...:...-........3ft2
Bob Warden. Dubai........:.. .....».MS.VT7
Joseph Unite.. Michel
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A refund from surplus
was declared for all poli-
cy holders Who qualify,
are on record and in good
standing as at December
31, 1998.
• Reverse Osmosis
• Filtration
• Pore Water/Low Cost
• No bottles to carry
• Softeners/Conditoners
• Water cooler rentals
• Water testing service
• "ALPINE" Home
Cleaning Units (HCU)
with electronic ionization
• "ALPINE" Permanu it
electrostatic furnace
Long Distance 1.800-529.9292 Mark ikointrich
sages Managor
Ontario. The Ministry of
the Environment is
phasing out Dombind
because it is believed to
contain cancer-causing
Trace elements of
newspaper ink is the
toxic component of
Dombind measuring
0.03 parts per trillion.
Provincial guiieline& for
Ontario sport fish con-
sumption recommend it
is safe to eat fish with
more than three times
the levels of dioxin
present in Dombind.
Ministry officials re-
ported 1,000 fish died as
a result of the spill. Fish
kills occur because Dom -
bind's sugar elements
deplete oxygen levels in
Karr said the fish pop-
ulation has recovered
with many fish present.
With the Dombind ab-
sent and fresh water
added, aquatic life will
be able to survive.
Area residents were
upset they were not no-
tified of the spill but Karr
said the information he
read indicated the sub-
stance would not hurt
people or animals and
his priority was to pro-
tect aquatic life which he
knew could be en-
dangered by the depleted
oxygen levels.
The MOE has ordered
McGillivray Twp. to stop
using Dombind and Karr
predicts the township
will return to salt brine
or calcium. The township
plans to have more than
85 per cent of its roads
hard -topped by 200E
which will reduce the
need for dust suppress-
ant chemicals.
The ministry has not
decided if it will lay
charges against the
The 6th Annual Oakwood Mixed Invitational
for Community Living -South Huron for a hydraulic lift
Special thanks and appreciation go to the following sponsors of the May 27/99
Oakwood Mixed Invitational Dave Scratcherd, Oakwood hunt & Golf Club.
Corporate Donators
Andex Metal Products
Decker Farm Equipment
Cobble Design Inc.
Cook's Division of Parrish &
Eric Campbell Ford Lincoln
Mercury Sales Ltd.
Exeter Chrysler
'Glee E. Urquhart
Godbolt Insurance Agency
Grand Send Produce
Hensall District Co-operative
Huron Motor Products
Huron Apothecary Ltd.
J.M.R. Electric Ltd.
McCana Redi-Mix Inc.
Petersen Ergonomics Inc.
Shoppers Drug Mart - Ex
Stevenson and Hunt
Veri Trucking inc.
Wallis Motors Limited
Prize Donators
A.J.'s Gifts
Active Labels Inc.'
Aunt Gussie's
8 & 8 Auto Supply
Bakelaar Jeweers
Bank of Montreal
Barefoot Pedlar
B. i yvie w Golf & Country Club
Bests Restaurant
Bluewater Golf Course
Brian's Service Centre
: C.G. Farm Supply
Canadian Tire - Exeter
Casual Industries
CFPL Radio 98
CJBK 1290 Radio Station
Colonial Hotel Ltd.
Confederation Freezers
Der BrotKorp
Dinneys Fine Furniture
Ellison Travel and Tours
Exeter Golf Club
Ernst & Young Chartered
Farmer Bill's Flowers
Ford, Hank and Frankie
Four Seasons Jewellery Design
Gaisery Kneale Ins. Brokers Inc.
Gordy's Beach Club
Gilpin Furniture
Grammies Pizza
Grand Cove Estates Ltd.
Grand Bend Chiropractic
Grand Bend Decorating Centre
Grand Bend Heating Consultants
Grand Bend Legion
Green Haven Trailer Park
Grogan Ford Sales Inc.
H.O. Jerry (1983) Ltd.
Hayter's Turkey Products Inc.
Haugh Tire
Hessenland Country Inn
T. Harry Hoffman & Sons Ltd.
Imperial Esso, Grand Tend
J.Dee's Summer Steak House
Ironwood Golf Club
KPMG Peat Marwick Thome
The Limited Edition Shop
Llyndinshire Golf & Country
Love's Nest Inn B & B
MacDonald Chev-Olds
Mainwaring, Joe and Audrey
Mary Kay Products
McDonalds Restaurant of Canada
McIntyre T. V. & Appliances
Mr. Mugs
Macleans Home Hardware
Merig Design
Merry Rags.
Molson &eweries
Oakridge Ford Sales (1981)
Oakwood Transport
Orr's Food Basic - Brantford
Overholt, Joe & Jim
Peckitt's Mens Wear
Pennywise Promotions
Pillsbury Canada Ltd.
Pints Unlimited
Pizza Delight
P.O.G. Inc.
Prosper's Garage Ltd.
Regal Capital Planners Ltd.
Riverbend Bar & Grill
Robert Q's
Roszell Warner Marine.
Royal Bank, (Exeter)
Sand Hills Golf Resort
Schilbe True Value Hardware
Smith -Peat Roofing Ltd.
Southwest Marine Services
Sugar & Spice
Subway- Grand Bend
South uron Window and Door
South Huron Veterinary Clinic
Shoppers Drug Mart- Grand
Superior Propane (Strathroy)
Tender Spot Meat Market
The Health Nut
The House of Flags
Toronto Dominion Bank
Union Gas
W.G. Thompson & Sons
Whipple Tree Stables
Widder Station Golf Club
Williams, Bob & Effie
Williams Optical
Wright's I.G.A. - Grand Bend
Wuerth's Shoes